Monday, May 30, 2011

i have no idea why i am feeling like this

but note to self, please stop being jealous.

I am spending way too much money, though worth it. ^^


Anw my Korea post is finally (yes i know) up! no idea how to push it up so here is the link:


ps. click on the photos to enlarge them. sizing is weird i know it ignore please i super tired HAHA

Saturday, May 28, 2011

you know that feeling

when you are choosing something that is going to affect like, half a dozen years of your life? like a marriage partner or boyfriend/girlfriend and stuffs like that. A change that you will have to stick to and cannot regret for whatsoever reason.

And at the nanosecond when you make that final decision to stick onto a particular option you will have that feeling of 'omg i have no idea what this is going to lead to omg omg am i right should i really really do this shit what if i am wrong what i regret! argh!' and other millions of thoughts slamming through.

Plus the after effects of making that decision. Worried, nervous, a nerve wrecking but weirdly calm sensation. Man so contradicting. and i am suffering from that now after accepting ntu. blah. although its the only choice that i have, or rather the only path i can take since there is no choice given.

I was thinking that maybe it could be because that i cannot believe that i am going into a university that soon. when i entered JC what i can only think of is how to get better results as compared to my secondary. University never came in. When my results started from the bottom all i was worried about was how in the hell i am going to get pass my A's. And when i finished my A's all i could feel was relieved that hell is finally over and i can play freely without having to worry about my lousy grades. Even when i received my A's all i was thinking about was ' i cant believe in all my jc life the best results i got was during A's' and ' hell my grades are all bad words!' HAHAA i guess i sucks. All around me friends and strangers are either happy or sad with their results and the emotions i have is 'man my grades says CB!'


okay enough of sprouting nonsensical stuff. Apparently nonsensical people forms nonsensical thoughts which than transform in nonsensical writings.


anyway, i usually stray away from the colour pink because i think that its one of the most disgusting colour in the world used excessively by mothers on their daughter. but hey look at my tumblr dashboard wallpaper!

its pink! okay fine its only dusty pink but i love it. i think i might be getting more bitchy by days. subtle changes here and there.. yar i think so. HAHAA

and i love the picture i am about to reblog in the printscreen. the girl is pretty and the mustache is so cute fits the background totally hahaa.


went out with head and black on saturday! or sunday? cant remember. super spontaneous on everything. Spontaneity is awesome. we went like 3 places in one day spending shitloads of money and having a superb time. And today's airforce show visit was super spontaneous with siao and black too. spontaneity is my new love love love HEE

okay i am blabbering nonsense. bahh

Thursday, May 26, 2011


hallelujah! Hahaa. Went back to school today wearing school uniform completed with the tie and all. Feels, excited and very nostalgic. And old -.- school was super deserted due to the exam period and stuffs. And everyone we see are studying. Not fun. D: but still enjoyed ourselves because we got 2 crazy woman in our midst. Enough laughters just by laughing at them hee.

Didnt get to eat school food though! Forgot that i am going back school and ate already. But nvm! I am going back again. When they are not having exams and the student lounge is open. I want to play wii! :) and slack ard in the aircon and slushy bean bag miiheehee.

Work tmr! If i dont sleep now i probably will be late tmr. =.= i called in late twice this week. Dont want to call in again but doubt i can wake up in time. Lousy phone has lousy alarm that does not work. Sucks. I miss my old phone. Though without wifi its super good and was perfectly functionable. D:

Sleep! i am a huge panda now. Going to scare all the 88s tmr.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

revenge is forever sweet

My stupid retarded brother locked up the desktop computer. Beacuse i did not keep his table cleaniness up to his standard. So in retaliation i took his laptop charger and battery, desktop computer power source wire and monitor wire, and hid them all in different places.

I hate hate hate being threatened. He is using what i used almost everyday to threaten me into being his little dog, one that listen to his every word. I refuse to. His way of thinking is totally atrocious. I must help him to keep his table clean but he cannot help me keep the house clean. Whenever my parents are not in, i am always the one doing the cleaning and chores, while he will only do it in front of them. Thus in my parents eyes he will still be the good son who helps out. Its so stupid and unfair and i lost all my respect for him. Yeah he is still my brother and stuff but only in name.

He wants to play with me? Sure. That idiot forgot that i have a week to plan my revenge but he only has two days max. And for that two days that he is home i can conveniently disappear. Dumb. He thinks he is the only one who can threaten people. My foot.

Remember, my dear idiotic brother, not retaliating does not mean that i dont know how to. Its just that i am too lazy to quarrel or deal with you.

And look! I am still blogging! And my logging on to fb everyday. And watching youtube too! Dumbo

Saturday, May 14, 2011


the non-stop craving and the subconscious thoughts

Taiwan was super fun! its like non stop shopping and eating and shopping and eating. i miss the times with the people. and the food, and the impulsive shoppings.

i have yet to finish my korea post. so dead. blah.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hot and cold

its the hot humid weather than the cold room with aircon blasting. ugh i am so going to fall sick when i get back to the hot singapore. how?

but the food here is awesome. random eateries also produced great tasting food. even the food in the convenience stores are good. what's wrong with singapore? gragg. and there is also excellent instant noodles. just finish one and i'm craving for another one. man i am a pig.

i dont want dont want to go back to singgy. its damm hot there and i cant blast the aircon. D: nor can i eat and eat and shop like mad.

die. its like i haven recover from Korea and the aftermath of taiwan will kick in. so dead so dead blah blahhh.

maybe there will be a earthquake here. scary. pray pray will not happen. ><

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm now 70 kay gee

Its like non stop eating and eating and eating.

breakfast and tea break, lunch plus some snacks. than dinner and supper.


plus all my shoppings HAHA so happyy ^^

5 more days!! only, plahh

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


i have never experienced that sense of happiness till the point where you can jump around in joy and cant help but keep grinning.

grin grin laugh at myself in the mirror jump around in front of the window

crazy crazy crazy!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Everything will go right, and will go right

i twisted Murphy's law to suit my current mood.

I think its the Red days that is making my mood fluctuate horribly. one moment i will be super happy about some stuff and the other moment evil thoughts will flood my brain. Especially during work. i can be super patience with annoying guests and the next moment i will be losing my temper over stupid guests who dont understand basic english. or are dumb to the point that i feel like twisting their head off and hang at the entrance.

seriously. are they dumb or are they just dumb. which part of empty your pockets; pull down you own restraints; unbuckle you safety belts dont they understand? and speaking of dumb, i saw a woman last friday while at the singtel shop. she was trying to use the automated queue machine and was typing in her NRIC no. to my amazement (at her stupidity) she type in several times because the machine wont accept her entry, and to some unknown reason she didnt notice that it was because she type in one number less due to some fault of the machine. so there she went tsk-ing away in annoyance and proceed to take put her nric card to scan, which also failed. she gave one last sigh of annoyance and went to ask the staff for help. all the while i was staring at her in total amazement. how can anyone be so stupid? and dumb? and idiotic?

bahh i am ranting on and on letting unpleasantness flood my blog. i'm supposed to talk about my good feelings right? today was a extremely good day! rainy and cooling! just almost like korea. Argh miss it much. i want to go back!!

blah stupid letters faster come

Sunday, May 1, 2011

what am i supposed to say

when the feelings for the two trips are vastly different. one was very excited, feelings were high and plans could be supplied on and on and everyone just got more and more enthusiastic. even though there was so much unknowns and obstacles ahead.

the other was just, accumulation of negative feelings and the excitement regarding the upcoming trip diminished. i am bad at organizing stuffs, lessons from organizing events that failed terribly, or would have without the help of capable people around me. i know so i left my hands out of both trips. i feel guilty, but i knew i will fail. its excuses but its also my reason. precisely also why my comments for the trip was so sparse. i thought adding in random stuff in the middle would be troublesome for the planner.

i behaved exactly the same for the two trips. why do i feel so different? like you, i feel like cancelling this trip. i rather use the time and spend more moments with the pigs. politically incorrect sentence but even the sms sent feels so..distanced.

i supposed i should feel sorry for feeling like this. its after partly my fault too for not being able to meet up with them. though i tried initiating meetup which failed. so partly my fault. but still,

on a happier side note, i checked my nus application status and its only received. haven even started processing. or maybe it there to prevent the suicide rate from peaking. wadever the case, i was comparatively relieved to see it.

letters should come soon though. hrumph.