Thursday, April 28, 2011

patience is an art to be learn

its so sickening to wait for acceptance. especially people who previously are in the same i-also-didnt-get-any-letters boat suddenly cross over and become the on the shore i-got-letters! people.

even more so when they post it up on facebook and everyone likes it. i just feel a deep thud inside my heart and my brain just screams: what about me?!

this really sucks. the possibility of not being able to get into university is now staring right in my face. it has never ever struck until now, all the moments when i open my postbox with that prayer and having to be disappointed, again.

i am scared that if i ask other people, i will be truly and super shocked. and depressed. p says that everyone should probably get their acceptance already, which i thinks so too. double depressed.

"." oh ntu nus please please pretty please be nice to me. send me letters okay? acceptance letters. love you lots.

though i doubt you all will read this, i guess i would just put it down here. i haven seen you three for like, ages? the last i saw you, it was so awkward. i knew we had drifted. or maybe just me and you three, because from what i see, you three are still very close and very much in contact. maybe it was my fault that i assumed that we will always be the same and i would not feel awkward around you guys even after so long. maybe it was my fault that i didnt bothered to keep in contact and stuff. but can you guys ask me out? i know its me being ridiculous and the one not free during weekends and stuff, but, ask me out, sms me please?

ugh i amazed myself everytime. i realized how serious the problem was when the first person that i would inform when i get my acceptance letters, other than my family, was pearlyn and lynn. and you guys would be like, behind my class and work people. thats seriously, no. way. man.

taiwan trip, please be nice and fix everything. and letters, please be there in my postbox when i come back, okay?

Monday, April 18, 2011


i go out with my workplace friends more than i go out with you all.

i feel closer to my photog friends than i do with you all. with all the outings we had before Korea trip and the 7days spent in Korea.

and you all are supposed to be my closest friends.

which is still true. i thought of you all first as i shop in Korea. i saw loads of stuff that may fit you all nicely and wanted to buy. pearlyn and lynn kept saying that i spent too much on friends. majority of it was on you all.

that's why its pathetic.

working on Korea trip post! going to be out soon! ^^

Saturday, April 16, 2011

spiffy pleased

with all my haul from Korea. i look so damm good in them! HAHAA. especially that oh so gorgeous checked shirt with the elegant deep blue tailored shorts. Just pair it with a geeky glasses and i will be ready to rock and roll.

okay that sounded so like a blogshop apparel description. My brain is suddenly filled with such descriptions. but the checked is really super nice. HAHA i went back to the stupid shop thrice to get because the stupid woman who is supposed to be tending to the shop IS NOT THERE. everytime i go back! seriously! half the shop in that bleeding mall is empty, but at least the neighboring shop is helping to tend to the shop. ALL BUT THAT STUPID SHOP! &$*&&@(($^#^#*@.

but in the end i got in. via the help of a very nice mall manager i think. he looks like a mall manager. HAHA for 10000W only somemore. sweet. (roughly SGD10 laa) the details is fabulous aww i can't stop gushing over it hahahaaa. bleh

korea's fashion is super awesome. all the clothes that i can buy aww. (sobs in emo corner) and i got my ultra geeky huge black framed specs. love it to max. my brother look so cute in it HAHAA first time i am acknowledging that ;D may post picture after i take a nicer picture because my hair is ridiculous. hee.

okay shall post pictures next week when i'm not working. ^^


i don't feel like doing anything now.

so many people have gotten their acceptance into university except me. i know that the latest period for acceptance is mid may, which is around one more month away, but still, it does means that i might not get into any university right?

i rather not know about other people's acceptance into university. like living in a hole and pretend that the whole world is the same as me. at least i will live happier.

not like this. now i'm scared that no one will accept me and i will be stuck with a A level certificate until the next application year is available. with more competitions and stuffs like that.

now its only the everlasting wait. and the fear.

Of pigging, of insane shopping, of cold

5days of impulsive shopping. mad eating. long walks. cold weather. freezing waterside. yummy icecream that don't melt. endless laughter and good times.

I love Korea. Love pearlyn and lynn even more.

this is a super duper picture post which i spent like 4 or 5 days doing uploading. need to upload picture then need to put in description and stuffs. i admire myself sia. sigh

airplane food! So going to take China Airline in the future. their food are soo good! oh my god i'm like salivating at the thought of their meat rice, and their cake *gulp gulp* and also their in-flight entertainment! awesome movies to watch when we are not sleeping hahaa. and its cheap too. 700 plus according to lynn. ahh..

First photo in Korea! so happy and excited. that just right after we exited plane HAHA can see how happy we are. sigh. Incheon airport is huge and complicated. and temperature when we reached is 6degree! omg its those kind of temperature where smoke will come out of your mouth when you speak. hahaha had loads of fun playing while we searched for the taxi stand. i mentioned that their building is complicated right?

on taxi to our hotel! the taxi driver seemed like he had no idea where our hotel is. keep turning and turning and turning. but the cool air compensated for it. First day in korea first laughter: our super broken korean hahaaa. Our hotel is surprisingly nice and rather big. though washroom is small. Shopping at Dongdameum straight after we reached the hotel and unloaded our luggage. super nice weather plus awesome food and excellent shopping. what more can a girl ask for? ^^

First morning i woke up and bundled myself into a cocoon. can guess how cold it was, the aircon. First stop of the day was Gyung Book Palace. weather is still awesome and scenery fabulous. took their mrt, which is super stuffy and has minimum air ventilation. i think it is to keep out the cold.

entrance tickets! went in and coincidently there was a guard changing ceremony. watched for a while and decided that it was too boring HAHAHA and left. but the architecture of the palace was good! like Chinese but with some difference here and there. camwhore like siao. but i got restriction from lynn and pearlyn so there is minimum picture of them HAHA

The main hall where the king does his daily meeting with the ministers. quite cool actually. then they had this free costume trial thing which lets you try on the costume of the guards. super awesome! hahaa i took on the smallest rank. pity they don't have props like sword etc, definitely will be more fun with the props. hee.

than went on to visit the history museum next. exhibits of ancient stuffs that are pretty cool. the calligraphy used on the old books are fabulous. and the size of the books are amazing too hahaa.
afterwards is shopping at Iaehwa! its near the Iaehwa women's university. the shopping area there is huge! shoes clothes and more at super affordable prices HAHAA as for our haul , you can see from the amount of bags.

actually during the trip the three of us realized how wonderful the Singapore MRT system is(and constantly expressed our grateful feelings). the trains are well ventilated, there are escalators to and fro to the ground floor and platform. and there is always those lifts. even in the ultimate interchange like dhoby gaunt where there is three line in one station, transfering from one line to another is a long walk but not complicated. the korean one, omg. walk until you can collapse one (haha okay very exaggerated). from one line to another, you can walk past the platform of one line, like you can walk past the train platform of the purple line to get to the green line. most of their stations, especially those interchange, are designed in a U-shaped manner. so two nearer to ground, but super far from each other, and one that is deep underground and in the middle. get it?

went to get the banana milk that i saw in drama and variety! taste super good. like meiji milk. forgot to taste the strawberry one but lynn says that its good. since the banana is good the strawberry must be good too right? hee. oh and we bought strawberries from the maket near our hotel. they are so freaking good! each and every single one in the box is big, sweet and juicy. and super cheap too. one big box for only like SGD6.

posing in one of my haul. bloody cute shirt in favourite colour and design. and i look skinny "."

ate at one of the chicken shop at iaehwe. (my pictures are jumping around one hahah) its good! and got a okay bargain cause they are newly open thus is having a promotion and we got it! super good fried chicken in nice ambience. they also provide this finger wrap thing that you put on your finger to keep your fingers from being oily after eating. so considerate right? no need to wash hands sigh kfc should totally have this. the portion of the chicken we had was pretty huge so all of us were damm full afterwards. super satisfying.

they provide two complimentary sides with the promotion. so we got one egg rice thingy and cheesy chilli fries. the egg rice was super good. but it was demolished before any of us remembered to take a picture of it. the wonder of hunger. the their cheesy fries! not spicy at all, the red stuff taste like tomato. but their fries was super good and plus the cheese... *salivating*

at one of the accessory shop in Iaehwa. the two crazy people bought tons of hairbands in korea. yeah they are cheap and they are nice but there is not need to buy one like everyday right? hah. i got my huge geeky spec. they are enormous and i look funny in there. aim achieved.

gorgeous sky in the morning. the sky in korea is ridiculously beautiful. plus the bare trees that makes any picture, by any i really mean any, looks beautiful. my mood is always superb in korea. awesome sky plus trees plus temperature. just plain awesome.

had bbq meat for dinner! two dinner in fact. its just freakingly nice and we cant help but to return for more. sigh. and its cheap too. what's wrong with them? why can they have cheap food that is so delicious and is available throughout the day? i mean, seriously! koreans have no like specific timings when it comes to eating bbq. at 1am in the morning you can still see people eating away. gosh. something like our roti prata, but much much much more desirable. sigh. i want to eat!! D:

Night scene along the Han River. super nice right? but its so bloody cold. and we went there to watch the pretty water-spraying-out-of-bridge thing, which we missed because of alot of stuffs. haiz. but the night scene sort of made up for it. haha. was walking back to the MRT when we passed by this bakery which is so appealing with the interior and the stuffs they were selling. see? macaroons, lots of cakes, biscuits and breads. everything looks super good.

than we went to eat baskin robins! omg prices in korea is super unbelievable. its like cheap and good and everything. we shared two scoops and paid like 1buck plus each. ^^

passed by this shop which sells all sorts of kpop things inside the mrt. i figured that this huge jaejung poster will kill jieying with envy. hahaa

as i mentioned, their mrt is humongous. especially the interchange. but they have like lots of unused spaces too. that is like some kind of resting area, i think because got alot of chairs and stuff, within the station. so gorgeous right? and their restrooms, oh my god, is so freaking nice and spacious. like those kind of restrooms in 5stars hotel. man, we camwhore inside like mad. damm nice.

and cameras cameras cameras! i cant resist them. someone buy them for me please please pretty please?

On our way to Namshan! the road is a slope and its quite tilted. the other two were huffing and puffing on our way up. i was surprisingly okay with all the exercise HAHA must be all the restraint-pushing and running up and down. the air is super good though. plus the cool temperature, wah heaven ah.

before taking the cable car we were going around taking pictures of the mountain foot. its less cold than i expected since its up so high from the ground. but its only slightly colder than ground temperature. should be the sun that is shinning quite brightly hahaa. but the view is spectacular.

up at namshan! weather is super good. sky is gorgeously blue. tree are artistically bare and everything is like perfect. look at the hue of the sky. oh man.

tried to capture a picture of the complete namshan tower but the sun is shinning brightly into my eyes and this was like the best i could get.

The love locks up at Namshan tower! there is like thousands and millions of them. some old rusty and disgusting some new sparkling and pretty but all everlasting proof seeing to the love of the people who placed the locks. romantic eh? and there is this stretch of tile wall inside the souvenir shop that also contains love messages, pictures and stuff.

oh all about love love love

than the highlight of the day! Teddy Bear Museum! Man the bears there. no comments for the following pictures. let them tell the story hahaa


seriously the bears in the teddybear museum shop is so freaking cute. cute to the very max. sigh.

for one reason or another, Koreans dont really have breakfast places out. i think its because they have breakfast at home together as shown in dramas. so we usually skip breakfast and have lunch straight. on days where we have to travel to some further places we eat like small cakes and stuff. yep usually bought from convenience stores. hahaa my pathetic breakfast. sigh.

anw, their convenience stores is alot cheaper than singapore's! hahahaa we bought like tons of stuffs from the 7-eleven store below our room. instant noodle la, convenience meal, cakes, drinks and even... ah hem. pearlyn will know HAHAA. first time in my life that i have enjoyed buying stuffs from 7-eleven

the jajiangmeun we had for lunch! it was absolutely good! chinese restaurant there sells absolutely good food. like their sweetsour pork and jajiang meun. OH MAN IM SALIVATING GAHH

having ice cream in 10plus degrees is no joke. its marvelous. the ice cream dosent melt at all. AT ALL! we bought it and licked at it all the way back to our hotel and its still like frozen and intact and you can slowly savour the delicious-ness or it. not like stupid singapore where you will make a mess because its dripping all over the place ugh.

waffle at some mrt station! its super good! super crispy and tasty. they put honey in their waffle thus its sweeter but not that sweet. ahh..

Cheongyestream! there was a Sejeiong king memorial there so we went to visit it. that guy is crazy. his hobby is to solve math problem. my god. disgusting. but he is awfully smart. gah. cant link with this kind of people.

we are the king! hahaa. walked down from the source of the stream all the way to dongdaemun. i am totally in awe of ourselves. I guess its partly because of the pretty okay temperature. its cold, extremely freezingly cold. but its always better to walk in the cold than walk in the heat. hahaa. but the stream is really pretty. its man-made as the real one was covered up or something. thus they have all the rocks in the streams for you to step across and stuffs like that. cool

had bbq meat for dinner! man it was so good after all the exercise we had. two portion of pork and we are happy people. dosent it looks awfully delicious?

we ordered soju to go along too! its not very nice, like for people who dosent drink alcohol (ah hem, me) its slightly too strong. there is this aftertaste that isnt very pleasent but me and lynn finished the whole bottle. hahaa. i went red after that. and they said that i was drunk because of all the irrational behaviour i was displaying. HEE

we kept going back to the same restaurant for food if we revisit the same area. like the same bbq shop is dongdaemun and the same shop for lunch in ehwa. but eating different stuff. they sells kimbap that is absolutely delicious! man i want to go back and eat *grumbles*

the kimbap! damm nice. the huge and colourful and everything OMGG. street while walking down some place whose name i forgot. on our way to a saturday flea market that sells shitloads of awesome stuff. than went back another day just to relax in one of the gorgeous cafe they have there. We chose one with a balcony and wood deco. look at the food! the chocolate ice cream was to die for. we bought second helpings of it HAHAA and quite cheap too considering the atmosphere and quality of the food.

we discovered afterwards that they have 3 storeys(!) one basement, first floor and second floor with a balcony. its super pretty! you can see the balcony in the third picture. initially we wanted to sit at the balcony but decided against after seeing the amount of cigarette smoke being produced there. sat there for like hours chatting and enjoying the company. the two of them rocks my life. big time

Banpo bridge again! super cold, super nice. sigh. we missed the water spraying thing again because they cancelled the night show and the only one was at 6. so while we were still happily sitting down, enjoying our food and each other, the stupid water was already sprouting and by the time we got there nothing happened. we waited in anticipation in vain. sucks.

anw, there is this cupcake shop that is pretty common in the mrt station (2 out of 4/5 we went) that sells super gorgeous looking cupcakes. look! dont they look delicious? originally we wanted to buy one to try but by the time we passed by it we were either already full or the shop has closed. hahaa did i mention we always take our time in every places we go to? kekee

cakes from cake place near banpo bridge! actually not that near but on the way from the mrt to banpo bridge. the cake is pretty good. so is their biscuits and especially their chocolate cake OMG IT IS TO DIE FOR! i brought it back to singapore and store it in the freezer. than cut it and took it to work. it taste so freaking good oh my goodness i am so going back and buy it for breakfast everyday i am there (just kidding).

plus plus, they have this hershey's ice cream that is so freaking delicious also. ITS SUPER DELICIOUS! DAMM NICE! man i want to use the f word to emphasize. why why why dont they sell it in singapore? why? why??


and thus i conclude my korea post OMG i took 2 months to finish this post. HAHAA i sucks i know. anw if i really faithfully type out my korea experience i wont be able to post this out. gahh. i picked out the pictures that are the essence of the places we went and some bits and pieces that are more interesting. or the memorable ones. but frankly speaking, go Korea. you would not regret it. seriously.

hope you enjoyed the pictures! hahaa