Thursday, March 26, 2015

So, SG's Founding Father passed away this week.

I would callously say that this didnt come as a huge surprise. Simply because I have seen how frail he has become this past few years, and coupled with the increased amount of times he has been hospitalized and stuff. I thought I would not have any huge feelings over his passing, for the simple reason that I couldnt care less about politics. I cant be bothered with what the government do as long as it keep SG running and prosperous and blah blah. I believe that under the leadership of PAP we will continue to do relatively well. I couldnt be bothered to examined deep into the reason behind each and every law and policies passed but I believe that its for the good of SG. And that is what I do care and only care about.

Heck, even after I received news about his passing via insta where multiple people posted his photos and the various hashtags about remembering him, my first reaction was to yell across the house and ask my mom about it (more of a question under the assumption that she wouldnt know) and thinking to myself well its bout time I guess he has been really weak and sick. Kind of cold heartedly because I am kinda cold hearted.

But with the news broadcasting and all the social media websites spamming his stuff, I started crying for no goddamm reason, and has been continuing to do so for these past days whenever I see news about his passing and stuff he did and all those footages. Its so bewildering because I dont cry. The only time I cry is when I feel like I have been wronged and treated unfairly. Funniest part is when I cry even harder when I see news of him and his wife, while smiling at the same time like a retard.

I supposed I did care. Even if in the past I can comment callously to my mom that he is about to pass away when I see him on tv, all frail and weak. Even more so when his wife passed away. The crying feels wrong because I think he would be happy. His precious child is all grown and prosperous, looking to celebrate its golden jubilee year all thanks to his efforts. Majority of his life has been given to this precious child, now its time for him to truly enjoy the later years happily with his late wife.

All these sudden outburst all because of a photo on insta where a friend posted a photo I took. His name under the prime minister posting at his chair in the old parliament house. I remember how excited I was at sitting at that chair and telling my friend that I want to take a photo with it. Because this is the chair where one of the greatest man in Singapore has sat in while making major decisions for the young Singapore.

I wish I could go to the memorial. But I hate funerals. And I especially hate the part where you will get to pay respect to the dead by the coffin. No one will ever look at my blog except for me but I still wish to thank you, Mr Lee, for all that you have done and achieved on the behalf of all Singaporeans. Thank you.