Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Or rather less sugar diet

Been chancing upon all those article about how sugar is the new drug and how it crashes the body function and stuffs. Its unhealthy simply because its in excess in every single shit that is present in the food we eat. Snacks and drinks are just part of them. Its like a drug because the more we consume, the more we want. So once we are 'addicted' the the sugar, we start seeking food that contain them in high amounts: soda, sugary snacks, blah blah

Actually its quite rare for me to even want to do this kind of things. I dont really care about what I eat. I scream and complain that I am at but you wont find me having any problems shoving that fourth piece of pizza into my mouth. Hahaah. Woes of a glutton, And I love sugar. Not that much of I like sweet stuff. On the contrary, I dont really like sweet things. Stuffs like cakes, cupcakes, macaroons, in essence the things that girls like, I find them too sweet for my liking. So even if I do eat them, its in small amounts and they are usually pushed to my happy friends.

But, I loveeee sugar drinks. Esp Jasmine green tea. Ohhhh I drink gallons of it (drinking one now even as I list how its bad for me hahha) The daily recommended intake for women is 25g a day andddd one bottle of green tea contains 15g. More than half and I dont just drink one a day. I love that stuff. Its awesome

SO the reason for wanting to do this? Because my body is crashing. Like my body feels like it belongs to a 80 years old rather than a young supposedly healthy 22. I wake up every morning feeling like I am going to die, with that heavy feeling in my chest and and dizziness in my head. I pant and huff doing the slightest exercises, and feels tired all day long even when I sleep like there is no tomorrow. bad. very very bad. Looking at the bottles of green tea I drink in a week, I kind of dont blame my body. With all that sugar in the system and no exertion, its like a machine having a algae overgrown in the gears.

So. Aim 1: Stop drinking sugar drinks. In fact all bottle drinks. Water will be my only liquid consumption.

Aim 2: Reduce on snack intakes.

 This is actually pretty easy because I dont eat much in the first place. Stopped having cravings for chips and the last time I bought chips, I left it the cupboard until it was necessary to clear it for space muahaha

Aim 3: Eat healthier!

This is like a super challenge because I have my 3 meals outside. Staying in hall takes a toll on your meal choices. You almost always end up picking on the easiest or the cheapest. Bah. Plus the unhealthy food tastes like wayyy better than the healthier one. But oh well, I guess its quite easy too since my appetite has dropped to rock bottom and is continuing its way down to the deep dark abyss. I cant even remember what happened in the first place already.

Oh wait I can, Cheer. Ah. Training everyday. Exerting strength and mental alertness. It totally drained me of all energy. Lost appetite and hey presto, it last even till now even though its been 2 months since the competition ended.

Okay. I guess its a relatively simple change in diet? Pretty sure I will save tons of money as well. Good news for the broke me who is saving up for Australia :D

Maybe I should keep track of my diet and body changes. If I actually bothered to. Hah