Thursday, December 29, 2011

and we row and row

Mass update! hahaa finally got my fat and lazy ass up and uploaded all the pictures.

went on a sleepover at Fairmont Hotel with pearlyn and lynn! lynn got the room for us free, for some reason hahaa. Got there late and by the time i reached they have checked in and alrady unloaded their stuff. went up to dump my stuff before going to Prego for dinner!

the food was awesome. their bread is absolutely fantastic. add on butter and i almost only had that for dinner. hahaa.

my two dinner companion!

the awesome bread. no idea why but its super good. especially when it is hot. maybe i was hungry. hahaha

our pasta and chicken! taste as good as they look :D

after dinner we got cakes for the glutton pearlyn and went back to our room to slack. the nightview from our room is absolutely breathtaking. Like just found out that Singapore is so pretty.

look at this! what is this! plus MBS was having some laser show. makes the night scene even more beautiful.

then after frolicking around the room doing nothing and watching the shows on tv, we started on our cakes! hahaa. super sinful. in the middle of the night. meh.

coffee from the Nespresso machine for lynn and tea for me. pearlyn drinks air HAHAA

THIS. is da bomb. forgot what's the name but IT. WAS. THE. BEST. CHOCO. CAKE. I. EVER. HAD

after more food. we did nothing more. hahaa. watched more tv before collapsing on the soft and comfy bed and settled for the night. wheee! pillow a tad soft but others were perfect. hahaa. freezing ourselves with aircon blasting at the lowest temperature available. but the blanket and comforter was warm and snuggly. hee

day view!

da room! supposed to have taken it at night but forgot. so thats our after wake up bed with lynn relaxing in there hahhaa.

photo-bombing in the lobby while waiting to check out

their christmas tree was beautiful! hahaa. we had this sleepover before christmas. meh. i was lazy hahhaa

after checking out we went to the basement of raffles city to have brunch. actually we planned to go watch Sherlock Holmes but complications here and there. meh. ate at this Korean restaurant bibigo!

i was spamming photos of p and this was one of the nicest. being a good friend :D

teriyaki chicken on hot plate

mini mando

awesome food! the tofu jijae was surprisingly better than the authentic korean restaurant we went for bbq meat.

went home after brunch. miss those two. especially lynnie. cant wait for the time when we will go over and visit her. say yay for shopping and food stuffing sessions in Melbourne! :D

went for a flea with jieyg and yixin. as a booth owner. epic failure as the amount of stuff we sold could be counted on two hands. seriously. so little people that we were bored for all day. except for a few exciting moments where we wait in anticipation as people browse our stuff. but meh. i earn back my rental money while jieyg made a loss. hahaa. her biggest buyer of the day was me. my biggest buyer of the day was headie. meh.

our decent looking booth! hahaa. but the best part is that we were beside this booth manned by four girls and their clothes were those fashionable and chic clothes. stuffs that i wont sell if i own them. but meh they were selling all those gorgeous clothes beside our lousy and mostly out of fashion stuff. hahaa.

the bags of clothes we have to carry home after the flea ended. like no differences.

bad experience. cause of the lousy location i guess. meh. next time i do flea. i am so going to only do it at scape or something.

anyway. i went funan on tuesday. and to this certain shop selling a certain kind of goods.


and i got myself...


my new baby! i am so dsilucbwIVLYWebviwvbas excited and elated to get this! like a finally! although its a loan from mom and dad but no matter what the thing is they are willing to get me this! bwahahaha! i am like the happiest girl on the world. :D words cant describe how happy i am. hahaa. so iscubciyhbcv;ivchywb;kwuewqckblvhyr. hee

just ended softball training and i am bruising all over. got hit right smack in the middle of my head by a ball. then before that i got hit by a high speed falling ball on my thigh too. and i am also aching all over. meh.

squad outing on saturday! cant wait to see those lovely people. but i got a feeling that it will be a failure. sigh. :/

Monday, December 26, 2011

i guess

via tumblr

like a sudden blanket has fallen. the night darkens. the air stills. like you will never be happy again

Friday, December 16, 2011


Had a sleepover at hall with the shitties! actually is to celebrate xh's birthday. so might as well have them sleepover at our room. currently the big head is occupying my bed happily while poor me is being squeezed out of my own bed. how awesome is that. :(

but its fun! everytime they come over (okay lah this is only the second time) we do rubbish stuffs. like talk rubbish and have really late suppers. yesterday we had a macdonalds supper at 3am. yeah. each of us had a meal set and we also ordered a 20pcs nuggets to share. sinful and suicide seeking seriously. slept at 4 and i woke up at 7.30. i am amazed by myself. but yawning away la.

going to have a softball friendly later! dont think i am going to play. will just be going there to throw face only hahaa. but still will be going la. feel super guilty for missing tons of trainings. hahaa. being kicked out is like something that is sooner or later hahaa.

anyway going to meet pearlyn and lynn later and we are going to have a sleepover too! woots at Fairmont hotel! awesome max. lynnie booked a room and i have no idea what we are going to do later. but i cant wait! so excited muahahaa.

going to flea on sunday! as in going to be there to sell stuffs! hahaha mad anticipating. i got tons of impulsive buyings and stuffs i got but cant wear and does not suit me. going to sell it all away. to earn some cash. omg i hope i can get rid of everything and at the very least earn back the rental fee. hahaa pathetic if i cant even get back the money for the rental. cant wait for sunday to come. hahaa awesome experience eh! :D

this week is a packed and fun week. met up with friends and did stupid things. hoping that next week is good to me too!

and omgfsd i got tons of library books to return. blahhh!

Monday, December 12, 2011

let it snow let it snow let it snoww

man i was so tempted to get this trench coat when i saw it. oh my god its so gorgeous. -.-

i really wish temperature in SG will drop to like 10degrees or lower. so i can have a reason to get this. ughh! but i already got a awesome coat from fox when i went to the outlet store and it cost just 30bucks when the original was 100. *proud of myself* hahhahaa. and i think it will suffice for any of the cold places i will ever go. :( like korea or australia.

so sad now. haiz. 2 pieces left. sigh. i shouldnt. :/

and life's packed for this week. still not fully recovered yet. craps. blahh

Monday, December 5, 2011

People you know you want to keep forever

Celebrated Chelsea's belated birthday on thursday! (i think)

Gave her two surprises that day. all by yours truly. bwahahaa. i am so proud of myself.

first we went to her house. was let in by her dad and we wanted to chiong inside her room. but she was, yar. so we waited outside for her to change. i was hiding in the room beside. after she came out, the two started talking to her like nothing happened, and told her that i am very sorry but i cant make it. :p

so while she was walking pass the room i was hiding in, i jumped out and gave her a huge scare. i think she jumped. hahaa and gave a funny reaction. we always forget to video down all these kind of things. tsk.

after the surprise we went west mall to eat. and the story is that i need to go back to hall so i wont be joining them for their shopping trip in town. :D so after we parted ways i went back to hall, changed, and chiong to meet them again muahahaa

i think chelsea was pretty surprised to see me in the movie theater. hahaa but i was too late for the movie to give the intended scream behind her back which will lead to her screaming the place down kind of thing. *smack table in pity*

watched 50/50. rather funny. but not as retarded as the guys who were sitting behind us. they were laughing at every significant or insignificant script in the movie. and they not only laugh, they laughed damm loudly, and added in several cussing. not the vulgar ones though. i was rolling my eyes at them throughout the whole movie. -.-

after movie we went to eat! hahaa we are gluttons. seriously. gave chelsea her starbucks tumblr. CTSM YOU BETTER LET US SEE YOU USING IT I TELL YOU. yeah. took alot of photos (i think) and instax too! :D

awesome day out. lets go out again! hahaa

then went to eat Korean with shitties on Monday. whee been super long since we met up and spent time together. blah blah blah. Korean was awesome. bbq meat is forever awesome. i want to go back again. whee~!

my babies! hahahaa

anyway. i think i am the most fail student in NTU. hahaa. supposed to register course but cause i haven pay my tuition fees yet i cant register. so i have to wait until Jan till i can add my core and electives. so i was thinking, hey its okay. at least i can still register. and the best part is, even if i can register, i dont know how to. -.-

gonna have to start figuring out how to even add drop. hahaa. shit i am so gonna die. -.-

and i am freaking sick now. damm. missed A group outing. picnic! ughh. and from what i have seen on fb it must have been good. oh whatever. i have yet to see the people for like about a month already. whatever.