Friday, August 26, 2011


my og girls celerated my birthday for me on XXX! (hahaa crap i forgot when -.-) i was very happy and erm, rather surprise that they will bother doing it because after all i only knew them for like, less than a month and not say close like shit to them but they still did it! so i was very touched la hahaha. no pictures cause all on fb and i am too lazy to go upload from there hahaa much more troublesome woohooo

plus plus my og sang the song also for me during the celebration of another girl's birthday. hahah went to her room at midnight 3am in an attempt to scare her but fail cause she not alseep yet hahaa. then the whole og sang song for her, and repeated the song again. i was still wondering how come need to repeat when they directed it to me. -.- hahaaa okay very surprised also cause they really very nice mah! i not that close to them also. hee lucky me heh

and i did something out of my mind. i went to run for the JCRC aka committee in my hall. publication secretary. i think i siao already. got rally and campaign and every single stupid shit. no idea why i joined still ughh. okay nvm shall take it as a experience and attempt to enjoy it. seriously doubt i will though. haha ops.

okay i am damm tired. rawrr cons of living in hall. sleep time is fluctuating hahaa

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Welcome week activity, birthday and many more

Shit load of stuff happened on the last few days and i am so motivated but lazy to update about it. ughh complicated feelings because i know i will have to upload pictures to HAHAA oh well anyway,


basically its just activities organised to welcome the freshies into the hall and enable the freshies in one block to sort of bond with each other (because we traveled around with the people living in the same block) but it quite fail la since everyone sat with their og people who were living in the same block. but i made some new friends! awesome people who are super nice and good to play with.

first stop of the night: ice skating! woots! i was super excited when i knew that one of the activities was ice skating because i wanted to try out ice skating fro a darn long time. various reasons coupled with unwillingness to go alone resulted in my amateur try that day. super scared but it is quite fun actually. like once you get the hang of how to balance and move properly its fun to glide across the ice.

i think i took quite alot of pictures. hahaa was spamming but most of them was blur -.- hate my camera. i am going to get a spanking new one.

i fell down three times during the almost 2hours of skating which i think is very good because for someone who had never been on ice my balancing skill is awesome. i can recover from a falling position most of the times, just that it is super unglam to look at lah i think. hahaa. initially was just holding desperately onto the side railings/wall/wadever shit you call them and moving inches and literally walking. but a super nice senior came and taught me how to skate! hahaa i am a beginner skater now. can skate abit but then for awhile only. i think i too anxious liao keep wanting to go faster ughh. but i am super grateful to that senior! hahaha she is damm nice la like her alot.

then after skating, for which the last part where everyone in hall 11 took pictures together i was sitting down resting. really cannot take it anymore toes hurt like crap because the skate shoes or wadever you call them are slightly small for me and my toes are cramped at the front, not to mention i was curling my toes up in an effort to skate hahaa automatic reaction hohoo.

qinxin chelsea jieying ah! lets go skating can? hearts hearts hahaha

zhenmei and gina

group photo!

A group girls!

me and pri school mate jovial! joined by elise who is vera and sheean's good friend haha super small world i tell you

okay the photos are all the the high angle because i want to take that we are on ice hahaha abit fail la

spamspamspam (i look ugly omgg)

partial og photo hahaa


ohkay after skating, we went for supper! initially they told us that we will be going around Singapore tasting awesome Singgie food like rochor tauhuay and durian and blah blah blah la. so i really thought we will be travelling to different parts of Singapore. but in the end turns out that we are only walking around Geylang. -.- everything was in geylang, so we only walked from this street to another. but the food was good lah hahaa. spent quite alot i think. blehh

first stop was yong he dou jiang

the A group 53 people! i am an awesome self camwhorer

evinne and roomie

a group peoplee

my meat soup! not very nice lah hahaa

after yong he we went to eat durian! hahaha at those fruit stalls you see littering geylang. durian season with experienced people at our table means awesome durian and okay prices

the laojiao in durian deshelling


our awesome durians.

i love durians but i didnt eat alot cause i could feel a sore throat coming. plus i have been sleeping late eve since hall life started. heaty food plus sleeping late comfirm plus chop blow into sore throat plus coughing etc. i am having a slight cough already. but eating without restraint still haizz

at some random point after everyone stared eating durian when somebody started singing Happy Birthday to somebody obviously but most of the people have no idea who that person was. Hahaa then when the song ended the identity of the recipient was still ambiguous as thehappy birthday to xxx was not very clear (what you can expect from a group singing). then the person who started the song pointed to me and said: its your birthday right?! and stupid siao said: yar lar its you la but what was in my mind was: er my birthday is tomorrow. then somebody (i am so sorry but i have no idea who :p) said: its friday already!

okay lah i admit i am very dumb there. but walao eh who keeps track of the time anyway? i was happily eating the durian and thinking when will we get back to hall as i have a 830 class tomorrow and stuff like that. i cant possibly be like, okay its my birthday tmr i have to make sure i know when its friday 19aug so that i will be ready when people wish me happy birthday. plus i am not expecting anyone to wish me since i didnt tell anyone in the hall when my birthday is and i took it down from fb! hahaha

so i was rather happy lah hahaa

after we finished the birthday song and the recipient was clear (ah hem me ah hem) one of the stall uncle came over and gave us two XO durian as a birthday treat! all of us damm shocked cause everyone cant eat anymore already but cannot refuse mah. hahaaa i quickly distribute all of the durians to the other tables. smart me wheee

awesome roomie who initiated the whole birthday song thing hahaa

after durian we went to eat dimsum! okay lah the order is super weird. like desserts then appetizers then main course. aiya dont know la hahaaa

at mongkok dimsum!

erm we ordered a lot more but i forgot to take picture of the whole table. hahhaaaa aiya ts just dimsum anyway :p

aww abandoned

picture with partner!

after this everyone was quite filled already. but still got one more stop! frog leg porridge. hah i saved place for this. super yummy thing

and they suggested that we drink.

as it turns out we were the only table that was drinking. 5 big bottles of heineken somemore. hahaa alcoholics. most people finished one bottle by their own. i shared with partner. so still okay lah haha didnt drink alot. i am not an alcoholic okay!

see i shared hahaa

the awesome porridge!

and the super yummy legs woots

the gravy was super good when you mix it with the porridge. wahh its definitely worth me saving the stomach space for it hahaa

kay la after the frog porridge the supper hop ended and we reached hall at around 2 plus. i slept at 3. the next day i died. haha woke up late went to class late but best of all, went to the wrong class. -.- that chunk of sentence in fb generated around 19 likes. all my sadistic friends who like people to make mistake -,-

then on friday 19aug MOI BIRTHDAY!

started the day by going to the wrong class HAHAA omg brain refuse to function properly when it is sleep deprived. day went on as usual. met with headie to eat. can b western is really nice. but it would be better if they have sauce for the chicken chop. damm dry ughh. but the butter rice was good! hahaha.

joined head and siao for their math lecture. its full of math rubbish that further strengthen the determination of mine to stay as far away from math as possible. all the q is p but q is not p crap. i was happily playing cut the rope and bejeweled on yx's iphone haha.

then after lecture siao disappeared. me and head camped outside the lecture hall door and started talking about random craps. it isnt exactly htht but somewhat there lah. erm okay lah considered quality time hahaa. after like 1plus or 2hours we went back to our own hall. i was planning to go home since i have no more lessons, its a friday and its my birthday and i want to see my father mother.

but stupid yx called and half threatened half forced me to go home and come back to go home with her. reason being she didnt want to go home alone at night. -.- i think i am way too nice. who cares about you going home alone right. going back home then go boonlay find you and go home again. bohliao max. no idea why i agreed. but afterwards i told her i will wait for her cause meeting jyqx at jp to makan dinner.

so nice me stayed in the room to rot. whiled time away on the computer (as usual hahaah) then siao came back and told me she would treat me buffalo wings from Can 13. gullible me foolishly followed her there, where she exclaimed that she forgot to bring her key along. -.- dumb me believed (also because i was very tired lah). aiya anyway when i opened the door those two gave a huge scream and scared the hell out of me. -.-

seriously why they say human scare human will kill people. i believe now.

okay lah it is a very pleasent surprise. i mean except for the scream at me prat everything else was so sweet and i appreciate this effort of theirs. hahaa hearts hearts hearts okay. one each no need fight hee ><

my ultimate cute pig cake! with a macaroon for a nose. bloody sweet haha

and the super nice decoration on my wall! together with their cards and present. haha its still there. too lazy and too reluctant to remove it

the slaughtered pig!

chio cards! hahaa make me super paiseh. haiyo

chelsea came late and qinxin had to leave already. but we went for dinner together! hahaaa

the ultimate photo bomb. once and only. i figured that since its my birthday, i shall spam. HAHAA

awesome two piece with one buck cheese to dip stuff in! the most sinful but delicious thing ever. wahh super fitting for a birthday meal heee

sorry la photos abit blur hahaaa


then on saturday (after birthday la) went to study with jieyg at orchard central mos. i think the reputation of orchard central mos being a good study place has spread. the previous
times i went has less people there studying. now the mos is like what mac used to be. ughh annoying.

we really got do work can! hahaa

shows that she is not paying attention. neither am i. HAHAAA

took alot of pictures on photobooth! i seriously love that thing. if i will ever buy a mac, that will be the only reason. hahaa i think i got awesome face and hair that day. act cute act retard act anything also turned out okay. hee

After a torturous studying session (for jieying HAHA) we went flea@scape! i love fleas. they are awesome place to get nice and cheap accessories. and i think jieying has fallen in love with flea also. she got like 4 dresses for around 40 bucks. i think. one for 4bucks one for 7bucks hahaa mad awesome find la she. nugget make me buy alot of things also. *aims kick*

tired but happy us ^^

then after flea it was a stayover at jy's house! hahaa just nice her parents not in and neither was mine. bought mad lot of snacks and maggie mee to eat. pretty fun time playing and talking rubbish. i ate alot of things. *guilty* hee

i want to have another sleepover soon! hahaha dont know with who la. blehh

yay this marks the end of this rare long post. really rare ley. haiz.

ps my brother pieced the magnet on our fridge and formed this. mad cute. hahaa

till then!