Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hall hall hall!

Went down to NTU today with pearlyn to get hall key. met up in the morning before that. original intentions is to accompany her to tender her resignation but i ended up being late (as usual -.-) and even worse, forgetting to bring along my pass so i cant board the staff bus and cant enter. -.- i feel dumb.

so met up at Vivo where we went on a shopping spree. bought like $82 plus worth of clothes together at Fox. real bargains we got. saved like 114 plus bucks. HAHAHA. i am spending like 60dollars drop from the sky everyday.

then went to Carl's Jr for lunch, where p amazed me by polishing off a huge burger all by herself, coupled with fries and one cup of drink. she totally amazed me. i thought she wasnt that huge a eater, but there she was, casually and nonchalantly making the burger and the fries disappear. :O

set off for NTU after lunch. i realized how idiotic i was when i went to the hall yesterday, making alot of random walks but unable to find the hall office when its just next to the canteen. but everything happens for a reason: :D got lead to the hall office by a rather cute looking guy. HAHAA i think p is laughing at me now. oh wadeverr. HEE

went up to my room which is at the FIFTH LEVEL. i almost fainted when i heard that. -.- but turns out that the 'ground level' is the third level. so, its like the second level. still okay. ^^ room is awesome. big and spacey. for the time being as both of us have yet to fully move in. still, i like it. very nice. waiting for p to send me the pictures so i can show here. HAHAA.

going to officially move in tmr. super tired now. shall sleep and pack tmr ^^

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


i am writing down my timetable on my scheduler now so as to check my schedule with greater ease. to my horror i discover that i got like one 2 hour lecture every monday.


at jc, an one hour lecture, no matter how much sleep i got the day before, how many sour sweets or snacks i prepared to accompany me through the lecture, i will 100% comfirm plus chop: sleep. no matter how interesting the lecturer is, how interested i am in the particular topic or wadsoever, its always a certainty that i will nod off to meet mr zhou.



i dont even want to imagine. ughh! what a horrible start to university.

*cries uncontrollably*

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

like a bomb

i do understand that you are with your friends and its easy for you to forget that i need to go too. i do know that i didnt exactly put it inside your head that i need to go too. i get it, and i dont blame you. but what you have to understand is that at the moment when i saw your tweet, all i felt was 'omg why didnt you ask me along i very clearly said i want to go at that time and hand in forms now what i dont want to go back alone but i dont want to be late in handing it in how how how'. and the waves of disappointment and betrayal was too huge regardless of however senseless they are. i knew it was senseless hence the replies. i know you will be busy in the weekdays and weekends are not exactly holidays for you too. if you took my understanding, however rude they are, to be rejection of your attempt to fix your 'mistake' then i am sorry, you dont know me that well after all.

i could have ignored you. i chose not too. i regretted it.

and thank you tumblr, for cheering me up again.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

happy flea-ing

Went out with cheryl and yixin yesterday! supposed to be studying but ended up doing nothing for almost the whole day, sitting at the sky garden of orchard central camwhoring and chatting. went to two seperate fleas in one days and got awesome bargains! hahaaa happy happy.

before meeting them i was out with jy to get her out of the house in case she broods. HAHAA see how good i am as a friend? and as an awesome friend i psyco her in buying 2 shirts that was on sale. muahahaa! then met cheryl and did nothing for about a hour, i think. :)

forgot exactly what we did after jy left. we ate secret recipe, walked around for ages, saw a flea market and plunged into it. i got a fabulous deal mauhahaa so happy.

see this? i saw this when the collection launched and wanted to buy but was too lazy to. then i saw at the flea market a shirt of the same print but in long sleeves selling at 10bucks! the shirt above was for 25bucks! hah! save like 15dollars already. then i used my superb i-die-you-also-die spirit and psyco the other two to get stuffs too. and in the end i got the shirt for 9bucks. mad happy. i love flea markets. the shop owner was super amused by my psyco-ing tactic like keep telling them to buy buy buy. hee. never go out shopping with me, esp at fleas. i am evil. *grins*

talked about tons of stuff. i have forgotten how nice it is to sit down with good friends and just chat away to any topics that comes to us. and simply spending time together after so long. :)

anyway, our new manager is the most retarded person i have ever seen in my life. blahh. i heard 3 stupid things today and i am very pissed off by her. her brain is either undeveloped or non existent in the first place. just to say good luck to you when all of us disappear. good luck. i promise you will regret it. sort of.

Friday, July 15, 2011

sunshine, bikes, movie and poloroids

but mainly the friends. ^^

took alot of self-shot. group photos. poloroids shot that turn out absolutely beautiful because of the pretty blue sky and sea and white sands, the pretty objects, plus an awesome photographer HAHAA.

all of the pictures are with sophie so i am real happy at not having to upload photos :) as for the poloroids, erm i have to wait till the weekends to ask headie if i can borrow her scanner. :) so for this outing i dont have to do anything at all! :)

mad happy. i am grinning like a Cheshire cat now. woots!

but the poloroids are really pretty! something like those you will see in tumblr. whee! okay i will scan and post it as memories! ^^

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


fuck you

not to the deepest pit of hell because its not morally right. but all the same.

i would like to abandon moral and swear to my heart content but i will feel guilty after a few days so, no.

but fuck you. stop stepping on my bombs. i have no idea where the atomic is hidden. so stop doing it.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011


supposed to be swimming today with szbs. but stupid big aunt came look for me in the morning. damm coincidence. -.- the sky was so blue and water so clear and weather so good graahh i want to swim also!

maybe i should soften and do what bro will do. but, there is all the buts.

Peek a booo

i am bad at disguising my feelings and emotions. at times. when i randomly starts to dislike a person, out of the blue, it is very very obvious. like i will start to ignore them, neglect to listen, starts to be really attitude and is critical of everything they do.

while for some others no matter what they do, even if their actions tread on my exploding line, i will just close both eyes and forget about it. really really extreme.

so i felt quite proud of myself today. i undid one random dislike and turned it to polite acquaintance. the other deeper dislike is being smoothed, and trying to turn it to polite acquaintance.

no idea why. but the dislike just appeared out of the blue in one fine sunny day and the mood is there. i will never understand myself.

and i guess i need to stop being jealous of the way people behaved with people. i am not like that, face it. at least what i am doing now is way lot better then the past. and since i have improved so much i will continue to improve right?

really troubled over whether i should go for camp or not. i will almost definitely shy away from the people there, either that or i act nuts around them and starts to random dislike people again. ugh. and its so hard to be nutty when i dont know if the people around will be positively responsive to it or not. its really depressing if i be nutty and all i get is roll eyes.

but i am also worried that if i dont go for any camp i will know nobody while everyone else would know like two or three others they can stick with. and i will be too conscious to join.

blahh. i think by the time i finally decides whether to go for camp or not the registration date would have closed. ughh. indecisive plus insecured me. and broke. blahhhh

Sunday, July 10, 2011


i can never be someone like that. the person that gets along with everybody and is liked by everybody and blah blah blah. its like virtually impossible for me. a mixture of anti social character and bizzare nature.

blahh. life is full of weird rocks aiming to trip you. ughh

i wore a dress out yesterday! with lynn pearlyn. a very interesting experience. posting pictures tmr! hahaa the rare moments of me in a dress. blahh. disgusting.

now i have tried wearing heels and wearing dress, i can sort of die peacefully hahaa

Thursday, July 7, 2011

blah blah black sheep has lots of woes

sometimes i feel really strongly that my parents don't bother to try understand us, ie my brother and me. Like, the way we think, the reason behind all the things we do and all the things we say. the reason we are who we are.

even when i sit down and try to talk to my mom in like snippets of my very complicated-till-i-also-dont-really-understand-mind, she will usually shrugged me off or pretend to be listening while in actual fact doing something else or worse, not listening at all. i mean, i view them as my best friend, as someone i can rely one, them being parents after all. but isnt listening the most basic essence of what forms a good relationship? i feel hurt by the i-dont-really-care attitude.

maybe its because of the model parents i have in mind that is something like the model children they have in mind. we are supposed to be something like robots, have to listen and obey every command or orders, no rebuke no rebel something close to a mindless creature in my opinion. so when different expectations clashes cold war happens. as always.

and i hate the way they uses violence to get their way. do you really have to kick? or bite onto that seriously insignificant issue and not let go? dont you think you led a already hard life and hugging on to such stuffs makes life sucks even more? i let go of so many already. cant you be gracious and do the same?

somewhat sick. i wish i can start living in a hall faster. that way maybe i will start to appreciate everything parents are supposed to be.

i am going to upload lots of photos because i am in a relatively good mood due to the large cup of KOI milk tea i just drank. so good.

Went to lynn's house to bake something! supposed to be jellyhearts but its was too time consuming so we changed to chocolate cake.

had lunch at quiznos sub. their bread is so much freaking better than subways's one. lynn saud that the two had practically no difference though quiznos at orchard central give bigger portions. cant debate. but the bread is way better. its crispy outside and fluffy with the awesome bread taste hahaa. and their chicken noodle soup is nice too! lynn's honey mustard salad taste good too. wheee

then went on to cold storage to buy our ingredients. spend like 50 over bucks getting all our stuffs. pretty ex for erm, the end result. hahaaaa

our ingredients! we sort of mix up two recipe, the one at the back of the box and the one we got online.

then started to dump everything into one huge mixing bowl...

and mixing it furiously with a mixer. electronic one. hahaa

end result is super duper thick batter which looks like chocolate colour peanut butter

then dump all the batter into the cupcake cups and into the baking thingy! the batter was so thick it was damm hard to scrap the batter into the cups..

which was why i kick my feets up and left the other two to the job! heee

a serious lynn and a happy pearlyn doing the hard work

then off into the oven it goes! meanwhile we sat down and devour ben and jerry's

new york super fudge chunk!

after erm, 20min or so? i forgot, or rather, didnt really keep check hahahaa. we took it out and it look oh so glorious!

after it cooled we dump icing on it.....

place it on a nice plate...

and gave it to lynn's mom. HAHAAA

actually from the photo you cant see, but the center of the cake and cupcakes sank in after cooling. and the middle portion of the cupcakes were disgustingly squishy. photos can be deceiving huh? *wink*

but we had fun! ^^

watched green lantern with bsg peeps! didnt take much pictures. just 2 of which is show below HAHAA.

i love their funny faces

had dinner with headie in a considerable spontaneous date. ate skinny pizza and got sick of mashed potato. as you can see, its a tin filled with mash. we got so sick of it. but i love their truffle fries. its super good.

watched transformers 3 on monday! also a celebration for zul and syafiq. this time took tons of photos.

big eyes jy

i love this photo

funny face zul and loner farid

went up to the sky garden after lunch. it was super windy! and very nice to shout into the sky. hahaa.

had korean bbq meat yesterday with p&l. shows how much we still miss korea.

table full of goodness..

super awesome side dishes... (okay i didnt touch the corn at all)

and of course..


its was good food plus fabulous company. after food we went starbucks for desserts. hah. good life.

Ice shaken zen tea plus raspberry white chocolate creme brulee is very very good.

i finally got around to packing my horrendously messy table and wardrobe. by repacking everything and throwing away stuffs of really no use, and will continue to take up space for the next million years. so its from chaos...

to a neater world! fine table still messy but much better. at least i can see the table top.

and i got a film camera! La Sardina! love it to death. got pysco by melodi to buy it. but its really nice. and i wanted a film ages ago.

pretty rightt

and i finally finished lynn's card! i know its damm nice. thanks. ^^