Thursday, December 29, 2011

and we row and row

Mass update! hahaa finally got my fat and lazy ass up and uploaded all the pictures.

went on a sleepover at Fairmont Hotel with pearlyn and lynn! lynn got the room for us free, for some reason hahaa. Got there late and by the time i reached they have checked in and alrady unloaded their stuff. went up to dump my stuff before going to Prego for dinner!

the food was awesome. their bread is absolutely fantastic. add on butter and i almost only had that for dinner. hahaa.

my two dinner companion!

the awesome bread. no idea why but its super good. especially when it is hot. maybe i was hungry. hahaha

our pasta and chicken! taste as good as they look :D

after dinner we got cakes for the glutton pearlyn and went back to our room to slack. the nightview from our room is absolutely breathtaking. Like just found out that Singapore is so pretty.

look at this! what is this! plus MBS was having some laser show. makes the night scene even more beautiful.

then after frolicking around the room doing nothing and watching the shows on tv, we started on our cakes! hahaa. super sinful. in the middle of the night. meh.

coffee from the Nespresso machine for lynn and tea for me. pearlyn drinks air HAHAA

THIS. is da bomb. forgot what's the name but IT. WAS. THE. BEST. CHOCO. CAKE. I. EVER. HAD

after more food. we did nothing more. hahaa. watched more tv before collapsing on the soft and comfy bed and settled for the night. wheee! pillow a tad soft but others were perfect. hahaa. freezing ourselves with aircon blasting at the lowest temperature available. but the blanket and comforter was warm and snuggly. hee

day view!

da room! supposed to have taken it at night but forgot. so thats our after wake up bed with lynn relaxing in there hahhaa.

photo-bombing in the lobby while waiting to check out

their christmas tree was beautiful! hahaa. we had this sleepover before christmas. meh. i was lazy hahhaa

after checking out we went to the basement of raffles city to have brunch. actually we planned to go watch Sherlock Holmes but complications here and there. meh. ate at this Korean restaurant bibigo!

i was spamming photos of p and this was one of the nicest. being a good friend :D

teriyaki chicken on hot plate

mini mando

awesome food! the tofu jijae was surprisingly better than the authentic korean restaurant we went for bbq meat.

went home after brunch. miss those two. especially lynnie. cant wait for the time when we will go over and visit her. say yay for shopping and food stuffing sessions in Melbourne! :D

went for a flea with jieyg and yixin. as a booth owner. epic failure as the amount of stuff we sold could be counted on two hands. seriously. so little people that we were bored for all day. except for a few exciting moments where we wait in anticipation as people browse our stuff. but meh. i earn back my rental money while jieyg made a loss. hahaa. her biggest buyer of the day was me. my biggest buyer of the day was headie. meh.

our decent looking booth! hahaa. but the best part is that we were beside this booth manned by four girls and their clothes were those fashionable and chic clothes. stuffs that i wont sell if i own them. but meh they were selling all those gorgeous clothes beside our lousy and mostly out of fashion stuff. hahaa.

the bags of clothes we have to carry home after the flea ended. like no differences.

bad experience. cause of the lousy location i guess. meh. next time i do flea. i am so going to only do it at scape or something.

anyway. i went funan on tuesday. and to this certain shop selling a certain kind of goods.


and i got myself...


my new baby! i am so dsilucbwIVLYWebviwvbas excited and elated to get this! like a finally! although its a loan from mom and dad but no matter what the thing is they are willing to get me this! bwahahaha! i am like the happiest girl on the world. :D words cant describe how happy i am. hahaa. so iscubciyhbcv;ivchywb;kwuewqckblvhyr. hee

just ended softball training and i am bruising all over. got hit right smack in the middle of my head by a ball. then before that i got hit by a high speed falling ball on my thigh too. and i am also aching all over. meh.

squad outing on saturday! cant wait to see those lovely people. but i got a feeling that it will be a failure. sigh. :/

Monday, December 26, 2011

i guess

via tumblr

like a sudden blanket has fallen. the night darkens. the air stills. like you will never be happy again

Friday, December 16, 2011


Had a sleepover at hall with the shitties! actually is to celebrate xh's birthday. so might as well have them sleepover at our room. currently the big head is occupying my bed happily while poor me is being squeezed out of my own bed. how awesome is that. :(

but its fun! everytime they come over (okay lah this is only the second time) we do rubbish stuffs. like talk rubbish and have really late suppers. yesterday we had a macdonalds supper at 3am. yeah. each of us had a meal set and we also ordered a 20pcs nuggets to share. sinful and suicide seeking seriously. slept at 4 and i woke up at 7.30. i am amazed by myself. but yawning away la.

going to have a softball friendly later! dont think i am going to play. will just be going there to throw face only hahaa. but still will be going la. feel super guilty for missing tons of trainings. hahaa. being kicked out is like something that is sooner or later hahaa.

anyway going to meet pearlyn and lynn later and we are going to have a sleepover too! woots at Fairmont hotel! awesome max. lynnie booked a room and i have no idea what we are going to do later. but i cant wait! so excited muahahaa.

going to flea on sunday! as in going to be there to sell stuffs! hahaha mad anticipating. i got tons of impulsive buyings and stuffs i got but cant wear and does not suit me. going to sell it all away. to earn some cash. omg i hope i can get rid of everything and at the very least earn back the rental fee. hahaa pathetic if i cant even get back the money for the rental. cant wait for sunday to come. hahaa awesome experience eh! :D

this week is a packed and fun week. met up with friends and did stupid things. hoping that next week is good to me too!

and omgfsd i got tons of library books to return. blahhh!

Monday, December 12, 2011

let it snow let it snow let it snoww

man i was so tempted to get this trench coat when i saw it. oh my god its so gorgeous. -.-

i really wish temperature in SG will drop to like 10degrees or lower. so i can have a reason to get this. ughh! but i already got a awesome coat from fox when i went to the outlet store and it cost just 30bucks when the original was 100. *proud of myself* hahhahaa. and i think it will suffice for any of the cold places i will ever go. :( like korea or australia.

so sad now. haiz. 2 pieces left. sigh. i shouldnt. :/

and life's packed for this week. still not fully recovered yet. craps. blahh

Monday, December 5, 2011

People you know you want to keep forever

Celebrated Chelsea's belated birthday on thursday! (i think)

Gave her two surprises that day. all by yours truly. bwahahaa. i am so proud of myself.

first we went to her house. was let in by her dad and we wanted to chiong inside her room. but she was, yar. so we waited outside for her to change. i was hiding in the room beside. after she came out, the two started talking to her like nothing happened, and told her that i am very sorry but i cant make it. :p

so while she was walking pass the room i was hiding in, i jumped out and gave her a huge scare. i think she jumped. hahaa and gave a funny reaction. we always forget to video down all these kind of things. tsk.

after the surprise we went west mall to eat. and the story is that i need to go back to hall so i wont be joining them for their shopping trip in town. :D so after we parted ways i went back to hall, changed, and chiong to meet them again muahahaa

i think chelsea was pretty surprised to see me in the movie theater. hahaa but i was too late for the movie to give the intended scream behind her back which will lead to her screaming the place down kind of thing. *smack table in pity*

watched 50/50. rather funny. but not as retarded as the guys who were sitting behind us. they were laughing at every significant or insignificant script in the movie. and they not only laugh, they laughed damm loudly, and added in several cussing. not the vulgar ones though. i was rolling my eyes at them throughout the whole movie. -.-

after movie we went to eat! hahaa we are gluttons. seriously. gave chelsea her starbucks tumblr. CTSM YOU BETTER LET US SEE YOU USING IT I TELL YOU. yeah. took alot of photos (i think) and instax too! :D

awesome day out. lets go out again! hahaa

then went to eat Korean with shitties on Monday. whee been super long since we met up and spent time together. blah blah blah. Korean was awesome. bbq meat is forever awesome. i want to go back again. whee~!

my babies! hahahaa

anyway. i think i am the most fail student in NTU. hahaa. supposed to register course but cause i haven pay my tuition fees yet i cant register. so i have to wait until Jan till i can add my core and electives. so i was thinking, hey its okay. at least i can still register. and the best part is, even if i can register, i dont know how to. -.-

gonna have to start figuring out how to even add drop. hahaa. shit i am so gonna die. -.-

and i am freaking sick now. damm. missed A group outing. picnic! ughh. and from what i have seen on fb it must have been good. oh whatever. i have yet to see the people for like about a month already. whatever.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My vintage dream

I want a poloroid.

not the fujifilm instax camera type of poloroid. but the real poloroid brand awesome vintage poloroid. thats give the fantastic vintage quality pictures.

something like this..

BUT this is even better...

i want! ughh so tempted to get the 19 bucks one. but it only ships within US. -.- i want to go to the European countries almost solely for this reason. to go to those thrift and hunt for these babies. hahha. kidding. definitely not going to miss out the museums and the scenic places. :p if i get to go that is.

but this, is a different question.

after shipping to Singapore the total is like 40bucks! advanced birthday donations anyone? hahhaa.

okay ard 40USD. that will totaled to ard 50SGD. still affordable. ughh i shall go teach tuition HAHHA :p

and those beautiful typewriters. wouldnt it be awesome if you received letters typed using the typewriter? :/ my house used to have it. but mom said my aunt took it away. hahhaa. supposed to be hers in the first place. blarhhh. jealous. so tempted to call her and ask if i can have it. hahaa.

oh gosh so much desires and so little money. and all the overseas plans. i am so dead. dead dead dead

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

le temps

Two papers down. two more to go. 5 days later.

Bio, well, okay i guess. filled in stuff for three-quarter of the blanks and gave the rest of the marks back to the marker. hahaa. stared at some alien question for like 45min before time's up. ughh. Some stupid question that i swear that i have never see before and i swear i will never ever be able to answer even if you give me one million years. -.-

so, yeah. Organic chem on friday and i act like i am fully prepared for it by not doing any revision when in reality i haven even touched it. ughh. going to die so badly. only redemption is tmr where i have to give a fluckery to organic chem and memorise every single shitty equations and mechanism there is.

good luck to me. i decided to push laundry to friday. after chem. cause i am too freaking lazy to go do laundry. basket is filled. but, aiya! lazy la.

anyway, was at JP just now. met up with Chongjy to listen to story and to help her with her card. i feel so smart when i am with her. for some reason. like everything i think is commonsense is like, wahhh miracle to her. hahha. in a nice way.
pris came along and we ate KFC! damm happy. cause its the 10000 fans special promotion. eat until i want to die. :D

on a side note. look at my awesome new watch.

looks expensive and awesome. and only for 10bucks. i bought on a whim. but i love it. whee~

okay back to attempts at studying :(

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

la mort

Just ended my first paper of the sem and i felt like i died. not yet rebirth.

first time concluding a paper with 'oh man this is the worst paper ever'. in the past no matter how badly i know i have done, i never conclude a paper with such a conclusion. even knowing that its due to me not studying hard enough and not preparing myself enough, i never conclude anything like this.

so tired from one paper. what am i supposed to do for the rest?

arghh so pessimistic. i dont like the me now :(

Sunday, November 13, 2011

my happily ever after

i am seriously addicted to Tangled.

been watching it like almost everyday and smiling to myself like a idiot. -.- but its soo funny! hahha.

okay i am just bored. muahahahaa

so much for my happy ending

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

still c'est la vie

finished tidying all my notes and tutorials. cleaned up my already quite clean table. ^^

time for report. ughh. two more! before good riddance.


i want pizza (c.'')

c'est la vie

Laziness forbids me to get food for myself.

so i am quite hungry now. hahha. due to no food intake since 11 in the morning. when i woke up.

*deep sigh*

amazing how my body adapts to the demands of laziness so easily. :/ when my roomie came back with super aromatic food i thought i will be tempted enough to go get food. apparently laziness won the battle.

and i dont feel like eating oreo, not pringles, nor instant noodles. the pathetic food available in my cupboard.

so waiting for dinner time. muahahaa

meanwhile i am attempting to be hardworking and study #likeafinally

but being the idiot i am, i started doing tutorials first. with no pior in depth knowledge of wadever i am doing.

roll eyes

back to mugging. 3 more weeks! i can do it! ughhh

Monday, November 7, 2011

I shouldn't

do those things that i am tempted to do. nor the things i reasoned to be perfectly okay but in actual fact has not.

and start doing things i know i should be doing but not. and thinking about stuff i should be but not. and plan for whatever crap that is coming my way.

Its a must avoid thing. will avoid thing.

On a happier side note. dad says he will buy my the camera. THE camera. canon 600d.

with a cool-ass swivel screen. perfect for camwhoring. IF i am not lazy to bring it out. and IF i get it. Lots of IF. but eventually i will. just a matter of who is paying for it only. muahaha

this is by far the happiest thing i had this month.

on a further side note. i realized that, some people, you really have to interact with them to know the personality and mindset and stuffs like that. because just on the surface, the water is calm. and on the surface, you only see a shard of the iceberg.

fine not some. everybody i guess

okay not just realized, we all know it. its just, when you truly experience it will you fully understand what it means.


plus a side side note. i think too much. way too much. like, if thought can be seen mine will be a jumble of tangled wires and threads and various rubbish. I credit that to my vivid imagination. Assuming that the old saying of people who read have alot of imagination, i blame my love for reading. love for reading nonsense books. books purely for entertainment. hahha. cjy will know. :p

trying to convert myself to reading books with more nutrition. but then again, majority of people love food that contains little nutrition, and food that are good usually have minimum amount of nutrition, its really hard for me to convert. blah

fiction books are B O R I N G. i read because i am bored. why would i want to further bored myself by reading boring books? detective and murder books are way more interesting.

this is random, but i want to meet James Patterson. and get him, by some way or another, to give me the whole collection of books he ever wrote. I love him. and Enid Blyton. and always Rowling. and Ronald Dahl. and Lemony Snicket. Huge deviation i know, but, yeah. ^^

Favourite authors.

i am rambling on. 2 more weeks! to i have no idea hell or heaven. hell maybe. heaven was and never will be an option.


When in doubt, always turn to bath-food-bed therapy.

take a shower. eat something. lie in the bed. throw in awesome classical. its, immediate calming.

after therapy? read manga. or a book. or watch your favourite shows. or movie. etc.

off to world of skipbeat.

before sinking into spectroscopy again.


i am bored out of my mind.

with lab reports. with exams. with hell level of things to remember. with every single thing.

cant stand it anymore. i need like, a break. but to do that is crazy. when i have barely been doing anything. like studying for exams. which is in 2 weeks time. and i got shitload of stuff to catch up. but i am still dilly dallying. thinking i still got time. thinking i will be lucky. thinking i can make it. thinking nothing will go that wrong.

i will murder myself one day

Friday, November 4, 2011

Dear lab reports


to the deepest pit of hell! if there is!

submitted two bastards up. now two more left.

seriously. i feel like screaming swear words at the stupid idiot who thought up of lab reports for US to do.

to that idiot, whoever you are, _|_


and i am not swearing. those are my grades. A lvl grades. why? not happy ah? cbcbb

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


nowadays all the blogshops like launching coloured blazer and selling them like wahh its a new and fanciful concept wahh special wahhh super AA kind wahhh

but way back in April when i went Korea, coloured blazer are like a norm there already, and people are wearing it at a frequency like how you would wear shorts in SG. and those huge retail shops had racks of super nice coloured blazers. and the colour is really nice. quality is awesome too.

so that time i was like thinking to myself, eh i think i told my friend too, that sooner or later coloured blazers trend will go into SG and people will start wearing it out. and think that they are at the top of fashion. blerhh. you like a slow only.

if the blazers fitted me i would have bought it. but sadly the shoulders are super small. :( Korean girls are really petite ahh.

hahha random post. been thinking about this for a long time. just felt that SG's fashion, really, need to work harder. haiz.

by the wayy




i just finished a 'dinner' consisting of pineapple tarts and danish butter biscuits. the pineapple tarts had been there since hari raya. untouched. and the butter cookies since my birthday.

this just goes to shows how much i hate biscuits. okay not exactly hate, but given a choice i wont eat them. oh well i like pineapple tarts. but only those in a ball type. the type i just ate are those that have the pineapple jam exposed sitting on the tart.

ughh. thank god for the green tea. if not i seriously cant survive.

oh to the main point as to why i am eating biscuits for dinner. it because i forgot to bring my wallet out. like how retarded can i get? and if one day, fine. absent minded. but for 2 days straight. so now i owe jy 77bucks. HAHHA

after buying denim shorts earpiece food starbucks and more food. man.

OH my awesome earpiece from my brother spoilt. i am damm upset. :( that ear piece was awesome. the new one i got, well, lets just say i need time to get use to it. hahha.

ughh i am still hungry. should i cook mee goreng again? ("-)

yeah i should. hahha :D

My dear stomach

is giving me problems.

okay. not exactly the stomach's fault. my brain i guess?

last few days i had minimal food intake. there was days where i had one meal, which is usually dinner. or only had small tidbits before eating supper. like, curry puff in the late afternoon. then nothing till midnight where i will eat instant noodles.

or i will just not eat. reason being i had no appetite. no idea what happen. someone who will feel hungry when she looks at food has absolutely no appetite. like, i am hungry, and i am looking at food, but just dont feel like eating. so i will starve through the day until i will force myself to eat something. if not i scare got gastric. hahaa.

aigoo. until yesterday when i was eating dinner with my friend (first proper meal of the day. before that the only thing i had was a sausage hahahaa) she said i might be too stressed. and come to think of it, it is highly plausible. like exams are coming but i am not doing anything except for lab reports lab reports and lab reports. haiz.

but i think my appetite is back! HAHAHAAA i am so happy. i think its because i finally handed in my micelles lab report, which is the culprit for making me all strung up. absolutely no idea what i was doing. its random doing till the point that everything i typed inside that stupid report sounded credible but is entirely from my imagination. hahhaa. die already.

and i checked my turnitin stats. the plagarism percentage was 25%. i checked and mostly is because of the 're-phrasing' from the notes. hahaa. aiya wadever. i am damm relieved that its not more that 50%. super scared. chiong all the way into the school e-learning ac to check. muahahaa

okay i am in a super good mood now. just finished a awesome packet of Ibumie Always mee goreng. why is something so awesome so little? hahaa. but the quantity perfect for supper la. not too much but just nice to fill my belly.

happy happy. now off to sleep woohoo! #pig

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Promises and excuses

Its actually really easy to break off something and blame the responsibility on every single moving or non-moving things in the whole entire galaxy and end up feeling nothing

no guilt, no urge to fix the problem no initiative to go apologise or stuff like that.

like heartlessness is a disease. or its a deep rooted gene coded emotion awaken by the advancement in apathy.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Just because you think it might happen dosent mean it will happen

Counting down 4 more weeks to final exams! oh god. its like, only 2 months plus since school started? why does the finals comes so quickly? ughh disgusting piece of shit.

i got 3 core and i elect. so just nice one week each. which is not just nice at all. i think i need like another year for my core and one month plus for my elect.

arghh shit. will like really die die diee.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

If i die young

If i die young
bury me in satin
lay me down on a bed of roses
sink me in the river, at dawn
send me away with a word of love song

the sharp knife, of a short life

-The Band Perry

Friday, October 21, 2011

THIS. totally explains all my vulgarities yesterday when i fell down my bed. so i am excused. peace out.


anyway. ASOS is having a mid season sales now and my sbs lab partner dragged me into the sea of spending money after we did our lab report. -.-

end result. hahaa.

actually got more lor. but i think ran out of stock. most are less than 20SGD. but i got alot. hahaa mostly denim shorts. i need more denim shorts. ughh. and that playsuit! omg its super nice. but then again knowing me, i probably wont wear it and let it rot for ages. but then again again its so pretty i probably will do wadever i can to wear it. hahhaa.

complicated first world problems. people in africa are troubled over their future and whether they will survive tomorrow while here i am enjoying a good life and troubled over how many clothes i should get. oh well.

it totals to around 90SGD. i will be murdered if i get it. but i will suffer from agony if i dont. how how bow bow wow wow.

and i think i will get addicted to shopping at angmoh online shops. man they HAVE MY SIZE! woah. *bows in respect*



I fell down my bed today.

supposed to have lab today at 1030. i set my alarm at 930. alarm very unfortunately didnt ring AT ALL. my phone sucks i know. and so, i happily slept till 1130, when i woke up sleepily, retrieved my blanket which had dropped to the floor, checked my phone for the time, and realized its already 1130.


sprang up in shock and started swearing. swearing from the bottom of my heart. omg. got tangled up in the blanket or jellylegs from the sleep, crashed into floor.



there is a big bruise on my knee now. super pain if you touch. some weird sensation if i dont touch. okay throbbing low level of pain.

but i finished my lab. muahahaa. even though i was late for one and a half hour. call me a genius. come

oh plus i had only one meal today. seafood horfun from the quad (school cafe). damm good. but i am not that hungry now. okay i gobbled down two mini packets of hellopanda and finished up what's left of the packet of prawn crackers. but i am still not very hungry yet. but but going to cook maggie mee now. muahahaa. after that going to sleep. i am a pig. thanks

table in a mess. one lab reports to churn out (half of one and half of another). one pending, another coming tomorrow. life is, relatively busy. good. hee

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


i think i give off a ' stay far away from me' vibe when i clam up and sliently observe everyone in the surrounding environment

plus my disgusting height and face (have it when i dont smile)

do i? i think so you know. cause, actually i am quite okay to talk to. just, naturally awkward.

but i think its quite fast to get closer? i dont know. i form the sense of friendliness with majority
of people in a rather short period of time. hahaa.

or maybe its just me. sigh. annoying

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

someday it will turn around and bite you in the back

i got two quizzes this week. one intro to bio and one organic chem. just finished the organic chem one this morning. and the bio one is on friday.

i am supposed to study la. tuesday is free all day except the morning quiz. wed is free all day too, except for the consultation in the late afternoon. thu is also a free day. 3 full days of no lessons. can study can get awesome scores right?


what i did: facebooked. tumblred. constantly refreshing my twitter. reading manga which i have already watched like a thousand times before ( forever skip beat). listening to music from my youtube playlist (adele's someone like you is really awesome). sleep. space out. blog hop.

in essence, everything except studying. -.-

someone should shot me in the head. forever procrastinating. forever. ughh. :/

okay. going to attempt to study.

haha let me sidetrack abit.

went out with lovees on saturday. ate shitload of stuff at the fengshan hawker center in bedok. the food there is mad awesome. our total bill came at 13per pax? Wanton mee, hao jian, fried carrot cake, fried prawn noodles, bbq chicken wings, mad awesome cheese fries, samba stingray etc. cant remember everything we ate. when we finished our stomach were at verge of bursting. seriously unhealthy binging. but super good cause its fabulous food with great company. hee ^^

and after food we walked to bedok point to get desserts. yeah. :p

unanimous funny faces

best photo of the day. pity the group one was blury

Abby! camwhoring on the bus. i love the effects.

okay okay going back to attempt to study liao. heee ><

Sunday, October 9, 2011


i am in love.


THIS OMG &*^%#*^@

omg i cant believe i missed this out omg i should go muder myself arghhh

Sunday, October 2, 2011


i realized it is bad to be following the BSG people on twitter.

cause supposedly to be the closest to them at work but when they go for stuffs its always only the few who are included. the family. then when you see them planning stuff happily without any thoughts of you, naturally you feel sort of neglected. hah. but okay lah. not very sad though. i already know that they are much much closer to together, and of course you will think of the people you are the closest to right? blarhh.

okay shan't think too much. no point torturing myself over something i cannot change. whee~

went out with the szb todayy! i ate so much its so scary -.- and bought super expensive but awesome stuffs. arghh agony to be seeing things but unable to buy them because i have no ka-ching. blahh

first time i bought something from forever21. omg the most gorgeous jacket ever. ever. the colour is like, super awesome. whee~ i am so attention seeking nowadays hahhaa. and the bloody pretty pullover that cost a bomb. T.T the days when you wish money will really drop from the sky. haiz. going to keep them in hall until the fateful day i move everything back home. hah. my mom will never find out hahahaha (i think)

bunk of the camwhore photos with the apple people. hahaha. i only took photos of the food. oh well. :p

and i just realized that my timetable changed from a four day week to a three day week. which sort of sucks. cause i end later on friday. ughh. this means i will feel more and more guilty for not making myself study. oh my mother of goodness rawrr.

okay i need to be more disciplined. discipline, stop playing hide and seek with me okay? concentration, please stay through with me. loves forever. distraction, please break up with me and stay a million miles away. thank you very much.

sigh. exams coming. my brain is empty

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Room alone

alone in room now. and hall is pretty deserted

not that i am scared la, but i am going to sleep with lights on today. hahaha

reason why i am in hall now is because i have a softball match tomorrow morning. not stupid enough to wake up early in the morning and travel all the way here. at least now i can relax and maybe study abit, which i highly doubt i will do so. hahahaa. ops

going to watch at least one ep of family outing later. in my aircon room. but the thought of having to wake up early tmr to exercise is bitch. blarh.

just went to queensway with Jovial to get my softball cap and her boots. Hilarious time watching her going through all the shops asking for her size, which is a disgusting 5. but saw alot of kiddy size boots too. and i kept telling her she should buy those. hahaha

then went to eat pepper lunch! whee i love pepper lunch to death. but nowadays shitty head and black are all not free for the lunch special. sigh. had curry chicken pepper rice with cheese! oh glorious cheese! love it. but i accidentally pour too much soy sauce and my rice was too salty. urk. but it still awesome. hee

oh my i look hideous oh wadever

look at this deliciously sticky and cheesy and steaming rice doused with awesome honey brown sauce and abeit-too-many garlic soy sauce and a dash of peppery goodness. sigh

with a super sweet goma end. gah

okay i think i am loading too much video. computer super laggy now. sigh

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Family Outing

I love Family Outing. it is easily the most hilarious variety show there is. the easy and funny interaction between all the cast is so addictive to watch. and i could rolled off the chair or bed laughing. sigh

so, recently i found the site that hosted all the FO's video. as a result, i have been watching them, erm, quite frequently. hahaha die already. stayed up till 2 yesterday to finish one episodes. which lead to me skipping the morning lecture today. blarhh.

i should stop being so disorganized and indisciplined. T.T

off to finish lab report.

and yay to seeing zexun and p tmr! whee~!

Monday, September 19, 2011

i got no life

My main entertainment nowadays is playing Sims Social.

Her name is Hea Yvette. Nice right? hahaa same initial as me. but i think all the meanings are bad. my main intention when i create this character. also because her personality is a villian.

no life also. Greatest hobby is getting inspired and earning money. i just finished spending all the money i earned i upgrading my house. its spanking nice now, especially the kitchen. favourite out of the lot. still thinking of what to do with the extra room. and trying to earn more money to upgrade the toilet. she got a extended toilet. one for doing business and one for bathing. cool right?! sigh.

doing all the random stuff while being inspired earns more money. And one of her (and only) traits is insane, she can talk to plants, talk to herself and because i upgraded the insane trait to max, she can also eat her own shoe, which fulfils her hunger needs. -.-

there! happily eating her own shoe.

actually i am quite sick of this game already. is not as fun as the original sims, and its super repetitive. the reason why i play it at least thrice a day is because i want to earn money and upgrade the stupid house. once that is done i think i will stop. hahaha. like pets society. i decorate my house until super nice already. then no more spaces for me to put all the things, and it level up too slowly. so i quitted. hohoo

okay i really have no life. T.T