Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Monday, July 27, 2009


sunday was a fun day cus it wad YIXIN 's birthday celebration. she was anticipating it so not very huge surprise lar. DUN LIKE U LEY. ACT ABIT OSO CANNOT MEH?! ugh. anw. jy xh rl gerald bryan hewei nevin hid and tried to surprise her. and yep, blew out the candles and shifted to jy's hse. took abit of pic, demolished the cake, and started playing games to see who is the unlucky one to finish the rest of the cake. pig attack (?) some other forget-the-name-liao etc. aiyo. its jus dat it super fun larh! we were laughing away at how lag bryan was. he is a lvl 5 pig! heh~

they left @ 1.30 when cher came. THANKS PPL, FOR COMING! for ur to make the trip donw and everything. 给你们个超大的拥抱!鞠躬!


-ta ta ta-

so sick of myself cus i didnt do anything constructive for the weekend. ugh. and i got lots of stuffs to do. so gonna go hiatus for facebook. mus stray frm my bro's laptop le. hahaa~ but today! today was a GOOD GOOD DAY! extremely good in fact. the rain and the blah blah. heh. off to chiong my stuffs le!


Thursday, July 23, 2009

neglected my poor bloggie.


Mon: printed out my pw EoM. and left my thumbdrive there. wad a idiot. den pretty much nth else.

Tue: Service Learning! had a fun time taking pics of my classmates. though they dun really enjoy me pointing the cam at them. its quite irritating so i resolve to become a person dat will smile when the cam is pointed at me. ^.^ watch harry p & half blood prince wif jiey qx n sy. sucky. maybe because i prefer the reads. more details, and its hard not to dun like it cus abit vague. ugh. but no choice cus no other movie le. heh. went home on mrt and was damm tired. sort of slacked for the rest of the day. was so guilty that i didnt do my hw, will try to mug frm now heh. #.#

wed: largely ignored myself for the day. largely excited @ neh's surprise. but the surprise ended when neh got some surprise activities. UGH! but jy manage to convinced him to come for us to celebrate his birthday. so we went to kembangan and waited waited waited waited. walao, reached at 7 plus and he reached at 9plus. *.*

but had an extremely fun time after he came. took grp pics. ate the cake.played ard. chatted for awhile. del even smashed cake on neh. hahaa! was sweaty and tired when we left at 10 plus. but was so happy, delighted that i saw my gals, my buds. best ppl in the world. ^.^

reached home at 11? cant remember. wanted to stay up to do my hw. but opt to sleep instead. aww, i need sleep.

thu: forced myself away frm my warm soft bed and did chem. haiz. so tired. went sch came back. had a pleasent afternoon sleep. cant get enough of sleep. hopefully i can slim down. hehe, let me benefit frm being so tired mah.

OH, and i got my checkup report back. went to the doc on sun and he took my blood. damm painful lar. at the side of the wrist where the bone is, below the thumb. i was squeezing my eyes shut when the needle was in. ugh. i hate needles.

everything was good. bad cholesterol lvl slightly higher while the good cholesterol lvl was low low low. dieting! den blood lvl slightly at the low side of the normal range. liver was good! handling my torture well. but i still hav to go back and have my blood taken again cus my phosphrus lvl in the bone was above range. ugh ugh ugh!

was tinking abt the qns today on my way home. its not their fault that they live near each other and go home tgth and got close while laughing and chatting. its not their fault that i didnt really interacted wif them during sch. its not their fault that they hav plenty of things to tell each other while they can only hav slience wif me. surely its my fault that i didnt talk more wif them. didnt put in effort to interact more wif them. so the present situation is not their fault.

yep. not. not?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

a quickie for today.

we celebrated ruiling's birthday! went to jy's hse early to prepare. rl came on the knowledge that we are celebrating neh's birthday. so we made her put the candles on the cake, and unsuccessfully made her carried the cake. (its the diy era) so i tink det carried the cake while we pretended to sing to neh who was supposedly coming frm outside. den when we reached the "happy birthday to ---!" we turned back and sang out her name. hahaa~

she say she was only a little surprise. but, heh, dun bluff laa. u sure got chua tio rite. i saw ur reaction kay! HAHAA! busted! sat donw and chatted while eating the cake. it was pretty good considering that we bought it from our neighbourhood bakery. hohoo >.<

den went up to jy's hse and had a mad time playing wif rl's lappy's webcam. the effects are really damm funny and fun. asking rl to post it up whe she is free. fun fun and fun. laughed like shit.

a really early birthday celebration!

kay. tataa!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


got back my bio and chem. chem was, well, calling it horrible is jus like touching the surface of the real thing. Fail from top to bottom. but no surprise since i didnt really studied the chapts that were more impt and came out. ugh, wrong focus.

bio was, jus hilarious. i got a S by marginal. 40.4. laughed away when i tabulated the grade. my beloved section saved my skin, wif the translation qns dat i painstakingly memorise before CT. lucky ah~


still got GP and econs. argh kill me kill me. now trying to find an article for the stupid darn EOM. ugh! who invented such a thing. argh~! i got this nagging feeling that i wont be able to find. raww!

jeez, feeling so tired these days. i could like sleep at 6 today and wake up @ 6 tmr and still doze off in school. i assure u. (big big yawn) *O*

weekends are burned off. i should have went poly. haiz.

Friday, July 10, 2009

New sch week!

got 3 new teachers. GP cum CT Mr Gabriel. nice funny guy who occasionally entertained us wif his story. he was a assistant secretary or smth liddat to the prime minister(Mr Goh Chok Tong). den went to dunno whr, high position oso. den gave up dat job n went to MOE, was HOD of eng at some sec sch b4 coming to SA. fabulous history. funny stories too.

Math: Mr Addi(?) yup. nice guy oso who like to use tikam tikam, some appliances which randomly chooses ppl out of a class; as the name suggest; and has a handphone version. damm. hahaa!

PE: Mr Ang i tink. friendlier den loke( the previous one). abit strict, but still fine.

den got one extra pw teacher who was a super anal idiot. cus we hav to give presentation showing our progress for the june holz, den he was questioning us in a super arrogant tone that makes the whole class wanna slap him. CTS suddenly became much more cuter, and nicer friendly. eww. hopes he fall down break some not-very-impt part but cant come sch. woah~ happy happy.

homework suddenly became all undone since dunno when. ugh. i m so hating myself. ashamed when math homework are checked and i was there pretending to flip through wif a "eh, whr's my paper ah" face. sicked of THY. ugh. i m so gonna catch up wif my work, which is a whole chunk. ugh!

and there's pw, whr our class is super ahead, when other ppl haven even do journals (we handed up le) and we handed up WR draft1 and EOM draft 1 due nxt week. wow. pw sucked like that teacher.

tmr, no com. no fb. i need a library. concentration and focus! playing hide and seek wif me. -.-

and we had a econs lecture today whr i didnt absorbed anything. not even a single pea. cus the cher is not exactly teaching anything. *.*

wad a life.

oh, and thu even week timetable is loved. fri even week is okay, not very good though. looking forward to odd week timetable.

Monday, July 6, 2009


wif jy xh mh and hevin who joined us later. met up in the morning wif the gals to shop for food, case we die of hunger. Chips sweets cerals which costs ten plus bucks. ugh, gorceries are damm ex these days.

den bus-ed to ming ming's hse. went up to his hse and had a short laughter over the way mh tried to pump the tire of his bike. kobe is still as cute as ever! but the drooling is slightly, ahem, hahaa~

walk down, eh, i cycled, to paris ris park. Rented bikes, super hilarious as we tried to put kobe into baskets and bag(JY's). oh man, kobe is so big! the baskets and bag cant even take in at least half of his body! jus till the hindlegs and we concluded: okay kobe, u are too big liao. ^.^ in the end kobe had to run along us as we cycle, eh, wif mh holding on to his leash. but he was very uncooperative so we route back and dump kobe back his home.

den went to ride round the whole place. took pics at rate slightly lesser than cam-whoring (means dat took quite alot of pics, but didnt spam). posting it when i m in good mood and have nth else better to do. after returning the bike, we bought a kite at jy's urging and went flying it.

fly kite! i wasn't bluffing! we did! and was ultimate failures at it! we took turns trying to fly and none of us manage to make it go up high! mh even flew the kite into a tree and got it trapped. i broke off the whole branch trying to recver it. (a small tree nia laa) in the end me n xh had fun watching how idiotic jy n mh were in trying to fly the kite while eating the food we bought. hohoo~

went back to ming's hse to play mahjiong and guitar hero for a while before going home. happy happy day!

Friday, July 3, 2009

TODAY. is a wonderful and lousy day.

wonderful because exams over.
lousy because i ***** *** ***.

haiz. seriously poisoned. deep poisoning liao.

and more stress are lining up to kill me. aww, i hate being a student. but without the certs i cant be my forensic scientist. ugh.

got my new timetable yesterday and we got a 5'o clock monday. ugh ugh ugh. suck like dunno wad. den even week tue get releasal at 11.30am. freaking timetable! and gives the monster-like teachers a chance to give extra lessons! UGH!

and i m so gonna flunk my exams like there is no tmr. UGH! A big pretty S for all subs is wad i anticipate. bio still got this much chance [ holds a miniature space btwn thumb n forefinger] of passing. chem got absolutely no chance, i totally screwed my section C. Math was, well, hopeless as usual. econs, alrdy jump to it death liao.

haiz haiz haiz. better dun 放我鸽子 for this sunday. i m so gonna skin ur alive if ur do. UGH!