Saturday, April 25, 2009


went for ben & jerry free cone day on their free cone day wif yx xh jy n her bros. wah, the queue is long long long. took chocolate flavour, the brownie fudge choco no more liao T.T enjoyed it xcept for the hot-glued flavour at the end of the cone.hahaa, nxt time shall avoid it. ^.^

went ot kampong buangkok today wif glenice verity jieying. glenice was nice to go wif us, the other 2 wanted to do their project, me? for my trees! hahaa. took a long walk to reach the kampong, but its really nice, some wad new-ish, wif the nicely furnished houses. but the ppl there r really friendly. answered our qns without being impatience. one of the malay uncle even took jy all ard his hse to show her all the edible spices and plants. hahaa, jy was like following him all ard alone, so i pushed verity to go pei her, while i enjoyed myself on the little swing they hav there; hung frm a tree! cool like alien frm mars! took some pic, but jus to follow my usual lazy style, wait laa wait laa. *,*

the weather was seriously hot, i sweat like the water comes frm the pacific ocean. wah~ but rather fun, even got my horoscope read, cool rite?! hahaaa~ i m someone dat brings laughter to the grp i m wif, and goes along well wif my family and blah blah. the uncle who told me all these even tell us to go to eunos mrt to look for him, den he will 算our 命 through poker cards for us. hahaaha!!

a really nice place, sort of away frm the society and into a little home, hahaa. the swing! the swing! the swing!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009


woah~! finally! saw the ultra lame d-i-y testimonial, and was wondering, was i dat good? ^,^

and the yearbk was damm nice! black n sleek~ woah wah~! loved it man, plus all the teacher's retarded poses, especially Mr So, he look like some nerdy person, standing there wif dat super no-surprise pose. hahaa~!

Jy had lotz of fun taking photos wif the loaned D80. ITS FUN OKAY~ addictive oso. hahaa, 熟能生巧,pretty photos is jus abit further away. hehee~!

i m waiting for Sunday sunday sunday sunday~!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


got back pw draft 1 today and was heavily demoralised. ArGH! i had totally no idea wad more to write! felt like changing again because my PI is feeling stupid.

got a fright this morning while on my way to sch. i was reading my bk and was so engrossed dat i forgot i was on the bus to sch, read abt 2 chapt when i looked up and scared myself silly. thought i missed my stop sia. but the bk is jus to nice to put down. hahaa~

missing lesson like siao tmr for the student council commendation, at the St Andrew Cathedral, @ ard city hall mrt there. Isn't our sch cool? my foot ar! i alrdy missed lesson yesterday to go support the water polo gals and they r telling us to pon sch for the commendation? bloody hell wrong focus! so its gonna be 1hr n 15 min of lesson before going down to the cathedral, den hav to come back sch for photography, damm!

and math totally sucked like mars coming near earth. i m sick of hearing my teacher saying dat this is easy dat is easy everything is easy. yar i noe its easy for u but not for me can?! its like she mus start every explanation wif "this is very easy, u see ar.." F*** laa.

but all the same, i m determined to do it well, cannot 对不起 Mr So. i wan bring some pretty results n go back 炫耀 de. ^.^v

everything seems to be wrong, and i like cant put it rite. Stop Sleeping!~! #.#

Saturday, April 11, 2009


1st-090409, Sports DAY!

LoyFatt got 2nd and left me gaping. How could it be? walao,many of the races our runner like either after top 3 or claiming the last 3. (zzz) but it was pretty cool to win when we seemed so lousy. hehee. Went to mac to makan wif chelsea qinxin germaine and yuxiang who left before we bought our food.(jieying got mentoring camp) So hungry dat everyone jus dug in and none spoke. den went to the opp big net pyramid and played. took alot of pics, glam and unglam. (dun worry germaine, i will definitely post dat pic of urs) den went to chelsea's spooky "haunted" condo to play tennis, (the other 2 wanted to join tennis). walao, even the path towards the tennis court look like those dat u will see in the ghost movie: safe path n ghost path, make ur choice. We were like making fun of everything we saw dat was spooky, and chelsea was whining away. hahaa.

play some tennis, qx and ger laughed alot while they played wif each other, dun understand wads so funny abt the things they laughed at. Played for abt an hr plus b4 leaving. wah~ tennis is damm fun, now i see why jiaying is obsessed wif squash.

took 985 home and reached home ard 30 min, and i cursed myself for stupidly taking 61 the last time i went to bukit batok interchange. Waited damm long for the bus, reached home at 3, i parted wif them at 1.30. U see? wth.

Fri- went studying at airport wif yx n jy. tok more den we studied. den went to wangs' and had tea-time. the eggs had plenty of nutritious shells inside. laughed at yx for behaving sneakily: her former colleagues frm wangs were there. seriously, for dat reason, she jus had to sit there while me n jy went to get the food, the feedback form blah. (hahaa, happily) den camwhore at the toilet- i bet lots of ppl stared at us while they were entering the toilet, damm funny. show ur the pic nxt.

while we were passing by wangs to get to the mrt, yx lifted up her file to the side of her face and ducked across the outlet, me n jy laughed like siao and tried to call out her name loudly. walao-damm funny. den camwhore somemore at the bridge toward T2. acted like we are going to part soon. hahaa~

and its Good Friday! May God Bless U!


Sat-spent my day doing the pw draft 1. nearly resorted to banging my head against the wall, (i know i know, wad a pity i didnt rite?) walao. 50 words, explain, elaborate, little description, meaningful lesson learnt, good strategies blah blah. (cursed the person who thought of this bloody thing).

den went out in the evening for my nite outing for the photo course. went to clarke quay and took quite alot of pic. man, the nite at clarke quay is freaking pretty, i m so gonna go and hav a meal there when i m financially independent. ^.^V was damm tired n nearly fell asleep while on my way home. hahaa.

tmr/Sun- studying wif my 大便们! going to prepare my material for tmr and is alrdy depressed at the things i hav to bring along to study. =,=


Life's hard. #,#

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


PW really seriously sucked to the max, overflowed, spilling to the ground n making a mess out of my life. =,= But thankfully i got a good teacher who gave opinions dat make u goes:"OH YAR! okay okay okay okay! noe liao noe liao~"

And sch life is rubbish n rubbish. MSA results sucked like hell break loose, 1 big pretty S, 2 smiley D, one C and a big B. and wad they hav taught is jus the rudimentary elementary simplest revision material, n my results is so 养眼 liao, now they r teaching stuffs dat makes me jus blindly copying frm the slides and treating the teachers' words like some language frm outer space.


those aside, today we had a new chem lecturer who was a great source of entertainment for the whole lecture theater. Her pronunciation was ridiculous, like saying: co-line(chlorine). den she was showing us how to draw the dots and cross diagram

"okay, so for the key, u will write: x is the electron for C, * is the electron for (abt to write C, pauses) the other C. the whole hall laughs like mad.

Explain smth.. whole hall is silence, she ask: okay, do ur understand wad i m toking abt? We: NO! (burst out laughing)

Oh man, her name is Mrs liao(i forgot the spelling), n her explaining was horrible. i told my frens: die laa die laa, our chem bonding si liao si liao.

Haiz, sch rox n sux. Tmr is sports day! and the day after is Good Friday! May God Be Wif U! AMEM!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


nth much, sch was B-O-R-I-N-G! Jus dat i got my MSA back- plenty of Ds, one nice cute little S, one full B, n some Cs i tink. yep, wif rank pt of 51, i guess i will jus hav to chiong n chiong to IMH liao.

and PW!!! freak the bloody person who came up wif this stupid idea of doing project work. My cher wanted us to hand in mindmap abt our case study, lesson learnt, area applied n strategies. And when i look for him today- he concluded dat my case study was heading nowwhere n has to be abandoned! Freak d bloody person who came up wif project work! (roar)

but i oso tink dat its really super cant tink of any proper lessons learnt, not considering area applied! damm damm damm. freak d bloody person who came up wif PW.