Sunday, February 22, 2009


Went back to CC on fri to meet my beloved ppl. found xh jy and neh in the library cam-whoring. And u might ask, how do u cam-whore in a library? Easy! take a laptop wif webcam function and take ur place on a comfy couch, den initiate the webcam and pose! ka-cha! there u r! plenty of pics showing ur laughing and funny faces! (go spam jy's blog to ask her post the pics) and got chase out of the library by the auntie, and stop by the counter for the interesting squabble btwn nevin and the auntie. wah, laugh like dunno wad. The Nevin +library auntie= laughter+entertainment combi is fantastic.

den went down to the 32-classroom area to slack and tok to HeWeiSir. hahaa. played abit and camwhore at the service road.(go spam jy's blog some more to ask her to post the pics) chatted abt sch/cca/things. got a pic wif Mr So oso. quite funny. (spam jy's blog) waited for awhile before going to PP to fing det. waited for yx to reached at macs before changing to kfc for dinner.

i tink they got quite alot of jokes and happening which produced alot of laughters. Me was mugging! ^^V. walked ard in pp before taking family picture. (hohoo)

Being Nerdy ^.^

The Guys being gays AS usual.

I LOVE This Bunch of Ppl.

My Girls~

Monday, February 16, 2009


i shall begin like this everytime i start a post. The uni rocks! Everyone agrees dat i look way better in Sa uni den CC uni. hahaa!

Lets start frm Valentine day. (actually there is more, but i forgot) Went bowling wif darling SHIT. Joined by Del, who stood by silently, and Jx, occasionally giving comments dat is rather constructive but of no use. hahaa. Noobs are jus Noobs. (referring to me who dunno how to bowl)

den went to the florist for del who wanted to buy flower. Gerald added to the crowd and we played Taboo. Lots of laughter frm the choice of words we used, like del's " a long and soft thing" smth liddat. we burst out laughing, resulting in a wastage of time for me n del. (same grp) den still got wad, "Jiaying, u r wad?" " black? charcoal!" "great!" i faint. lots more, wif lots of excitement, Gerald is extremely concerned abt who is winning as he is keeping a more closer track of the time den the time keeper. =.=

den went our own way and the gals had tea. hw came and we had a extremely fun time prank calling ppl. Donglin was the most entertaining one. Got alot of patience and played along wif us. Eg. ME. Donglin. "hello, who r u?" "i m Dong." "oh, i m looking for Dong Dong." "okay,u wait ar, i call dong dong come here." pause. "hello, dong dong here!" i burst out laughing and pass the phone to the others.

laugh till stomach pain sia. cant stand. left at 5 n joined my mom n dad for dinner. stuffed my belly wif lots of sushi and jap food. eat till wan die. proudly paid the bill wif my own bucks and went to my gran's hse.

Lets go out again! I LOVE U GUYS!

i wan to lead a colourful life d

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I forgot Wad i wanna post. ^.^

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Orientation @ SAJC.

was fun and boring and exciting and waste of time and lame. i swear i m not contradicting myself.

The fun part was the certain games station and stage games dat was enjoyable. Boring part was that nobody cheered during cheering time. Exciting was the mass dance part, which was absolutely the best of the whole thing. Waste of time part was the everlasting waiting and waiting and waiting for i oso dunno wad. Lame part was the other ppl having fun by themselves wif stupid n retarded things.

Maybei wasn't on the same frequency wif them.

and dats the brief summary. i m too lazy to describe all good things in details and too irritated to describe the bad things.

And on 30/01/09,

we got a FG outing and Albert's farewell party cus he leaving for Australia to study. Went to sch in the morning to visit teachers and crapped alot wif Mr So. Wif his "choy-ge-ley-ge" and "da-ji-da-li" due to some inside joke we left for lunch wif Gerald at Raffles Place. Its supposed to be a lunch date between him n yx. but me n jy gatecrashed.hahaa. den walked a hundred miles to some eating place dat sells zhu-chao. Took our orders and made many remarks abt Gerald. Bet he cant stand yx's 'fu-yan-ness' at his words. hahaa. kay, all inside, or rather, i still to lazy to type it out.

After lunch me n yx met at pp wif cheryl albert rachel. den walked to ECP and rented bikes. Had a 'fun' time trying to squash all 5 of our bags into one locker. tried and tried different way before giving up and took another locker. den went off wif our bikes and rode happily toward the bedok side, overtaking each other den n now. den camwhore at some jetty where the beach scenery was damm beautiful!! like those in the advertisements! woah!

rode back wif cheryl's fren and they played pool while R Y n me 'gossip' abt someone and somebody. hahaa. but i mostly listened. so i m the nicest. C n A broke in now n den n contributed quite alot. hahaa. At abt 5plus? met up wif the rest and walked to the Ecp hawker. Ate up the stuffs dat costed 8 bucks plus. den cam-whore abit before taking R 's dad car to Eunos MRT. A very fun day.

Albert's farewell@ airport

I guess pictures speaks a thousand words?

Nxt time~

But i miss albert, too.