Thursday, December 31, 2009

Went out wif qx jy chelsea glenice on tue. Theodor was cute like crazy. so sweet to. mahhaha~~ had a good time chattg at starbucks. And the choco cake was good. whee~


met wif shit at bugis and went shopping. Laughed over lots of stuffs. Den went over to HeWei's house for the potluck.

Minghui and dogerald was there alrdy. Started eating all the stuffs we brought. pretty fun, different frm eatg outside. HAH. nice experience. Nxt time mus do it again.

Den played monopoly. first time i found dat monopoly can be this corrupted and fun. the banker (yx) was super corrupted, sending ppl to jail when we didnt pay the money fast enough etc. HAHA. and peter pan suddely appeared in the spiderman edition of monopoly, and alliance was everywhr. blah blah blah.

den on to the psp street fighting. it WAS funny cus some of the characters were puny and had hilarious special skills. went down to the playrm for twister and sparkles. Superb laugh-till-wanna-die moment when people are entangled due to twister. Messed ard with the sparkler nxt. everyone was clamouring to hav the sparkler-letter taken.

Had fun. Spent a very good day with a fantastic company. ^^

FAVED picture. Of all times. ^^



Friday, December 25, 2009


To my favourite S.H.I.T and the 92 peeps. And S12 pals.
And the rest!

May ur deepest wishes come true and have a happy 2010.

I m so dead for J2. none of my holis work are completed. and i haven started revision for MSA. All i m dng is lazed ard and watch shows. Die die die!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jus remembered to log in to post this.


many happy returns. enjoy ur swerve board and dun get too much injuries. Muacks~

HAH. i was trying to go for font size 200. but decided 100 would be good. Had a mini celebratn cum dinner at NewYork New York today. Had a great time wif all the peeps.

And work @pop was tiring. I dun remember doing alot but it was tiring. HAH. and i can finish my revision home-working shit or wad. UGH. so gonna fail MSA when terms starts.

somebody invents a clean rapid way to murder me. Inform me first hand and let me buy insurance first. whee.

Monday, December 7, 2009

海派甜心 ep 6.

This part of the show is ridiculously funny

Repeat for like dunno how many times. >.<>

and the songs are damm good too. if u got must tell me~! argh


Mr&Mrs So wedding!

Fabulous! Never seen Mr So so 'shuai' before. Without specs laa. haha. He said dat he wanted to put contacts for the wedding too. so he put on the first side, and spent another half an hr tryg to put on the other side.


dats funny. and our table was beside the drinks table. so we were like spamming red wine and dog was spamming martell. so the end result was dat majority of them went drunk. As seen from their 'highness' and everything else.

fun night overall. good food. fantastic company. whee~

and gosh please force me to mug. ugh ugh ugh i m not studying at all! >.<

Thursday, December 3, 2009


难挡漫画的魅力。“我的野蛮王妃”, 万岁!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Class BBQ was fun. The food was surprisingly better than what i expected. the company was excellent. The movie was horrible but still good. The day ended off well with Cindy's dad dropping us at Kovan MRT. Had a good time chatting wif glenice and enjoying the wind.


alot of pictures which i will be uploading, say, tmr? haha~ but shld be before Fri. I wanna spam pictures with my best buddies. whee.

the movie which we watched, Case 39. not exactly horror but jus gross images flashing here and there occasionally. But still, i could not sleep well last night with the gross images popping-by for a visit. Ugh. damm tired today.

went out to "shop" for Mr So's wedding. ended up deciding the present in just like 5 min and spending the rest of the time window-shopping. JY joined and had a good laugh abt everything.

Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday!!

and i m dying for Sunday to come. Ep 6!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Laughing like shit over 海派甜心 幕后特辑。

seriously. go watch go watch go watch. especially when xiaozhu is shoo shuai!



Thursday, November 26, 2009



reading pride and prejudice

went to flea market@harji lane wif yx on sun. its fun to a certain extent if u minus the heat and the smoke and some incident. happy days wif good fren anw. pity the rest couldn't come.

and i m super guilty now cus i jus mini-yelled at my dad. ugh. but heck larh, complain to me abt my retarded brother, when i m irritated wif him also. best solution to all these, either ask him to get out of the hse, permanent, or jus break. i rather he cry till his lungs break den him irritating me because of somebody.

mini-yelled because i raised my volume to a small extent and in a irritated tone. the irritation sparked because dad always comes into the room and burp like there is no tmr. exaggerating but its irritating.

an finally sch is over. though with certainty i might be mugging full. shucks. i hope that the bookshop aunty would wan another helper. broke liao broke liao. T.T

Holzy! I m coming for u!

kiss my pretty ass, bb

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


tomorrow is the end of sch. wait for 4 more days and its BBQ, and another 3 more days to the anticipated day! whee~

Exciting after-sch activities before i slunk back into full mug-mode. SA got reaalll nice teachers who are determined for us to hav a great holz by flashing dates of when the MSA(CA1) will be and the chapters tested.


Man, and look at the pile of assignments. and the pile that i gotta fully grasped by the end of holz, which is nearly the whole J1 syllabus.

I m so looking forward to the holz. =.=

bad things aside. this is one holz that i hav been really looking forward to. ugh, JC life sucks. at least the works stuffs. T.T

AND hi my sweetheart is loved!


Monday, November 23, 2009

This is cool.

Your Life Path Number is

Your Life Path Number represents the path you should take through life and the talents and skills you have to make your journey a rewarding one.

Your Life Path will allow you to be creative and comfortable with yourself. You will approach life with a bottomless well of optimism. Your imagination will inspire you to create, and in time you will come to inspire others.

Your Life Destiny Number is 11
Your Destiny Number sheds light on those things you must accomplish in your life to be fulfilled.

You have the Master Number 11 as your Life Destiny Number. Master Numbers indicate nearly complete or complete development of the traits associated with the number they would reduce to. This relation is usually expressed by writing the Master Number and the number it reduces to together. Master Number 11 is often written 11/2.

Freedom and responsibility come with having a Master Number. You have the freedom to choose whether to allow your Master Number traits to express themselves or not. If you opt to act responsibly and use your lofty powers, you will find your reward is in the choice itself. If you choose to ignore your talents, you may find yourself taking more than one step back. You may incur a Karmic Debt.

11's Destiny is to discover spiritual truths so they may inspire and bring joy to others by sharing their knowledge. An 11 Destiny is carried by "old souls" with a deep spiritual connection to the workings of the universe. They are meant to work for the good of all of us--to transform the lives of others for the better.

Your Soul Number is 4
Your Soul Number describes your deepest desires and dreams and the person you truly want to be.

You desire to address life with a well thought out plan. You need to have things organized and clear set boundaries. You have no desire to be surprised by anything.

Your Personality Number is 7
Your Personality Number reveals the "external you"--the personality traits others will know you by.

A 7 Personality Number is the mark of a person deeply absorbed in the pursuit of spiritual and cosmic knowledge. 7s are intelligent, perceptive and introspective. It comes as no surprise that the 7 Personality is an introvert. 7 Personalities can be difficult to get close to. They have the air of a mystic about them and can be quite aloof. Also, 7s love their privacy. However, the 7 Personalities' wisdom and knowledge will draw people to them, and in the end they will realize sharing their knowledge is as rewarding as gaining it.

Your Maturity Number is 5
Your Maturity Number reveals the person you will come to be--your true self.

A 5 Maturity Number ensures that throughout your life you will experience the thrills which come with change and constantly develop your free will. In your later years your personal freedom will be fully developed. You will still be a risk taker and embrace change. People will find you very attractive, because you have somehow managed to mature without losing your youthful spirit.

Your Balance Number is 8
As long as your life is on an even or uplifting keel balance numbers are relatively dormant. However, in those times when your life is out of order your Balance Number can become central to resolving the turmoil you are experiencing. Your Balance Number reflects the traits you need to bring to the forefront in order the get through difficult periods with the least amount of damage or time wasted on negative influences.

A 8 Balance Number indicates you have considerable talents for leading during troubling times, so take the lead and guide all parties involved towards a fair solution. However, be careful to not become dictatorial. You cannot force others to accept your solution. The key is to use your creative talents to find a solution that is fair to all.

The 4 Pinnacles
Pinnacles represent moments in your life in which you realize current goals and learn some of life's lessons. If you are at the beginning of a Pinnacle, then they can be used as a predictive tool to assist in managing your future. Your first Pinnacle begins at birth and last until around the age of 27. Your Second Pinnacle last through the next 9 year and the Third Pinnacle last for 9 years after the Second Pinnacle has passed. Your Fourth Pinnacle picks up where the Third Pinnacle ends and last throughout the rest of your life

Your First Pinnacle Number is 9
A 9 Pinnacle means you are in a period where your love for your fellow man will be at its zenith. In this period you will play healer and inspirer to those around you. A 9 Pinnacle is never easy. You will be asked to sacrifice meeting your own needs for the good of others. You may experience the pain of loss, but in the end will be rewarded by fulfilling your soul's need to ease the pain of others.

Your Second Pinnacle Number is 4
You are in a period where you should be building a solid foundation on which to carry on your life. You may be building a home, family or career. Whatever you are doing, it is not a time in which you will or should take it easy.

Your Third Pinnacle Number is 4
You are in a period where you should be building a solid foundation on which to carry on your life. You may be building a home, family or career. Whatever you are doing, it is not a time in which you will or should take it easy.

Your Fourth Pinnacle Number is 2
You will learn how to have balanced relationships with others without sacrificing your inner self. Your talents for relating to others as well as helping others relate to each other will grow.

The 4 Challenges
Challenges denote personal weaknesses and temptations you will have to overcome and strengths you will have to develop to fully realize your goals. The 4 Challenges have the same time frame as the 4 Pinnacles.

Your First Challenge Number is 11
Those with an 11 challenge are in a time when they are expected to take their role as leader, inspirer and joy bringer. To meet this challenge successfully they will have to bring the full force of their cosmic insight and vision into play.

Your Second Challenge Number is 2
Your Challenge is to learn how to manage your natural sensitivity to others, aversion to conflict and need for harmony in a way that will not repress your own needs. In time you will learn to balance your needs with those of others.

Your Third Challenge Number is 0
The 0 challenge means the choice of what you do with your life is entirely yours. Yours is an old soul--you've already struggled through all the challenges of the other numbers. Your reward for completing these Challenges is free will. You may face all or any of the challenges of the numbers 1 through 9. You may simply drift through life without a destination or goals. Or you may rise above the struggles of others and use this Challenge period to sculpt a life based on love, integrity, justice and vision. At first glance, this freedom to choose may seem like a vacation, but it isn't. Indeed, the gravity of the responsibility which comes with a 0 challenge is tremendous, because how you choose to address your 0 challenge will profoundly affect the lives of those around you, and, possibly, the entire world.

Your Fourth Challenge Number is 4
Your challenge is to learn the value of practicality, discipline and organization. A 4 challenge is rarely easy. You may find yourself boxed in by boundaries. In this period you will have to learn to be patient, open-minded and flexible.

The 3 Cycles
Cycles occur in 28 year periods. The First Cycle last from birth through your 28th year and is called your Formative or Seed Cycle. The Second Cycle--your Productive or Fruit Cycle--begins at age 29 and last through your 56th year. The Third Cycle, your Harvest Cycle, begins with the coming of your 57th year and last throughout the rest of your life. Your Cycle Numbers tell you the lessons you must learn and goals you must meet to stay on your Life's Path and achieve your true destiny.

Your First Cycle Number is 8
An 8 cycle marks a time that is opportune for you to succeed in attaining your goals. During this Cycle you will of course face setbacks and obstacles, but if you keep trying to move forward, your goals will be achieved.

Your Second Cycle Number is 1
A 1 Cycle indicates a time of action and development. If your First Cycle number is a 1, you are gaining independence and confidence. There may be times when you feel alienated from those around you. A 1 in the Second Cycle reflects a time when you will be confident, determined and able to lead others. A Third Cycle 1 indicates a time in which you will be independent and dynamic. You will be very independent and self-discovery will be a major preoccupation.

Your Third Cycle Number is 3
Your emphasis during this Cycle will be on unleashing your creativity. You will need to focus your energies to get all you can from this Cycle. The reward for traversing this Cycle successfully is a life full of friends and the coming to fruition of your creative talents.

Your Karmic Lesson Number(s) are/is 4 6
Karmic Lesson numbers reveal areas in which we need to grow. To become more complete, we need to give extra attention to these areas in this lifetime. If one of your 5 core numbers is the same as a Karmic Lesson Number the significance of the Karmic Lesson Number is reduced.

A 4 Karmic Lesson Number is indicative of a need for direction in life. Although you may feel somewhat confused about why you are here, work to find your true path through this life.
The number 4 appears in your core numbers, so the the importance of this number is lessened.

A 6 Karmic Lesson Number denotes an inability or reluctance to make commitments. Even when you do commit yourself to something it may be your nature to hold back any true passion for the commitment or relationship. Over time you might do well to slowly allow your passions to express themselves and put your heart into your commitments and relationships.

Your Karmic Debt Number(s) are/is 16 13 14
Karmic Debt Numbers signify past abuses of your talents that you must make amends for. Like all of us, you have made many choices and taken many actions in your lives. Some of those choices and actions have been mistakes. Your past errors must be addressed, so you can use your Karmic Debt Numbers to identify exactly what type of mistakes you have made in the past and how you can atone for them.
A 16 Karmic Debt Number points to an abuse of love in your past. Your were not honest about your feelings and/or neglected to consider the feelings of others. The consequence of these actions is that you must now reconnect with that part of your spiritual self that will not allow you to misuse love and affection. Doing this is no easy task. To succeed that which earned you the 16 must be destroyed, so a more spiritually ethical self can take its place.

13 Karmic Debt Number implies that somewhere along your being’s path you forsake your spiritual self for material gain. You may have abused others to get ahead. Because of your past behavior you may find yourself facing what appears to be one brick wall after another as you try to find success. The key to overcoming these obstacles is perseverance, hard work and the development of a spiritual awareness that keeps you from abusing the rights of others.

A 14 Karmic Debt Number indicates that you have abused your right to freedom. Possibly you increased you freedom to act at the costs of others, or you exercised your free will in ways that abused your own spirit (e.g., drug use). The solution for you is to find a true path to freedom that does not harm you or others around you.

Your Lucky Number is 8
Your Personal Lucky Number does not change. This number will be lucky for you your entire life. Your luck derived from this number will be strongest when you are addressing events and issues related to the general meaning of the number. Lucky Numbers should not be relied on to constantly produce positive results, or make impulsive, high risk gambles. They simply mean that where they appear you have an edge. How large an edge is impossible to determine, but seems to increase with the number of occurrences your Lucky Number is be associated with a given event or issue.

Those with a Personal Lucky Number 8 have powerful ally when the arena is business. Your 8 signifies someone who may be blessed with the Midas Touch. Your 8 will bring you luck in any financial arena it is associated with. However you must remember the 8 always requires a never quit attitude for its power to reach its full zenith.

Your Signature Number is a 3
Signature numbers are based on how you sign your name. Your signature carries the power and the faults of one of the base 9 numbers. You may actually want to sign different documents with different signatures to reap the benefit of a particular number. For instance, if you are signing an agreement of partnership you might want to alter your signature to reflect the powers of the number 2.

The signature you entered is a 3. A 3 signature is good when dealing with creative endeavors.

Your Birthday Number is 1
This number is most influential between your 28th and 56th year. While it is not the most important number in your profile, it does have an effect on your Life's Path and Destiny.

You have an independent spirit and a strong desire to be a leader. You are creative and possess the courage necessary to lead others into the future.

Your Personal Year Number is 2
This number tells you what is happening in your life this year. This number should be used to help you avoid setbacks and focus your energies on those areas of your life where you are most likely to achieve your goals.

This is a good year for you to collect yourself—put all of the pieces that make up your life into a cohesive, orderly structure. This is also a good time for you to take time for others, learn the value of compromise and foster harmony in your life as a whole.

Your Personal Month Number is 6
This number tells you what is happening in your life this month. Use this number in the same way you would your Personal year number, but apply it only to the current month.

You are in a month in which you should attend family and home. Enjoy your family and strengthen your personal relationships.

Your Foundation Letter is T
Having a T Foundation Letter denotes someone who has the energy to take on anything. Because the have a need to constantly expand the size of their world, they can be looked upon to bring new ideas to a project or venture.
Countdown calender

3 more days to Holidays.
8 more days to Class BBQ.
11 more days to the wedding.

1 month to the seemingly never-ending sufferings.
Appx 1 year to the horrifying A.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I got 7 books to finish now. 6 english and 1 chinese. somehow it felt like commiting suicide. ugh. and they are pretty thick books too. =.=

and the lectures are boring all righty. math especially.

Photog tmr! \(^.^)/ but cleaning up stuffs. and maybe meeting the pile of ppl. #.#

Jus blogging for the sake of blogging. because i m bored. >.<

Craning to hav a look. a peek. a longing.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Till 26Nov, its lecturey all the way.

It surprises me when i slept today in math and chem. =.=

Lectures are boring. And dat math lecturer is even more boring. *yawns* I look at him i wanna sleep liao. still ask me to pay attention. wah~

And victoria also breaks sch at the same time. but they dun hav assembly everyday. =.= lousy st' andrew. i suppose the only gd thing is only dat we assemble in the CC, can sit and sleep.

I m bored. damm bored. Now i spent time on com reading conan. >.<

>0< xh is not blogging anymore till dec. the rest the blogs are as good as dead. aww i m so bored. facebook is error-ish and boring also. only good thing is conan. *yawns*

Oh gosh i hate myself. 1st day of sch see smth dunno lucky or unlucky. rawr.

If my heart was a house u will be home. But i cant find the door to my home

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Went k-ing with qinxin jieying glenice verity today at topone. It was a good outing. funny and worth everything. Nxt time should put 'Beat it' as 1st song. everyone gets high. ^^

plenty of camwhore frm jieying, au. But i feel so lazy to upload. So, haha. wait till i m free bah.

And I m so anticipating the movie outing. And hewei promised a potluck. Faster faster! next year i shall book a chalet. ^^v for both S12 and sqd92.

Like how 4CR was. D; again.

i guess its just that they are all too busy, or cant be bothered to take time off to come out. wadever. Now its the i heck care attitude le. Sorry but i got sick. u noe how irritating it is, to be constantly rejected.

actually didnt wanna blog today. but today is 12/11. A good day. I m infatuated with 12 now. ^^ shall go diy a 12 chain for my phone. whee~

and sorting out the old photos sucks.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009



I figured i should start to post pictures.

Sort of random but i got a freaking hell lot of pictures, scattered around.

Scattered as in un-categorize, un-filed, and I lost the confidence that i remember the events.

and estimated time to finish sorting everything.. the amt of time u can buy with $100 plus. Cost that equaled to a new specs because my degree shoot up.


and once again i m horrified by the amt of photos i hav.

There is alrdy alot in my hard disk. But there is still super more in the old desktop. I hope my brother transfered all successfully. >.< if not, poof! all gone.

Memories are scary things. I will cry if my pictures are gone. and dun mention to me how sad the rest of the people will be. Or happy. cus all the unglam pictures I have, poof.

and maybe i'll be changing my url. Jus for fun.

waiting for 12/12

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


PW is OVER! Good riddance OP InR!

But I really enjoyed the time with my grp members! Its was fun. Going to each other's house, doing prototype, going through the skit etc.

And I'll miss Chua and Gn. Cheers for them!


Met up wif xiaohui after pw and went pastamania for lunch. nevin joined up later and walked ard tamp1. didnt really do anything. wanted to go minghu's house for Wii for decided that it will jus be a waste of time. haha.

den ent to Cineleisure for the starbucks 'free food n drinks' which turns out to be jus a coffee presentation. due to pw, I was like commenting on the presenter's performance. sigh, 1st signs of pw poisoning.

But nevertheless, it jus further proves that i can never take coffee. It supposedly good coffee that is spicy, earthly and wadever, though i dunno wad they meant by earthly. sounds yucky. But that small cuppa coffee taste to me like super bitter plain water. bitter and tasteless. *0*

Went to foodcourt for dinner and went home. Nice day out though.


G7 outing!

whee~ spontaneity is so not good for a outing. Caught 'Love Happens'. Quite good! It was funny and somewhat sweet. Nice! 6bucks well-spent. but overall boring man. not like last session. =(


full schedule for this week. i m gonna spent money like shit.

I wan start revision liao wors. Studies sucks like nobody's but my business. T.T

and, holidays starts so late. i m so gloomy over the thought of a 1 month holiday. So short! and when sch reopens its a launch of more tests. and tons of contents. raw contents shoved down our throat. =.= god knows how much time i'll need to process the stuffs into mine.

Sunday, November 8, 2009





InR is done. We finished our prototype today. Its damm nice! woah! we are geniuses that do good last minute work. WR was last min but still gets good feedbacks. Prototype was super last min but turned very fine.


now i m gonna upgrade my script and memorise it. Ugh, i keep impromptu-ing during dry run. Say smth dat is off track den dunno how to continue. die.

Oh and sherri's house is pretty. Aw i didnt get to eat the jelly she made. T.T and verity house is big big big! Nicey.

Man. I. M. So. Bloody. Nervous.

Friday, November 6, 2009



My skin went bonkos. smth to do wif the pic. =.= but i m damm lazy to scour for a new one.

(30 min later)

TADAH! new one. nice rite? someone tell me the html to prevent highlighting/right-clicking. and something is wrong wif the coding on my blog but wadever. i m jus damm lazy to adjust.

Today went to do prject work at joeshua's house. Did our prototype! its was damm cute wif the tiny houses and trees+bushes. ^^v and we did it in like half a day. His mom was damm nice oso, we had pizza for dinner at his house wors!!! damm hungry when we started and could not stop. but when we stopped we r too full to continue. *0* thanks thanks thanks!!

Tmr gonna meet at Sherri's for the skit. She is making jelly! whee~! den sunday is at verity's. In jus one week we went to everyone's house. Tue was mine, thu was chelsea's and today joeshua. ^^

Monday is OP and GPF submission. suddenly felt quite sad dat PW is ending. It was quite fun as it progresses. >.<

oh btw, Mr chua says dat our internal WR assessor regards our WR more highly den he does. ^^v. a 3 week rushed project! whee~ ME ME ME ME here we come!

i shall crapped somemore after OP. 9NOV! XH! i will rot while waiting for u.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


You would not believe your eyes

If ten million fireflies

Lit up the world as I fell asleep

'Cause they'd fill the open air

And leave teardrops everywhere

You'd think me rude

But I would just stand and stare

I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay

Awake when I'm asleep

'Cause everything is never as it seems

'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs

From ten thousand lightning bugs

As they tried to teach me how to dance

A fox trot above my head

A sock hop beneath my bed

A disco ball is just hanging by a thread

I'd like to make myself believe

That planet earth turns slowly

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay

Awake when I'm asleep

'Cause everything is never as it seems

When I fall asleep

Leave my door open just a crack

(Please take me away from here)

'Cause I feel like such an insomniac

(Please take me away from here)

Why do I tire of counting sheep

(Please take me away from here)

When I'm far too tired to fall asleep

To ten million fireflies

I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes

I got misty eyes as they said farewell

But I'll know where several are

If my dreams get real bizarre

'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar

I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay

Awake when I'm asleep

'Cause everything is never as it seems

When I fall asleep

I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay

Awake when I'm asleep

'Cause everything is never as it seems

When I fall asleep

I'd like to make myself believe

That planet earth turns slowly

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay

Awake when I'm asleep

Because my dreams are bursting at the seams

Love this song.

Monday, November 2, 2009



Went VIVO wif QinXin JieYing n SiYi. Ate lunch before gng to Awfully chocolate. bought a double scoop ice-cream. WHEE! it was superb! very nice! Very chocolaty and thick. Got a slight hint of the bitter taste u get when eating dark choco. Nxt time i wanna go buy the cake, looks good. ^^

Went sentosa nxt. Went to siloso beach. did nth but took plenty of pictures. I like the sky there! Its was cloudy and about to rain, but still, very nice. heh. Got myself wet while taking the tram back.

Today was a cam-whory day. ^^Pictures aplenty. Fun fun fun too. ^^




okay, not exactly new, ehh, the old case with new organs. Now its quiet, fast, got flash, so i can play the stuffs in Facebook. New keyboard means that i dun need to smash the G n H keys to get them working. ^^ Best thing is, GOT PHOTOSHOP! wahh~! if i say i dun love my bro its fake, but he is a jerk, so, ^^.

Happy mood because New com rocks ttm. Its seriously freaking fast now. The old one ah, i click, waiting for 10 min, and patiently wait for everything to come out and for it to finish loading before i continue, case it lags like nobody;s business. But the new old, it super fast! whee~~

I m so gonna start exploring photoshop and editing pictures. ^^


And 9NOV is THE DAY!

(shiver shiver shiver)

^^ 40 min max rite. I m so gonna get it over and done wif. Den gng rot somewhr and wait for xiaoxiao. hope headie can come oso. D:


And D-gray is the current love. I like Tykki. waahahaahah~~ I m a anime-freaakk now! ^^

Friday, October 30, 2009


Give me a diao-ed face.

I m too tired to think of anything else le. Friends, family, morning, blah. I m so pathetic. And tmr is Halloween, i tink. Maybe i should go out and scare some ppl. And yet i have promised myself that i will hav a happy blog. =.= I dun wanna complain when i know that they are not intentional. But i cant help, seriously, why m i the only one who is so free? And yet when i m free, and others are busy, they are envious of me because i m 'carefree' and worry about nothing, but i m complaining dat i have nothing to do. damm.

And when i say i wanna get out of the house, i wake up and i m too lazy to move. i know i shloud start mugging but i jus dun feeling like touching my notes. i know i should practise my script for OP but i dun feel like it. i wan to sleep but i will get dizzy if i get too much of it.

Argh, 2009 is a really really bad year for me.

yeah i know we would have some time spent together after everything end but what i really need is now. yeah i know dat ur want it too, even more than me and ur could rightfully say that i m a super inconsiderate and selfish person. yeah.

damm, i should go and get my phone fixed.


went to watch Sister's keeper with qx jy sy c n g. Touching. But didnt actually cry. =P i have grown quite hard hearted. hehee. But it was gd going out wif them. ^^

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Happy Delighted wadever.

Great improvement in PW wors. Excellent makeover frm kampong buangkok to kampong spirit. so its true that once we knew what we are going to do everything became simpler.

whee~ 3more days to end of WR.

argh. 3 more days to start of OP.



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Its a rainy raining day!

Wish I was outside.

as boring as ever. lolling over PW and irritated at the guy beside me who is emitting suppressed laughters that exist in the form of heavier breathing. damm him.

New books everyday! i m so entertained now. whee~

and i want my phone fixed asap so i'll have to go to wisma. anyone nice enough to pei me go?

oh, i hurt my right 4th finger during pe today. its is super painful and i can bend it. damm. cant write properly. but pe today was fun. seriously fun. ^^

i noe i shld be the one doing all the talking and engaging and trying to fit. i realized this yr dat i m a super introvert person. much unlike wad i thought i was. =.= maybe only wif them my 'talk gene' and 'high gene' is expressed. so serve myself right when no one noticed. ^^


happy day yesterday wif xiaoxiao. whee~ thanks for pei-ing me. pasta was gooddd.

lets go out on sun~ miss ya.

Monday, October 19, 2009



tiring day. shall hav a brief one.

destination 1> the zoo. alighted at some ulu bus stop and took back to Jurong east mrt. went to IMM for food. pepper lunch was good! whee~ lost my wallet but found it again. happy happy ^^

destination 2> Snow city!

its was freaking horrendously ultimately cold inside dat stupid place! damm! -7.9 degree! we were like playing 'snow' fight and our faces went all frozen and numb from the 'snow'. it was plain torture to ourselves. we went in and out like 3 times to thaw. but the slope thing is seriously fun! we like lied on the tire rather than sitting on it and the whole thing jus went the slope like damm fast. cool! but cant stay in there too long, u will become the 1st person in Singapore to get frost bites. sound really contradicting but its true, our toes/chin/hands went numb and abit hard. muahahaa~ lucy got it the worst cus we threw 'snow' at his face, some of it went into his jacket blah.

went to sci center nxt. cheat my money lor! walao! half of the exhibits were spoilt and so we cant okay wif it! ugh. but it was rather huge. i didnt noe dat it was so big. muahaa. got chased out before we could finish cus the center was closing.

chilled at the library before gng home. wah. long and tiring day. but very fun. ^^ nxt time its crashing of lucy's hse. whee~!


Gerald's 17th celebration@ fish n co.

was not as high as my one. HAHAHA. dunno why, maybe because we are too far away from each other n stuffs. and the waiting for Nevin took some of the energy from everyone out. but overall it was still fun to see Gerald being forced to stand on the chair and hold the sparkler while the staffs shouted out the cheer. he look very embarrassed. muahahaa! polished off the cake wif a few round of 终结密码. yx n rl left (take mrt de) n we chilled out at the seats of Starbucks. talked abt random things before gng home.

thanks bryan delvis detian hewei nevin ruiling jiaying xiaohui yixin huiying for coming!

uploading pictures tmr? hahaa. i still got the video of bryan dancing 撑腰. haven got the time to upload. its so freaking long. ugh.

oh, and i wan potluck@ hewei's ! sounds super fun! ^^

Friday, October 16, 2009

Judgment Day!

16 Oct.

wah~ i scraped through like siao mans. passing rank pt was 35, and i really really jus managed to cross the border. ugh

But i do wan 09S12 to stay 27! its will never be the same without any of us. i went through it once and it felt really weird for me.

but i m worried for myself. later they tell me dat i cant pass ah, i m so freaking dead. =,=

today the awfully choco founder came to give a speech. quite funny, and rouses my appetite for choco. shall go find it and hav a try at their ice cream. wah, sound so tempting. premium ice cream ley~

kay i m toking crap. tmr will be a fun day! spamming pictures. ^^

Thursday, October 15, 2009


its was so damm freaking absolutely fun! okay i admit i didnt really took alot of pics. hahaa~ but there are alot of pics of me! i was so emotionally high dat i jus laughed at took pics wif all the gals! whee!!

oh, its at marina barrage. hahaa. some things that was displeasing here and there but overall it was very very very fun! hahaa! spam grp pics like siao. go fb and look at all the pics of me. i m amazed at the amt of pics. ^^

more outings more outings more outings!!

yep although the photog ppl cant see. hahaa!

p.s. Marina Barrage was very nice! windy and very hot, but got great scenery and it got better near the evening. shld go there nxt time for wadever stuff. picnic? ^^ and can fly kite there!! woah~!

p.s.s and u ver shuai today #^.^#

Monday, October 12, 2009

New week

WR was a totally failure. Big Angry RED words greet u. Ur heart immediately sinks. moving ur unwilling hand, u scroll down and many many comments waved. ugh.

wad shld i type? like nth happen ley.

SAT went to Suntec wif mom to shop. happy happy becus i got 2 shirts which are damm nice and my type. plus 2 pants. heh. wanted to get more de, but the 4 clothing costs like 100 plus le. felt damm guilty. hah. had a great time walking ard wif mom. den chiong to KLP to find my pile of ppl. Gd haul. did some integration before gng home. went to grandmom hse for the weekly gathering. The hokkien prawn noodles my uncle cooked was pretty gd. hahaa~

SUN woke up late late late. got myself a fabulous breakfast and went down to KLP (again). did a little bit of work. den went to SAFRA@ gnw for grandmom birthday meal. WAH. nice restaurant. they ordered a special room for the gathering. nice view. a swimming pool right underneath. hahaa~ no pretty gals though. =P

the food was good. got sharkfin- i had one small tiny bowl. wanted another but felt quite guilty. hahaa! den there was the karaoke, had a great time overall. best part was when my 2 uncle sang [xiaowei] for my youngest cousin. walao, one nice song become a rock song. cus they were singing so loudly. fun time overall. i like this kinda of gathering. ^^


sch started. eh. nth special nor fun not fabulous to tok abt. sch is boring. haiz.

but got some funny bits here and there lar. today there was an announcement that called out one person frm each J2 classes. didnt hear wad it was for. then the announcer called out zhongzi. but he pronounce it as zhong4zi3. aka rice dumpling. the whole sch laughed when it came out. i wanted not to laugh. out of respect to my ex-nco mah. but cant stand it ah. so laughed out after all.

seriously. rice dumpling. hahaa!!! ;D

and i guess i haven said my apologies for everything? *.*

Sincerely, heartfully, sorry. for the things resulting frm my
insensitivity, inconsiderate behaviour.

to qx c jy
g sy. and s.h.i.t.

saw this phrase on the poster in the toilet. : Love me when i least deserved it, as it is when i needed it most.

Suitability 100%. and kind ppl that surrounds me had always given me the love when i needed it most, however unworthy.

i saw that look. straight determined 12 o clock. telling me that everything have to got to end. but the wondrous thing is that i cant seems to stop turning toward the 2 o clock direction. wad a failure.

and 16oct. the day i die. sigh. tell me to RIP. (where i get all my results back. stupid sch)

forced to. peer pressure. yx, now i understand.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This is going to be a happy blog. with happy stuffs and good contents.

no more moments of impulse and fits of anger. it comes and goes fast anyway. hah.

oh, and Mr Gn is funny, so is Mr Chua. I m growing to like PW more. although its still as torturous as ever.

chewed off another book today. i m such a good reader. gonna take off wif more books tmr. ^^

and tanjin's blog is funny. full of crap. great for bad moods.

and i dun tink i could ever succeed in giving up. haiz. ^^

i cant help but smile, for the sight of u makes me swell with happiness.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

PW mania


Jus torturous. Fancy facing PW all day till 3 plus. UGH. luckily Gn was nice and let us go early today. or else i would hav died of brain juice drain.

went to relax after sch break. didnt really wanna go home and end up thinking all the stuffs again. I would rather deceive myself and think that everything is all right then face that kinda of situation again. yep, be an ostrich with the head in the sand dump.

and i think i m too emotionally strung up liao. but still, pretty disappointed that they literally refused all my invites. yeh not really their fault, they had their own world to live in and cant possibly devote all their time to me, especially since they hav all their own probs. so, yeah.

3 more days of intensive PW. Ugh.

Oh, and THANKS jieying qinxin chelsea for the cookie! its was real nice. and huge too. chocolately. like like like. ^^

all my hair is so gonna drop off by the end of this week. rawr.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I wan go ION I wan go tamp1 I wan go zoo I wan go k-one I
wan go ecp I wan go eat yukiyaki I wan finish d-gray I wan spam
I wan spam hongkong series

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hues and light


I can go burn all my ws and notes! and dump my file away! and clear my cupboard! No more school! play everyday! spam anime! stuff myself to death!


wishful thinking.

I m starting to want to prepare for the retain retest liao. hahaa~ sound like i sure fail but its true la. i wan promote! being wif ppl of age smaller den me makes me wan to bully them. cus i older mah~ bleh.

and there is still the dreaded PW. Our WR got criticised till i can use the report as toilet paper liao. and we hav to redevelope our pts and stuff, A&E blah, strategies and also SI shit. wah! jus the thought of that makes me jus wanna quit J1. Main reason why i wanna promote. This kinda of things go through once jiu enough liao.

BUT BUT BUT! there is 2 more days till the retarded after promos programmes and after dat is lessons. so total is 6 days for me to go crazy and be a mad woman. pity they haven finish their exams. but soon soon!

oh, and also the conflict thingy. faster solve faster i can relax. Send me a mail! Thanks! #.#

yesterday had a total break day. went to the library and borrowed bks! finally! i get to read thing other then all the notes. HAH! and no stress also. novels! here i come!

I wan go ION I wan go tamp1 I wan go zoo I wan go k-one I
wan go ecp I wan go eat yukiyaki I wan finish d-gray I wan spam
anime I wan spam hongkong series

my perfect wishlist for the holz. shall copy it to my wants.

and i might be changing my link. jus for fun.

Its jus a illusion.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Promos Blues

Everyone is super stressed.

Not surprising, HAH.

kay, progress so far:

: GP was full of crap. lousy. spam of stupid words. FAIL
: Econs was scribbles and crappy since i was "anyhow" doing. FAIL
: Bio was as hard as ever and very challenging, ver sure i didnt include all the pt the chers are looking out for. FAIL

:Chem was surprisingly okay-ish, not dat hard as expected, i thought it was even more okay then CT, but then again, my ans always seems to evade all the scoring points so. FAIL

:Math is on mon, and since cher has given me alot of help and assistance i dun dare to fail, maybe a D? =P

yep so overall the new batch of JC1 nxt year, some 20 of them will be super unlucky to have me for their new classmates. Aww...

Yar i oso tink dat i ver optimistic. No need u say i oso noe. BLEH. ^^

So i shall chiong math for the weekend. tmr still got family bbq somemore. blah. i shall go enjoy myself.

today we went to [with a pinch of salt] for lunch! i was starved till 2 before the ordering list finally came. Pasta is Loved! had a good time laughing over new n old things, and finished up d last scrap of our food by "role-play". Wnet to TJ to look for XX and played @ the playgrd. wah~! long long time never had some much fun liao. laugh at alot things like siao. I will always remember ur screams yx dear. Finally Finally took a S.H.I.T photo. nxt time we shall go to bugis n take wif the neo-print machines. I m waiting! and the K-One and ECP skating.

OH. and u are strongly recommended to go to [with a pinch of salt]. good food good prices good ladyboss. yx n jy love her. Jus take bus 31 or 32 or 10 or 43 or 197 etc. and walk down. riddance if u cant find.

I m so gonna retain. ugh.

P.S U sucker make my legs go jelly

Monday, September 21, 2009


thank you ppl!
And and and.
pia-ing like crazy now. jus dat nth goes inside my alrdy quite empty brain. haiz. i gues the only useful stuff it does is to tink abt ridiculous matters.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


about my boring and lifeless life. due to it
being boring, i should jus close down this blog for good. wasting cyber-space.
Short break.

I slept 11 hours yesterday. I am so cool! hah~ proved that i was really tired from dunno wad. But still yawning away today. Dying liao..

apparently my mood is quite good today since i m using diff colours for my post. looks quite good tgth wif my blog pic rite? hah.

and bio test today was a, well, okay one since its all MCQ. totally out of expectation. teachers ah, so naughty. didnt tell us abt the format. but overall i tink i might be able to pass by a few marks? pray pray.

11 hours of sleep seems good for me. i didnt sleep in class today at all. wonderful for me. and i can even apply what i hav learnt in tuition during math lecture, so i could keep up. woah~ i m actually smart lor. (#=.=#) cus the stuffs lectured today was taught in tuition quite a while ago, but i still remember. sweet.

and yesterday was excellent! ^^ aiya. when i was still grinning from the thought of ;its over;.

Jelly legs.

rubbish talk but oh wells. who cares? =P

i listed down all d topics for Final Exams for all the subjects and it is stressing me everyday. crossing it out when i completed it. argh...still got 50 plus i tink. +.+

This is such a colourful post. not exactly a reflection of my thoughts and feelings now though. but hope that ur mood is brighten up! ^^

Back to hiatus mode. Back after finals. I m waiting for the sakae treat. ^^

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sleepover was fun as ever before.

Jus that we studied till 3am before trugging off to sleep. UGH.i cant recall what i did for the 3 days liao. retarded stupid me. wasted so much time liao.

I m gonna abstained from computer. GP, will be the only exception. ^^


but i expect it to be a failure. hah.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

surprisingly awake now.

today was SYPC! Singapore Youth Photographers Convention @ ACS(I). Huge place. aww man i wanna stay in a hostel! registered and sat through a talk. fell asleep but woke up when i realized dat i m falling asleep. hah. my grp was pathetic. It consisted of me, me, me and me. UGH! but joined pearlyn's grp afterwards. GROUP 7 is awesome!

den there was the ice-breaking silly stuff and the word macabre was chosen as the theme. i tink i spelled correctly. complicating looking word that meant smth horrifying or gruesome, mostly like a scene of a battlefield. so we cabbed to fort canning park.

laughed and chatted while wasting time trying to tink of a storyline. went into the battlebox after 1pm to take more 'gruesome battle' photos. but after the tour we ended up cam-whoring inside the bunker. yep. it was damm fun to cam-whor inside. after spamming pictures we went PS to buy food. lovely kfc. rocks to the max. realized that we will be late for the comp and cabbed back. (we like ver rich liddat) but in the end still late.

aww, hahaa! so wad happened? disqualified! woah! 1st time seh. and we just walked away to find somewhere to eat. super optimistic abt being disqualified. joking abt it somemore. nicey. finished up the food and went to Jurong Point. Went to window-shop for awhile before heading to the arcade. den we played STARBALL!!! damm freaking fun! but ver tiring. played twice in a roll and my arm was aching liao. watch the guys played some gun games before going home.

and guys in our grp are damm nice! there's the funny joker LuXi, whom we call lucy. The calm peaceful ChngHui. and of cus cute pearlyn (frm sajc photog) and me! 4 of us. laughed at alot of things, frm lucy hitting his head against the taxi door to everything other stupid things he does. retarded person.

but its was fun overall! not regretting going. hah!

and tmr going to study. i mus force myself to finish all the tut so i can focus on revision package during the weekends. T.T MUST MUST MUST!

too much concern isn't good. i mus stop going to check ur latest activities. yep.

Friday, September 4, 2009

cant wait till i get to sch to post.

ITS GREAT TO HAV FRIENDS WHO ARE GD PHOTOGRAPHERS!! i went to view zexun's teacher's day photo and cant help laughing at Mr Adi's photo. oh man! "nobody nobody but you!" and there is one photo of him running out too! SO FREAKING CUTE LIKE MAD! oh god!

The link to the ultimate cute photo. i tink zx wont mind. =P


and oh, teacher's day celebration was cool! best i went to. even better then chung cheng's one. minus the emcee and everything rocks. poor emcees, nth to say and things they vailantly squeeze out to fill the blanks got laughed at by everyone. cant describe. Mr Adi rocks! he was short-listed for whole chunk of awards, and won one eventually. My sunshine or smth along that line. and he danced the "nobody" song wif the dance society! so damm cute! i noticed only on the second time. yeah he dance 2 times due to technical error. luckily ah, or i would hav missed it, cus laughing at the guys dancing to the songs. so freaking gay. and oh! the SC's dance was nice too!

overall it was great! and there is the gathering afterwards. refer to previous post for short elaboration. *.*

and today was the SA music awards. Music competition. S12 is such a rocker, 3 participants! consecutively too. heh. the 3 of them did great and germaine won the 2nd prize. though they say QX sang better. i tink they are all great though. hahaa, cant differentiate btwn the pitch and tone or wadsoever. just as it soothing to my ears, its gd music.

went home after sch and accomplished nth. i love myself. breaking promises again n again. to myself somemore. ugh.

Tmr is the SYPC comp. hopefully i can grp wif allan they all. den it will be cool. hah! but ending till 6. i m pulling a long face at that thought. walao. 9 to 6! shit!

but compensation afterwards. skinny corpse! woah!

abt all i remember. yayee! seeing most of the cool photog ppl tmr. looking forward to it. ^.^

plus plus plus. Learning journey to the Baba hse was great! had lots of fun at the back of the bus whr they were fooling ard and snapping pics. got alot of unglam shots. woah! fun fun fun. and the baba hse was simply facinating. pity we cant take photos. or i can admire the nice photos the rest took. haha~

love the photog ppl. they are jus mass bunch of fun. whee~!

its annoying as to the way u attract me. =.=

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bro is at Chengdu, China, now.

hah, i was feeling abit forlorn yesterday when i reached home and sort of realized that i will be lonely for a mth plus. but i guess i will get use to it, as he is going off for NS after he comes back. or nxt year. *.*

2 more weeks to Promos and my revision is hanging off the cliff. though my notes show signs of revision (highlighting, side notes, blah blah) my brain registered none of that. haiz.

i dun wanna retain, so i m trying to kick into revision mode. slightly in progress.

InR n WR tmr n our group is still stuck nowhere for WR. maybe they are discussing tonite. but i tink i shld do some first, just in case. n my InR is only staring to begin, rawr. trying to do the backbone first (name, prj task blah)

but the Words sucks to the max. doing editing back home. ugh.

and blogging is strictly restricted to sch com cus it shows everything. i dunno why it dun back at home com. lousy shit.

and nxt week is holz! not very delighted as i thought of the revision i gotta do. shucks. but i m studying wif SHIT! makes everything much more appealing. ^.^

dunno why i m updating cus no one reads anw.

oh, and teachers day gathering was a total disaster in terms of numbers. but a supreme success in fun. Lurb Tanjin. coming to eat wif us and everything; detian too. and i m never going to invite minghui on anything le. i swear. sick n tired of him telling me that he is not joining us due to every shit he had, when he showed so much enthusiasm previously. If there is a possibly that u wont come, say it before hand and tell me the reason! so i wont place high hopes on u coming! once or twice is still okay, but really gone to far le. jus because we forgive u dun mean that u can repeat it again n agin and treat us like dirt. u dun wan come? fine, u never hav to come le. go celebrate.

back to the gathering. went astons to eat. joked alot, took alot of pictures. went to PP after det joined and stayed for very long at borders while yx n jy went to buy their hair accessories. but overall it was fun. thanks guys! i had a great time.

study study study! back to InR. tata.

oh, and i m trying to give up on u.. noe a hopeless case when i see one. but, its abit hard though >.<