Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back frm hidey holey!

its the so-called September holiday which is supposed to lets us hav a break n relax abit. but i guess i will be jus staring at my books n wondering which subject shld i study n wasting my time away.

Left wif Geo P1, A-math Ps, Poa Ps, E-Hist, (Sci) Chem, n last but not least, Sci P1 (MCQs)

Sort of left wif 4 subs.

Previous subjects recount: Human geo paper was okay, i tink i would only manage only a jus pass bah. tink i didnt really answered most of d qns. Chi was okay. the P1 combi was sucky as i always wrote the Gong han, but came out si han n yan jiang wen, but fortunately still got bao chang bao dao. cool. quite okay laa, my compo got a veri nice word count of 808.

Eng, i rather not talk abt it, but shld be sure fail bah. my compo was like, rather silly den my situational writing was hahahaa... Thought i did rather gd for SS 13m qns, but d SBQ was (sigh). part a) was too chim. den d rest was crappy i tink. Physic was cool, i hope i can pass, den this time did d paper wif ping chang xin, so wont be as disappointed as MYE. E-math was okay for P1, some of the qns was totally a i-wan-to-be-a-blank qns. P2 was similar, but shld be able to pass lah. hopefully.

i m worried abt A-math. Mr So setting wif they-say-is Mr Chua (chia?) . so hav to pia my formulas thingy liao. so boring n no-life lor. n most of the things i tink i will jus chuck into the rubbish bin after i grow up. No Use laa!

5 days more to pia. den abt one more month to chiong. b4 i go into a totality madness break.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


wad day is this? guess guess...


the day which i had no math n all sci n all lang!



13.25 !!!


DRUGS: yixin, ruiling. jiaying, xiaohui, hewei,who surprised me and tanjin who came along later

AND: Minghui gerald jinxue for ... xD

Thanks for the presents! its was cute n handy n very very health endangering. n also d moonCAKEs. sweet till reach my heart liao. (n also reduces my health. ^.^)

also yunting for sittting in d canteen to listen to our crap n getting ur book smelling [nice]
and detian who was very nonchanlant. but thanks anyway. +,+

I had d best birthday today. THANKS CR for singing BD song for me too! its was very loud! LY could hear too, hahaa.. popcorns for all! XD



1st card in 16 yrs, (living memory) LOVE U BRO! <3

shall post pics of present on sat.

after 2 prelims. after i come out of my grave. ^.^


Friday, August 15, 2008


and i m like, totally unprepared. forgot all the things i hav to remember n remember d things i m not supposed to.

Life Sucks.

n for this weekend i think i will hav to be stuck to my table. i cant believe how much papers the teachers gave. its like, 3 for chem, 3 for poa, 2 for physic, 2 or 3 for math, and qns frm geo.

n i still wanted to start revising some math.

Life... really sucks.

Friday, August 8, 2008


not d waiting, nor d picking up of rubbish (hahaa) but d run, d singing and all d high-ness displayed by d SCHOOL! ohmigod. its like almost everyone having fun when d singing session is on. CR was abit low at d 1st part of d session, but got high after encouraging everyone to stand up n play along. n of cus, d ji siao-ing of CR, sec2 batch. muahahahaa. they were doing d running in a circle thing, n we went up n surrounded them, doing d same thing. so funny. den everyone was high after dat. cool lor.

n took sqd pic after everything. pity van could not join us. sighh.. but we got a balloon-face! thanks to Sjay. hahaa.. shall post it nxt time.

went to topone @bugis to k after dismissal. smuggle Macs up, cus they got poster which tells us dat they prohibited d bringing or consumption of outside food, or there will be a fee of cleaning blah blah. So thanks to dat, i finish my lunch is a most sneakish manner. got everything ready by ur side, the one dats block by u, den look out for any waiter, if there isn't any, eat as much as u can. if there is, put ur hands is d air n wave! so sneakish laa, n i as sitting by d door oso. Jy was eating like nobody's business. so poor me, very tired frm my run, eating wif a sneakish manner n getting myself more tired, but it was fun. hahaaa..

sang n got veri high. drank quite alot of d big cups iced drinks, free flow. its fun! shall go there nxt time instead of kbox. yayee~

n i wan to go hav sleepover at JY hse again!!! its freaking fun, wif d supper time (poor jy) n d maddo time wif our special bonding games. wif d perfect no. of 4! muahahahahaaaa..after O lvls, jy, beware! hahaaa...

i m !(th!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


now i m currently at JY's house having a extremely boring time playing scrabble. cus all of us r taking a very long time to tink of the words. we got plenty of funny words popping out. i shall post the pics taken nxt time. err, yar, nxt time.

now they r trying to spell out DRUGS names. fun! hahaa, or i tink so. having the nite at jy's hse becus tmr got x-country. den faster to go by her hse mah. hahaa. n her parents r too warm-hearted dat makes us feels very xin mao mao. u noe u noe. hahaa.

tmr will hav fun song singing wif laopo, darling n maybe honey. we sing d hse down. yayee. considering d topone one, cus cheaper(?)hehee.

prelims in dunno how many days. I COMPLETED MY E-MATH OTHER SCH PAPER!! yayee~~
so now chioing a mth de, b4 doing physic. i m starting to mug seriously okay..

n i got tons of pics to be sent n uploaded n posted.. DARN. but it realli take alot of time to upload leyy. sianx. sorri honey. let yue a time to go online. hahaa..

Scrabble names is cool. having ur nicky spelled out during d game is even more fun. hahaa. guess ur shld be able to guess wad word came out rite?

okay. shall hav so food now. HUNGRY LIAO> hahaa. love mum for her nuo mi fan. so nice. hahaaa.. n now i shall go disturb honey frm her dozing/ sleep. heheeee...

Friday, August 1, 2008


Plenty of jokes around these days.But i m too lazy to go remember wad jokes i laughed-till-my-stomach-pain are. but they r real funny, n i mean really funny!

yesterday went to JY's hse for dinner after sch. Chatted abt the old days of chalet n camp n laughed at YX fantastic experience of seeking help. Can't believe dat the days had past by for so long. it seems jus like yesterday, becus we can jus remember n laughed tgth at it like it happen yesterday.


i shall be a nice person n try to remember the funny things dat happen alot of days before..

OH! on last Sun(?) went to library wif xiaoxiao n charcoal. had alot of fun after studying playing at the 14th floor. 1st went into d female toilet n cam-whore. xiaoxiao was very high dat day, as seen frm the pics dat we took. had tons of fun, den sneeked into d guys toilet n took ONE pic. only one becus we scared dat some guys will come in n show us his ugly teeth as he gasped for words to say to us. we will definitely faint. den played at the un-moving escalator. u noe, d same old trick of getting on it w/o making it move. now i noe d secret of not making it move. DUN JUMP. JY made an experimental jump n we all went laughing n screaming as the escalator started to move downwards. we r on d down escalator u see. last time we also went screaming (me, yx n hw) becus hw jump. YAYEE!

mon went for movie screening @ THE CATHY. the movie was, well, fair. A documentary of the Long March. den a reporter went back to trace the trails of the red army. quite a long journey. 125,000 km i tink. den one old lady made alot of people laughed by showing how she "duck" her enemy's bullet in a comical way. Den the reporter also shared her private life wif us. for wad reason i dunno. No link too. who wanna noe abt how she had her 1st kiss n sex wif her 1 boyfren, whom is also a taxi driver? lame lah.

den went walk walk wif yx, jy n xh. met gerald n minghui for several times. dine at mac. actually oso nth lor. hahaa

tue n wed no memory.

thu? scroll up.

todae. nth almost. i cleaned my class. not at all shocked at the pile of dirt n rubbish i swept up. class fantastically cleaner. but i tink my class de people will make it dirty on mon, again.

tmr is SAJC open hse. they r toking abt it for like days. tink dat they will go tmr. well, i alrdy had a "assignment" for me tmr. big one too. i tink i will be too dead by the time i m free to do my own things.

yayee. i tink i compensated d long term missing updates wif this post. shld be posting pics when i m free. still own the taiwan trip photos. hehee. waiting for my bro to transfer to me. so wait laa. hahaa..