Friday, June 27, 2008

Todae's FRIDAY!

which is absolutely my fav day of d week!

Face d fact, who dun? imgaine a 2 day fab released frm stress n all d work n d demands frm teachers, n d stuffiness n boredom frm sch.

And so i m rejoicing abt my fav day!


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speaking of fav. i love Mr Yazeed n Mdm Yati. absolutely funny n hilarious. says jokes dat r clear n funny, which is at all not like Mr Soon corny jokes, which is so cold dat u feel like u r in Antarctica.(exaggerated, abit)

so all d jokes kept us awake n makes students listen. How's dat? so teachers, dun go ard saying dat ur job is jus to teach huh. make us alert too hor.

conclusion frm todae's 2 hrs math lesson. by d end of d lesson, everyone was almost dying frm d math formula+exercise+mr so's dronings. so he conclude at d end of d lesson dat we r not suitable for a 2 hr lesson, n he ask for feedback regarding d ways of keeping us awake for d nxt boring topic: geometrical proof.

we suggested sweets. duh. who in d hell would suggest anything else. air-con room? fall asleep even faster. and so a wide range of sweets were thrown out, like war-heads, sour-lemon(i m salivating alrdy) coffee-sweets(eww) lollipops(yx, keep ur cool)etc. n dat d sweets hav to last d class throughout d whole lesson. den he said dat he hav to finish d topics quickly, if not he would go bankrupt frm buying many bags of lollipop for us. haaha.

I m gonna enjoy math now! n i m in love wif FB hopelessly! (GASPS)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I m currently enjoyng using d com wif yx suffering beside me wif her e geo test tmr. yea, i m beside her, at her hse. she is now frantically (actually not quite) trying to make some notes for development, which unfortunately is oso my most hated topic, which explains my presence in front of d com rather den helping her understand. HAHAA!

yesterday went to subway after sch (after poa test) wif hw n jy. walked out of sch(wif many jokes, mainly abt me?) n met mh, sjie, linwei n jx at d bus stop (purely coincidence). board d bus n mh alighted wif us. went to subs, sat down n order food. i shared a foot long large meal wif hw(cus cheaper) so there's a large drink. n mh was like taking 1 straw n dipping it into d drink, hold on n sucked d coke (u noe when u put ur finger over a straw inside a drink? uh huh.) den i was like telling him not to be so gross as he is showing signs of putting dat overly saliva coated straw back into d drink. den he was like:'orh', den change to d other side, dipped in, take out, n sucked. den d 3 of us was like laughing, cus it makes no difference right? he mumbled some reply n den proceed to licked d whole straw.


some more jokes, mostly abt mh being retarded, n abt my limited accuracy genes syndrome. one was dat mh ate my cookie, den put d large cup lid into it to imitate d cookie. i was like saying :' since when subway made its cookie transparent?' he was like nodding away n jy laughing away, as usual.

finished eating n went separated ways wif my" bye blacks n bitch!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

yx can offer to be mediacorps new maddo actress. for her acting standards, ask jy, hw or bryan. i m a all day long victim, so no comment. but i m learning alot frm her to curb her, so dun irritated me. i treat u back in ur own skin. hahaa.

n i feel very much like to post yx present face here. its is quite funny. imagine her face, wif some pouting of lips, a little splashing of her hair in fromt of her face, some 'mad' mumblings frm her, a little singing, n occasional nags abt like how she cares abt all d things abt development, she jus care if she got food to eat den can liao.


n now she cant remember d song she is humming, which is d wedding song? (sonata?) now i feel like saying gdby n leaving her hse. bu i wan torture her by playing games. i m such a nice fren rite?


Saturday, June 21, 2008


proudly presenting the gang pet of d blackpot gang! which consist of me, yx, sjay, dt n hw! muahahaha~!!!
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n todae's madness started at afternoon, when i met yx, xh, sjay n jy playing poker cards on d floor outside d furniture storage rm.

we played blackjack, indiana poker (if i didn't remember wrongly) toa pai ti, n wu gui, while waiting for d sec 3 posting results releasal to start. so we played for quite a long time, joined by tj n dt later.

den went to conference rm n waited outside for d releasal to start ( refused outside by ur-noe-who) chatted for awhile b4 going to ms wan to request for entry. when she heard dat we jus wanna to noe d posting, she simply walked in n showed us d posting results! whee~! nice man! ^.^ we discussed abt d posting n reached some conclusion. -.V

walked out n went to pp. xh didn't joined cus she wanna go tam. jy went to her aunt's hse. hw left us at pp for tuition. so d remaining 4 of us went for lunch at kfc. had abit of comp btwn d 2 slowest eater- guess who. its not me. n surprisingly not sjay. hahaa. i tink dey almost chocked to death.

den went inside pp for d cd store, where d 2 bbt fansi fantasied over their idol. hahaa. den went up to comis connection, where alot of time was WASTED in helping d 2 maddos find their ideal bbt cards. (poker size) spend alot of time. got giddy looking at all d diff idiols n got quite some scares over ghosts.
den went up to timezone, where we strolled the place like we own it liddat, played ard, before settling in front of the candy pushing machine n watched a family spend like 20+ bucks playing dat. after awhile, sjay's hands got itchy n so she bought a card to play d candy game. got quite a scare over dt missing wallet, which tank godness sake was found in kfc. got some ballons frm d ppl there. n started playing d game.

its was veri fun, challenging, n exciting. go to timezone n u shld be able to noe how it works. so we were playing n playing, topping up d card several time. d we were like concentrating on d spinning pile when d whole machine turns dim, which signify dat someone got d jackpot prize. so we were like, ' eh, who ar, who ar?' so when d winnie came tumbling down in front of us, all of us were like, stunned tio. den went ' OO, its US! its US! YAYEE! woowww!!' n everyone ard d machine was like peeking over to check out was happening, so i presume dat we made alot of noises. but its was really unexpected. so we were all veri excited n delighted. imagine d feeling of getting an unexpected prize. see?

we exchange d winnie for our blackpot. got its name by its colour-black, n by d way we got it-jackpot. so blackpot! played for a few more time. but was't as gd as the previous few as we changed sides. hoho. kept on topping up as it was too excited to stopped, a few more for d bob dog sewwt to drop! den dt was like beside saying 'ppl, dun get addicted, lets go!' n he was repeating it. den we was like ignoring him, cus its too fun to stop. played until everyone is broke, so was leaving wif regrets when dt suddenly pop out wif a ten bucks n was saying ' nah, 5 dollars, go!' we all shocked. den all was like telling him ' eh dun laa, 1 dollars laa, no laa, 2 laa. make it 2.' so we got 2 more bucks to play. Saint DT. hahaa.

took some pics n was veri high during d journey. n ppl! nxt time lets jus make our outing random, cus we always get more fun outta it. kay? hahaa.
dt's messy hair
indiana poker.
Head of BARY.

sjay veri serious playing

3 pumpkin playing wif city stuff (hahaa)

Our won goods. blackpot n sweetS!

grp photo wif blackpot alive! (hahaa)

dats all folks!

i reached 100th post~

n i m awake at this present moment. (sound like rubbish, if not awake den sleepwalk meh?)
n i m veri annoyed by this fact. n i wanna go back to dream town n find d lovely n cute zhou gong. but i cant cross d immigration check point. dey say dat its destined for me to be sitting down here n tying all these words u r looking rite now.


(above paragraph is purely for entertainment value. n dun ask stupid qns.)

r u entertained? not really rite. who cares. i m tired, not exactly sleepy, but i m lazy to do proper stuffs. Sat passed by wif me doing like, almost 0 work? cus i dun feel like doing. holi work is such a chore. blehh.

n i hate my biological clock. during sch days i will wake up in d morning feeling absolutely tired n drained like its after a long day. n i hav to force myself up to avoid being late. yet during d hols i wake up in d morning for no watsoever reason n i m wide awake n not veri cheery. n i hav to find things to do to aviod being too bored.


n its like, onli 4+ in d morning? now? when there is like onli 3 ppl online in my contact list? including one who is currently lying on his bed in d living room doodling wif his work?

conclusion: I M BORED~

N hungry.

veri veri hungry. n bored.


who's awake? call d lets chat. hahaa.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

i tink dat my mind celles r all sprialing outta control n dey r probably protesting to their central govt regarding d fact dat they cant get propoer sleep. which results in all d blabber i m tying now.

sdkc vjau l 2j 80f wmrv rjvr n 1lkm cfpo edc rm roicrcm ojimrkv ovv ijnrovn e n1knp1vjv i rvujn rivn[vn neijnv bnj

try deciphering.

aww. stop it. its jus nothing! HAHA.


i tink after this post blogger might jus chase me out of their blogger list. typing nonsensical stuffs pollluting d not-so-pure minds of readers. like my beloved Drugs.

. . . . . . . . . . .

i feel like going to study tmr later. by myself. cus i feel like it. blehh.

yayee. one gd news. i m starting to yawn, which mean i m getting tired. tired enough to get passed d dream town immigration n go squeeze wif d whole lot of ppl there. so fun~

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

kay. lets be serious.

i finished my poa 5 sets of bloody papers! (wif some blanks) OMG~! i m feel so happy wif myself today. but when i realised dat i still got a Amath ex n paper to finish.


my high spirit dropped into d valley..


shucksssssss... feeling low n high now. FREAK~!

i finish (ing) my POA holi hw! 5 sets of paper! whoa! shiok bo! 1st time ley! not rushing holi hw at last days tgth wif all d ironing n blah blah, shuang sia! wahahahaa!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I m such a clever gal! "claps claps" hahaa. figured out how to connect dat stupid cable of d monitor back to d com frm my bro's laptop. hope ur understand wad i toking abt. its takes ppl wif high IQ, hahaa..

n i took d initiative n learned how to change my blog skin! so dat i no need to rely on my laopos anymore. thanks laopos for d past few changing ur help!

n now, for d quiz i own RUILING.

People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 10 2 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. What do you think an ideal best friend should be like?
-- Share my joys, n share wif me their sorrows n sadness.

2. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
-- Have a billion dollars deposited into my bank a/c so dat i can treat my parents to a fabulous meals n shut my dads mouth up.

3. Whose life would you want to take away most?
-- baddies

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
-- refer to qns 3. and oso treat DRUGS! to a nice buffet. too many big appetitie ppl liao.

5. Describe yourself in 3 words.
-- crazy. mad. insane
6.Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
-- love n loved

7. What's the one wish you'll make this very moment?
-- refer to qns 3.

8. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
-- outing wif DRUGS.

9. Do you believe in ghosts?
-- yep.

10. If the person you like secretly is already attached, what would you do?
-- kill both n open champange

11. Would you like to confess to someone you love by yourself, or through your friends?
-- dunno

12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
Dad, Mum, Bro. DRUGS!

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
-- cool. fashionable.

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
-- jus refer to qns 3 n guess.

15. What is the first job you wanna take once you graduate from school?
-- wadever dat offers me d best salary

16. What's one thing you hate most yet you can't change?
-- Sch

17. How would you rate the perfection of your life now? On the scale of 10.
-- 9 without tj. hahaa..jkjk.

18. Among your friends, who do you think is/are the most similar with you?
-- Erm. almost everyone in DRUGS. all mad n insane.

19. What do you think makes you stand out from the others?
-- Me.

20. What do u love abt ur life right now?
-- everything xcept sch n related.

Ppl who r tagged.: Yixin. TanJin (sabo-ing in progress)


today went studying wif Yx, Xh, Hw n Dt. got a call frm Dt at 8.40a.m, asking if i wanna go study. madly prepared, forsake d delicious breakfast mom prepared, n rushed down to NLB. so nice of them. starved through d whole morning wif jus one tiny swiss-roll frm HANS dat cost astronomical. hell to inflation sia. Everything grows xcept pocket $. wth.

den went to Subways for lunch n gossiped abt ***. cant say or i will die. hahaa.. den went back to library. did minisculas bit of work, b4 going down to d central borrowing library to borrow bks. i borrow 7 bks! omg. heavy task to carry back home, n i finish 2 alrdy. =.= played ard fro abit, b4 going separated way for home. me n yx almost missed d bus which took 17 min to reached, bloody long. d electronic arrival board reads 'Arr'. which means arriving. den me n yx stood up, craned out neck for a lonh time, n saw not even a shadow of d bus. den d board reads ' 4 mins'. i almost wanna smashed d board. so we sat down n resumed reading d borrowed bks. after wad seem quite a long time to me, i look up n saw d bus infront of us, wif ppl alrdy boarding it. i gasped n rushed for d bus, calling yx to follow too. (sort of) almost miss man.. den hav to wait fro another bloody 10+ mins.

after a small 'debate' wif yx, i conclude dat for everything u do, u hav a undeniable responsibility. so wen situations rose, u shld oso carry most, if not, part of d blame.

n i decided not to upload d videos after all! shall ask Xiao xiao upload. hahaa. being evil..

tmr i shall sleep to 12, burn my bum b4 waking up for lunch. hope my dreams can come true. but mom says dat they r going to eat Kuay Chap. n i wanna eat. but hav to take bus home myself. so debating d plus n d minus. shld i go?

Thursday, June 12, 2008


unlike yesterday. hahaa. went hewei's hse to play. took a long bus ride n alighted to see 3 idiots covering themselves wif umbrella [it was raining]. like retards leh. den waited for dt. n xh was like pointing to a taxi coming towards our direction n say dat dt is inside. n HE WAS really inside. so funny. went to d playroom to play twister. it was damm funny to see ppl play, but no really fun when u play urself. hahaa. i had wad u call retribution when i played, n was seriously played ard by yx. THANKS HOR. =,=. forfeit came for those who dropped out of twister due to lousy balance or other reasons. paired up n go who went wif who. those who had forfeit were jy, dt, tj n xh. hw n yx were d forfeit thinker. 1st it was bar dance by tj n xh. den cha cha (?) by jy n dt wif demo by tj n hw. den 2nd round of forfeit was to go inside d playhse (inside n playrm) n pretend dat a couple is going to do "dat thing" sneakily, super funny. cus of d effects made. sound effects by d audience. den tj n hw, xh n yx had a go. super funny laa.. luckily there was a odd no., or else i have to do it too..hahaa, yayee~

den when to d playgrd whr we cam-whored for abit. hung upside down on a monkey bar for d 1st time in my life! it was.. well. blood rushing. too giddy for my liking. hahaa. den yx, jy,hw,xh n tj danced stand-still pole dance on d wobbly thing in d playgrd. xh made it into a 'video' go her blog see. chao stupid de. den dt was like standing beside me saying dat it was damm disgusting. hahaa. n i m still d faithful photographer.

went to gym afterwards n played ard. d guys played bowling wif d gals (excluding me, photographing at usual, tj will sure say dat i m not a gal when he saw this, comfirm), which was hilarious. have u ever seen pins dat auto shun or jump over d ball? work out abit, den d guys stayed whiel d gals went back. took a bus trip wif them to bedok before leaving them wif tears~ (tuition for d threesome, but i didnt leave wif tears, i even pei he when yx told me not to fall) took a lonely bus trip home (hope this will make yx guilty). reached home at abt 7, which is like super late. hahaaaas.

which also end a wonderful day. veri wonderful.


Laughing at their own joke..

mine, jy n xh one by hw. Dt one by yx. yx one touched on by dunno who.Tj one suggested by me.

Yx trying to imitate zhen zi...

twist twist..

awww...squeeze twist..

PL, professional lesbian


pi pi xiang jian. yx sure felt veri comfy.hahaa... my art work. ^.^

Quan [jia] fu!

forfeit de video i nxt time upload. if i m free. but worth d wait cus veir funny! hahaaa...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Went study on Sat n Sun. Sat wif Drugs-Rl-Hw. Sun wif Yx n Hw.

Sat- we plan to go airport study. so met at Tanah Merah n took train. took abit of pics. den went to T3, took skytrain to T1. den we discovered dat theres no place to study in T1. so took train to T2, n finally settled down at Macs, which was abt 12+. n we met at 10+ i tink. cool rite. ate lunch b4 starting to study(?)

we did quite abit of work b4 getting restless, which can be shown by us reading, sleeping, doing everything xcept studying. hahaas. den JY called to ask for direction to whr we were, den ask DT to call. he was using d ear-phone to talk, so d mischievous us pluck d ear-phone off while he was still toking to Jy n pass d phone to someone else to tok. dat was veri funny, becus u see Dt toking to "someone" on his ear-phone, he took quite sometime b4 realising why there isn't a reply. n we did it twice. so funny laa..

So we studied n studied wif a bit of slacking, sleeping, comics/story bk reading, playing, photo-taking here n there. but we did study, yes we did. (hohoos)

n they say pics says a thousand words. (videos included?)


Cam-hor at d glamo restrarant (smelt food)
Glimmer of hope...

"squeeze squeeze" emo.

"hello? anyone there?"

Hi to Ronald MacNotice their hands..

this is stupid Tj being lecture by "fierce" Yx.

Kay. now for videos.

having lots of fun...poking Tj.

Being Childish..

being lame.

i got more. but lazy put up. i broke my records of uploading pics liao leh. so many, got videos somemore. den study study till abt 6+ den till we (yx, xh n me, others went off earlier) went home.

den on Sun.

reached d library at 8+. tried out d "we stand, others oso stand" thing. so fun! n its always work. jus wait till abt 8.55+ den u stand wif friends, cus one person isn't enough for d impact. its will work! n u will feel veri impt, cus all d rest r following u. hahaa..

Hw reached at abt 10+ super late. n he still can find seat. so gd! hahaa, we queue for so long.. den study study study till 11+. b4 yx n i went exploring d library. stopped at d 11 floor reference library. waited veri long while d person searched for d 1948 year bk for us. (as yx said dat can find d year bk of all schools, n hav to go request de) n look at all d old students. the 10th batch leh, 60 yrs ago. cool rite? dat batch de students got individual testimonials de. cus onli got one class. so pathetic. den went for lunch at Mos. chatted abt d present sqd of CLs. alot to tok abt. n oso other "confidential" things, hahaa.

went back to library, me wif hw, yx gone to do some private things. (veri funni de). packed up cus all restless n dun feel like studying anymore. at 1st wanna go hw hse, but his veri cute mother dun allow. so we went to subway(at hw suggestion) n shared a bulk of cookies. awww..(space for imagination n drooling) both of them discussed abt something while i played games. chao sianx.*(for me) wif a little bimbo-ing imbetween.
so much fun studying.

videos for bimbos (strictly)

still got some more as usual. but the last one took a darn long time to upload. so i sianx liao. hahahaa.. nxt time maybe interested can come my hse watch. ^.^

todae went to Toa Payoh wif mum. borrow bks n all sorts, but the Koi Cafe 's bubble milk tea is almost like taiwan's one! OMG~~!!. so huai nian. hahaa. bought d small one, $1.90! walao, damm ex, tw one onli $3o taiwan dollar, which is abt SD$1.50, big cup one somemore. hahaas. but i will still but, cus simply too nice liao laa..den d purchase method is also similiar, o.O.

whee~! n subway cookie is simply too delicious for any words!


Battle of d Bimbos!

presenting.. Competitor No. 1-TJ! wif his/her? beautiful posture..

n Competitor No. 2-HW! wif his/her? dazzling smile

Friday, June 6, 2008

Special Post regarding POP. well, not exactly, but related to NP.


Whom i tank:

JiaMin: for ur "sneak smile" dat brighten up things becus we like to joke abt it. but u really set a cool example for us to learn, n which earn my respect. n also for ur non-biasness. dat is a great help for us.

Harry: for ur "utterly disappointed" . sort of strike up my determination to do better, so dat things dat i do wont be a failure anymore. though i scold rather alot after dat incident, but after all, its only my 2nd time (can be said as 1st cus ist one receives no comment regarding d proposal) doing an major event? hahaa..

and also for ur non-biasness, and oh yar! who can forget ur- i didn't take d key! (innocent expression) ^.^

Whom i wanna scold:

HuiJie: for almost everything. starting from d recruitment drive. something i wont n cant forget. U allowed d sec 3s to go off for a "milo break" in d midst of the drive. WOW. fine, i wont mind if its during extra time, no ppl r walking ard, there's nth to do, and all cadets are allowed to go have "milo break". but u did it when d time for my programme is cut in, n i m madly going ard trying to get things ready n gd. n onli sec 3s r allowed to go for dat stupid "milo break", carried to d booth by d NCOs some more. sec 3s veri "da pai" issit? why onli sec 3s allowed? so d sec 2s r supposed to stand like idiots down there under d hot sun, be a roasted chicken n watch d sec 3s enjoyed cool refreshing iced milo? wah~! not even any of d NCOs r given d privilege to drink d milo. so wad did d sec 3s do to enjoy dat? drilled like hrs under d sun? so veri tired? PLEASSE!its start of the event okay? r they elderly? older den us issit? 80+? cant stand for long? will faint ar? den wad r we? all humans rite? all cadets rite? so why dun i see u coming to us telling us to get a break? n u did it w/o telling me too! HELLO! i m d OIC leh, so wad if u r a officer? i m d temp in charge n i hav to over see dat everything goes smoothly. so at least for dat moment i m d biggest. at least inform me n ask rite? n u jus did it. so dat meants dat in d future d CLs can do wadever they wan w/o telling d officers lah. u did it mah, so we can do too rite?

nxt. coporal promotion. u jolly well noe wad gd deed u did. so cool sia. 1st time i heard of it leh. their standard is so freaking gd dat "dat thing" is allowed. so wad for for the test? jus go up n tell them dat they r all getting d freaking [P]! so why do u need d testers to stand under d sun d get sun burnt? whad for for d standing when i can sit in shade n enjoy my life? wad for do i need to shout n squeeze my brain juices for d marks? wad for standing there in d stuffy uniform n be disgust by d low standard drilling? wad for? is there any purpose? wad for for d testing head to prepare d proposal? wad for for the officers in charge to review it? wad for for everyone to be busy n prepare for the event? for fun ar? we free ar? nothing to do ar? we like it ar? so u gd lor. one speech of supposedly not longer den one paragraph and poof~, all our hard work down d drain. fantastic.

if u notice. urs d longest.

JunYi: "most not bias" de. so "fair" n "just". fav nco huh?

Hong Kai: too many to list out. n lazy to tink. will burst blood vessels. for example, refer to labels: darn U


whuee.. felt so much better. n by d way, u officers r too optimistic liao. n dats partly of wad cause our sqd to drop to a standard lower to wad we r when we r cadets.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Gosh. i break a straight record for sleeping past midnite for 2 days. New record for me!

yesterday was so tired dat the supposedly emo post was cut veri short. but i m too lazy to do anything abt it oso, hahaa.

todae went into mad mode wif d DRUGS! -Detian +Sijia. went to PP to shop for "ahem ahem" before going to Macs for a ice cream break. Hw left for his tuition after dat, pity. den we went to d playgrd near MP library n play! Gerald joined us shrtly(he was invited) n they (tj,xh,jy,dog) played wif d wheel cart thingy on d pull up bar. gerald's one is super funny. in one of d videos recorded u can see him in a half cart wheel n he can complete it, den he is stuck there, n needs help fmr others to complete his wheel. super funny. den another is he tried to follow Tj into climbing up onto d monkey bar frm d grd, Tj did it w/o much difficulty (monkey genes) but gerald's one r totally retard. but lets make it insiders. hahaa.

den we made another video wif a similar plot to d one we made before, but wif new storyline n cast. I was as usual, d camera man, n bad guys by d girls, gd guys by d boys, victim change to yixin. but this time is wasn't as funny as there were less impromptu n more planning. but we got a new sound effect, "bang!". super realistic. it was veri useful, but d best filming grd is still Sijia's condo de playgrd. Wait for more production frm us kay? hahaa.

den went home at abt 6+. boarded 31 n sat down comfortably wif d Strong air-con. but this old guy who sat down opposite us interrupted us by striking up a conversation, n d 2 of us r jus to polite to ignore him. but his language..u will die frm vomiting jus hearing it. it has a thick malay accent (he was a malay by looks) n wasn't veri clear. so we were straining our ears jus to hear clearly wad he was saying. we gave up n tried to discouraged him by pretence to look at d videos we recorded, but he jus dun take it. we gave up n alighted at d kong hua bus stop. n jus when we thought we were fine frm future havoc..

this old Chinese ah pek in d bus 26 was jus, pervert? at d middle of d route when d bus was filled, he took out his phone n started pointing d camera at a weird angle, like he is filming smth, n yx saw dat he is watching sexy pics of grls when we boarded d bus. so i was like trying to block his camera frm shooting goodness-noes-whr by pretending to filp through yx math bk ( she was sitting opp me). hope we were mistaken n he is normal. but he changed his seat twice. kay, imagine, d SBS bus wif d seats opp each other? name it A,B,C n D. d ah pek was at 1st at position A, but den 2 passenger at C n D stood up n left, n before i could "chop" d seat for d two of us, he change frm A to C. which is diagonal. so me n yixin sat opp to each other, which is A n D, nxt to d common pathway of d bus. imagine hor. den when we alighted, he changed frm C to B. n he even fan himself to "tell" us dat he change becus it was hot. bullshit. d bus was filled pls, stupid old pervert.


so yx n i had a veri "pleasant" bus ride home. totally "enjoyed" it.

Oh, n happy fifth birthday wish to detian. getting abit sick of wishing him liao, hahaa..

Sunday, June 1, 2008

POP was yesterday. wanna to blog but bro hogged the table. no choice.

saw yixin's post jus now (i onli got to use d com till den) n found out n i dun hav any vivid memories of my cadets life, n i sort of regret. i onli hav flashes of those dat r heart-binding, like the punishment donglin gave us- making us shout to him frm d netball count while he stood infront of the 32 classrm block. like d 4 games we played during our NCO course.

But my NCO life, i can remember clearly, maybe becus most of d time all of us r coping wif d changes, d diffierent responsibilties, n oso d leaving of our sqdmates heart. we were once so bonded. n i thought it will never change.

As a publication head, i can jolly confessed dat i did not do alot, but i tried my best. the notice board was plainly decorated for both times. but d 2nd time was hard work frm mr n vanessa, whom i tank alot. she was a great deputy, n did her best. THANKS VANESSA! Jobs in d publication department wasn't alot, but all were in relatance to d unit, like d notice board, d display unit for recruitment drive n open hse, d sch magazine article+design, so on n so for. n i crossed my heart dat i did my best in all, so though disappointing, i hav no regrets.

For open hse, i thank d ppl dat came back to help in d structure, ppl like JiaYing, who was d IC, n all d rest who came to help out. for dat, i owe ur a big THANKS! thanks to d rest of d ppl who did not came to help but gave in assistance during d open hse, n especially d fancy drill team. d performance was great. so for dat i thank all of ur.

For recruitment drive, thanks to d ppl who help out in d mini campsite. ppl like Tan Jin, IC. n d rest. though it wasn't veri complete, i thanks ur. n for d rest, thanks for d great help during the drive. like d sqd ICs, who drilled d cadets under d scorching sun, as well as d booth ICs. Thanks to tanjin n sijie who contributed to the flyer dat was not used, thanks to ruiling for d banner design which was rejected, thanks to d girls for d support ur gave, i m veri grateful for dat. d recruitment drive would hav never been completed w/o d cooperation given to me, n for dat i thank all of ur again.

i would oso say sorri to those whom i shouted n screamed at during d event, though under immerse stress n pressure, i still hav no rights to vent them on ur. SORRY.

POP 2008.

we throw our beret up in d celling. sorri hw n jy. HAHA.we laugh n laugh at the powerpoint slides tj n sj made. vanessa video oso bring back alot of memories. we showed off to jy by standing in open field w/o beret.d guys tried to play soccer in full u. we played sparklers by the canal, setting off alot os smoke. we reserved a corner of pasta mania for the ppl eating dinner. we mixed a gross mixture for our game. we trick lam yarn ma'am by lossening d cheese bottle cover. we alot of grp photos. we "protected" lam yarn ma'am.

all beautiful memories.

Before parade..
After parade...

with our certs n all...

Before performance n slides...

Reception... yum seng!

Dinner @ pastamania. we rule n queue!

posing @ pasta mania.

grp photo @ porch, kallang leisure park.

grp photo 2

grp photo 3


YiXin- thanks for all d tests u made, i wont forget d coporal test. sux HIM. n thanks for d sample proposal!

RuiLing- thanks for d great admin work. praised by wan sia.

JiaYing-thanks for providing d charcoal for unit bbq. it was super useful.

XiaoHui-thanks for suaning me tgth wif ur dear. thansk alot. n for the warm glow frm d ineer u

SiJia- thanks for being such a great vice! keeping us in check, managing d unit. n all.

Vanessa- thanks for being such a great deputy to me. picture management was great!

YunTing- thanks for the coconut juice. hahaaa..

HuiYing- thanks for taking all d picture n being such a lagging entertainment.

HeWei-thanks for all d bimbo conver, it was super hilarious.

TanJin- thanks for suan-ing me till d end of d world. i wont forget it.

DeTian-thanks for being such a gd fashion example- NSB!!

Nevin-thanks for all d funny butt squeezing events! i enjoyed all!

ShiRong-thanks for the 8.0 earthquake in China. but dun do it in Singapore okay?

JinXue- thanks for d lameness n no link talks. paisei for d sleeps during nitewalk!

Gerald-thanks for the barking n woofing of d sqd. u will always be our sqd "pet". but d recent change sent shivers to us.

CheePeng-thanks for being sucha great log deputy, setttling d problems we had. unlike someone huh..

Bryan- CBOC! thanks for the laughter provided at ur new hairstyle. sorii for it! hahaa..

Alvin- thanks for always supporting tj in his campaign.

Edwin-thankd for looking after d bunk for us n keeping d valuables safe.

Delvis-thanks for all d gayness which provided entertainemnt.

SiJie-thanks for being .. so quiet? speak up more often pls.

MingHui- thanks for d madness n laughters. pity u didnt get a better post.


short short ones cus i veri tired. fingers pain liao oso. but I LOVE U GUYS! NCO SQD 07-08 FOREVER!