Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Back frm incubation period!

exams syndrome!

+ when u see a person clutching his/her head while walking n holding a piece of paper
+ when the sch is suddenly filled wif tons of [studious ppl]
+ when every min is treasured for revision
+ when u tink of tmr n sigh...
+ when u tink of holz n drool..
+ when u see maddos muttering to his/herself while on the bus/car/road


1st paper- eng was..well, its ENGLISH for god sake. wad can i say?
2nd paper- chi was..well, its CHINESE for god sake, higher some more, make me hungry some more
3rd paper- math. well, its relatively... how do u say it w/o being too haughty?
4th paper- SS. well, jus non sensical words. wad more do u expect?
5th paper- Chem. chemical explodes...
6th paper- POA. business went burst..
7th paper- Geo. get a job, go for a holiday, den come back n work again..
8th paper- math. a pile of rubbish. { use u commom sense! }


yesterday went for B&J free cone day wif yx, jy n xh. the queue was loonnnnggg. but relatively fast. the staff was cool. the ice-cream was.. fantastic.i chose choco therapy. it was choco ice wif brownie inside. heavenly!

now i m a fan of B&J. no more subs. hahaa..

addi math on fri. i m going to buy a set of coffin later. anybody wan one?

so be shocked when new post comes in after fri.

its my spirit~~~~

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

yesterday went movie viewing with darlz. watched run papa run. a one sentence conclusion- darn funny, quite touchin. wanna noe more? go watch urself lor.

den yx got scared by the teddy-in-blood which was part of the effect for the horror movie [hanstel and gretel] spelling wrong i tink, but nvm. we were walking past the signboard wif d teddy attached, den jy pointed to it. yx was walking jus beside it, and it is like waist lvl, so yx looked, den screamed.


we laughed all d way down to the 1st lvl. super funny.

todae went to look for Mr Gan again. he is officially in my fav teachers list liao.. hahaa.

gonna to go out of the electronic world liao. hav to study.hahaa. i m veri hard working compared to d past these days.

n i will continnue to be. hav fun, n study while i hav fun.



Friday, April 18, 2008


i saw and received so many very gd comments abt our veri own 4CR haunted house!


felt proud especially when u r part of it.

now that its over. i realised that actually i enjoyed every minute of it. regardless of the people who splashed icy cold water on us over our hard work, there r still some who show their support by screaming trufully. for those who sees it as a joke, i will jus say-thanks for queueing and f*** off.

who bother queuing if u jus wanna come in n insult others?

i heard frm my frens that they queue for like, 1 hr+? if i didnt remember wrongly. and its like it show how successful we r? we operating past closing time n all d crew cheered when d last customer left. that show how tired we r. its not easy being a ghost okay? so i say- for the bastards n bitches who came in n scream jus for d fun of it, or walked in n out smoothly n say {boring~}. u will get it back in d later part of ur life.

i loved our banner n hse rules!

this shld be my final thought regarding Bazzar bah..

tested on 5 items todae. incline was quite a breeze. arm ache later. but i totally sux in shutter run. its like, a D? hahaa. den sit up i cheated quite abit, cus hands wasnt behind ears, but no big deal. my jump was like, a C. damm. but nvm, my forte is not in dat, hahaa. den sit n reach i tried n tried, finally reaching on 48. A~!! in total i got 3A, 1B,1C.1D. nice rite? hahaa.

den Mr Soon is a real angel! he came in during d last lesson, sat down n crap abit. his final intention was actually to let us off early. but...secret. hahaa. n Mr Yazeed coming back. i supposed it will mean more strict SS lesson? cus Mr Soon always crap one..hahaa~

revision revision revision~

Mr Gan is funny n blur! hahaa. d 3 of us went to look for our physic teachers, but yx one was busy, so she joined us. den Mr Gan sort of breeze through all of d tested topics, explaining the main concepts. THANKS! hahaa. nxt time need go find my chem teacher liao. careful teachers! i m coming to irritate ur liao..muahahahaahaa!~

shucks! look at d time! gotta go~


Monday, April 14, 2008


wads d last date since i blogged?? hahaa..abit long hor..paisei. but my com tio virus den hav to wait for bro to fixed n blah blah blah..

let me see..

okay.1st-CC Comp

morning- went to sch for short training. den changed b4 going to HTA. assemble at the hall. chatted abit b4 our slot came. when d hron sounded i was veri nervous. but overall was not bad. though falg didnt went up, den i teared abit. hahaa, but complimented by judge, so afterward damm happi.

after comp went to mac. ms k treated d team to ice cream! i had mc-flurry. super nice. den had lunch at a small eatery b4 going home.

2nd- Annual Camp.

1st day. after releasal, went out to buy things wif xh n jy. came back. rushed out d treasure hunt thing. meeting wif officers. packed up n standardised n 1st aid box. cadets fall in. check bags. flag raising. shout shout here n there. pump for cadets bunk all d thing. den cheering comp. dinner. treasure hunt- delayed abit due to something i m still veri mad abt. after game, sleep time. debrief. long n draggy. slept quite abit.

2nd day-5km run. i medic so on bike. cycle to n fro during d route. tiring but fun. breakfast at ECP. bike back wif remaining stuff wif xh n van. slack abit in bunk. den pionnering comp. had abit of flag snatching. hepled yx, rl n tj wif their station. laughed at the actions we made d grps do. dat was d fun part. den after station games, had dinner. was wif cadets supervising. den nitewalk. in music rm. cadets hav to go inside blindfolded, sit down n sing " d more we get tgth" in chi version. it was creepy. hahaaa. i was scaring them wif the music we recorded. but overall it was fun. i slept quite abit. sorri to JX. he had to manage d station by himself. hahaa..after nitewalk, went back to bunk. slept. super tired

3rd day- PT, as usual. den breakfast for cadets. i onli ate abit of chips. hahaa.. den clean up. my grp did wad i consider to be quite easy. jus sweeping n mopping n moving tables n chairs. the gross factor rm was d toughest.poor them. but they did it veri well. gd job! after cleaning up, prize presentation. den HSH.

we went kfc to lunch. met d sec1s, 2s n 3s there. like unit gathering liddat. devoured the food like hungry ghost. mad ard abit wif the guys who came in later.den went home. hahaa.

3rd-2.4km run

my timing was 14.36min. not bad. a B. i like my result. dt ran like 10+. jx abit faster den him. rl ran wif us n her frenz too. so for her abit like 2.4. hahaa.

4th- Bazzar~

hunted hse was over-whelming. i mean d response. opening time is 10. but alrdy a queue at 9+ near 10. slogged timm 12am b4 closed for lunch. appx 1.30 open again, though d sign we put said dat we will be back at 1pm. hahaa. ps. den at 1+ alrdy got a long queue. when we open the queue was liek 70+ ppl long. maddo. growl n scared quite alot of ppl. f*** to d bitch who said it was boring. ur d***ing thing was veri lousy oso wad. loser. jealous dat we got a better business den ur rite. i bet ur inside is shaking like jelli-O. after a long tiring day, we operated past closing time, we rested abit-alll of us cheered when d last customer left.hahaa. cleaned up. i hav to say dat u bunch of ppl sux like dunno wad. outsiders worked harder den ur. n they dun even belonged. they could hav jus sit outside n idle. ur? sit down there like empress n princess liddat.wad u expect? ppl still hav to served tea n cakes issit? f*** ur ass off laa. still say dat ur tired. lets compared shall we? u sure lose. d more tired ppl slogged n help clean up. u ppl who r not as tired sit down there n whine. when dun u go to d palace n ask if they can keep u? bitches n sluts. doing nth but mouth work.

Horray for 4CR 08s hunted house! hahaa.

den yesterday study grp. DRUGS! hahaa..evolved to C3H8 liao.. Subway rox! so nice sia. hahaa.. den dt is a black hole. one second ago he finished a footlong sandwich, and 3 cookie. second later he ask- when r we going for lunch? all of us stared. hahaa.

den JOI rox. who got her latest album? can lend me?

hehees. XD