Monday, July 30, 2007

arhhh!! going to be driven mad by those stupid insects bites!!!man...its like so itchy..then cant went to see a doc n he gave a hell lots of antibiotics, cream for the bites...then say wad latest 1 week then will look like a person carrying some deadly, infectious a freak...but i strongly recommend ppl who hav lots of bites too to see a doc too..better safe than sorri..

then..realli happi todae cus i heard things dat realli made me feel dat these ppl r d best friend u can ever hav in d world...n i will not regret...never man...haha..[sobsob]

tanks 4 frenship n support ur gave..

Sunday, July 29, 2007

okay..i m back frm ATC!! was like..omg...sandflies, ants, n mosquitoes...nth else..haha..i m like kenna some disease liddat..whole hand till elbow is covered by bites frm dunno wad insects..its really gross..veri..i dun even noe y i got so much when alot of others dun even hav more then 10...sijia hav like 110 bites altogether?? i sure hav more then her...cus my hand n ankle area is all patronized by those friendly insects who came all the way especially to give me a sovenier..thanks man..i dun even noe when it will go

k..for was not really much of a diff frm last yr..abit slack...haha..but i hate insects...nth mush to talk abt..i dun even hav veri deep impression abt ATC...haha..=p soo bad of me..but i remember the cleaning up...we n grp 4 was like kneeling on d grd, each holding a rag n pushing all the way frm 1 end to those old fashioned days whr there was no mop so u hav to use hands n knee..damm painful...dun even try it...

but for the campfire which we, d campfire committee hav painstakingly, in my opinion, quite a success...n oh...THANK U PPL FRM CCHMS NPCC NCO SQD 2007-8. I LOVE UR!!! ur were d greatest.. lets start frm the mock was totally chaos at d start...i was sitting veri i was veri irritated by the committee dun care attitude...they were like laughing away at everything in d expected..the rest were not serious...thus the sec 3s were like no disipline...talking..laughing..till i raised my voice n told them wad to do did they quieten down abit...but i was still feeling veri stressed up as some were not cooperative..damm them..i was like forcing myself to cool down to prevent myself screaming at them...they r same generation..i onli hav abit more authority,to tell them to follow certain orders.. so it was no better till the cchsm ppl came frm fancy..they were totally supportive...which was wad i needed...they were loud...which help me..i was coughing frm d previous shouting..when we reached one song..i cant remember which..they were so in lead dat i was veri touch..i almost cried out...then i tink it was really them which made the mock campfire not so a disaster...if them had not will hav been a total disaster...while for campfire...i was one of the songs leaders.. leading..shouting too...cus d others either dunno d songs or r just simply tooo soft to be heard..the cchms ppl was as wonderful as usual..they were leading n echoing together...they were d loudest..i was soo happi dat for 1 performance..when d song leaders went to 1 side..i went up to them..sat beside them n said..i love ur so..they were really wonderful...but i was gd too..for a few songs whr ppl dunno the lyrics..i knew it! n i lead...shouting to make the whole site able to hear me...yeah!!

but d best part of this camp is the reach home part...when i bathed...i felt dat i hav been cleanse..totally feel so gd...but the bites were itching..veri irritating...veri gross too...i m now veri tired..i wanna jus go bed..which i tink wad i will do immediately after this...haha...zzzz

so long then..haha..

i simply loved ur so.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

yesterday went to sch for the atc campfire was like..omigosh..we taught alot of the songss..puking blood on most of the songs dat hav hand actions...cus the guys r realli weak in this...last meeting we taught them the action alrdy..then it was like d gals caught it up pretty quick..those who dunno..i mean..then the guys were like either they can do cant sing or they cant do can 2 words...cant coordinate..then the most diffcult song of all was the by d blazing camper has a very funny tune..n was very diffcult to catch we were like dunno wad to do lor..haha..but it was solved la...lazy say...nth much anyway..

then...i went to the fancy ppl was quite scary when i got there..cus someone was like black face then it was quite kong bu to sit beside him la...haha...then i shall not go further..lazy...after training..they went to play soccer/volleyball, rl n pamala was in the nco rm doing silly stuff...the 2 of them 1st stack some batt to fomed a tower..then used thumbtack to formed some patterns...for pics, go to rl bog..then it was fun keep on drop..then they did, then drop...pamala was very funny..

then todae went studying wif yx...then we went buy thing for ____ ___ ____ ________...we was like last min decide to but then we were in the toilet..afraid dat we dun hav enough $$, we were like digging out wallet for the $$ lor..____ ___ ____.. u better treasured the things we give okay..then we like sooo poor after buying the things...

k la..ver rush cus wanna sleep liao..nxt ime then detailed..

are there stars in the skies? if there is..y cnt i see?

Friday, July 20, 2007

o.O todae was d 1st day i offically had my activity..[last week went out buy things..]then..onli one word to describe it....TIRING!! cus i was like running up n down to look for miss wan, invite her for parade..blah blah blah...then th best part was dat i ran my trial 2.4 dat!

but i quite glad at least i hav smth to do la...xh was like doing her sch stuff...i dunno wad i m going to do nxt dosen seems real dat i m now a nco..then i m like so used to being a cadet dat i feel strange being a nco..walao..

for todays act.well..we had our parade..then i was busy doing stuffs..then when it was rt..i was like..OMG!!i haven learnt d song frm sir yet..this n dat..haha...a bit flustered..but iverall was gd...n the sec 2 sqd was funny in d sense dat they keep tuning off when singing ''i ask my love''...sijia was like laughing like a lunatic la...then i had to calm her down to prevent her frm going crazy..then sijie was saying i dunno i dunno for almost every song we funny...though they were abit soft..but overall is quite gd as they were responsive n a bit bian tai too..when we were singing if i were then the occupation was vampire then vampire suck wad..then they were like laughing our midset when we were still cadet...sure be gd nco in d future...

so...i tink i will be busy wif dunno wad things bah...sian...rl got alot of thigs to do..admin is very busy de...then publication is jus these few things..sianx...haix..

lovely day..lovely i see d stars tonight..

Wednesday, July 18, 2007 my new blog skin nicer??haha..i still cant change the template of my just had to choose frm wad they give..i tink i will preserve wif this bah..haha..

yesterday n today was the fancy training of the formation..n they had plenty of fun through..for yesterday, the best part for me was dat i had to watch meself trapped in d 2nd storey by the i was maning the radio mah...the rest of d heartless bunch of them were like laughing away la...somemore still say ''nice one..'' wth..but of cus i got down, through the fire exit, nearest way...

then after training, we played volleyball!! was like till dat time did i realized how fun volleyball can get...haha..we were like laughing away at how ppl catch ball d funny way, or d funny way they throw baLL...I was laughed at the most la..due to some stupid tinking..n poor coordination..then sijia was like laughing d hardest...then she started copying my action..laughing at herself..idiot..but it was fun..

then today was d same...nth happen much during fancy..except dat some of them were lagging[tanks to me??]n some were simply too buttered hand to hold the dummy properly...haha...but it was the funniest for me to see sijia n mh shaking their butt during one of the formation...imagine..everyone standing still, then when u sweep ur eyes along them..u see 2 butts waving left n right tgth...funny rite??hahaha..

after training, we played usual..wif pamela yesterday...then everyone was laughing hard at ppl shiok way of catching usual..most of it at my lagginess...[sigh..]at interval.. volleyball change into dodge ball, pass it alog it was lame n funny...

when we were out at lucky bread, i took pamela's wallet n xh took her ezlink out..HAHAHA~but we hav seen it it wasn't so funny ler...then we went ard hiding it.. so fun..i was like playing wif her like fun..haha..

weird..i seems more daring dun tell u..its private..hehe..

y dun u jus wear some skimpy clothes n go to geylang to sell ur body??ur no diff frm a prositute..dun u noe dat ur action r so irritating n gross dat i wish to slap u in d face??its so shameless..ohh..i forgot u dun hav 1..rite??do u hav any sense of shame at all?? i presume not..u said u hav tried changed...yeah..frm bad to worse. can u like for d rest of ur life look in d mirror n reflect..dun tink dat ur a chio person..nt insulting..but u haven reached dat stage yet..u r onli average okay??being in close body contact wif a guy so easily n shameless can u get??n its not d 1st time somemore...WTH...hav some sense.. even if ur not popular dosen mean u hav to be so low down to be popular n be close wif guys..every gal hav her own charm..ur ways r so insulting so us gals..apparently telling u in ur face ur prob dosen i tink insulting will not work either as the depth of ur skin mus be thicker then going ard the world a few million time..pls..changed ur ways or i swear dat u will jus get frm a miss little known to no one bother okay??a very gentlr reminder jus for U.

Monday, July 16, 2007 was our GCE O-level Chinese listening was... chicken feet! as said by rl...haha..i quite agree too..[dun say until too clever or else later fail then siao siao..]as i got 4+ ppl having same ans as me...haha! yeah! =p

then i thought the exam will be played by disc or wadsoever, but it was broadcast through a radio station! meaning dat d whole of sg can here the exam lor! ..., it was like so lame la..then we was told to settle at 2pm, then the teacher came at 2.15+, then when the papers were given out n everything okay liao, i thought it will start, who noe the teacher say:'' okay, now ur can rest for awhile as the exam starts at 3pm, but no talking is allowed as ur r alrdy in d exam hall''..WTH!!!3pm starts then 2pm ask us go d exam classrm liao, Wth la..freaking idiotic man..

then d exam i thought will be tough...but i feel, not being hao lian or wad, its like for pri kids la...lame qns, some quite tricky,but overall is couted easy la..hehe..

Friday, July 13, 2007

today was the games day of npcc cchms..but i, as a member of the unit..didn't go.. due to the Financial Literacy Carnival hosted by our was quite there were quite alot of activities..

Firstly,we went to the hall for the Praxis board game.. about managing ur finance, nice game.. one of my fav..then we went for tea-break after the game..then we went to the com lab for the computer game- voyage of life, which was really abt investment n cpf, it was quite nice too, i was a competent, as i scored 100000<, n was the highest for my grp... pro huh?

followed was the not so amazing amazing race, the stations were gd, not fabulous,n on our way there, we met the nps going to dismiss, n the rest of they were like exclaiming,''so cute!'' i was like wondering-- wads so cute abt it?? n wondered if other ppl commented on us liddat when we were still cadet..

there were 4 stations,1st one being shopamania..n the situation we picked was dat imagine u r a npcc senior cadet, n bringing ur juniors to pula ubin, i was like.. haha, so easy...n of cus, passed the station easily, n got the kit kat goodie... the nxt station was abt calculating, not much to say, 3rd station was pair'em up!, which wa abt memories pics at diff position, then need to answer qns to uncover the pics to get marks, we scored straight, n was fast.. cool! then the last station was abt crossword puzzle, we managed to do quite a few, but not completing any...haha.. then, we were like groaning all the way back to LT1 for the prize presentation, which was dull, partly becus we didn't get any prize..haha.. sour grapes..

after d whole thing end..i went to look for d others.. but was classified ''missing'' as i cant find them.. so i took the bus hm after unsuccessfully calling yx who didn't picked up..wonderfully for me, i missed d stop i was supposed to stop at, n alighted at the stop to the way to beach rd market, while i was at the bus stop waiting for my bus..i looked at my pri sch n thought abt alot of things..alot of things dat frequently went through my mind whenever i passed by my pri sch..then i reached a conclusion--i miss my pri sch.. surprisingly, yes..i do.. the gal who once said at her pri sch dat she hate this sch n wanna to graduate n leave this sch as soon as possible says dat she miss it now.. sigh.. wonderful man..

i found out dat i tink alot.. abt my life.. my everything..but dat tinking dosen't come in exam.. wow..fantacstic..

sometimes i wonder... wad will i be when i grow up..who will i meet.. what will happen to me..alot alot of things..n i m afraid of it..

Sunday, July 8, 2007

yesterday sijia hurt her arm during smth..n those at the scene of incident was shocked n caring n lucky bread..all was nice..except for me..a little grouchy...for no reason..haha..forgive me..for those whom i put my attitude at u.. ;p

anyway for more things..check out her blog..i lazy type..

n...yesterday was the speech day of CCHS..both the main n yishun ppl came...n the selected ppl frm both main n yishun npcc were in the GOH...haha..nice experience..drilling with the real was lighter than i was happy..haha..the standing parade wasn't very long too...the MP was quite on time i tink..hmm..hope i can get my photo of me in my no.1 u n m16 rifle..haha..i tink i look smart..haha..

n...on last n ruiling went to the beach rd market to but gloves for the GOH contigent...n was madden by the rude n stupid n idiotic shop keepers there..say what..cannot try..later dirty..stupid..dun try how i noe will fit anot?? jus putting it on my hand to see is not as effective lehh...then when i, irritated by her nagging..pull away the gloves..n was walking away..she was still nagging at what..i shldn't hav put on the gloves la..say no need to put la... she was jus nagging all the way while i hav alrdy left...WTH!?!?

the we went to another shop which rl says they frequently patronized..the uncle there keep saying nvm la..can de la...standardized de prob de la...fuck..not he responsible anyhow say.. later we kenna scolded than how?? go back scold him n destroyed his shop meh.. idiotic..

bu then, we were like fuming alrdy la..then we went back straight to the 1st shop we visited...whose auntie was very nice...she recomended us other shops when we felt that the golves she had is not right..very nice we bought our thing frm her..n smth else frm her fren i tink...n some other thing frm other shops..then we 2 were scolding the idiotic granny n uncle when we went back sch..stupid..

wondering--> what m i doing?? (totally no link to above..jus a sudden pop up..)

feeling moody

Monday, July 2, 2007

damm..the end of our 'very' long is coming to an end n i still haven got rid of all my hw yet...wth..sijia's way of not doing hw cant be used lor...hai wo..

then.. some more most of the hw had to be handed in tmr... but yet stilll no mood to do it...


Sunday, July 1, 2007


hmm..a change of colour is so nice..haiz..i got my posting a slacking job..i tink so la..though the sirs, ma'am n nco says no job is slacking..haha..lets wait n see the results lor..hehe..

kay,, my job is publication head..haha..i tink i will onli be busy during recruitment drive can..but the bright side-i can do my hw while the others stand in the hot sun to drill their cadets..hahahah!!~i enjoy d cooloing wind of the fan while they received the warmth of the sun...n sweat.. hahahah!!!~ the thought of that made me so happy..yo!

kay la...though i secretly wish for a squad taking,but nvm..cus no matter wad..i m still a head of smth..still better than those who had a job of member of testing.. not being scarstic though..

YEAH!!~ tanjin got chairman n sijia got vice!! i m like clapping n cheering like siao when it was announce...they got the potential la.. n both are probably the nicest people in the world la..haha...that made me sooo happy..

so now-- banana rules..hahah..