Saturday, December 29, 2007

Merry late christmas!


todae was the last day of my work..officially ended my working era..n i onli earn like 500+?? yx got alot more than me...woots..mus give treat hor....haha..

was abit sad leaving d job..1stly becus its a easy paying job...who gets $$ while sleeping/playing bingo/reading bks/doing crafts/chatting? i bet u cant get this kinda job easily lor...

i love the auntie man...she is like damm nice lor...we slack she wont scold de..den if we calculate wrongly or wad she oso wont scold...den she even offered to give us the pen we hav been wanting to buy for free..for helping her out...but its like we got paid for it? damm nice lor...

sch starting soon... veri sianz cus i got like a big pile of hw stack on my table untouched..damm great lar...stupid...den still got like the recruitment drive to be busy abt..super rush..argghh!

i hate new sch term.
cus i hav alot of undone work

i hate being a Sec 4
cus it seems so old..

i hate having a same geo teacher
cus she realli sux

i hate to tink of O lvl
its so stressful

wadda blissful year ahead.

can we turn d time ard??

Monday, December 24, 2007

kays! i back! wahahahaha...frm a [superb] trip...cus i dun even hav d feeling dat i went for a sianx lor..

1st day.

took the plane to taiwan taoyuan international airport. reach at abt 7+? then met the guide n took the bus to our 1st hotel..which has a incredibly low celling..guess who suffered? tall tall brother...the celling reach his head nicely..anymore lower he will hav to bend his head n walk liao...haha..but d hotel was lousy.. bed was was small dat u can reach for almost everything n stay in ur bed all d while..the bathroom suck..small..dirty..dunno how to describe liao..then went out n took a walk to see wad we can find to eat b4 going to sleep...went to {Xi Men Ding}..ate alot of the oyster rice noodle..which was fabulous...realli nice..then took a walk ard..drank d pearl milk tea...veri nice oso..the small pearl they use was soft n d milk tea was tasty..they oso had a shaker which was used to shake the drinks..which was veri cool..oso ate the taiwan susages..fabulous! was bigger..n had many more choices..such as black pepper n wasabi..but other then dat..there was nth else more.. so we went back to d hotel n me n my bro watch tv late into d nite...there was no significate channel dat was nice...9/10 was abt i wanna noe liddat..

2nd day.

woke at abt 6+..superb early..ate breakfast..which was oso lousy..try having fries for breakfast..haha...then packed up..check out n boarded d bus to {YeLiu}..damm long trip...visited d tourist destination...{Nu Wang Tou} which was actually a sea-side dat hav different size n shape of stone eroded by the waves..n there is one particular one which lookes like a queen wif her crown on..took alot of pics...d wind there was super the temp was quite low..but it was super nice..then took d bus to {JiuFen}..which was like a old town wif narrow passage way n squeezy shops..had lunch at a shop which sold mainly meatballs like fish n squid..quite nice..then went on to window shop cus d prices there was quite high..after dat..we went to Ami Aboriginal Cultural Village which was at {HuaLian}..another long long ride..b4 reaching d place..where we watch performances by the A-mei folks..then had A-mei [cuisines] for dinner..b4 going to our 2nd hotel...

the 2nd hotel rock! the room we (me n my bro) were given was huge! least twice as bigger then d 1st..then there were 4 beds..2 joined we slept on 2 beds each...super comfortable...we oso had d usual walk ard d neighbourhood to check out if there is anything fun..drank more of d milk tea..then went back hotel for a veri blissful rest..for me. cus my bro has 2 diff bed, one soft n one hard...muahahahaha...

3rd day.
More bus rides.we went to {GaoXiong} a veri long trip..stopped at a certain place which i duuno its name..the scene was peaceful..wif d running rivers...waterfall n moutains..beautiful..but onli for a short while..veri gorgy after d long moutainous ride..had lunch at a restaurant to d route to not veri nice..Reach GX at late evening...had dinner at a taste all d all taste like dunno wad..hotel was bad..but better den d 1st one..went to the nite mart is all d same..oyster noodle..susages..drinks..marinated dint ate much..

4th day.
More n more bus rides.went to d {Hsiuan Tien temple}..i m not veri amazed by d statues..same thing as the Ho Pao ville..bought some local goddies...haha..then another long long ride to the {Fo Guan Shan}..a buddhism place..had lunch at a nearby sux..and u can hear ur stomach orchestra playing the food came slowwly..then went to the hot spring!

whee!! d waited moment! haha..but it was realli, me bro n my cousins was like running frm this pool to another..trying all d diff hot, warm n cool spring...the hot spring is appx 45 degree...warm i dunno..cold i tink is below 10? not veri sure...but the hot one is veri hot..u put u feet on the water for jus 1 min n u can feel d poweress...n warm is superb..u can dipped ur whole body in n enjoy...n cold one..haha..its like..realli freezing...u put ur legs in d u willl scream..cus its realli cold. so we were like running frm d hot to d cold to d warm to d hot to d cold to d warm...haha..its like playing laa..n its was damm d end u r like warm n cold n mixing sensations on ur bodies..then clean up n went for another long ride to dinner..on d bus we had hot spring eggs..which was fantastic! its white is squishy n mild sweet..n u suck it through a straw...then u shake the yolk out when d white is finished..its was veri nice! had dinner at d seafood restaurant...had d so-called lobster n abalone meal...d abalone was meat...and tasteless...d was served on a thick sliced orange..then d meat..then on its was a pile of cream like those u find in the floss bread..n topped wif choco bits..on d taste sweet n sux. its like eating a sweet cake man..totally cant taste d lobster..which i tink is oso tasteless..sigh..then got the pig trotters...superbly fat..disgusting...n overall d meal sux.

after dinner we check in to d hotel which was like bad oso..but it was still okay..then went to d fong jis nite mart..prices r super still those few..

5th day
went past the taipei 101...onli took pics of its veri far away..cus d guide says d prices is veri high..wth...then had lunch at d hotpot shop..the base soup is made up of plain water n its tasteless..when i m on my way to making a nicer soup..the waiter added hot water into my pot w/o asking me..WTH!! plain water soup immediately transformed to tasteless oso..damm d waiter...cant they ask? bloody..then after lunch we went to d {Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall}...didnt went in..but stayed outside to watch d changing shift...the supposely memorable one is d shift changing..but for me the gun is more immpresive..haha..after which we went to the {National Palace Museum} totally rox..for me laa..cus i love those ancient things n history..but we onli had liek 15 min to take a look? is like realli take a look..darn..i wanna check out n read all man..then went to teh Shilin nite mart for a little walk..realli is a little walk..b4 going to d sucky hotel...then walk for dunno how far to d taoyuan nite mart for food..b4 going back to the hotel..

6th day..
had a supreme lousy breakfast...i had bread wif eggs n word describe all. Tasteless. the butter sux. ham sux.egg sux.bread sux. the breakfast sux.then had a small trip ard d neighbourhood...ate kfc for nourishment..haha...then i oso saw a scene which was gross. A chicken being weigh n ahem..i teach u how later..then check out at 3pm..took d bus to the airport n plane back to Singapore.and all d bloody gd show chose to screen on this day. Darn

Never see Singapore this beautiful.

reach at pick up by the great fren of my dad..whom treated us to a great meal. cus i see chilli. i see chilli sauce, i see green chilli..n i see jasmine green tea.


cus taiwan dun hav those things. things i drink in taiwan was, pearl milk tea n chinese tea. jus those 2 n mineral water.


the meal was great. great as it had flavour! wow! i can taste!

reach home at abt 1am..shower n dries up...cut off my over long nails..realli veri long..n felt so shuang..haha..n my bed never felt so soft since i came back frm ATC.

  1. bring chilli
  2. bring soy sauce
  3. dun apply for island trip
  4. dun go to hualian
  5. check out d hotel b4 u go

realli. if u go for island trip..u will spend half of ur time sitting in a bus like me.n d hotel sux oso.n they dun hav chilli. onli red chilli in sucky soysauce.

even at fastfood restaurant. and brush up on ur chinese. cus everything is in chinese.

Tips on kiling a chicken.

  1. grab it by its wing
  2. weigh it
  3. grab its neck
  4. merry-go-round

while d chicken is [screaming] all d while.


kays..i tink dat abt all..will brush up if i remember anything else..

Sunday, December 16, 2007

kay...yesterdays post was not veri gd...or not gd enough..

so this is to make up for wadever i missed..

1stly..the games thing. As i quoted: which ice-breaker game isnt a game? mind u mister, cant u see dat the sec 2 n 3 are still veri unfamiliar wif each other? they dun tok much to each other, nor mixed ard..n dun tell me dat its gd for the team. YEAH. we ARE havin fun, but bonding comes frm fun..dun tell me u bond through sitting separately n doing their own things..if dats wad u tink, then great. teach me how to, cus i dun noe. i seriously dunno how u can bond wif a wall imbetween each other. like we can work n improve tgth w/o bonding...yeah, i agree dat more practise is needed..but if ur a cadet..n ur r wanted to train n train for a whole day..i wont come for the nxt one...wad can u do to me?then the attendance will drop till 0... i see wad u can do..

2ndly.. being pumped. till now..i seriously still dun understand why we are being pump for no reason..the reason id told..but its unreasonable cus we r not even ask for wad we hav i dun tink its rite to be pump for dat..

the reason u gave to pump us.
  1. me, yx n jy were late n didnt inform u earlier
  2. we played games instead of practising
  3. we did not check d log

till now..when i thought of ur reason..i will laugh till my stomach hurt..tanks for helping me train my stomach muscles..

for reason no.1

funni. we didnt tell u...are u getting too old n memory failing? or simply the person we informed is not u? or u jus took our words as trash?

30th of Nov. Last activity. Campcraft test.

selected finalist for the campcraft comp were called out. we were ask if we can come during the 8th n 15th. the 3 of us RAISE our hands n said we will be late. and here u are telling us we didnt inform u earlier. cool. so nxt time do we need to send u a message everyday to inform u, to prevent u frm forgetting dat u r forgetful n will forget dat we told u?

and.we made the effort to come back. we could hav jus went home or gone to play. but wad did we do? we came back. cus there is not enough ncos. u thank us, then punished us. great. why in d hell we came back for may i ask?

this is reason no. 1 u are called b******

for reason no. 2

yeah. we played games. did u ask why? did u find out? did u even bother to tink abt why we play games? did u even thought of the benefits it can bring?

I bet u didnt.

u jus thought of: they are playing. they are not up to standard yet. Scold

when we cant keep up to d timing due to no coordination. i see wad u can do.

this is reason no. 2 why u r called i******

for reason no.3

yeah. we didnt check the equipment. so did ur? remember. ur r using the equipment too. so did ur check? shld be no. cus i dun remember ur checking at d last training. maybe i didnt see. but ur noe d answer. so fine. this is our fault. but is urs too.. cus ur didnt check d equipment b4 us n tell us off b4 the training dat there is a faulty logistics.cus ur d officers.but not for u. ur jus a ex officers.

this is reason no. 3 why u r called b*****

so in total. ur called *****. Nice name.

there is onli one thing u said rite. we r happi dat u scolded us. n even happier after dat. for dat i swear, is rite

impt values u taught.

  1. bonding can be create by sitting individually n doing things by oneself
  2. we can take words by lower ranks as bullshit
  3. teamspirit can be onli one person be punish n the rest listen
  4. onli d person who suggected smth is responsible for it

tanks for teaching me all this.

and no use tellin ppl dat u hope dat we can tink dat we r actually in d wrong. cus one hand cant produce a clap. but i can give u a slap. but dat definitely wont help u in reflecting on u 100% always tink u r right.. when ur oso in d wrong

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Note. as my words are type frm mind...n i mumble to myslef when i try to speak through my post rather than reading it cus u probably wont understand wad i m toking abt if u read.

Word of d day: idiotic asshole
Mood of of day: tired->frustrated->great
Forecast of d day: happy

= todae's work wad ultra busy...d queue seems nvr ending...ppl kept on coming n coming n coming...we was running here n there trying to be faster to keep d waiting time shorter...walao...todae was really damm busy laa..but got a veri great sense of acheivement when the auntie says dat we received a total of $11,ooo worth of 50 huh?

=then after work, we went to hav lunch...whr jy tok abt alot of gross things abt ppl getting their fingers trapped between doors or wadever cus yx was trying to cover her nicely menicured we had a veri laughy lunch. after lunch.. we rushed down to sch for CC n reached at abt 3.30p.m. Joined in d training...had some fun...broke off by someone whom i tink has no status...then practised the lashings...i wanna be as gd as del! he finished in like 40 sec! wth..not fair...haha...jkjk...

=then..kept all the loggy...we hang " laundry" in the log rm!so funni lor.. then got a scolding which has totally no effect on me as i totally has no feelings of guiltiness...xcept for letting dt pump by himself..n feeling quite bad for delvis's flag pole stuff...xcept for all dat...d rest is i no feeling de...d mad man can scold n pump me for all he wan n i will onli tink he is bull shitting n helping me build my fitness by pumping me...

=after damm pissed off by the passer-by "F"...stayed in d canteen n scolded him, pointed out wad he hav done wrong, had alot of fun laughing at each others "words of wisdom"...
then walked out n had the ''pang er ye jiang fan'' for dinner..went home at abt 8+...

wadda a day.

i had alot of things to say in ur face. BUT i m sure dat u will find smth to matter how much ur in d wrong..but i jus need to vent my unhappiness.

  1. U r totally reason u shld refuse us when we demostrated trait of TEAM SPRIT. r u trying to tell us dat onli d person who suggested smth is responsible?
  2. U didnt even ask. u jus assume.
  3. We did tell u we will be late. r u trying to tell us dat; by taking our words as bullshit, we can oso take d cadets words as bullshit?
  4. Why shld we take d full blame for everything when ur partly at fault too?
  5. Get ur watch or wadever ur taking ur time from FIXED

Pissed Off.

damm U


i got my pay todae!! super happi..sense of acheivement...hahah....dats why i m happi now...hehees

Friday, December 14, 2007

Word of d day: busy
Mood of d day: tired
Forecast of d day: moody

why? haha..cus todae's work wad really veri busy...other than busy, its still busy till dat i m onli starting to digest my lunch when we were released frm rite? jy onli finished her food at like near work releasal...todae was sooo busy...those crazy ppl kept on streaming in during lunch time...mad auntie was even telling her son to hurry home to ''eat lunch...mama veri hungry oso.."stupid...she hungry den dun come on lunch time laa...

so todae was veri tired...haha..xpected to sleep early tonite...tmr still hav cc after work...haiz...dunno if tmr will be busy anot...if is like todae...i tink i will faint during cc lor...haha

dats abt all todae den...nth much oso...

argghhhh! i miss romantic princess...must go catch liao...forget tilll when liao...haiz..

n my pile of hw not yet done...sianx...must chiong liao...veri slack..haiz!

i wan go swimming!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Wheeeeee!!!! haha..i seem veri isolated frm the blogging world for veri long hor..but was veri troubled by alot of things..then wif the prob my comy gave...hehe...but i m gonna update my todae's xing chen...heheess

todae woke at abt 9++.. then changed n went to yx hse to watch d show cum wait for her to go sch for my recruitment was such a disaster...onli d few who r always supportive came...n those who had a job at the sch bkshop....sighh...the rest are all dead i supposed...then had a veri argumentative meeting...when alot of changes were made...i tink it will help make d proposal better for the officers...then after meeting, went we are walking out to take bus, sjay was trying to kick her shoe at yt when her shoe came flying off n landing into the drain...hahaa...the reat of them was squatting beside n laughing like dunno was me who saved d day!!! haha...lame..i rescued her shoe frm d drain..which was alrdy soggy...haha...sjay was complaning as usual...whee!!!then we went to cafe cartel to celebrate xh's nut crack...but all of us were damm piss off wif the''xcellent service'' they gave.. so we went off after xh finkshed her slice of cake and went to d nxt door coffee club...which was great! all of us ordered the teatime set...and had a great time laughing at sjay itsy bitsy mini cup of macchiato..which was really small...then xh pop the small choco cookie which came wif the coffee into sjays was hilarious man...sjay was like yelling n whining instead of immediately scooping it up...stupid i call it...hahathen when xh's hot choc came..we were all laughing again...cus the hot choc cup was like 3 times bigger than sjay's cup...then sjay was like..sian diao face..hahaha..then me n yt shared a choco cake n icy choco...veri chocolatey rite..haha...but veri nice...haha..after which..the laopos went tam mall to look for dat bunch of guys who shopped like gals.. so i call them gays...hahaa

after a few boring rounds..we went home...both of us tipsy wif the loongg ride on 31...walked home n bought n hor fun frm downstairs..laopo came my hse to eat...then she went home at 9+ after finishing...actually quite boring day lor..haha...xcept for the coffee club sjay incident...ultra funni..

love ur CCs!

laopos too!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

hrmm...i seems to be neglecting my blog these days huh?? now its becoming in active liao...and its been so long dat i dunno wad to say liao..sianx...lets see... last fri campcraft test...its was like so cool being a tester okay..haha...u get to see ppl rush here rush there n u can stroll slowly n watch them...hahahaha...being sadist...

for the flagstaff part...the funniest things u can do is to go push the completed flagpole, n see if it is steady...if u push, n the whole flagpole sway...u quickly walk away cus it might fall anytime...haha..jkjk...but it was realli for the survival cooking part..yx says dat it was the most fun section of the whole test...of cus..wif shirong n gerald de 2 idiots, it is definitely fun de lor...den we oso devise our veri own menu...pricing differ frm the ingredients...haha...n it was fun seeing d cadets struggle to keep d fire up or to decide whether to buy our package or not...but some was realli gd..some was...haiz..lets not say...haha..i doubt any cadets will come n see anyway...hehe...

den on sat... went to the library wif yx...borrowed a few bks...b4 going to pp to window shop...ate a veri full lunch at the food court...actually it was a veri boring trip...haha...was quite dying to go home n sleep...haha...damm tired these days...

n one dunno bad or gd news for me...i've been selected for the campcraft team...i was like..huh?!?! my campcraft is like lousy till i dunno how i get my badge de...haha..den i sure will die under the training de lor...haiz...

den tmr got work...i m realli curious whr u will find any other job as slack as wad we hav been doing..half of d time u can sit down n chat...while d other half doing minimal job...n at a veri reasonable pay in my opinion...haha...i will seriously consider asking for this job again nxt yr...though transport is quite inconvenient.. but still okay laa...

dats quite all bah i tink...update soon as i can use d com...heheess... -D

Friday, November 23, 2007

today had a veri fun n idiotic day...haha...

1st event of d day... activity...todae we had muster..onli newer thing..the rest was as usual...after, rl, jy,xh n sjia went to lucky for lunch b4 going to tm...which we went on a job finding xperience...i was xing zai ler huo all d way..haha..sorri man..cus i got a job..hehe..veri bad of me rite...after many many rejects, we went to mac..after sjia's whining of''i wan to eat fries..i wanna to eat fries.."haha...then we were sitting down resting as well as waiting for the slowest eater, sijia to finish her fries...when she was eating her last fry...she was scrapping against the paper on the tray which she had squeeze her tomato sauce on...trying to get the alrdy gone sauce on her last fry...then jy was like saying..."u shld't scrap the paper u noe..u r scraping the ink on top leh..." then sjia was like dun care dun care...and stuff her last fry into her mouth..chew chew chew..then jy say" will cause cancer de leh.." at dat sentence sj spit/vomit out her mouth of fry...which was damm disgusting..walao...

but it was oso damm funny...haha...then i took the bus 31 wif xiao rui n sj...n stupid xiao rui was crapping wif me on the way laa...walao...we were playing a complete fool on the bus..luckily we r not wearing any sch logo or any identificationable shirt...wahahahaha..then accompany xiao rui to the pasa malam at bedok interchange...whr she bought alot of things...(edible) haha...b4 taking the bus home... still hav to do the proposal...n d stupid com still dun cooperate wif me..someday i m gonna use a hammer n snash it man...

lousy unit/com/person

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


blasted yixin.


"According to the rules of the theme: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 7 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 7 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'You are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read their blog."


1. i dun like my nails too long
2. prefer short hair to long
3. like to torture ppl, esp yx
4. like to make funny expression
5. weirdly faithful to my religion
6. likes cute thing even though i m over 1.7m tall
7. wants to be shrter when ppl wana grow

kay. end of the stupid thing yx made me did.

the 7 ppl?



blasted yx.

wheee!! i love my new skin!! haha...cus it somehows fit exactly wad i m feeling these moments..but the fonts seems to be a little bit small rite? haha...will change de...

then this week had my was alrite...jus 6 hrs of sitting down there doing work...which for me is okay...abit of sleeping..a bit of work manages me through...haha..

todae didnt went due to the stupid flu... veri sneezy todae...n afraid of all the d veri cool wind which i could hav enjoyed...sianz...

so wad i did was to do my e-learning!! hope to finish all d com work...cus my stupid bro wont let me use too much of d com when he is home...hahaa

kks..abt all for todae...i tink i left out alot of thing due to too long not touching d com..but nvm...haha

Romantic princess is cool! but i still hav to wait for one more week n another till it ends...but i tink i will be starting on another show..haha...too bored liao...


Wednesday, November 14, 2007


dat freaky proposal is damm freaky...i totally hav nth to write on i suppose i jus crap abit n hand in it??


and the unit blog is practically dead...we need new editor...freaky task of tinking up things to write on it...n its supposed to be insteresting...bloody...but i supposed it will be quite updated since we hav devised a new hopefully huh?

and u bloody freakers...shut up abt the blog is dead...i cant stand even one person toking abt wad if its dead...give ideas other than pics...which is a useful idea..idiots..."this blog is dead man.." lik u not need to tink of wad to write liddat...can i jus write " u bloody freakers jus shut up ur bloody mouth n keep quiet or u be the ditor for this blog.." can i? u bloody brainless idiot...

u gotta admit i m in a bad mood now...bloody...all dat bloody things i gotta solve...n d stupid sqd bettter listen properly to wad i wanna say this fri...or i will screw them up in both my words n on recruitment...dun care anymore...why shld i consider their feelings when they dun even respect me...bloody freakers..

freakingly bad mood now.

Monday, November 12, 2007

yesterday went to tj's recommended was alot of ppl!! really like going a superstar concert... then everyone was like damm high...all veri devoted too...hrmm...i was shocked to see their devotion to their religion...when we sang songs...and had parts abt their god...u hav to see to believe..haha...rl says dat i got no life when they were singing the song...u noe...putting my hands down on the seat in front of me...heads choice...who ask me alrdy hav a religion liao?? cnt dui bu qi wo de shen mah...i lurve my religion!! haha...

then rl did smth...smth i cnt say...she veri worried abt luck her..hehe...dun angry hor....

after the event...we went wif the church veri warm hearted ppl to bk for lunch...aijia joined us a few moments later..oh man..she was damm chio in her veri formal suit...when the church ppl asked her how much..she says..''dunno..shua wo mama de ka.." haha...she damm funny lor...then nxt week i m going back!! for a few reasons..dun tell u...wahahahaha

hope dat yx can go nxt week..we go shopping after everything okay?

i m gonna change my skin when i sees my laopo online...dun like the effects of this skin..haha..

Carola rox!! haha...invincible!!

wad a wannabe..

Friday, November 9, 2007

todae was fun!!!

haha..we had activity in the morning...the pt was super slack n offence to the PTIs though...haha...cus cadets seems veri sianx too...haha...i was mainly slacking for the whole act by sitting in the bunk and reading bks...and discussing abt the programme for the recruitment...tried to..but to lazy..haha... then did CIP...which consists of packing the graduation gifts..which was ultra stupid...sch badge n a they dun hav liddat...everyone at least hav 2 sets which hav 7 buttons and 2 badge wad..lousy sch...i bet the sec 4 s will laugh like hell when they received lor...*grins*

then had evaluation wif jasmine ma' 1st when i heard it was gonna be pt i was super sianx..but out of my expectation it was super fun!! haha...we went through all the standard pt actions, most of it put of the world...which was fun! haha...1st was the pumping...we pump wif the words of ''my bonnie lies over the ocean'' [hope i got d title rite] and we hav to pump to every 'b'. the song roughly goes like this:

my Bonnies lies over the ocean
my Bonnies lies over the seas
my Bonnies lies over the ocean
oh Bring Back my Bonnie to me

oh..Bring Back oh Bring Back
oh Bring Back my Bonnnie to me
oh..Bring Back oh Bring Back
oh Bring Back my Bonnnie to me

and it was tough!! i had jelly hands when we finish the songs...and we did twice! haha...but the whole sqd had fun..i bet vanessa didnt regret staying back..haha..then we oso did an action called the flutter kick..u hav to lay on the floor straight, then pulled up ur leg 90 degree..then go down and hang in mid was darn difficult..and we r supposed to do in d 1st person suffered veri much..which was jinxue! haha...then we hav to count frm 20 b4 putting down our legs...n ma'am was picking out mistakes so all of us shouted the timing, which made her voice we shouted over the supposedly long and torturing was fun n sort of bonding..hehe...and rest was okay..these 2 was unforgettable...haha...

after the act the CC3T when for a veri fun and delicious lunch...haha...then after sijia went home... the rest of us had a whale of a time...lets keep it a secret shall we??haha..

anyway..todae was the 1st time i could really shout frm the bottom of my heart:'' I LOVE NP!!"


i really do, for jus this one time

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

todae went job hunting wif the bunch and tj...applied for mos and polar...hope will get the for abt 1 month...then strives for a month...which include 2 weeks for sci and 2 weeks for a math...which both i flunk like dunno wad...hopefully i can keep up to my words...

felt veri emo-tic now...jus felt like punching someone...sianx...everythings seems soo there any colour in this world?

yeap...i tink dat i m starting to hallucinate...jus visualise dat i m in heaven...soo white and creamy...haha...u float in heaven u noe...

hrmm...this seems to get quite scary..haha...hope tmr trip will some how brighten me up... i seems like a over charged light bulb which has gone ''pop!''. am i cheerful in the past? i hope so...

maybe a change of mood will help heal me up again...i tink i might as well kill this blog...starting to feel its getting uglier and uglier ever seconds...hav to look for new skins offence to the skin maker though....its a nice skin...but maybe i m bored wif it...starting to wanna tear the screen off looking at the colour and pics...

off to emo...
todae was a sucky day...freakishly sucky day...dunno wad happen...but jus felt it sux...sianx...

didnt go to poa todae...partly of stomachache, partly becus i was veri tired...gonna waste time there dozing off anyway...might as well catch up wif some sleep...sorri to the teacher..haha...

did some work todae..finish off the chinese..d/l the sci through the hist n ss..but didnt do...watched romantic princess todae..took away alot of time...but it was quite nice...i might wanna catch on on this holis...

received the ''summon'' yesterday..i was sooo happy!! i failed 3... but it was better then i expected..i expected 4...have to go back for 1 week...was veri fair...will try to finish all my work on that week...hopefully..haha..

made a pact wif zx after the exam...will study veri veri hard this holis... i wanna pass my o lvls wif shooting encourage me my frens...i tink i will slack after a few attempts... 3 min heat u see....

gonna work for awhile this holis...wanna earn my txt bk $$...over a 100 bucks...i cant believe how much those paper cost...wth...then i oso wanna enjoy the feeling of happiness of handing the $$ i earn to my parents.. wadda sense of achievement...rite? the can give myself more change to spend too...hehe..

my mom bought smth i wanna veri much last sun! omg...i m like..soo happy...then she oso made my bro veri happi tooo by buying a new flat screen..the old one was spoilt anyway...and it was too big suddenly for me to adjust...haha...weird huh?

suddenly felt veri useless in my work...sigh...nvm...i jus try to buck up for the remaining yrs till my o lvl...cant believe it...time seems to fly...i still tinks dat getting my psle is jus yesterday...time really flies man...hav to realli work hard to get a <10>

but i definitely will go poly..dun wanna wear u anymore...getting lazi in ironing the u every weekends...haha...

this seems to be getting veri long...haha..but nvm..i still hav lotz to say...

last sat was open hse...i was freakingly stressed up by ms wan the day b4...but ti seems to get quite well on dat day...n according to yx..the fancy team was well received... by dunno who..visitors or cchm-ians...i was emoing on the structure anyway...haha...but ours was the grandest of all hadda work harder to make cca recruitment a better and more well planned event...then i'll washed my hands off np...hehe...wad was most exciting was dat 1 corner of the platform of our watch tower broke off suddenly when mr chua was on it...soo cool..he didnt seems afraid though...haha

but seriously...the sch shld start to get seriously take notice of u-grp...according to yx...b4 the fancy team performed at the concourse...the prin was looking at the dance performance...then when it was the fancy's turn...he jus walked away.... fine..maybe he had smth else on...but will it hurt to stay for a mere 3 mins to encourage us? the u-grp gets sucha little sum each yr..dun they noe we hav a veri large expense every yr? look at our equipment...its all old n broken n almost in pieces...freakingly they jus ignored our needs...damm them...asthetics is gd...yea...but u-grp is as gd can?it is always us who do the manual jobs while the asthetics sit there comfortably wif their ass on their chairs watching us slog...i mean..wth? we r all human can...its time to order the asthetics to do some freaking 'sai gang' for a change..its totally unfair...if it continues...why dun they jus abolishes u-grp n tell everyone to join asthetics...might as well...then can received less complaints...i mean... we do all things wif almost so little budget...pls la...this increase dat increase...onli the budget didnt increase...every yr the donations go into the directors pockets issit...promised air-cons for the audi but it had been like...2+ yrs n it hasn't been mentioned ever since...bluff us to donate...then spent $$ on stupid the open hse...if the sch is realli gd...i mean..wad for spent so much $ making a gd image?if it is realli gd...ppl will break their heads squeezing into the sch...not the sch desperately trying to make a gd image to attract ppl...those bunch of idiots...lousy brains...

like the $ jus fell fem the sky liddat..idiots...budu...barbie..[rough spellings]

kk...enough ranting for now...might get killed if i continues..haha...

hope can get a job tmr when i go huntng wif sijia...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

okay...1st thing..i m deeply sorri to sijia.
2nd .. i hav sincerely reflected on myself.
3rd..i realised dat i hav alot of short points
4th.. i m such a idiot who is not fit to stay on this earth
5th..which is to say dat i might be better off dead.


: + : Reasons :+ :

# i m too arrogant
# i m very selfish
# i m too proud of myself
# i tink i m d greatest

and hell noes how my frens tolerated wif me...

i played wif others belonging instead of returning it to them immediately
(sorri sijia)
after playing i forgot to return to them
(sorri yixin,sijia)
and d nxt day i expected my frens to forgive me and forget abt it
(sorri ruiling,yixin.sijia)
i m sucha super freaking idiot bitch.

i dun care abt others feeling, played violent, been stupid, acted as the greatest leader in d universe, terrorise ppl.i played cheat, lie through my teeth, for my own sake.i thought i was sensitive, when i m tinking through my toes.

wadda hell m i doing?

when i m alone, i blame ppl.
when i hav some, i treat them for granted.

yay... =,=

i swear i will try to get rid of the present me.
and reach to a new peak of how to be a proper fren

help me along kay?

then sorri to sijia yixin ruiling again.

i hav sincerely been a idiot.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

anyway..for my was a absolute disaster....haha...i failed 4 sub. geo, sci, human, amath. though amath haven take...but sure fail..haha...i m sooo due for detention this end of yr...sigh!!!!
hohoho...haha..yest we had our ssgt test..i freaking-ly hell sure fail my test de...cus mainly there r 4 sections..which r:

MOI= fail
UNIFORM=shld be okay..

see? for moi..i totally flunk like dunno wad..cus i was told to teach bersu rai..then i was like..wth? i haven touch on dat drill since like..june? and now is oct leh..4 months man... then all my timing and demo were wrong its a sure fail..but tanks to my lovely sqd mates who were d best buddy i can ever find lor..haha..they were like shooting their hands up when i ask if anyone spotted d demonstrate mistakes..they were like having great response...( they came in turn..the last 4 got d most)haha..I LOVE UR GUYS! [specifically]

interview..haha...the ma'am were like ask confident are u in passing this test? then i said 5. then they ask why... my real was.. [cus i *** *** to] haha... but i crap anyway..and earn a ''scolding'' frm them...i sure fail de i tell u.

uniform..this is d best part.haha..i almost fainted!! haha..i oso dunno why..i was like after being checked by hui jie sir..then was like standing there bored.then suddenly my view slowly went silvery mist..then went on having trouble balancing...nxt thing i noe..i was supported by jasmine ma'am..[wad a big contrast-in view of smth else] cool rite? haha..ever had xperience fainting?=p
then d gals were like telling me dat she had trouble supporting me cus i was much taller thasn her...heavier too.i was veri cool!! i always wanted to xperience fainting...cus i was curious was happens when u faint..haha...the result- u dunno wad happens..hahahaaha..

written test,,this test was d most tikam test i ever took..i was tikam-ing through d way. then we had to write a was okay la...since i choose d campfire de..then had a xperience at i tink hai hao la...hehe..

BUT! in total..i sure i fail ssgt liao..if i pass i chop my head off...then sew it back..haha..and tok!

then jy wrote gd luck to all for the promos..b4 the test..after the test...everyone was gd luck to all to fail the promos pls! hahahaha..

then while we are waiting for our lunch...[tanks to dear sijia n jiaying for going out] we tok abt somebody being view of me fainting..haha..then we oso gossip abt dat somebody..hehe..when food came..we ate like we haven ate for a few 100 yrs...poor sijia...she had to eat so fast..cus no more time..until d time xtension..she was like gobbling d noodle down...when her mouth is so small...hahaha..


i tink i got some weird virus on me todae...i was super efficient todae...cus mom not home..jus me n dat super lazi idiot snake [ my bro]..i did d chores...cook..wash my shoes...iron n buttoned my sch u.. took d laundry..shopped[grocery] afternoon! wasn't me efficient?haha..then due to my efficiency..tmr i dun need to worry abt this n dat...yay!

but i do hope my shoe dries in time..i dun wan to wear a soggy shoe..haha..

wadda disappointment.. to u

Friday, October 12, 2007

haha..i love my new skin man..but the text colour is abit dull issnt it? it look okay to mr for the previous skin...but for this new one is seems abit dull..n difficult to see..haha

so i was tinking of not reducing d size of the text..and changing d colour..hrmm...which will be abit difficult..cus all my fav colour are dull...haha...

then for my exam..d results will be released nxt week..and now i hav alot of things to do to rush..

haizz...i lead a boring life.

the reason to shine..

Thursday, October 11, 2007

wheee...exams over..and todae we had post exam was damm lame...except for d 2 show which r quite was a waste of time...

we are taking our results nxt week...and so i hope i can score geo and pass human, math, eng, chi, sci..a math i have given up...haha...o% of passing....sianx...

so..i m getting veri bored.. and i hav to do d stupid heritage part is dat cant find anyone to help me print...i wonder how i do lor....

very bored now..and d com wont cooperate...freak d stupid com 2...

more n more lame everyday..hehe.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

yipee!! exams almost over!! with 1 sub-test left...i m now almost slacking like hell..cus if i dun do dat now..i will hav no chance when i hav to go back for pump...sianx...i m very certain i will hav to go back...haha..six sense huh? haha...then now hav to play like siao liao..then go back for pump can reminisce..haha...

my last recent test..a math..was a disaster...out of 10 qns..i m staring on 8. then while i was doing...i was having thoughts of not:[ to do???.] in fact, i m thinking of:[ aiya...随便 la.. / sianx...nvm..dun care/ who cares man.. ] haha...all d while scribbling on mt pap was super nice de...when u flip through..its blank n blank n blank...haha..i got a fantastic pap...yay!

so...due to all these balnks...i shld be down to d list of pump man...sianx..

and note! i studied!

but i tink my standard of understanding is simply too low for me to grasp it quickly..

but i tink i sort of deserve it....haha..who ask me dun listen in class leh..

but i onli didnt listen in sci wad...

fine..maybe chi n eng...


haha.. my humanities is jus sux like dunno wad...those stupid skills ar...i can nvr grasp it...but i tried to apply wad i see how lor...haha...

and to way man.. if i pass de hua...i treat ur to anything ur like...hehe..

having a wheel of time...suffering inside.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

omg... a-math exam coming...omg...i sure die i tell u...wth...all d stupid formula to understand n apply..shit..omg...i m dying liao...arghh!!

Friday, October 5, 2007

yo hooo!!! haha.. 3 more paps to go! haha... but the remaining are those i not veri gd in de..xecpt 4 poa pap 1. sigh..gotta study more liao.. so i m going to devoted my 2 weekends to study..i day for i sub...hehe..

well.. todae was not bad..i tink i shld be able to pass math pap 2.. pap 1 i dunno.. geo was disater...i dunno whether i will score..haha...i got high expectation for geo..hehe.. then for sci..chem n physic...well.chem was..aiya...physic is okay...i hope i can was okay...then forget liao..haha...hope i can pass everything n score in geo n chi! maybe physic too..haha..oh yar...n poa!

wish me luck!

sijia:: tankie man...i will sure bombard u wif my prob de..haha..if i hav any..dats if...u better study hor..lets get promote tgth! hehe..

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

kay...i am angry..quite..but it gone away liao...dats one characteristic i like of anger jus simply cant last more then a night...haha..

fine. i am sincerely sorri for my bad attitude yesterday. yar, i noe i was in d wrong u, and u. but not to u. to U.i am sorri i ignore u for d whole trip. to U, i am sorri for my little attitude in LB. but to U, i am not at all sorri for anything. yeap. NOTHING

so i was still abit quite attitude this morning.. but ur didnt invite me to put the bags in there.which i didnt really mind. ur ignore me when i waited for ur for 1/2 hr. i shldnt even wait in d 1st place.why shld i when ur are ignoring me?i was even hoping dat ur will be waiting for me after the maths paper. but i was wrong. but i am fine wif it. i wont be able to fit into ur anyway.being too optimistic.after my paper, i was like an idiot sitting outside there waiting, and the treatment i got was being fooled by ur, wow. i onli realised todae dat packing bags include sitting down there doing nothing and drawing on the a nice way of packing bags. then i realized dat no matter how long i waited for ur, the treatment i will received is jus being ignored anyway. so why shld i wait? hav u ever see ppl waiting to be coldly treated? i saw i todae. i was angry. veri angry. exactly how u feel when u are attitude by her.

then i also realised dat the meaning of ''best fren'' is dat we are frenz when we are polite n friendly to each other, when we are not, we will ignore each other. i see.

maybe i was too rude, too selfish, too violent, too inwards when i was still wif ur last time. maybe ur are angry too n decided to teach me a lesson. maybe. still optimistic.

and so d results is dat i was sitting alone trying to revise while carrying a hopeful mind dat someone will suddenly pop up n yell''boo!'' so hopeful dat almost nth when into my mind. thanks man.

i had almost enough.

todae i had my maths paper 1 and my chem...maths had some hard parts...but i wish i will be able to pass....chem was disaster...i think i will fail..haha..tmr i hav SS and poa paper 1. hopefully poa wont be too difficult, and dat i will be able too answer fully for ss...haha...

4 papers down. left with 9 papers. [haiz...]

feeling desperate.angry.hurt.upset.nervous. i hate it.

Monday, September 17, 2007

yoyo..i m back..haha..quite busy these few nvr come blog..even me myself got bored of seeing the same old post for decided to post smth new..for my eyes..hehe..

basically..theres nth to crap abit...

last sat went for service day...had a change of NCOs was more of standing ard watching rongda and sili do..[hope i got their names correctly] and went past one paint splash house while searching for hse wif n sili dun dare to go knock...but they probably wont open d door anyway..haha..manage to give out all d booklets...quite a fun xperience...then went out to eat.. me,rl,yx,yt n sj was like chatting away n complaining abt things in *ahem*..and oblivious to the guys waiting for us..hahaa...then went to play peek-a-boo wif them... [=.=] hahaa...sorri ppl..

then yesterday went to library wif yx...both d undergrd mugger at work! hahaa..went early...then was ''fighting'' for seat when the study lounge was study study...then went out to buy lunch at abt 2+.stayed till 5++ b4 going home..did abit of work..and did a notes.hahaa...damm tired when i got home...

exam period hav to start mugging hole is abt half rdy ler...urs?

feeling...confused n tired

Saturday, September 8, 2007

kk..todae went to survivathon...the stations were much pretty okay and some i tink were....u noe..ahem..we played games, had quizzes, pioneering and some other stations games...we even scored full marks for one of the station!but we onli got an 1st runner wad gd as i didnt expect to get a gd position..cus the quiz was a disaster...haha..but nvm...i was happy to get a 2nd position...after we were heading down to lunch..we called ms wan, mr so, lam yarn ma'am, junyi sir, huijie sir...i tink...and told them dat we got second get the trophy.haha...we said we tried veri hard not to get last....and were veri was fun...and made fun of jx ''fuji apple'', and tj's ''best fren''...hohoo..

after survivathon...we went to AMK for cip...trick mr so with our hidden trophy...haha...then we separated into groups to go n sell, sijia and jy went to the bus interchange...with mr so...whom we tried to get some donations frm..haha...poor him..then started to go ard asking for donations...we created the [5 kinds of ppl u will meet during fund raising]..then were like acting out lor...showing each other the kind of ppl we this called 苦中作乐 then?haha..then met xh and vanessa...they went to eat mac..then decided to we asked them to help take care of our bags..they were heavy~~my tin was the heaviest...sijai said my tin was lucky..cus when she use her tin..nobody donated...but when she take my tin[i exchange cus mine was heavy n i lazy take..haha]alot of ppl donated...miracle huh?haha...but in d sense of some ppl are veri irritating...they donated 5 cents and take alot of show dat they ''donated''..hell them la...freaking..but some were veri nice..they stop us to donate...and some gave $2..dat was the most i got...2/3 ppl i tink...them went back with veri painful leg muscles and my old spine injury acted up again..mus been due to standing for too long..2 hrs--then went home...slept abit..i was damm tired...

now..i still got alot of things to do...though i dunno where to start...and i need it veri soon...sianz..i tink i will faint out of fatigue soon lor..haha...

sick and tired of everything...

Friday, September 7, 2007

kk..i was lame but i wqas bored...todae we had usual..but i missed plenty cus i went poa remedial...quite enriching...but got abit confused over smth...nvm...when everything ended..i went back np...saw sijia having her test! GD LUCK SIJIA! i noe u will make it...=p

same..had warm up..then games..ran like nth todae...leg pain till buay ta han..sigh...then still some stupid freaking things to do...xtra things to add and xtra things to minus...freaking hell...tmr still got survivathon...then got CIP....hope we will get a gd placing for jing shi qu zi ji xue xiao de fen cant throw face...hehe...but seriously..i tink i will drag the team down lor...sianz...i studied nth...prepared nth...did rite?

so..wish me luck man...i dun wan our sch to lose too terribly...haha...

[sick and tired of everything]

Wednesday, September 5, 2007" />
Get'>">Get your own Poll!

haha...jus for fun..
final skin! hahaha..i lurve this man...u cant copy n i can scold ppl w/o ppl noeing wad i scold! yes! hahahahahahahaah.....then the skin is dammm nice...hahahaha.....i m going crazy man...stay away!! ahahahahha...

*being serious*

todae went sch to clean log room...felt like i m a idiot...go back and be EQ zero liao...did some strenuous work...which is untangling the mess of wire...did until veri pek che...cus its like the wire entangke wif itself...i mean..WTH?!

anyway..the following paragraph is quite if u can...hahaha..

who do ur tink ur are? president of some toilet bowl companies? u tink u did alot f**king job so u can say wad u like?she did more then u man...daughter of a bastard..u did almost all the easiest job...complaining when the ones dat shld be r not...u freaking hell asshole...i cant imagine y earth could hav such a person like u..a bitch cum asshole cum bastard cum all the swearings in the universe...f**ker.

wooo..better..haha...then cleaned the nco room....did alot of changes....added alot of weird but lame things, part creation of tanjin......but is quite innovative, yet lame and stupid...i suppose we will hav to take it down when the officers see it..haha...took pics...will put it on the unit pics albums, which is still be paitent..haha..

dats all..... then

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

so..change and change n change my blogskins....thanks to my laopo..who i dearly says sorri to..cus i hav to trouble her...i m a tech idiot..haha...finally settle on this simple skin...i tink it is okay...cus simple wad...haha...

todae went library wif laopo...met a shuai ge when returning to the library wif our lunch...laopo was like...shuai ge! omg he's so shuai dat kinda dun get jealous until 4+ near 5...left cus i was bored! went to popular at brash basar... when we were leaving we met xin and huang lao shi. i got such a shock lao shi jus simply grab my hand lor..i thought she wanna attack me...haha..

then got home..feeling veri sainz cus tmr gotta go back sch do smth veri sianz de..when i can sleep my heads off...arhhh!!

jus dun wanna go back.
haha..laopos..i love ur!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

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Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

yesterday went to hav dinner wif laopo...sorri hor laopo...haha..abit confusing...but its 2 completely diff guess la...hehe..

after dinner, we went fairprice to window shop..bought some laopo's brother n frenz...which r sooo ''adorable''. What They Did: 1st they followed where we went.. then started to avoid us.. =,=''' so we started following them...n had a taste of being a ghost..them were laughing when they see us...then siam when they saw us...then the whole mart was filled wif their ''sweet whisperings''. after a huge round of avoiding n following...they changed tatics. they started using their ''veri soft'' voices n was announcing:'' 回家了!回家了!'' =,=''' we were like- WTH? cus now they r following us everywhere we go, announcing dat they r going home..completely irritating...we were like tinking of complaining to the mart manager...but was unsuccessful... it was till one of the kids mom was going home did they left the place.

Guess how much more quiet the place was when they left? VERI! but now i got 2 laopo..hehe...2 veri gd laopo..hopefully our ''marriage'' will last..haha.


Saturday, September 1, 2007

the sep holis are here...but i m like damm bored now...though i shld be studying now...the weather is too humid n stuffy for me to be thinking of anything to do...sianz...

so..when on net to waste time n electricity...wanted to call someone but dat someone not there...or wadsoever..did not hand in thing i shld hav handed in, tink will get scolding..but....will hav time to complete big thing for me to do...but veri lazy to do it...hav to perk up to finish..or else will get another scolding...sianz! sianz! sianz!

WTh...wads wrong wif this world man...

Saturday, August 25, 2007

todae went to the sudoku challenge by the northland sec wif yx, rl, nevin n jx..coloured ones are participants, non are supporters...we went there n were bored to death..both participants n supporters...cus we were onli sitting ard doing nth, onli occasionally taking some pics..they were oso bored to death as the time given was veri long, n they finished the puzzle in a short they were like waiting for the time to all of us were almost bored to death...but it was almost paid off when we got the 1ST.....runner up..haha..then we played a trick on miss wan... we told her to choose: gd or bad news. she chose bad..we told her we were 1st to kicked out.when she asked abt gd...we said dat the bad news was fake..then we told her dat we was 1st runner up..she was is this true or fake?

hahaha...imagine tricking ur OC..but it was not too much or wad...relax abit serious for wad...

then we went northland point i tink..i forget the name of the shopping centre....n had lunch at, yx n jx were like soo poor, then we were digging our wallet for coins to allow us to buy a meal..then during eating...the 4 of them were like laughing so much..i wonder how they finished their meal de..nevin n rl was especially crazy..i m realli worried for the unit's admin depart..

then we went walking ard the centre.. stopping most at popular...whr we were like doing nth..suryeying the special things they had.. [not much actually] before taking d mrt home...then me n yx went to the toa payoh books till 2+ near 3,b4 going home.

it was such a hilarious day...haha!

going crazy wif the all d things.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

too bored wif nth to do..

so went blog surfing..anyhow linking one person blog to another...haha...then finally decided to get this blogthing onto my blog...its quite a fun way to pass time...

You Inner Gender is Female
You're sensitive, caring, and willing to connect with anyone who's open to you.You make friends easily, and you enjoy all sorts of conversations.You understand most people you meet - better than they understand themselves. You're totally a woman... or at the very least, your soul is female.

gosh..i sincerely hope dat it will be male..

You Are the Middle Finger
A bit fragile and dependent on your friends, you're not nearly as hostile as you seem.You are balanced, easy to get along with, and quite serious.However, you can get angry and fed up with those around you. And you aren't afraid to show it!
You get along well with: The Index Finger
Stay away from: The Pinky

great man...haha...

You Are a Little Messy
You aren't the cleanest person in the world, but you're definitely not a slob.You clean up when you have the time, but you're realistic about what you can get done.Generally, you're pretty organized and tidy - though you may have a few hidden messes.You eventually get around to making things spotless, but you do it on your own schedule!


You Are 16% Girly
Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world.And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment.


Monday, August 20, 2007


sijia: tanks...but dun spam la...

yixin: go sijia blog spam can??

why the above? go check out the history of my taggies..the crazy n mad trio..nxt time i go ur blog spam i tell ur...

n i realli hate dat stupid idiotic mr ****. he is worse then all my swearing vocab..

Sunday, August 19, 2007

TEN Reasons To Be Happy For Ur BirthDAE.

1. ur frenz congratulate u
2. ur family shows their love
3. u receive presents
4. u eat nice food
5. u get ''chink!"
6. u hav a reason to slack all day
7. u smile for no reason
8. u jus cant be irritated for too long
9. u hav less frown
10! u jus wanna be happy!


haha..todae is offically the day which 15 yrs has passed whr i was delivered to this world.HA!

but...out of wad i expected to be a wonderful day went slightly off track when my mom was mad wif us this mornin...n my dad was as irritating as usual...i was damm pissed off this morning man..fancy getting mad over towels not placed properly...walao..

then i was still hoping to get the usuals, which will make me veri happi...but i did not...nvm..forget it...but she actually went mad wif us..wth la..i hate them all man..

then it was till i saw the things my frenz gave me did i cooled down.. i realized that y teenagers r more inclined to their frenz than their parents...cus frenz r in d sense more considerate than parents..n more thoughtful..parents dun understand us, yet thay claim they do..when they dont even noe how we feel at times..thus its like they became veri irritating...sucky..

but! todae is my birthdae! whr i celebrate my birth..though i read b4 a article dat says dat nvr celebrate birthdae cus it oso d day whr ur mother suffered giving birth to u..but..who cares..since my mom irritatied n infuriated me todae...i shall ignore this for todae..bleh.

so..once again.happy birthdae to me!

Friday, August 17, 2007

gosh...todae was such a nice day for me man...all thansk to the wonderful bunch of frenz i had...haha..todae after sch we went lucky bread at abt 7+ near 8...nco debrief was damm long...then i was like busy giving out the badges...n then went to accompany jiaying to 7-11 to buy things... then i was like okay...lets suspicion...then it took a long time...wif xiaohui n sijia dragging time...when i got back...sijia told me to sit down wif her...i sat down..n pulled out a mag to read...then suddenly the lights went out..i was still engross in the when there was clapping n singing of birthday songz..i simply followed suit..not till went i was finally distracted enough to look up..then i saw gerald holding a cake..i was still wondering whose birthday was it...then was trying to get up...cus they were all sort of surrounding him...i thought the birthday person was surround by was till when he put the cake in front of me till i realized that it was for me...i've been duped!haha...but it was a pleasant surprise anyway..then i opened up the present they gave at their demand..guess wad?athe goong doll wif detian n gerald veri stupid pics on it...hahaha...i was like...sian lame...but i still love the doll cute..n they oso gave me a wallet..simple yet nice..veri boyish..suit me veri fine..n i xpecially ''love'' sijia letter...sijia, yixin, ruiling, jiaying n yunting gave me a letter each...sijia' one was like..damm long man..i had to leave for for the nxt day to completely finish it..sooo long...thanks sijia! haha...

anyway...i love all of ur, ruilling, who gave me ur zhao pai test tube choco...n the rest of ur..yixin...who braved dangers to get me the wallet..sijia...who invented the slow march to drag my time..jiaying..who xpecially lured me out of the way...xiaohui, who came n tan ting di qing..n yunting...a veri BIG thanks to all of ur... n the boys too...who were veri alvin n delvis who kept wishing me happi burthdae..n not forgetting the always irritating minghui n tanjin who went out of their ways to mock me of my much fun for them...

i realli thanks all.. to make me have such a memorable early birthdae...haha..thanks all again..