Monday, July 23, 2012

Happily ever after

Ahh slept late and woke up early today. So tired now

Went all the way down to the west to meet the szbs. I am such a diligent friend. sigh. But since I have not seen them for a long long time its somewhat worthwhile the travelling time and all. heh

Grouchy face hahaa

School is starting soon! I have mixed feelings about it. Half anticipating and the half annoyed at the fact that I have start studying again. Tiring. But have to start to get the feeling back because I am aiming to get better scores so I can revive my lousy cgpa. blahhh

Okay shall sleep earlier today I am dying.

Oh got Melbourne pictures! Plenty of self shots. hahaaa bhb ttm

Saturday, July 21, 2012


I really really like this dress. 

The colour. The cut. The style and how chic it is. Cant help but keep going back to look at it. 

Maybe I will buy it when my money comes in. 


Thursday, July 19, 2012


Growing out my hair now. From bob? To shoulder length now. Its kind of annoying when its down but super awesome when I tie it up. Feels clean? And neat. Hahahaaa. But kinda looking forward to it growing longer Been quite long since I last had long hair. Maybe I would look better? With bangs and everything? Hehh. Able to explore more stuff with long hair I guess. Can't really pull of the short yet chic hair look. Sigh. Envy girls who have defined features to be able to pull cropped hair off. Looks so stylish and classy at the same time. Sigh.

But its okay. At least I dont have crooked nose or mouth or whatever. Hahaa I am quite contented!

Been watching Family Outing these days. At night. And consequently dying from restrained laughters. I think some day I would really die from internal organs failure or something. Hahaaa.

Can't wait for school to start. Bored of everything already. Cause too lazy to go do the things I planned to do before holidays started. Like exploring Singapore. Okay need to change this lazy habit of mine. And be less awkward with people. Less Leoy I guess.

Getting fatter and fatter from all the excess food and lack of exercise. Sigh. Have to start exercising when school restarts. Like start running and maybe swim during weekends. Heh

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Be someone who makes you happy

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Who says Singapore is not beautiful?

Only the blind and the ignorant says so

Monday, July 2, 2012

moral of the story

went for my Basic theory test today with minimal studying and little confidence. Part of me was hoping i can get through it by luck I guess. But really didnt realised that it was here already. sighh

not so much as disappointed but more of annoyance. Because partly of having to re-apply and pay more money, and partly because I will have to go back down again. When school term has started. From Boonlay to Eunos! Bloody far. And I might have to sacrifice one of my lessons. Annoyed. Even more so when its just one more mark. One more bleeding mark and i could have save all those trouble. Gahhh. Annoyed.

Butt. I didnt study for it. Even with brother saying that I should look through and all the emptied promises of studying for it. Sigh. When will I ever learn.

Also pretty much annoyed at myself for having all the nonsensical emotions when I knew of something. Its of so little significance and yet the thoughts I had, I dislike them. Guess it will be awhile before I really adhere to the 强求没有幸福 theory. mehh

Life is so boring now. Because I am too lazy to go carved out something for myself. All I did was to envy and wonder why I dont have such lucks. But its the effort behind that I didnt see and didnt bother to try.

Got hall. Romming with a very easygoing person. I really hope that Yr2 will be a wonderful and much more enjoyable one.

And THY, please study okay?