Monday, February 27, 2012

Pride & Prejudice

so i bought a copy of Pride&Prejudice the other day

actually i have a copy already. but that copy is for young readers and is a much simplified version that i got at the second hand book sale. so i have always wanted to get the original version.

and i concluded that this book has the best romance story i have ever read. Sort of the first time i read a romance story and i go: aww so sweet! its super rare. i treat all written romance as time waster. Stuffs to read while i am on the train to prevent boredom.

Classics are still the best. Just like songs. and everything actually. Camera, films, you know.

Recess week is here! Got tons of things to do and i am still here typing rubbish. :D okay luckily i have made plans to make myself be more efficient and productive. hopefully i follow my plan. okay actually i am not following my plan already. blogging is definitely not inside my plan to be productive but hey, no harm done right.

approx 15 more videos to edit for AD. the editing process is fast. the waiting is not. so while waiting for the software to prepare the video for editing i shall listen to recorded lectures. tons of them to finish and revise. after wed where my time is freed up, i will have to start making the most fabulous card i have ever made. yep. for someone important. :D

and i am going B2ST's beautiful concert this saturday! i am actually not anticipating much. hahaa. maybe the excitement will come on Friday or something.

busy busy busy week. hope that everything will turn out fine. hopefully

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


took my german test yesterday and i failed like nobody's business. 24/100. hahaa. and its like 25qns and 4 marks each. though i still think that its a miracle that i managed to get 6 qns correct. ugh. and media in china quiz was today. i think i should be able to pass reasonably. given that i didnt study for it and most of my answers are what i remembered from the 2 lectures i went out of 4/5. HAHAA

oh gosh my electives are lousy until i have no idea how to revive it already. sigh.

and i got like 5 lectures pending to watch. a few thousand lab report to do and i am so confused over which report i should and hand in and what i should start doing and keep in case i die when deadline reaches and i haven start. ughh! why cant they just state date of submission on the front cover? HAHAH i need to be spoon-fed. i am a baby. huge overgrown yeah but still a baby *cute wink*

vomit inducing. hahaa.

anyway my school stuffs are really screwed and i have no idea how to clear the mess up. my money stuffs are in a mess too. i spent like a dozen bucks and i have not a single inkling on what i spent it on. presumbly food since there is no new addition to my pile of things on the table. except for the food i bought the day before. hmm. must be food. :D

AND ANYWAY macs repriced their menu! eating there is like super cheap now. much more cheaper and comparable to food court prices. i ate mcspicy today with no upsize and changed my drink to greentea and it cost me 4.85. i was like, jaw dropped. it used to be 4.85 for mcchicken meal with greentea.


happy girl. now i can eat mcspicy more often. hahahah

okay time to catch up on recorded lects. meh bah beh