Squad outing after like a million years after. but i rather say that its a awesome people gathering. cause only the awesome people came. the rest who didnt are idiots and not worth my time. HAHAA. okay i will spare those with reasons. those who didnt even reply to anything i will bid good riddance to them.
took hundreds of photos. mostly spams by me. heh. but filter already. if not i will have to edit like crazy. meh.
first met up at Katong Teoheng! been super bloody long since i last sang K. super fun since the company was awesome.

Tj singing 月亮代表我的心

super long since i last saw TJ too!

with pretty RL!


then went to the esplanade to catch the countdown. Jiaying and bf helped us to chop seats at a excellent location where the fireworks was directly in front of us. hahaa. awesome max.

the beautiful night scene at Marina Bay

the people remaining for the countdown!

after the countdown ended we walked from MB to raffles to catch the train. but this horror of the horror scene met us at the station. its so disgusting. we gave up trying to squeeze into the crowd to inch towards the station so we walked from raffles to tanjong pager. with my excellent sense of directions. hahaa. but after me and yx reached kallang we walked back from the station to home too. super tired. first day of 2012 and we exercised like crazy. but made up for it with prata supper hehh.
reached home at 2 and slept at 3. woke up at 12 to meet head to go tampines. black and rl joined. i got my CNY new clothes! its a freaking dress. omg i am like so amazed at myself. it will be the first time in my life, ever since i started deciding my CNY clothes on my own, wearing a dress for CNY. going to bring camera along to take photos. hehh.
oh and anyway, i got a new lens! muahahaaa i am so happy about it. Its something like a purchase with purchase thing. a 50mm lens at 60bucks only! zx told me retail price was $130. bwahahaaa.

the pictures i took with the new lens scares me. SO FREAKING PRETTY! hahaa. super bokeh effect. think will be brillant for food photography. but have to stand a distance away. if not the object cant be captured fully. meh

my kit lens

an my pig rabbit!
looks really good right? hehh. i am a happy girl. my 2011 ended perfectly and my 2012 started with a awesome note. whee!
have to start working harder for Sem2. sem1's grade were a total disaster. meh. chiong chiong chiong ah girl! :D