Saturday, December 15, 2012

Another baby

Finally, I upgraded to a smart phone with data. After a year of being out of contact with groups and various rubbish. Quite a journey. And I am happy with my new baby. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012


1. Painted nails. sparkly polish
2. Bikes unused for a long time. 
3. Brother's leather shoes
4. New metal door grill
5. Through the door viewer. Fish eye?
6. Super long cactus. Like owner like plant
7. I believe they will watch over us
8. Neighbour's dying plant.  

Saturday, November 24, 2012

That instance

Felt somewhat betrayed. But it stupid to think like that. I am letting myself revert back to that old me that relies on people too much. And it definitely wont get me to anywhere. Lessons learnt once. But I guess I forgave too quickly.

I cant afford to make the same mistake. Its better to be alone than to be hurt

Friday, November 16, 2012


The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper -Prov 19:8

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Just a random thought

Everyone is time travelling...forward. Isn't it?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cause I'm bored like that

Just thought I would show my latest (okay 5 mins ago) tumblr skin

Isn't it pretty? In my favourite kind of weather too, rainy. Plus the icons are in harry potter theme. hohoo. The home button too! Can you see the deathly hallow logo? Bit faint though. But still awesome :D

I neglected my tumblr account for like ages. Approx a year? Can't really remember. Cause of pinterest. Other stuff. Living in hall and not used to using tumblr without a mouse. But I went back recently. Kind of forgot how awesome it was.

Examinations coming in one month. I have not been studying. Just wasted today, for example. On useless stuff like scrolling through pages and pages of themes for my tumblr. heh

You kinda need to buck up. Cheers

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Bye bye old spec. Hello contacts. And to soft and smooth hair.

Giving myself a major makeover. Feeling happy everyday.

Went for hall production audition and I dont think I made the mark. I would really rather that the reason is because I am a lousy actor than that I am too tall for the chosen male leads. That would be so depressing. Like I can do anything about it. And when I finally look forward and was happy about being tall.

Guess you can't really have everything in the world.

Chairing Appreciation Dinner with roomie. So much to do, so much to worry and think about, so much to learn. Kind of glad Jovial is my co-chair. If not this year's AD would pretty much be a disaster.

Going for USS's Halloween Horror Night later with the awesome kiddos. I can't wait to see all of them. It has been ages.

And I realised that I have many photos to post. Bwahahaa.

Bye. till :D

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Because it kind of came too late

Fell sick. saw a not very trustworthy doctor who could not even accurately tell me what my illness was. All he could say was: erm there is some sort of virus inside blah blah blah. Sigh. But from violent and non-ending vomiting to able to keep food down its a wonderful progress already. Not good to be sick :(

So while I was sick I thought about some things. For my 20, I thought it would be good for me to show Gratitude. Give thanks to people around me. For staying through till now, for everything they have given me. So I wrote a letter to my parents. Which I have yet to give them, and for that I am glad. The content I wrote was so exceeding immature. Saying rubbish like, oh I am still learning to be a good daughter and please be patient. What kind of rubbish. My parents are aging. They are 30 and approximately 40 years older than me respectively. When I am 30 they will be 60 and 70. Still a nice age for me to take them around the world. That is my aim. But I should be a good daughter already. Not still learning to be. I thought being 20 was a major change. I kind of change my attitude towards my parent. Its heartbreaking seeing and hearing them speak out their body pains. And yet still have to work to support us. Reason 1 why I am so actively taking up tuition. To reduce burden.

Childish. And maturity. Seems to come together.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Theme for the Big 2: Gratitude

Because its what make us 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Happily ever after

Ahh slept late and woke up early today. So tired now

Went all the way down to the west to meet the szbs. I am such a diligent friend. sigh. But since I have not seen them for a long long time its somewhat worthwhile the travelling time and all. heh

Grouchy face hahaa

School is starting soon! I have mixed feelings about it. Half anticipating and the half annoyed at the fact that I have start studying again. Tiring. But have to start to get the feeling back because I am aiming to get better scores so I can revive my lousy cgpa. blahhh

Okay shall sleep earlier today I am dying.

Oh got Melbourne pictures! Plenty of self shots. hahaaa bhb ttm

Saturday, July 21, 2012


I really really like this dress. 

The colour. The cut. The style and how chic it is. Cant help but keep going back to look at it. 

Maybe I will buy it when my money comes in. 


Thursday, July 19, 2012


Growing out my hair now. From bob? To shoulder length now. Its kind of annoying when its down but super awesome when I tie it up. Feels clean? And neat. Hahahaaa. But kinda looking forward to it growing longer Been quite long since I last had long hair. Maybe I would look better? With bangs and everything? Hehh. Able to explore more stuff with long hair I guess. Can't really pull of the short yet chic hair look. Sigh. Envy girls who have defined features to be able to pull cropped hair off. Looks so stylish and classy at the same time. Sigh.

But its okay. At least I dont have crooked nose or mouth or whatever. Hahaa I am quite contented!

Been watching Family Outing these days. At night. And consequently dying from restrained laughters. I think some day I would really die from internal organs failure or something. Hahaaa.

Can't wait for school to start. Bored of everything already. Cause too lazy to go do the things I planned to do before holidays started. Like exploring Singapore. Okay need to change this lazy habit of mine. And be less awkward with people. Less Leoy I guess.

Getting fatter and fatter from all the excess food and lack of exercise. Sigh. Have to start exercising when school restarts. Like start running and maybe swim during weekends. Heh

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Be someone who makes you happy

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Who says Singapore is not beautiful?

Only the blind and the ignorant says so

Monday, July 2, 2012

moral of the story

went for my Basic theory test today with minimal studying and little confidence. Part of me was hoping i can get through it by luck I guess. But really didnt realised that it was here already. sighh

not so much as disappointed but more of annoyance. Because partly of having to re-apply and pay more money, and partly because I will have to go back down again. When school term has started. From Boonlay to Eunos! Bloody far. And I might have to sacrifice one of my lessons. Annoyed. Even more so when its just one more mark. One more bleeding mark and i could have save all those trouble. Gahhh. Annoyed.

Butt. I didnt study for it. Even with brother saying that I should look through and all the emptied promises of studying for it. Sigh. When will I ever learn.

Also pretty much annoyed at myself for having all the nonsensical emotions when I knew of something. Its of so little significance and yet the thoughts I had, I dislike them. Guess it will be awhile before I really adhere to the 强求没有幸福 theory. mehh

Life is so boring now. Because I am too lazy to go carved out something for myself. All I did was to envy and wonder why I dont have such lucks. But its the effort behind that I didnt see and didnt bother to try.

Got hall. Romming with a very easygoing person. I really hope that Yr2 will be a wonderful and much more enjoyable one.

And THY, please study okay?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


When an extraterrestrial pops out of your screen and shoots you dead 


Yet to get the photos from Australia back from P yet. but I cant wait for it to be back. Pictures are bloody gorgeous.

Anyway, I thought I would post my loots! bwahahaa all in the name of sharing but I just want to showoff all my awesome buys hehh. 

All the tops! okay most of it. 2 or 3 pieces are in the wash cause I wore them during Aus. Didnt bring enough clothes had to keep wearing newly bought ones hehh. But I love what I got! Look at the denim shirt and vest! The vest was only 7Aussie dollars. Cheap ttm. The denim shirt is super gorgeous. Cant wait to wear it out someday. And the trench coat! 15 Aussie bucks! Best buy of the trip. Plus 2 shirts, 2 tees and one knit. Think the 2/3 other pieces were all knit. Love knit wear.

Now I have to think about how I can squeeze them all into my filled-to-the-brim wardrobe. Blarhhh

Bottoms! I think I went slightly crazy during the trip cause the bottoms I got were mostly bright colours. 2 jeans 1 jeggings and 1 shorts. One of the jeans in the wash. The most comfortable and flattering pair of jeans I have ever seen. My legs were bloody skinny in Aussie. Love it to bits. But I the red and the green though. Thought they will make some differences in my very boring wardrobe. hahaaaa

Sigh. Hungry

Friday, June 22, 2012


to insane heat and lesser good foods. and lousy shoppings.

Melbourne is just, awesome. there is no other description.

Experienced a minimum 6 and maximum 11 degreeCelsius. Natural airconditioning all the way. even when we are in the house. everyday we just froze and joke about how our fingers are going to drop out. But it was  so good. and cold air and everything. Everything just automatically becomes much nicer. Like walking and stuff. And the shopping. Its sales period there now and the way they give sales is so much more better than bloody SG! the so-called GSS in SG comprises mainly of a minuscules section in the shop that gives you offers for items, and the rest are at their original prices. But over there, we got crazy buying. Stuffs are cheap and they really give discounts on a lot of things. Especially the shops that we went to, like Valleygirls which is something like Forever21 in SG, and JaysJays where the whole shop is on sales. And they have clothes we can wear in SG. Went crazy there and bought so much clothes back. I have no idea how I am supposed to squeeze them into my already filled wardrobe. sighh

Oh and the food. I cant fully describe how good every single bloody thing we had there was. Sushi places was littered all over the place. And lynn brought us to this shop that has the most awesome fried chicken sushi. The chicken is just so bloody nice we had it for three consecutive days. I think. And their salmon sashimi is bloody good also, plus its cheap. and they cut it thick and gave a lot of slices. I miss it already. Plus the various cafes we went, and best of all the dinner we made. All. So. Damm. Bloody. Awesome.

Best of all was definitely seeing lynn again and spending time together after nearly a year! Had so much fun staying over and shopping and exploring Melbourne together (not exactly since she was pretty much our guide bwahahaaa)

We are so definitely going back in two years time. Save up save up save up! :D

Going to add pictures when I get them from P. Pictures were really nice since the sky is super blue in Melbourne and the lights are awesome. We all look fair and everything.

Plus I developed all 7 rolls of my film! Going to check them out soon. Crashing now blearhh

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Walked around Chinatown today

Main motive was to apply Australia visa. After the 5 minutes process was over I went to fill my belly. Chinatown is unbelievable crowded on a weekend. Granted, its a weekend. But the amount of people that poured out of the MRT when I alighted was just scary.  Plus its not just oldies which you would expect at Chinatown. Saw plenty of young people. Goodness knows what they were dong there

After food I started walking. Walked around the overly beautified streets and saw only shops selling tacky souvenirs and more tacky souvenirs. I was pretty amused by the stuffs I saw. Was spamming with my Sardina. Cant really wait till I finally get my lousy ass and go develop all the films. Oh and I saw the Lomography Shop! Oh my god all the different version of La Sardina. Especially the recent beach series SO MAD PRETTY can't stand it! And saw the ginomous version of La Sardina, which is also my version. hehh. So amazed at all the fine details. Exactly the same down to the last screw.

Went into Ang Siang Hill just because I saw a pretty blue building up the hill. hahaa. But saw a couple of unique cafes and bar up the hill. Going to go try them out when I have the money. Saw a pizzarie and a oyster bar. Looks so good I was so tempted to go eat. Sigh. Money have to start dropping from the sky already

Then wandered to some random mall which was super empty. But the shops it carries was amazing. A couple of anime figure shops which houses rather a lot of cool figures. but then again its very common la. hahaa. And this vintage shop which sells really vintage stuffs. From old barbies from the 1900s, 1956 1978 etc to really old handbags. The vintage handbags were, very special. Amazed at how the people from that era manages to carry such handbags.

Something like this but I saw a even more outrageous one. Transparent, glass looking rectangular box. Wouldn't call it a bag. But amazing. yeah. hahaa. And also passed by a book sale selling books from the last era I think. Saw books like Windows NT4 for Dummies

I was like, er, Windows NT4? Who the heck uses that anymore? I wiki it and the system was launched in 1996. Thats like, er, more than a decade ago? hahaha. Laughed in amazement and disbelieve over the attempt sale of such books. goodness

And walked around in one of least beautified Cold Storage ever. Usually Cold Storage stores comes with tile floor and bright lightning and blah. This one that I saw, I would believe you if you said it was some random family operated store. The modest cement floor and all the plain price tags and stuffs. Think I have been in the city for too long, too used to the bright and advanced supermarkets. This one was special. It even had a popular store within. Granted its small but, its so out of place. One small corner with 3 shelves filled with cookbooks and children books? Random. Totally random.

Pretty much lost interest in continuing wandering cause I ran out of film. Can't take down things i find interesting or fun or worth it. Meh. But will go back one day and finish exploring that area. Quite a good start for my Island Tour. :D

Going to develop all 6(?) rolls of film on Monday before I fly. So as to clear. Hopefully they turn out nice. Can't wait. :D

Friday, June 8, 2012


Met up with the szbs on Monday

Went to Antoinette cause JY wanted to. went on a huge detour round lavender before we got the correct direction

Food was pretty good. Amounted to around 17 each. given that the drinks we ordered wasnt served. which was a good mistake cause the water provided was pretty much all that we needed.

I took alot of pictures featuring qx. and i distantly remembering her asking me not to upload it cause she thinks she looks disgusting. But I love such erm, unglam shots? So...


Sigh. I shall be a good friend. HAHAHAA :p


 Smoked Salmon with scrambled eggs

This was good! I like the scrambled. and the thick toast. and the salad. and especially the smoked salmon. though it was a tad salty. but its nice. hehh.

been having a weird liking for vegetables nowadays. gobbled up the salad. which was just lightly seasoned with salt I think? but it taste good. so into my stomach it goes

Strawberry Pancakes

which was awesome. if I ever go back it will be because of this. from the fluffy pancakes to the cream to the strawberry sauce to the strawbie itself. Stab bits of everything and stuff inside mouth.


The last bite of awesomeness :D

Peach Crepe. I think

This was awful. too bloody sweet. from the preserved peach to the sauce and the ice cream. they should have washed the peaches in water before serving it. so hard to eat it with wincing in agony over the extreme sweetness. The icecream was nice initially. but a few more mouthful and its too sweet to continue. 

but qx says its nice. hahaa she finished this up herself

Just as we were about to leave this pair of cutest girls ever went to the door too. they were so cute and pretty. looks like mixed-blooded. but awfully adorable. And when one saw us taking photos of us she started giving us huge smiles. awww 

but I really like their decor though. Classy and different from the usuals. 

guess what she is doing bwahahaa

After all the food we went Haji Lane. Not much stuffs there. Mostly shops selling unique items that are super expensive. out of my range la hahaa poor girl ttm.

But I took some photos! Didnt bother to edit any though. too lazy too hahaaa ops

Blogshopy shot. no?

After Haji we went J.CO to rot. and to rest. All of us were pretty darn tired. I think it was the sun. 

Showing off their buys from Haji

And both ignoring me :(

camwhoring in Pull & Bear while waiting for qx

Was awesome seeing them again after a million years. Now we just have to wait for chels to come back. I have not seen her ever since her concert. Which is like a million years ago. 

4 more days till Melbourne! I have yet to apply for visa. nor change money. nor pack. screwed? 

Going to bring all my cammys over. My beloved Sardina and Bulky (a last min name for the DSLR). Delegated the important task of bring the instax to P since she wont have to carry so much. I cant wait i cant wait i cant wait! 8pm flight on the 12th and will touch down at Melbourne 5am. The travel to Lynnie's house and dump luggage. Then it will be a full 9 days of crazy shopping and eating and sightseeing and everything.