do those things that i am tempted to do. nor the things i reasoned to be perfectly okay but in actual fact has not.
and start doing things i know i should be doing but not. and thinking about stuff i should be but not. and plan for whatever crap that is coming my way.
Its a must avoid thing. will avoid thing.
On a happier side note. dad says he will buy my the camera. THE camera. canon 600d.

with a cool-ass swivel screen. perfect for camwhoring. IF i am not lazy to bring it out. and IF i get it. Lots of IF. but eventually i will. just a matter of who is paying for it only. muahaha
this is by far the happiest thing i had this month.
on a further side note. i realized that, some people, you really have to interact with them to know the personality and mindset and stuffs like that. because just on the surface, the water is calm. and on the surface, you only see a shard of the iceberg.
fine not some. everybody i guess
okay not just realized, we all know it. its just, when you truly experience it will you fully understand what it means.
plus a side side note. i think too much. way too much. like, if thought can be seen mine will be a jumble of tangled wires and threads and various rubbish. I credit that to my vivid imagination. Assuming that the old saying of people who read have alot of imagination, i blame my love for reading. love for reading nonsense books. books purely for entertainment. hahha. cjy will know. :p
trying to convert myself to reading books with more nutrition. but then again, majority of people love food that contains little nutrition, and food that are good usually have minimum amount of nutrition, its really hard for me to convert. blah
fiction books are B O R I N G. i read because i am bored. why would i want to further bored myself by reading boring books? detective and murder books are way more interesting.
this is random, but i want to meet James Patterson. and get him, by some way or another, to give me the whole collection of books he ever wrote. I love him. and Enid Blyton. and always Rowling. and Ronald Dahl. and Lemony Snicket. Huge deviation i know, but, yeah. ^^
Favourite authors.
i am rambling on. 2 more weeks! to i have no idea hell or heaven. hell maybe. heaven was and never will be an option.