Saturday, September 24, 2011

Room alone

alone in room now. and hall is pretty deserted

not that i am scared la, but i am going to sleep with lights on today. hahaha

reason why i am in hall now is because i have a softball match tomorrow morning. not stupid enough to wake up early in the morning and travel all the way here. at least now i can relax and maybe study abit, which i highly doubt i will do so. hahahaa. ops

going to watch at least one ep of family outing later. in my aircon room. but the thought of having to wake up early tmr to exercise is bitch. blarh.

just went to queensway with Jovial to get my softball cap and her boots. Hilarious time watching her going through all the shops asking for her size, which is a disgusting 5. but saw alot of kiddy size boots too. and i kept telling her she should buy those. hahaha

then went to eat pepper lunch! whee i love pepper lunch to death. but nowadays shitty head and black are all not free for the lunch special. sigh. had curry chicken pepper rice with cheese! oh glorious cheese! love it. but i accidentally pour too much soy sauce and my rice was too salty. urk. but it still awesome. hee

oh my i look hideous oh wadever

look at this deliciously sticky and cheesy and steaming rice doused with awesome honey brown sauce and abeit-too-many garlic soy sauce and a dash of peppery goodness. sigh

with a super sweet goma end. gah

okay i think i am loading too much video. computer super laggy now. sigh

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Family Outing

I love Family Outing. it is easily the most hilarious variety show there is. the easy and funny interaction between all the cast is so addictive to watch. and i could rolled off the chair or bed laughing. sigh

so, recently i found the site that hosted all the FO's video. as a result, i have been watching them, erm, quite frequently. hahaha die already. stayed up till 2 yesterday to finish one episodes. which lead to me skipping the morning lecture today. blarhh.

i should stop being so disorganized and indisciplined. T.T

off to finish lab report.

and yay to seeing zexun and p tmr! whee~!

Monday, September 19, 2011

i got no life

My main entertainment nowadays is playing Sims Social.

Her name is Hea Yvette. Nice right? hahaa same initial as me. but i think all the meanings are bad. my main intention when i create this character. also because her personality is a villian.

no life also. Greatest hobby is getting inspired and earning money. i just finished spending all the money i earned i upgrading my house. its spanking nice now, especially the kitchen. favourite out of the lot. still thinking of what to do with the extra room. and trying to earn more money to upgrade the toilet. she got a extended toilet. one for doing business and one for bathing. cool right?! sigh.

doing all the random stuff while being inspired earns more money. And one of her (and only) traits is insane, she can talk to plants, talk to herself and because i upgraded the insane trait to max, she can also eat her own shoe, which fulfils her hunger needs. -.-

there! happily eating her own shoe.

actually i am quite sick of this game already. is not as fun as the original sims, and its super repetitive. the reason why i play it at least thrice a day is because i want to earn money and upgrade the stupid house. once that is done i think i will stop. hahaha. like pets society. i decorate my house until super nice already. then no more spaces for me to put all the things, and it level up too slowly. so i quitted. hohoo

okay i really have no life. T.T

Sunday, September 18, 2011

blah blah blah

er, i think i still owe dnd pictures. but cant be bothered to go and upload them and put captions. hahah. i am a pig.

its, pretty unbelievable that 8 weeks has passed since my university life started. pretty scary and, interesting? like experienced things that i have never experienced before, ever, in my whole entire 18 years of existence. went on to try things that i have never expected myself to try, and sort of defined my whole university life in a way i never expected. so, i am very contented. ^^

feels like damm long since i met all of my friends and spend time together. especially the szbs. been seeing jy only cause of all the bsg meetings, but the rest, last time i have seen them was on jy's birthday? yeap. we need to meet! hahaa

saw headie and black on friday for ajisen. had a great time gobbling down the food and talking about all that happened. went from one eating place to another and continued to eat. at this rate i am going to balloon into a grotesque enormous disgusting gigantic pig. hahahaa. it feels really good to know that you have this bunch of people behind you whom are always there to support and aid in all the burden. and of course, the fun i had playing with black's bf. hahahaa its our source of entertainment whenever i see black. go kajiao the bf hohoo.

been sick this whole week. going to try to start sleeping earlier and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. stupid flu/cold bug, scram please.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


what is the worst thing that can ever happen to you?

definitely not a scolding from parents

not a failed test.

broken relationship?


NO! all wrong!

worst thing that can happen is when you are damm super hungry at this freaking hour! rawrr!

T.T i want food

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Aim, flash, snap!

actually i dont have to think of fancy titles that sort of fits wadever shit i am posting. but i find it fun. hahaha

Mid Autumn Festival Celebration at hall yesterday! helped to cover for the event so, okay lah its damm fun HAHA. i sort of forgot how much i enjoyed covering events and seeing the funny faces of people in the pictures i took. but i re-discovered it yesterday! woots. so happy :D

amazed myself by taking okay-looking pictures that are actually nice (in my awesome opinion) and after editing, they are actually pretty good! (again its in my awesome opinion only) hahaa. of course covering events made me missed the photog people all over again. like the times we run around the whole venue blocking people's sight on the name of a event photographer. the epic moment where 5 or 6 photog people are crowding in front of the stage trying to get a photo of wadever is happening on the stage. the rest of us were at the side laughing away at the ridiculous sight. its like they became the focus of the audience. hahaa. aw the old times

and i just realized how much of a pain in the wadever place you want it is to edit photos. like to edit the exposure and temperature and blah blah blah. -.- cant believed the zx and gang used to edit every single photos (okay erm i think is the viable ones) they took. i dont bother. because i dont submit my photos HAHAA all the stuff i covered i simply threw them in my hard disk and forgot about them. edit? haha what a joke. -.-

but here i am, going through every single photos i took and editing them. -.- seriously. ugh. though the final product is much more appealing and palatable. annoying max

okay enough ranting. i am in a happy mood now cause i just finished one big bowl of tomyam noodles and one bottle of green tea. ^O^ and the aircon is switched on. hahaha ^^v

68 done. 138 more to go. blarhh

Sunday, September 11, 2011


i mentioned that i have a sudden interest in softball right?

now its like the time for me to really decide if i want to seriously continue it. because if i am, i will have to buy all the equipments, starting with the boots. which i think will set me back by at least 30?

reason for the reluctancy? all the people whom i signed up for softball with disappeared. so i will be going for training alone. and that sucks. seriously. like you have no one to talk to, no one to rely on when you are lost. and under that kind of circumstances i get very awkward. no idea how to differenciate seniors from fellow freshies. ughh

went for training last week alone, and got super distracted trying to see if anyone i know is coming. -.-


so should i? blarhhh

Friday, September 9, 2011

Snore snore

supposed to be going home today in the afternoon. okay plan was to leave in the evening.

but i fell asleep

and woke up at 9


now waiting for headie to reply my message. hopefully she hasnt leave her aunt's house yet so we can go back tgth. or something along that line. ugh


Thursday, September 8, 2011


first time in my blog history that i am blogging with such a short time interval between posts.

but, i am bored. hahahaa

awake now because i just about came back from htht. and i am hungry. fml

wanted to eat maggie but at this time everything that i put inside my stomach will become fats tmr. ughh. and i exercise today. feel skinny woots. hahhaa

got chunks of stuffs to do tmr. blarh. but i am so addicted to sims social on facebook. so i spent almost all of my time playing, waiting for energy to recover, and do money earning shits hahhaa. but now its not loading. damm it.

okay steamboat and dnd photos tmr. after sufficient amount of work hahahaa

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Woke up early in the morning to attend organic chemistry make up lecture. reached venue with around 5mins to spare. sat down, chatted with friends, acted crazy, draw random stuffs.

10mins after lecture start time: hey where is the prof? oh well i guess we can relax and chat more

20mins after: err i think he forgot about this makeup. did we go to the wrong venue?

30mins: hahaha i bet he forgot omg i want to go back and sleep. stupid. hey he didnt cancel this make up right?

40mins: someone walked out, everyone tense in anticipation for prof to appear. random guy walks out and announce: HI everyone. WE CANT FIND PROF L so this makeup lecture is cancelled. we will make up for this makeup lecture again. will update you people on edveNTUre

our reaction:


i just thought that this picture is so fitting. but yeah. what happened just now. urghh i want to sleep but cant get into bed anymore. so annoying. and too tired to do anything.

okay shall go sleep

Monday, September 5, 2011

sniff sniff

spent my whole day doing the above actions.

life sucks when you are sick. blerh

going to pretend to be studious and study. ah hem, read through notes i mean. hahaha. skating later. die died dead.

er, dinner&dance photos when i am better. *rub hands in glee with thoughts of how long i can delay it* hee

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I lost. by 200% plus plus. HAHAA omg its like the largest difference in all the seats contested.

but i really dont feel much la. i think its because i really dont want the position as badly as my friendly competitor, so i didnt really go all out, and was even hoping to lose. because my mindset was that joining the main comm equals to lesser time for everything else. like my sudden interest in softball and the various other ball sports. and not to mention the ad-hoc committees i want to join. and the very importantly, my studies. considering everything that i have a sudden enthusiasm for, it will be really hard for me to cope. so i sort of gave up already. lasted till the end because i wanted to get my deposit back. HAHAHA aiyo hope they really will give it back to me. i am super broke already. cheapo to the max haha

i have been eating only one meal a day during this week. a very late but full lunch which morph into dinner because i am too full to eat dinner already. so its like, i wake up, ignore eating until late afternoon, grab food and starts to eat like its the end of the whole, feels bloated and cannot eat dinner anymore.

i know that its bad but i am simply too lazy to get food for myself. its so troublesome to go and buy food, though the eating process is awesome. hohoo.

DinnerAndDance tomorrow! circus theme. i have pretty much no idea what to wear. got something lah but, feels weird to wear that to a dnd. blarhh okay annoying. going mainly for the food and company only. hahhaa

okay food time ^^

Thursday, September 1, 2011

woo laa laa

i finished my rally! wah super stressed during my speech. i rambled and went totally off track from what i originally wanted to say. blarhh. but i think i did okay at QnA. not bad. at least from now i can just relax and not worry about having to speak in front of a audience and stuff.

surprisingly i can answer the question posted coherently and rather clearly. haha my brain wasnt really functioning well enough. haiyo never mind all over already. tmr is voting day and after voting is the counting and after that the nightmare will be over. whee~!


31aug was JY's brithday and we went to her house to scare her! hahaa okay la i went over with that mindset cause she and that lqx gave me such a heart attack on my birthday. dont care going to scare them until they cry HOHOHOO. hahah evil thoughts

woke up damm early and was the first to reach. okay first to be ready la. bought a cake and went up jy's floor. the bait to lure her out was asking nick to tell her that he is waiting for her at her void deck and asking her to go down and meet him. okay now that i think back its abit mean, make her anticipate for nothing. hahaha.

then when she (finally oh my god after like a gazillion years) came out of her house i chiong out of my hiding place and boo-ed her very loudly. hahaha. she was scared. i think. she claimed. and got the wtf face HAHAHA. omg best moment of that day.

overall successful surprise. she didnt expected us to appear. so, surprise! ahaha.

the cake! looks nice taste nice hahaa

customary self shot before the big boo

after that we went to scare her. waited for ages before she finally came out ugh. because we were hiding at the staircase, which is just beside her house, she cant really spot us unless she looks at the lift window, which clearly reflects the 3 person standing there waiting in anticipation. but jy, being jy, didnt notice. HAHAAA. so gave me a chance to sneak up and tap her on the shoulder and BAHHH! at her.muahahaa i felt so happy. revenge is forever sweet hahaaha v(^^)v

dont understand why making a wish can become constipation HAHAH ops

self shot while the other two are busy doing something


yayee cut cake!

funny birthday girl

no me cause the one with me is ugly HAHA

of course not right? hee hee hee

one chio photo to end off whee~


going to meet p on friday. happy max. and next week got alot of program hahaha aiyoo die die die