Sunday, February 27, 2011


Momma mia!

I had one box of rice and a packet of fried carrot cake for brunch, my stomach is expanding. Reminds me of how i stuffed myself silly three days straight last week. Day 1 of stuffing i had sushi buffet. Almost puke. Day 2 of stuffing, i had pizza. almost burst. Day 3 of stuffing, i had steamboat. cant get enough of my mom's fantastic cooking so i ate really alot. How luxurious can life get. Aww.

and now i'm looking at a japanese show which is introducing the different train bento.

sigh. food makes me hungry. =,=

argh i am very full now.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Allait-elle comment la vie ?


i supposed that's why i have been blogging frequently these days. Amazed at myself even. Its either too bored, or nothing to do, or, nothing to do.


even with work, with relatively long shift. I'm still bored. bah.

some pictures to entertain myself when i read my blog.

I love cakes. the traditional got cake one. if you know what i mean.

camwhore with jy while waiting for xh at airport

MD says HI

Finally went out with shitties after a very very long time. I think, erm, maybe 2weeks plus? Can't remember. Went to watch Great great world and shop @NEX. Got myself quite alot of stuff. and spent more money. Ahh well.

My newest ring! Nice? ^^

An extremely act cute self-taken picture during bus trip to NEX. With my pretty specs. HAH

This is for me to calm my nerves after the scary picture above. Isn't this absolutely cute? especially the tigger. haha oh fine i prefer tigger over all the winnie-the-pool character. But its so cute, i can't resist it. ^^v

work is getting half boring half interesting. Slacked at break room for almost the whole day because of 11-1. and because i was in the most fabulous rotation ever, all positions i was supposed to bump were on stand down. Imagine my euphoria when my rotation-partners all came back to the break room and told me: Huiying! stand down! with a huge grin. wahh... Love today. Plus the two-piece and cheese fries i ate after work. marvelous day. short of a good book to make my day perfect.

Damm, i shall go reread one of the three HP books i bought.

9 more days before i jump into my grave and R.I.P

Queest-ce que je fais si ma recherche de coeur de vous ?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

i wish

4march would never come. its, depressing. nobody around me has expressed positive feelings about A's. So i doubt i will get good results.. Argh. must not think about it. must not think about it. must not.. RAWR!

i'm going to switch off my phone, unplug the computer's power source, lock myself inside my room and emo for the whole of friday saturday and sunday. bah.

bought and finish three harrypotter books. spent 51bucks on some american edition that has a relatively kiddy illustration at the cover. Now i have all 7 books! So happy. my bookshelf now holds 2 collection of books. One HP and the FindOuters. whee~ love.

and i finish chionging Secret Garden. Fabulous. Absolutely one of my favourites. HAHA

i have work tomorrow. and the day after. and the day after the day after tomorrow. someone poison me. -,-

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Secret Garden

I'm in love. Irrevocably and unconditionally in love.

HAHA. with Secret Garden. best show ever, better than He's beautiful and only second to Goong. Aww so sweet. pity the guy in the show is just a guy in the show. impossible to find in reality. :(

never mind. i shall just watch the show and fantasize. ^^

went to have sushi buffet with pearlyn and lynn yesterday. stuffed myself silly with soba and sushi and fried tofu and breaded hotate and sashimi and icecream. Aww, i want to go again! went to fareast after eating to get p's shoes and office wear. ended up spending 40bucks there. *.* i'm a shopoholic hahaa. Got a really nice ring. Love it to max. Maybe i'll post some pictures next time hee.

Love ya two! ^^

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

i realized that i'm pretty good at faking.

Even in bad mood i can smile at guests, and say welcome in a cheery tone. One moment i'm sulking and cursing at somebody, the next moment i'm all smiles and welcomes and stuffs. Ain't i pro? :)

maybe it has something to do with my character of not revealing my emotions to others. Once somebody asked me: why are you always so happy? every time i see you, you will always be smiling. i laughed and replied that because there is nothing to be sad about. I think. Totally politically correct answer. I smile because i look super attitude and bo-song if i'm not. because it is what others expect me to do, look happy and carefree. because i may offend people if i don't, particularly relatives who can't accept the fact that my face is born like this. that's why.

sort of realized it today while freezing at position. a little pissed by the fact that i have to freeze, but that is still fine, because it is just standing. But one stupid pig faced idiot went on to spoil the facade. Super attitude is still okay, i just ignore. But asking whether i speak melayu and stomping off unhappily and pointing fingers just because i'm doing my job is too much. i want so much to punch his bleeding pig face. But its still acceptable, i forget things fast. He went out, came back, and i asked him the same question: hi sir nothing in your pockets? ^^ Pig: yar yar yar la! with a attitude tone and impatient face. after i let him go up, he said something in melayu which i think is to insult me.

wadever. i cursed him for like, 20mins after he was gone. things like restraints poping open when the RV is upside down, or he trip while going down the stairs and roll all the way to first floor. or something flies down from the RV and hits him in the head while he is walking out. Or all his child will be born in the pig year. Or one fine day pigs will invade his house, shit and pee and destroy his house. Stuffs like that. it helps to regulate my anger.

pity i have to involve pigs. i like pigs, they are cute and delicious. But after standing for 3hr25min its hard to continue to be truly cheery and polite after someone offend me. serve you right. wonder why i have to freeze for so long? because in the rotation, people takes time travel. my rotation was very interesting, a 15 min bump for each position became a 30mins bump. because 1 hour has passed and i'm only going to the third position. yeah its supposed to be only 30 mins.

gah i'm whining and complaining about something that i didn't really take into heart. happy stuffs! went to play rapids after work today! it was fun, just that i got real wet with the smelly water. canopy flyer was fun too, something like a mini rollercoaster minus the drop factor. i got tense when the protective cover below disappear though. tsk. must be fear of heights. hahaa

work tomorrow. someone kidnap me. *.*

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Oh well CNY wasn't that great either.

didnt play alot of mahjiong. didnt get alot of angbaos. didnt eat alot of goodies. bah. and everyday there is a fresh criticism from the great fashionista aka my brother. bah.

and i gave my dad&mom angbaos this year. the packet itself is seriously cute. HAHAA self-proclaimed cute. But my brother says that i can develop it into a series. which means that IT IS cute. hahaaa ^^v

Cute? there is another one for my mom. with the same design but slightly less crooked eyes. HAHA i did it on the morning of Chu one thus was in a bit of rush. But i must say that the end product was very good. ^^ interested parties in MIDO (yeah that's the name not sweet potato or potato or humpty dumpty or anything else) can contact and i'll see what i can do muahahahaahahaaa~~

Life is pretty okay for these period of time. Erm had lots of outing so has been spending money like crazy. no idea where all the 50bucks i withdrawn went. into food i guess. hahaa. but time spent with all my buds was good! ^^

Out with pearlyn and lynn for food and mild shopping. ended up doing minimum shopping and spending almost all of our time eating. and finding a salon for L to cut her hair. Pei her to cut after P left. She look good! HAHAA now i have a short hair friend in each of my friend group. Hmm time to persuade head or black to cut their hair liao....

Just on the random side, i love this brand of bread! hahaa i know i'm being really random but this bread is one bread that i'm willing to eat happily, everyday, provided that there is the flavour i like. Hokkaido cream. absolutely good. Apple jam is quite nice, given that i dislike jam of any sort. Took a picture of it cause i thought the packaging is nice. hah

Cute? HAHA spectacles courtesy of my colleague. its a real specs with degree, and he look absolutely cute in that, agreed by XXX. and jy, your eyes are so big in the first picture. tired mah? (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA kidding kidding kiddinggg!)

Going to bake cookies at chelsea's house tmr. Mad excited. going to try make a bear shape hahaa i'm so ambitious. and of course spam pictures. which i might nevr upload. oh well.

i realized that, my ego is so not proportioned to my abilities. can never those kind of people who are humble and capable and blah blah blah. sucks. hate this. but can't change it! GAH. blame blame blame it on Leo. stupid leo. bah!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


i'm so looking forward to cny. Because, 1. we get angbaos which means money 2. i get to eat alot of goodies ^^ 3. got steamboat everyday ^^V 4. got reason to buy new clothes hahaaaa

my brother has been bugging me about my bad clothing choices and refers to me as a fashion disaster. =.= and other than criticizing me he has no other better opinions. I mean, if you want to criticise somebody, at least provide a solution as to what i can do right? tsk. stupid brother. i do try to dress up but its hard especially since i only started caring for my appearance 2years back. and i am no style genius. Why can't people just wear tee and shorts everywhere? =.=

cleaned out my stuffs on Sunday and now my area is super neat and tidy. So proud of myself. cleared out quite alot of stuffs that i have kept for years without using. finally decided to give them all away. now i got lots of space to pack other stuffs. happy.

having a headache now deciding what to wear for tomorrow's reunion dinner and CNY. -.-