Monday, January 31, 2011

Pictures Pictures Pictures

I know i'm awesome.

HAHAA so random. Heavy rain these few days! its so cold and wet. I love rainy days but not when it made my nose super uncooperative :( now i'm sniffing and sneezing every now and then. argh stupid nose.

Went to USS on friday! It was pretty fun being a guest in the park instead of a team member haha. Took quite alot of picturess. My stupid camera went out of battery at the start of our trip so i didn't have alot on my memory card. tsk. angry at myself. X(

But still managed to take some okay pictures before it died. As you know i'm far too lazy to upload all so, hahaa, here's two. Okay fine maybe more than that.

Jieying Me and Priscilla! There are two more who are late. HAHA no pictures for them!

SEE? I'm the best employee.

wahahaaa jy and pris took one to pose with. I took a bunch. More creative right? ;D

My new car. thank you

Second car. thank you very much



Woody woodpecker! Wanted to take with Winnie too, but the queue was too long. gah.

Mr Frankenstein was funny. Which may be the reason why i was looking so happy. hahaa

The rest of the pictures are in Priscilla's camera and i'm waiting for her to upload. We took one with Charlie Chaplin and he is awfully humorous! Different pose with every single person, okay fine maybe some repetitive one but its awesome how he manage to think of so many poses! Love that.

Went to take Enchanted Airway (junior rollercoaster) and screamed my head off. Felt so giddy afterwards, no idea why though. And Donkey Live, watched some angmoh being played with by the animation donkey to take a ogre pledge, "I promised to fart anywhere anytime, washed myself with mud etc etc" ROFL. Watched them play Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure. Looks pretty fun, maybe i'll try out next time. hahaa.

Its fun. I mean, quite fun. HAHAA ;D


On a side note, my first payslip! Nothing to be proud of, just 2 days of induction pay, but still, its memorable. ;)

Yixin's harmonica concert at the Esplanade! Took alot of camhore shots. Laziness prevents me from uploading them. ;P

East Coast outing! Cycled until my legs almost broke. Then went to replenish the lost calories at Pizza Hut. Lots of fun! ;D

Going to do a height post next hahaaa i'm so boring blah blah blah blah blahh

Monday, January 24, 2011

i just passed by Jay Chou's special appearance at Bugis Junction. A thong was there screaming away and holding the Green Hornet fan. Rather amused by how nonchalant i was about it. I mean, come on, JAY CHOU! famous person, well adored by fans, talented and stuffs. But, oh well, i have never been very crazy about tw idols. Before i sank into the ocean of k-pop anime holds more attraction for me. haha.

btw, i got a new phone. Motorola BACKFLIP with MOTOBLUR goodness knows what it is. I checked the reviews and they seemed decent. Its an Android phone too (didn't know till i read the review) so i'm quite looking forward to exploring it. haha. hope its good, i have to take it for two whole years before i can change. gah.

To the good side, i'm going to buy a itouch! HAHA happy happy. So going to load it with many games and all my musics. soon soon soon! Can't wait! ^^

Looking forward to work tmr! Had fun today. V^^V

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I am so fooking tired.

I hope that my aching shoulder sore throat and the sick feeling that i'm having are due to the lack of sleep, not anything else. I hope.

BUT i'm mad happy! HAHAA because i have worked alot of hours which also means that i can receive a rather good payslip at the end of the month! which is 8 days away! *dance around*

HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO make my bank account bloated and my wallet filled with the money i have earned. then i'm going to photocopy my bank book and paste it on the wall facing my table. My source of motivation to work more. To see the money grow grow grow!!

Okay i'm money crazy. Blah

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BIG BROTHER!! still in Brunei. I think he is coming back tmr, or next sunday. Not too sure. Oh wadever. i bet he is going to be super black and tired. bah.


Out of pure boredom, and randomness, i went to google my name and got this

Meaning of the name HUI YING : bright; intelligent

almost laughed my ass off. Then went on to get a Numerology Analysis and got this:

Your Personality Number is 7
Your Personality Number reveals the "external you"--the personality traits others will know you by.

A 7 Personality Number is the mark of a person deeply absorbed in the pursuit of spiritual and cosmic knowledge. 7s are intelligent, perceptive and introspective. It comes as no surprise that the 7 Personality is an introvert. 7 Personalities can be difficult to get close to. They have the air of a mystic about them and can be quite aloof. Also, 7s love their privacy. However, the 7 Personalities' wisdom and knowledge will draw people to them, and in the end they will realize sharing their knowledge is as rewarding as gaining it

THERE! IT SAYS SO! i'm an introvert! HAHAA its so true! and i'm hard to get close to! Quite true too. Unless circumstances forces i'm usually too lazy to make friends. bah. I'm even worse in the past. Improved so much already. haiz.

but i'm still an introvert. hee ^^v

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Finally watched a movie yesterday! Love and other drugs is one of the best movie i have ever watched this year, other than tangled. Totally nice. Erm and one of the main reason is because of the M18 contents hahaa i'm such a pervert

I love the actress. She is freaking pretty with her huge eyes and stuff. The actor's eyes are simply b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l. Green! How fantastic is it to get green eyes! Oh thoughts going to hulk. Stop.

Absolutely great to see qx again. Pretty girl out with dress and wedges and necklaces and stuffs. BUT it was raining heavily. and the road to The Cathy isn't very smooth and with all the puddles and flowing water, i can only say poor qinxin. And cjy copied my dressing. We both had tank and cardi and shorts. Just in different colours and shoes. HAHAA. pity chelsea can't join us. ***** her dentist for setting the appointment at the wrong time. hahaa.

My cheek muscles are sore from smiling too much today. Or smiling too hard. Should be the latter. Freezed for 2hour plus so that's 2hour plus of standing. Totally broke my record. but still okay. Its only the heat that is getting at me, felt so tired and sticky. EW. Going to work a 12hour shift tmr. Ah bloody tired now. I am so anticipating my next payslip. shall take a picture of it to record down all the rewards for my blood and sweat.

I'm going to be officially a full grown panda. my dark circles are horrendous.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I think i earned like, at least 200bucks already. oh, and not counting the induction money, assuming if there is any.

I'm richer by at least 100bucks! whee~! going to give most of my early pay to my parents though. and not mentioning the huge bleed i'll have to make for my blooder's birthday

not that i really mind though. hahaa

hope jy comes back soon. T.T

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I stand at 5feet10inches tall. My goodness.

It sounds so..long.

i need to find a 6feet plus guy friend who can tower over me. gah

Being random. And i just earned like 70bucks sleeping in a air-conditioned room that was frigging cold. Completed with squashy sofas.

Night shift rocks

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Haters are amusing.

Was listening to 2AM's 'To you who wouldn't answer my calls' and went to look at the comments. One hater was rambling on about how the song was awful and boring, how ugly 2AM is and how snsd is so much better, better looking and etc.

Laughed like mad.

If i'm a snsd hater i will probably comment: oh please snsd is made up of plastic. if Korea ever experience super high temperature(touch wood touch wood) you will see snsd melting in front of you. And their singing is good? please, go dig your ears. Nails screeching along a glass window sounds better than them.

haha. the replies to this comment will be so interesting to see. eg, @XXX that's so mean snsd ain't that bad at least XX is really a natural beauty. @XXX haters should go to hell. etc etc etc.

XXX will be referring to my username la.

If i'm a 2AM hater i will probably comment: all four look like they have one leg in the coffin already. their songs is probably about how sad they are to leave this world. piece of good new to me though (smash wood smash wood smash wood)

oh gosh. Long live 2AM hahaa esp seulong aww.

Luckily i'm still sane and not crazy enough to become haters. of anybody. Why in the world haters appear is mystifying. Haters, or in a very nice way, die-hard 'fans', goes specially to someone's page, takes the time to type out what they think about the person. like how bitchy or how fake or how lousy they are. and it will appear in almost every page or entry. hahaa. ain't they loyal? really. i rather take the time to eat some good food or read some manga.

besides, most people won't care about haters. making their presence even more a joke. ahh. good entertainment though. almost hilarious.


my body clock is seriously messed up. i feeling quite wide awake in the dead of the night. no doubt i will wake up quite early tomorrow. gosh hell to night shift. very slack job though. and extra 10bucks. arh struggles. *.*

i'm becoming an oversized panda. gah

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ages since my last post.

Belated Happy 2011 though. Can't be bothered much to blog. My life is so un-interesting that i find it a waste of electricity to blog. Gah.

I'm addicted to minesweeper and solitaire! These "traditional" computer games are so good to pass time with while waiting for funshion to load. Especially minesweeper. its keeps your brains working. Mine is half rotten already. And speaking of funshion, they bloodily removed FO! WTS! how could they?! i only watched 19 out of 85 episodes, now i'll have to download ppstream and figure out a way to read the alien language.

2011 started great. i guess. got job at Resorts World Sentosa Universal Studios Singapore. Envious not? Stationed at the supposedly most exciting ride Battlestar Galactica. The highest dua-roller coaster,in the world i guess. But currently down ;( Hopefully it will open by next week. Because i'm working night shifts for the test run and its bloody tiring. No idea why i like to torture myself. hahaa. The pay is okay though. I suppose i will get quite alot of money since i'm like working 5 days. Praying that they will be giving premiums. haha~

I want an outing! Love the squad outing on the last week of dec2010. absolutely fun. Went bowling at kovan. Bryan is so funny. You should see the straight zeros he got for the first few games. HAA. Then went on to pp to eat. finally settled down at the community pavilion near pp. We are so ever creative and spontaneous. Thanks to all for the food and drinks! We even tried to play with the kite det brought. imagine trying to fly a kite in between 2 HDB under a pavilion. Love my crazy peeps.

been having only 2 meals a day for this week. and with all the night-owling i wish that i will lose a few kgs and be within the 50 range. sounds crazy of me. hah. I need to keep fit! just realized that i have not been eating fast food for centuries. Shall satisfy that craving one sunny day. And i need to exercise. all my previous muscles (if any) are turning into fats. wobbly flabby fats. Shall go gym at hw's house another time. had a fabulous time last sunday. though i mainly just slack and didn't really exercise, its just great to meet up with good friends and chat. Laughters are important for health!

SAAA I want BSG to reopen soon. so that i can get out of night shifts and clean up bio spills aka vomits (just kidding)

Life is beautiful for a beautiful mind