went on a sleepover at Fairmont Hotel with pearlyn and lynn! lynn got the room for us free, for some reason hahaa. Got there late and by the time i reached they have checked in and alrady unloaded their stuff. went up to dump my stuff before going to Prego for dinner!

the food was awesome. their bread is absolutely fantastic. add on butter and i almost only had that for dinner. hahaa.

my two dinner companion!

the awesome bread. no idea why but its super good. especially when it is hot. maybe i was hungry. hahaha

after dinner we got cakes for the glutton pearlyn and went back to our room to slack. the nightview from our room is absolutely breathtaking. Like just found out that Singapore is so pretty.
then after frolicking around the room doing nothing and watching the shows on tv, we started on our cakes! hahaa. super sinful. in the middle of the night. meh.
coffee from the Nespresso machine for lynn and tea for me. pearlyn drinks air HAHAA
THIS. is da bomb. forgot what's the name but IT. WAS. THE. BEST. CHOCO. CAKE. I. EVER. HAD
after more food. we did nothing more. hahaa. watched more tv before collapsing on the soft and comfy bed and settled for the night. wheee! pillow a tad soft but others were perfect. hahaa. freezing ourselves with aircon blasting at the lowest temperature available. but the blanket and comforter was warm and snuggly. hee
day view!
photo-bombing in the lobby while waiting to check out
their christmas tree was beautiful! hahaa. we had this sleepover before christmas. meh. i was lazy hahhaa
after checking out we went to the basement of raffles city to have brunch. actually we planned to go watch Sherlock Holmes but complications here and there. meh. ate at this Korean restaurant bibigo!
i was spamming photos of p and this was one of the nicest. being a good friend :D
teriyaki chicken on hot plate
mini mando
went home after brunch. miss those two. especially lynnie. cant wait for the time when we will go over and visit her. say yay for shopping and food stuffing sessions in Melbourne! :D
went for a flea with jieyg and yixin. as a booth owner. epic failure as the amount of stuff we sold could be counted on two hands. seriously. so little people that we were bored for all day. except for a few exciting moments where we wait in anticipation as people browse our stuff. but meh. i earn back my rental money while jieyg made a loss. hahaa. her biggest buyer of the day was me. my biggest buyer of the day was headie. meh.
the bags of clothes we have to carry home after the flea ended. like no differences.
bad experience. cause of the lousy location i guess. meh. next time i do flea. i am so going to only do it at scape or something.
anyway. i went funan on tuesday. and to this certain shop selling a certain kind of goods.
and i got myself...
my new baby! i am so dsilucbwIVLYWebviwvbas excited and elated to get this! like a finally! although its a loan from mom and dad but no matter what the thing is they are willing to get me this! bwahahaha! i am like the happiest girl on the world. :D words cant describe how happy i am. hahaa. so iscubciyhbcv;ivchywb;kwuewqckblvhyr. hee
just ended softball training and i am bruising all over. got hit right smack in the middle of my head by a ball. then before that i got hit by a high speed falling ball on my thigh too. and i am also aching all over. meh.
squad outing on saturday! cant wait to see those lovely people. but i got a feeling that it will be a failure. sigh. :/