Wednesday, September 15, 2010

AHHH my life is so fantastic.

Econs is over. if i pass, its mircale. Math is, woah. paper 1 is, woah. If i can even pass, its supreme mircale. Chem is equally, gosh, speehless. hahah, i supposed it because i didn't really touch chem? *guilty* Bio, sighh.

ahh personal taste is nice. beginning to like leeminho all over again. ahh the ideal boyfriend, his character. pity, such types are called, erm, black emerald. meaning impossible to have. heee

i'm so deprived. of life. (glum)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

gah my brother is scary.

million times worse than mom and dad. its like having a third parent with some assumed authority. and intends to use it fully.

aww my life. =.=

Prelims in, eh, 3 more days. I'm super unprepared. i think. blah. didn't practise chem paper 3 at all. going to do some over the weekend. and bio oh-gosh planning. bah. Somebody kill me. let me be reincarnated as Geunsuk's stylist. Or Hongki's.

argh i'm so stressed now. stupid brother. see? see mido? mido is equally stressed. bah. annoyed at everything. so mido is now a cross, grouchy piece of rice. protesting against the stress somemore. gah.

totally in love with 사랑사랑사랑. How can anyone sing a song so beautifully? Oh my hongki love. if geunsuk is less close to uh-yeah i will love him more but nvm i'm not yet that prejudice against yet so still my forever love haha *goosebumps all over*

AIM for prelims. Usssss. hahah~~

이제는 good bye good bye good bye

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I can't upload pictures. Blogger sucks.

I wanted to upload pictures of my awesome present from my brother. haha~

after very very long...


hahaha. handmade present box (the curved in side) and earpiece as present! awesome brother! haha thank you so much! Brand is Sennheiser. Sounds expensive. ^^v 9 (abit blurred cause i magnified it muahahaah)

So happy with the unexpected present. hahah.

BUT! its full of my brother's hope in me! gah! what, worried with my lousy results (haha i pasted it at my table). =.= stressed. bah.

GAH. I finished pasting stickers to my chemistry today. shall attack it tmr? Oh gosh and there is still inorganic. gah inorg GTH!!

and i promised. to forget.