Sigh i should be studying. 2 more days to GP and my everything still sucks. =.= Stress does not seems to follow me home. Its stays outside like a watchdog and only comes to me when i'm outside. *bash myself*
its pretty lame as to why i'm still putting new post up when i know that no one is reading, erm okay la only me. (v.v) but its really like writing out stuffs of my life. reading all my old entries last night and grinning over how ridiculous my old typing style was, how much joy my old friends brought, and are still delivering. bah. can't imagine what my life will be without them. hee love love.
today me chelsea and qinxin was eating awesome food when the topic was raised. bah and i thought they have already forgotten. haha please please forget! I know its impossible and stupid and puke-inducing so yeah forget! *inception* hahah~ but seriously i was so tempted today, and i allowed myself some indulgence before coming to my senses. Marvelled over how much activity there was, thought it was a hermit initially hahaa see i suck. -o('.')o- i promised and promise! never again! d(~.~)b
and my stupid earphone is spoilt! stupid stupid stupid! Its only less than half a years old! stupid china goods. screw to the good quality as mentioned in econs csq. truly lousy stuffs, screw. and my not awesome fringe is irritating, itchy and messy! gah! my life is in a crisis. actually not. bah.
i have a awesome life! parody! its like the calm before the super storm. and i'm still idling. gosh gosh gosh gosh kill meee. Jc life may seems to be incredibly cool, however in actual fact it is awful beyond words. Other than the immerse workload, the stress that teachers place on students by pointing fingers at the Us and telling students that they woud'nt be able to get good grades for their major exams, they also show support by having very little faith in students. They question students for their lousy results, but to think again, the fundamental problem is essentially at the budding stage where bad performing teachers and a constantly changing environment that causes a bad starting, which hence forms a rocky base in which students have to build upon.
Bah i'm stuck in GP. does the above argument stands? maybe not. who cares. we only have like 1 more month with the awesome teachers? yeah. life is not a bed of roses,

awesome is loved.