Friday, August 27, 2010

Blah Blah Black Sheep can't go home.

Sigh i should be studying. 2 more days to GP and my everything still sucks. =.= Stress does not seems to follow me home. Its stays outside like a watchdog and only comes to me when i'm outside. *bash myself*

its pretty lame as to why i'm still putting new post up when i know that no one is reading, erm okay la only me. (v.v) but its really like writing out stuffs of my life. reading all my old entries last night and grinning over how ridiculous my old typing style was, how much joy my old friends brought, and are still delivering. bah. can't imagine what my life will be without them. hee love love.

today me chelsea and qinxin was eating awesome food when the topic was raised. bah and i thought they have already forgotten. haha please please forget! I know its impossible and stupid and puke-inducing so yeah forget! *inception* hahah~ but seriously i was so tempted today, and i allowed myself some indulgence before coming to my senses. Marvelled over how much activity there was, thought it was a hermit initially hahaa see i suck. -o('.')o- i promised and promise! never again! d(~.~)b

and my stupid earphone is spoilt! stupid stupid stupid! Its only less than half a years old! stupid china goods. screw to the good quality as mentioned in econs csq. truly lousy stuffs, screw. and my not awesome fringe is irritating, itchy and messy! gah! my life is in a crisis. actually not. bah.

i have a awesome life! parody! its like the calm before the super storm. and i'm still idling. gosh gosh gosh gosh kill meee. Jc life may seems to be incredibly cool, however in actual fact it is awful beyond words. Other than the immerse workload, the stress that teachers place on students by pointing fingers at the Us and telling students that they woud'nt be able to get good grades for their major exams, they also show support by having very little faith in students. They question students for their lousy results, but to think again, the fundamental problem is essentially at the budding stage where bad performing teachers and a constantly changing environment that causes a bad starting, which hence forms a rocky base in which students have to build upon.

Bah i'm stuck in GP. does the above argument stands? maybe not. who cares. we only have like 1 more month with the awesome teachers? yeah. life is not a bed of roses,

awesome is loved.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

WHEE its abit late but still HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! ♥♥

in my terms actually its like just nice. =.=


(not in any order)

jieying qinxin chelsea germain cindy serene sophie lidu for the awesome card! hahah~ ♥

lynn pearlyn zexun hosung for the two fantastic book and the bag! the bag is soo nice ♥

pearlyn for your card which made me smile like a crazy idiot ♥

yunting for the pretty post-it tsk make me run like mad to go get it naughty! ♥

the many others for the wishes on fb and phone!

and last but definitely never will be least, ♥shitty for the vunderful outing! haha i will refrain from harkow and siewmai for 2 weeks. but after As and stuff lets go again! i want to gorge myself to death. kidding. hehehe.

oh yeah and awesome me who went to bought the cake myself and lunged it home for my awesome mouth to eat. muahahahaa! *smug*

and my superb mummy and daddy for everything for the 18 years


and oh belated love to 근석♥

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I am feeling quite bad now. after reading and knowing that he got so much problems pending and everything, but we are still sort of pressurising him about the oversea trip and stuff. haha~ but we don't know.and honestly i realized that we ain't as 'close' as i thought we are. its like we are just his cca mates and nothing more. maybe better than the other people in the society but not that much better also. maybe just him being a korean makes me feel like 'woah i want to be good friends with him' and because he treats everyone equally nice and stuffs. bah.

so its time to drop my own paradigm and shift it. But the obviously-not-that close relationship makes it hard for me to go like tell him: hey we are friends so you can talk to us if you need it kays? Its like, for me at least, he got his own best friends whom he feels safe enough to go talk to and blah blah blah. We're more of the see-and-say-hi friends. In my own views at least. normal friends! just normal friends. maybe even worst then zx, sad to say.

and i feel so bad over the wallet thing. blackie! it wasn't intentional! it was coincidence that me and yx wanted to change our faulty wallet and just nice the price was for 3. coincidence! nothing more. and our taste is very similar, you know that right? ^^

gah its weird how i can still be affected by friendship stuffs when i have so much blessed friends.



i'm trying my hardest to study now so that when i can be successful you can be proud of me and stuff. hahah~ best present i can give after your years of nurturing and brain-washing. *chuckles*

was walking in with yx to KLP Starbucks when all the YOG thing was up and empty. Made tons of jokes out of everything and got myself super hyper. Suddenly everything was a joke to me. hahah~

didn't study much today. felt slightly guilty. only finish differentiation(about 11 qns and i skipped like 5 or 6 qns?) and international trade revision. I suck. bah.

but i feel so studious. hahah~ studying everyday with girlfriends and actually manage to complete something. what an accomplishment for me *give a pat on the head*

going to study again tmr! hee no more slacking for me. don't want to see S's disapproving face and telling us that she is disappointed blah blah blah. gah. Ms Hon too. T.T

I want to go BALI/BINTAN with favourite people! *rub hands in glee* will spam pictures like there is no tomorrow and to do that i need to get better scores! *.*

should i go to the prom? @.@