Stars. luminous cosmic body.
How do i shine among the stars?
*White Dwarf Stars in the milky way
Today the principal was giving some crap talk about how we should work hard for As, and went on to show us the horrendous local university admission criteria.
As if i am not stressed enough already. I was thinking to myself this morning about how i can pull my chem and bio grades, , which are sinking at the U grade now, to at least a D by BT2.
Sound impossible. i totally agree.
and i am thinking of retaining, but i do not have the courage to do so. It will mean giving up everything i have now and restarting all over again, and i cannot promise myself to really work hard for the repeating year, blah blah.
All the thoughts i have now are not exactly comforting. but i guess they are what i need to pave my pathway to A levels. And to get into the Science Faculty.
So first thing first, to change my mindset, of always thinking that external stress will only make me collapse and give up, because i do not have the initiative to stress myself.
gah i sound so promising. Oh for A level i will work hard. exactly the same before O. And see what comes out? gah.
And, i am supposed to be doing GP now. What are our beliefs about science and technology? bloody hell. 500 words. And my GP teacher is a 'smart' 'genius' 'happy', go decipher. It very easy. oh i absolutely 'adores' him.
By the way, i got a B for PW. no A in S12. fabulous. wonderful. If you are a O student and thinking of coming SA. i will, gently remind you that, some things are not what they seems to be. yeah, maybe it looks perfect. but the pretty facade will fade almost immediately after you gain more understanding and familiarity with it.
If you can see, my language in posting is getting more and more 'formal'. IN the sense that i try to use less short-form and play around slightly with words. So PLEASE correct me in any mistake. I need to improve my GP. Partly because i want it to improve, and partly because i want to shove my A graded A level result (a photocopied one) up the stupid idiotic gay mutt's backside, before stuffing his disgusting face down the rubbish bin and slamming the lid.
Just the thought of it makes me feel good. Alrightly then, off to my GP! ^^