Saturday, January 30, 2010


J1s are cute in a okay way. This yr's orientatn seems more 'high' den our yr. Maybe its because we are involved and cant really see bah. Their mass dance are the same as us and makes me feel like joing when i see them mass-dancing, which is pretty much always. Only a few of the NPs came, but i saw a few pretty ones! HAH! O.o

Cant believe dat we are J2s le. still feel like a J1. Jeez.

Got back MSA and as expected, chem was a disaster. But okay larh, comsidering dat i sucked at it and only studied for like a few times nia. Math was bad too. Some careless mistakes dat i can go kill myself for. I m desperate for the rest. HAHA!

I m gonna mug! i swear! >.< Jus dat the mood haven come yet. T.T I look at the pile of 'to-be done' things on my table and i feel like sleeping. Z.Z

Wasted yet another day. And i forgot wad i wanted to blog abt.

OH. someone buy me a polaroid for my 18th pleasssseee. i can get the film myself. no prob. >.< i will be eternally grateful and will love u/r forever *cross fingers*

Monday, January 25, 2010

WHEE got a tumblr.

Love the theme. So chio la. HEHE. And i m gonna post pictures on it larh. Faster ley. =P


i tink the link is liddat. haha.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


MSA was a roar. I m so gonna fail my econs. Knew Chem results but so utterly down abt it. Sigh. Hope dat Bio wont be as worse.

Covered for Kiwi Cup on Fri. It was so COOL! SA BEAT Raffles and got the cup for the fourth consecutive year. SWEET wors. Haven got the chance to review my pics but i tink i got some okay nice shots. Shall post IF i got the mood.

And after standing in the sun for like dunno how many hrs i tink i got blacker. Rawr. Didnt even turn fairer after NP but because of photog i became even blacker. >.< and dat STUPID EGALE mascot frm raffles scared me. chicken nugget. Nxt time i see dat mascot i m so gonna hit its head and kick the butt man.

Cousin's wedding on Sat. Woah. For the second time i m happy dat i m not a guy. Because after seeing how the brothers team of the groom are being "played" at. After eating biscuits wif wasabi, bittergourd juice, chewed on lemon and drank syrup, they wore bra and stuffed in oranges. It was soo hilarious! Den still hav to dance to 'Nobody' oso. Happy times for the gals.

Now i m very looking forward to the time till my brother gets married. I m gonna abandon all traditions and be part of the sisters. Den HEHEHE. Good luck to my brother!

The dinner was great, lot of my fav stuffs. Oh the prawn fillet wif sweet and sour sauce was heavenly. Pionner Spring Restaurant @ Mount Faber Safra Club. ^^v

I m so tired. Maybe because of the tests and the stress i m giving myself. I wanna be a hardworking person by end of Jan. So tryg to change to a more self-discilined person. Super tough personal challenge. Gonna force my children (if i hav any) to be hardworking frm young le.

Upset over certain stuffs but as i told yx, theres nothing i can do since, yeah, I still have my own restrictions. And super frustrated, at dat retarted, idiotic. How in the hell can i not understand my own thinkings? Ugh.

Gonna have e-learning on tue. Econs is super-cool since its on facebook. But i m so sure dat i wil be distracted by my games and stuff. T.T

stop looking into my eyes. though i cant stop looking for you

Sunday, January 17, 2010

MSA nxt week.

not prepared at all. totally gng to flunk like i m celebrating failures.

Econs cher really good. Chem, okay lar. not bad. GP, haiz.

And celebrating a small success of mine. whee~

Postg cus i felt like it. HAH. Chao

Friday, January 15, 2010

J2 Life rocks. Totally

Its so good dat i dun feel like gng to sch. 1st thing VP say to us when sch re-open is " U have 10 more mths till A lvls"


yeah i know its impt and its short but, oh well. Many stuffs undone. MSA coming and i m gng straight back to J1 after its pass. HAHA. I got alot of confidence in myself de lor.

Open hse on Wed. Boring. nth much to take. Sec 4 all looks like our age or older. Blah. walk until my leg almost broke and slept @ 7.30pm. Super tired.

St Andrew's Hall Groundbreaking on Thu. The part whr i enjoyed myself the most was when the AVAs and the Photogs were sittg down and eatg and chattg. Funny. I thot that they would dig deeper to prolong the event. But they only dug in like 5cm deep? Waste of time. Still, learned smth frm the review frm ZX.

Covered for 2 days straight so was pretty tired. I need sleep or i will faint someday in school.

Went back CCHMS today. Saw the CLs. Pretty much differs frm wad i thought but none of my buss oso. it totally feels so good to lie by the lake and enjoy and good weather- gloomy and windy. peaceful huh. forgets abt everything stressful. den went to eat at Lucky bread. Laugh like shit at the very interesting convo of the shop uncle and yx. >0< Really destress everything. train stomach muscles oso. ^^

den waited for like 30 min for our bus? Had a good talk though. Alot of stuffs dat needs to be talked abt but no everyone can listen to. SHIT's privilege.

Tmr got Chingay session. I m mad. Totally mad. 7'o clock needed wake up and i m still typing away not very happily. Tired ah. Den still need to study for MSA. I predict dat i would become a living zombie by the end of nxt nxt week.

Anticipatig. T.T

Monday, January 11, 2010

2010 NEW TERM!!

Got a sucky timetable. 1 sucky G teacher. Another remaining sucky B teacher. Grr.

And almost comfirm some of my happy thinkings. But hav to wait and wait before i can comfirm. >.<

Splitting classes for math and chem. Wondering who my chemy cher is, pls pls pls be nice and good and noe how to teach. cus i lazy appeal out. muahahah~~ this whole week is sucky cus hav to study for nxt week which is equally sucky because of MSA. And nxt Mon we are released at 5. damm. Wed is open hse so i will be busy. Grrraa.

Lousy sch.

Had a run after sch today. feels good to sweat out. and O.M.G i wanna go slim down to reach 90%. luckily my height remained. haha~..

anw, if u dun understand my tokings. nvm. cus i dun understand oso. tired ah. *0*

Sunday, January 3, 2010

HAPPY 2010!
I m so right on time manz. >.<

Some ppl are gng to laugh till their stomach pops.

So yeah. 2010. New year new resolution.

Im so slacky this year. grr. even after all the "oh i mus do well frm now on" after Os. Wad a huge joke. And i got some beautiful determinations for nxt year which i m absoolutely sure i wont fulfilled. Amazed myself by how weak-minded i m. So ready to go kill myself if i fail everything frm top to toe again.

One more week till sch starts. and nothing, not a single pea done.
