Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hues and light


I can go burn all my ws and notes! and dump my file away! and clear my cupboard! No more school! play everyday! spam anime! stuff myself to death!


wishful thinking.

I m starting to want to prepare for the retain retest liao. hahaa~ sound like i sure fail but its true la. i wan promote! being wif ppl of age smaller den me makes me wan to bully them. cus i older mah~ bleh.

and there is still the dreaded PW. Our WR got criticised till i can use the report as toilet paper liao. and we hav to redevelope our pts and stuff, A&E blah, strategies and also SI shit. wah! jus the thought of that makes me jus wanna quit J1. Main reason why i wanna promote. This kinda of things go through once jiu enough liao.

BUT BUT BUT! there is 2 more days till the retarded after promos programmes and after dat is lessons. so total is 6 days for me to go crazy and be a mad woman. pity they haven finish their exams. but soon soon!

oh, and also the conflict thingy. faster solve faster i can relax. Send me a mail! Thanks! #.#

yesterday had a total break day. went to the library and borrowed bks! finally! i get to read thing other then all the notes. HAH! and no stress also. novels! here i come!

I wan go ION I wan go tamp1 I wan go zoo I wan go k-one I
wan go ecp I wan go eat yukiyaki I wan finish d-gray I wan spam
anime I wan spam hongkong series

my perfect wishlist for the holz. shall copy it to my wants.

and i might be changing my link. jus for fun.

Its jus a illusion.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Promos Blues

Everyone is super stressed.

Not surprising, HAH.

kay, progress so far:

: GP was full of crap. lousy. spam of stupid words. FAIL
: Econs was scribbles and crappy since i was "anyhow" doing. FAIL
: Bio was as hard as ever and very challenging, ver sure i didnt include all the pt the chers are looking out for. FAIL

:Chem was surprisingly okay-ish, not dat hard as expected, i thought it was even more okay then CT, but then again, my ans always seems to evade all the scoring points so. FAIL

:Math is on mon, and since cher has given me alot of help and assistance i dun dare to fail, maybe a D? =P

yep so overall the new batch of JC1 nxt year, some 20 of them will be super unlucky to have me for their new classmates. Aww...

Yar i oso tink dat i ver optimistic. No need u say i oso noe. BLEH. ^^

So i shall chiong math for the weekend. tmr still got family bbq somemore. blah. i shall go enjoy myself.

today we went to [with a pinch of salt] for lunch! i was starved till 2 before the ordering list finally came. Pasta is Loved! had a good time laughing over new n old things, and finished up d last scrap of our food by "role-play". Wnet to TJ to look for XX and played @ the playgrd. wah~! long long time never had some much fun liao. laugh at alot things like siao. I will always remember ur screams yx dear. Finally Finally took a S.H.I.T photo. nxt time we shall go to bugis n take wif the neo-print machines. I m waiting! and the K-One and ECP skating.

OH. and u are strongly recommended to go to [with a pinch of salt]. good food good prices good ladyboss. yx n jy love her. Jus take bus 31 or 32 or 10 or 43 or 197 etc. and walk down. riddance if u cant find.

I m so gonna retain. ugh.

P.S U sucker make my legs go jelly

Monday, September 21, 2009


thank you ppl!
And and and.
pia-ing like crazy now. jus dat nth goes inside my alrdy quite empty brain. haiz. i gues the only useful stuff it does is to tink abt ridiculous matters.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


about my boring and lifeless life. due to it
being boring, i should jus close down this blog for good. wasting cyber-space.
Short break.

I slept 11 hours yesterday. I am so cool! hah~ proved that i was really tired from dunno wad. But still yawning away today. Dying liao..

apparently my mood is quite good today since i m using diff colours for my post. looks quite good tgth wif my blog pic rite? hah.

and bio test today was a, well, okay one since its all MCQ. totally out of expectation. teachers ah, so naughty. didnt tell us abt the format. but overall i tink i might be able to pass by a few marks? pray pray.

11 hours of sleep seems good for me. i didnt sleep in class today at all. wonderful for me. and i can even apply what i hav learnt in tuition during math lecture, so i could keep up. woah~ i m actually smart lor. (#=.=#) cus the stuffs lectured today was taught in tuition quite a while ago, but i still remember. sweet.

and yesterday was excellent! ^^ aiya. when i was still grinning from the thought of ;its over;.

Jelly legs.

rubbish talk but oh wells. who cares? =P

i listed down all d topics for Final Exams for all the subjects and it is stressing me everyday. crossing it out when i completed it. argh...still got 50 plus i tink. +.+

This is such a colourful post. not exactly a reflection of my thoughts and feelings now though. but hope that ur mood is brighten up! ^^

Back to hiatus mode. Back after finals. I m waiting for the sakae treat. ^^

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sleepover was fun as ever before.

Jus that we studied till 3am before trugging off to sleep. UGH.i cant recall what i did for the 3 days liao. retarded stupid me. wasted so much time liao.

I m gonna abstained from computer. GP, will be the only exception. ^^


but i expect it to be a failure. hah.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

surprisingly awake now.

today was SYPC! Singapore Youth Photographers Convention @ ACS(I). Huge place. aww man i wanna stay in a hostel! registered and sat through a talk. fell asleep but woke up when i realized dat i m falling asleep. hah. my grp was pathetic. It consisted of me, me, me and me. UGH! but joined pearlyn's grp afterwards. GROUP 7 is awesome!

den there was the ice-breaking silly stuff and the word macabre was chosen as the theme. i tink i spelled correctly. complicating looking word that meant smth horrifying or gruesome, mostly like a scene of a battlefield. so we cabbed to fort canning park.

laughed and chatted while wasting time trying to tink of a storyline. went into the battlebox after 1pm to take more 'gruesome battle' photos. but after the tour we ended up cam-whoring inside the bunker. yep. it was damm fun to cam-whor inside. after spamming pictures we went PS to buy food. lovely kfc. rocks to the max. realized that we will be late for the comp and cabbed back. (we like ver rich liddat) but in the end still late.

aww, hahaa! so wad happened? disqualified! woah! 1st time seh. and we just walked away to find somewhere to eat. super optimistic abt being disqualified. joking abt it somemore. nicey. finished up the food and went to Jurong Point. Went to window-shop for awhile before heading to the arcade. den we played STARBALL!!! damm freaking fun! but ver tiring. played twice in a roll and my arm was aching liao. watch the guys played some gun games before going home.

and guys in our grp are damm nice! there's the funny joker LuXi, whom we call lucy. The calm peaceful ChngHui. and of cus cute pearlyn (frm sajc photog) and me! 4 of us. laughed at alot of things, frm lucy hitting his head against the taxi door to everything other stupid things he does. retarded person.

but its was fun overall! not regretting going. hah!

and tmr going to study. i mus force myself to finish all the tut so i can focus on revision package during the weekends. T.T MUST MUST MUST!

too much concern isn't good. i mus stop going to check ur latest activities. yep.

Friday, September 4, 2009

cant wait till i get to sch to post.

ITS GREAT TO HAV FRIENDS WHO ARE GD PHOTOGRAPHERS!! i went to view zexun's teacher's day photo and cant help laughing at Mr Adi's photo. oh man! "nobody nobody but you!" and there is one photo of him running out too! SO FREAKING CUTE LIKE MAD! oh god!

The link to the ultimate cute photo. i tink zx wont mind. =P


and oh, teacher's day celebration was cool! best i went to. even better then chung cheng's one. minus the emcee and everything rocks. poor emcees, nth to say and things they vailantly squeeze out to fill the blanks got laughed at by everyone. cant describe. Mr Adi rocks! he was short-listed for whole chunk of awards, and won one eventually. My sunshine or smth along that line. and he danced the "nobody" song wif the dance society! so damm cute! i noticed only on the second time. yeah he dance 2 times due to technical error. luckily ah, or i would hav missed it, cus laughing at the guys dancing to the songs. so freaking gay. and oh! the SC's dance was nice too!

overall it was great! and there is the gathering afterwards. refer to previous post for short elaboration. *.*

and today was the SA music awards. Music competition. S12 is such a rocker, 3 participants! consecutively too. heh. the 3 of them did great and germaine won the 2nd prize. though they say QX sang better. i tink they are all great though. hahaa, cant differentiate btwn the pitch and tone or wadsoever. just as it soothing to my ears, its gd music.

went home after sch and accomplished nth. i love myself. breaking promises again n again. to myself somemore. ugh.

Tmr is the SYPC comp. hopefully i can grp wif allan they all. den it will be cool. hah! but ending till 6. i m pulling a long face at that thought. walao. 9 to 6! shit!

but compensation afterwards. skinny corpse! woah!

abt all i remember. yayee! seeing most of the cool photog ppl tmr. looking forward to it. ^.^

plus plus plus. Learning journey to the Baba hse was great! had lots of fun at the back of the bus whr they were fooling ard and snapping pics. got alot of unglam shots. woah! fun fun fun. and the baba hse was simply facinating. pity we cant take photos. or i can admire the nice photos the rest took. haha~

love the photog ppl. they are jus mass bunch of fun. whee~!

its annoying as to the way u attract me. =.=

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bro is at Chengdu, China, now.

hah, i was feeling abit forlorn yesterday when i reached home and sort of realized that i will be lonely for a mth plus. but i guess i will get use to it, as he is going off for NS after he comes back. or nxt year. *.*

2 more weeks to Promos and my revision is hanging off the cliff. though my notes show signs of revision (highlighting, side notes, blah blah) my brain registered none of that. haiz.

i dun wanna retain, so i m trying to kick into revision mode. slightly in progress.

InR n WR tmr n our group is still stuck nowhere for WR. maybe they are discussing tonite. but i tink i shld do some first, just in case. n my InR is only staring to begin, rawr. trying to do the backbone first (name, prj task blah)

but the Words sucks to the max. doing editing back home. ugh.

and blogging is strictly restricted to sch com cus it shows everything. i dunno why it dun back at home com. lousy shit.

and nxt week is holz! not very delighted as i thought of the revision i gotta do. shucks. but i m studying wif SHIT! makes everything much more appealing. ^.^

dunno why i m updating cus no one reads anw.

oh, and teachers day gathering was a total disaster in terms of numbers. but a supreme success in fun. Lurb Tanjin. coming to eat wif us and everything; detian too. and i m never going to invite minghui on anything le. i swear. sick n tired of him telling me that he is not joining us due to every shit he had, when he showed so much enthusiasm previously. If there is a possibly that u wont come, say it before hand and tell me the reason! so i wont place high hopes on u coming! once or twice is still okay, but really gone to far le. jus because we forgive u dun mean that u can repeat it again n agin and treat us like dirt. u dun wan come? fine, u never hav to come le. go celebrate.

back to the gathering. went astons to eat. joked alot, took alot of pictures. went to PP after det joined and stayed for very long at borders while yx n jy went to buy their hair accessories. but overall it was fun. thanks guys! i had a great time.

study study study! back to InR. tata.

oh, and i m trying to give up on u.. noe a hopeless case when i see one. but, its abit hard though >.<