Sunday, August 30, 2009


many merry returns!



:tmr is MON!
:IS teacher's day!
:hav meeting wif my dearest!
:seeing MR SO!

what a happy occasion. hah!

nostalgic on those simple "cya tmr"

and i m doing PW today! WR! woah. nice job. i like. doing magic on microsoft words. praying that my bro will stay out real late. OPS> but i saw his luggage le. feeling slightly surprise, but no sad feelings yet. heh. maybe i will feel sad when he leaves, looking at the empty room. haha.

oh, and i m stuck wif the old desktop again. haiz. refrain frm using = stuck in sch. rawr. but at least i stay near the sch. HAH! yayee.

and country story is quite fun! me like me like. ^.^

may blog again tmr! maybe not. but will update on outing! i m so not hardworking. =.=

Thursday, August 27, 2009

OH MY GOD.(hah)

its either the wonder of sch's computer, error of my brother's computer, or blogger is so screwed.

i would like to think that blogger is screwed.

well, since this month(?) all the functions key disappeared, but still acceptable. then basic border which surrounds the box u type ur stuff in vanish. so to edit my fonts, i gotta use html which is troublesome n waste of time. but hey presto! i use the sch com n everything is there. UGH.

maybe my bro's com is bonko le. oh, and facebook is, i dunno whether to scold or to praise. scold becus it wont let me load photos, praise becus i-wont-say. and so, yeah. suck.

and i m in sch to do GP. thanks to Mr Gabby, GP is more interesting and yet there is more stuffs to do. rawr. dunno whether to scold or to praise oso. =,=

later still got tuitions. i didnt do the tut. haiz, cher is gonna scold me le. hah.

and nxt mon is teacher's day! i m so looking forward to meeting Mr So! again. haha. the last time we saw him, he was scammed by us till, undescribable. heh. but he is still and forever will be my fav cher! hah. ^.^

dunno whether is blessing or curse for him. *.*

and maybe nxt time i shall update in sch if my bro's com is bonko. OH. he going GuangZhou for atachment blah. 1 mth plus. i tink i will miss him. T.T

abt jus so. the keyboard i using is damm hard. hand pain liao.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

aww charcoal cheer up. though its happening again, but, jus try harder and it will be okay? hahaa~ jiayous! me behind u! a smelly pile oso. ^.^ dun sad. if we cant make it out we can always have a conversation!


and, yeah! i m following ur advice! though its not really advice! hahaa~ i m idiotic. but thanks alot anw. u r really nice. ^.^

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'll like to think that its me that is being sensitive. but, still got that, haiz. Nvm, lets jus try our best kay? ^.^

sort of regretted those days. and thoughts. *.*



SO, apparently it was tougher that u tink huh. sucker. whr is the promise u made? ugh. i hating u more and more. argh! Wads wif dat stupid brain of urs? still tinking dat u will still be lucky everytime? look at those s and still playing. fantastic. rawr.

but i guess its no use telling u off liddat. so, hi to JC1 2010. u shitter.


i m such a lamer. and a failure. =.=

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Blogger is screwed!

Yesterday was Learning Fest and College Day. The courses i signed up for was idiotic since the hip-hop dance they were trying to teach was super difficult and it was to a bunch of noobies. ugh. and german was jus a time for snacking and slacking. there was only jane and her fren who came, and the S12 ppl were jus chatting and wasting time. ugh. slacked in the dark rm after the Learning Fest enjoying the aircon and playing games on the com wif atiqah. transfered lots of photo for ppl.

Till it was time for the photoshoot of the graduants. walao. it was super hard to get them down to take the pics. one could be out to the cafe and another to the washroom. and many on the list was not there and attendence hav to be taken. crazy like hell. wasted our time and delayed everything(hah i m pushing the blame on them, kay laa. we quite disorganized oso) and some had conplicated looking name that was hard to pronounce. me and anchal was pondering over how to pronounce some names, cant they jus hav some nice n simple names? ugh. was having a small sore throat when everything ended.

den changed and went for College Day. Man the tripod on the second floor. was quite fun and added to my experiecnce since i never used a tripod before. adjusted the settings and the pics dat turned out looks fine to me. but when zexun dropped by to visit, he said that the settings were wrong and changed it. hah! was laughing tgth over the funny sight of daniel looking more professional then the professional photographer. he looks more noob then the noobs in photog. at least we look "pro" when we carry the dslr and run abt taking pics. dat guy ah, he jus look like some other total amateur carry smth that dun belong to him and wad he noes is jus to click away wif that super strong flash. ugh. almost blinded. the whole thing was quite boring since its jus speeches and prize presentation. creeped out when a vid was shown and the whole place went dark. wah, i was the only one on the second floor and its damm cold. i could feel the aircon on my arms, argh. tio shocked by allan who came in later. hah.

so the 5 of us was slacking n packing in the dark rm after everything ended. chatted abt random stuffs. zx and daniel was talking abt how noob the "professional" guy was. it was jaw-dropping to hear them. zx was saying that his weakness was blah blah blah. ISO too high. i was, walao, how u noe de. and also playing wif allan's erhu. IT WAS SUPER FUN! its seems easy to play but its damm hard. i was producing screeching that give goosebumps. hahaa! but its really fun, should ask allan to bring the erhu to photog more often. heh. hitch-hiked out to the mrt on daniel's dad's car. nice car they hav. hah. was damm tried though i dunno why. maybe its becus i m on the move all day.

sorry to yx n jy for missing out the studying! i didnt noe i had to stay till so late. hahaa~


blogger sucks, facebook follows. maybe i should jus switch to livejournal and back to friendster.


oh man. friendster sucks too. maybe i shld jus quit social webbie for good. ugh.

and, i shld be studying now. hah.

i guess it not as easy as i thought. Quite a surprise, to me. and those "going out to look" excuses. haiz.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


woah~! happy 17th birthday to huiying! surprisingly st andrew got ppl who knew my brithday and gave me their wishes. THANK YOU! and to UR, thank you too! for that little action which certainly surprised me, but touched me also. gave me some, hope, huh. hahaa~ thanks!

and to yixin who send the first message of the day! hahaa~ but not as accurate as mine. bleh! i still win! hahaa~ and neh too! thank you! u r a very good friend also! dun lose touch okay? ^.^ and very funny yunting, hahaa, who totally loves* her cher. HAH! i will upload the jump shots when facebook allow me to kay? *.* oh, and of cus ms banana, for ur birdy message! hoh.

and chris, and photog ppl! very nice* allan and dion. thanks ah! and and ms unknown! i m sorry i dunno/forgot who u are! but thanks! and lingfan, thanh. 谢啦!

this is such a thanky post.

and oh facebook sucks. such lots of error nowadays. ugh. lousy server or wadever hackers. and my deadliest wishes to all smokers. may u enjoy urselfs when u go to hades.


today had an extremely fun but short course on jap fencing. super fun! maybe it took my energy out, but really good n fun! excellent exercise. considering to go for the trial and joining the sport. woah! partnered wif yingyian and laughed through most of the warm-up time. she is damm hilarious.

and, hah! today got OP but no OP! yay! means, actually got OP, but M.Chua cancelled it for EoM! and he view my EoM, luckily no need much changes. whew. wad a relieve. but was freakily tired today.

went to macs to eat wif YY! had a very funny lunch, found out some other sides of YY, and, hrmph.

did some labour for photog, my arm aching from dunno wah also. obviously the work done cant be compared to those done for NP, but, ugh. studied wif Niro after releasal. slept for half and hr. totally cmi, tired like crazy.

transfering pictures now. helpless at the amt of pics i hav. ugh. haiz.

Monday, August 10, 2009

ugh, i m sick again. thanks to my greediness. hah, now its less chilli and more warm water and blah blah blah. maybe i'll follow cher's advice and go but dat jing dong throat stuff. heh. shant talk for the remaining week. all u will hear anw is a super raspy voice dat will go off pitch anytime.

i was tinking if i shld go sch tmr. i will simply disrupt class by coughing ever now and den. ugh, i dun like it. the thought of it jus makes me wanna kill myself. argh.

oh, and happy belated national day to my Singapore! grow prettier but conserve kampong buangkok huh? (laughs)

MSA (aka CA2) is coming! UGH >.< i got a very gd feeling dat i will flunk everything wif flying colours. especially function, seeing dat the whole tut was copied. ugh! i hate U huiying! argh!

plus i left my thumbdrive in sch again. again! argh! i can really go kill myself le. such a failure. but it shld be in d darkrm. if its not, bye bye promos~

(sniff sniff) will the sch personnal chase me out seeing that i got the cough flu combi? hmm, better mask it up. shall sneak in to sch tmr. hah. 5km distance frm everyone. i shall be a loner for the week. or else i will be so guilty if anyone caught my virus/germs and is sick for MSA. hi to library!

oh, and facebook is excellent. jus solely for that purpose. emm, of cus, add in the games part. hah. 真是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费功夫。hah! dats why i say dat i m mad. *.*

sorry to jy n yx for not joining ur! really sorry! but didnt wanna further worsen yx's coughing. mine is as worse as urs le. heh.

will be back wif my beautiful underlined MSA results! hoh. half d battle is already lost. =.=

i, really dun know. too used? but i promise to try to change my wordings. any other things?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

maybe i did smth ur tink is wrong, or ur dun like.

but, i dunno.

tell me would ya? pls?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I m so harpey these days! =D

other den yesterday night small little extract, i 've been smiling really happily! hah! tinking through abt those stuffs really makes myself happier.

i decided

: no point salvaging if they are not interested. i can still eat wif them, tag along behind them, but will try to not mind when they simply ignore me. or forget me. heh. *.*

: and to focus on pw and studies now! flunk so badly @ CT. i feel so ashamed of myself. i remembered that i told myself that i wan my name to be on the screen @ CT commendation during MSA commendation. ugh. failed myself so badly. hahaa~ and my mom is even more worse off then me. she wanna me to work harder, score higher blah blah. so she'll start telling me abt the ways and methods to study correctly. but hey, face the fact, who dunno? revise revise revise practise practise practise. ugh. like i dunno. den i m those kind of ppl whr u cant put stress on me. if u stress me, i will simpy give up when i cant achieve wad u expected. but if i m the one stressing myself, hoho, the "小强精神" 就出来le.

i m such a complicated and simple person. ugh.

and i ate KFC today. my bad cholestorol lvl sure shoot like rockets de. argh! but, lucky i feel like eating kfc. heh. harpey harpey woah~

morning's photoshoot was horrendous. its hard controlling ppl of same age. ugh. stupid ppl. ugh ugh ugh. n tmr still got my own class to settle. ugh. sure tougher. i m so gonna die frm failure soon! T.T

but hey. one gd thing abt telling dem. knew the title. heh. though, if i dunno, today oso will noe le. HAH! jubilation sey. >.<

maybe u wont noe wad i m toking abt. hahaa! bleh. dun care. the ppl that i wanna let noe de noe liao. n i m so sure dey forget liao. who m i anw? ^.^ but, u noe! n maybe i'll tell u 2 lar. hahaa. =P

how i wish that it will be like wad i thought