Starball frantic @ work! And broke HIGHSCORE AGAIN!! wif 19290!

Todae we went out to p.s for a certain activity. Met up wif the usuals xcept 4 the eldest. had a smashing lunch b4 going to ** to carry out our [secret mission]. we had the luck of not having our target spotting us b4 we called out to her. waited patiently for the rite moment b4 bringing forth the [bomb], with some laughter and excitement imbetween. Thoroughly [bomb] our target into surprise. Thus; mission accomplished!
I tink no one can understand wad i m talking abt xcept for the usuals. But that is GD! haha. lets wait for the target to reveal herself, shall we? ^.^v
after everything, we went ard p.s window shopping to burn off the fullness frm lunch and [bomb]. had a fantastic time playing Starball again, wif the usuals, but did not manage to break the highscore, abit sad but its the machines fault; so much lesser balls!
den got a treat frm yx at Wangs cafe to ice lemon tea n eggs. as usual. EGGS! the eldest went back being the eldest by ordering tea. Ugh. but the lemon tea was nice cept dat its too sweet. but okay laa. heh.
den had a whale of time trying out clothes at This Fashion. all of us tried out clothes picked by each other, and had some time laughing at the combi of clothes on the wrong person. the elderly was super cunning; putting back clothes i picked for her to try, and she place it back so well dat i cant find it back! arggh! nxt time i m not going to let u of so easily okay!
AND tmr we r meeting again. i LOVE ur SO!
pictures nxt time. i promise. asap as i hav the time.