Saturday, November 29, 2008


Starball frantic @ work! And broke HIGHSCORE AGAIN!! wif 19290!


Todae we went out to p.s for a certain activity. Met up wif the usuals xcept 4 the eldest. had a smashing lunch b4 going to ** to carry out our [secret mission]. we had the luck of not having our target spotting us b4 we called out to her. waited patiently for the rite moment b4 bringing forth the [bomb], with some laughter and excitement imbetween. Thoroughly [bomb] our target into surprise. Thus; mission accomplished!

I tink no one can understand wad i m talking abt xcept for the usuals. But that is GD! haha. lets wait for the target to reveal herself, shall we? ^.^v

after everything, we went ard p.s window shopping to burn off the fullness frm lunch and [bomb]. had a fantastic time playing Starball again, wif the usuals, but did not manage to break the highscore, abit sad but its the machines fault; so much lesser balls!

den got a treat frm yx at Wangs cafe to ice lemon tea n eggs. as usual. EGGS! the eldest went back being the eldest by ordering tea. Ugh. but the lemon tea was nice cept dat its too sweet. but okay laa. heh.

den had a whale of time trying out clothes at This Fashion. all of us tried out clothes picked by each other, and had some time laughing at the combi of clothes on the wrong person. the elderly was super cunning; putting back clothes i picked for her to try, and she place it back so well dat i cant find it back! arggh! nxt time i m not going to let u of so easily okay!

AND tmr we r meeting again. i LOVE ur SO!

pictures nxt time. i promise. asap as i hav the time.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


i hate my holidays. I dun enjoy my holidays. STUPID HOLIDAYS

wads life when u hav nth to do, and can only stare at the tv watching boring shows; face a com that totally heats u up till u steam; look at a cupboard full of books, read many times before; and nowhere to go?


and i hav been looking forward to hols before/during O lvls!

i wish dat i still hav a sch to go; lessons to take, at least dat takes some boredom off.

i ask my friends how they pass their hols, and the answer? WATCH SHOWS ON COM>


load wadever u wan >hang when u r enjoying urself the most >window pop up[i will swear] >message: Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needed to be closed. [and more blabbers abt sending some stupid reports dat claims to help solves the prob but never does] and u cant open IE again cus the same prob will happen, and in jus abt 5 min, when u type or link or click wadever website and its loading.

so, remaining options,

>play online games

spacebar spoilt now and then. and u noe how much games depends on dat stupid bar of plastic wif sensor or god noe wads down there? plenty.

>d/l games

full screen game dc occasionally. and when u reload, everything bloody thing u painstakingly built up vanished. VANISHED! DISAPPEARED! all the money n wadsoever u earn or collected and stored, u might be admiring full cases this min, and empty cases the nxt. bloody hell. u minimise to a window and play? even better; the whole com hang. i might as well be playing hangman and hang myself.

maybe i shld listen to my bro and give him some $ to buy wadever hard/soft drive he wants dat can make the stupid com behaved. but i really see no pt since he hardly touch it; he uses his laptop. so probably i will be doing the same thing as i march into tertiary edu. so for wad? upgrade everything and it transforms into smth like a brand new com and then u jus put it there like some fancy silver displays. WOW. why dun i oso go to some building and start throwing cash down. might be fun huh?

wads more fun is dat everybody on earth seems to be enjoying their hols. shit. blog-hopping is the safest things that dun evoke any close-com pop up. but hell! no one ever updates! and those who do r the ones that i dunno or not close wif, so for wad in the heck i visit their blog for?


man. i LOVE my hols.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yayee! I found a new entertainment! and my space bar worked for now! wahahahahaaa~!!

Now jus jobs to complete my fantasy. I WANT MONEY!! ($.$)

MONEY to go play, shop, eat, buy! ($.$)


Friday, November 14, 2008


i am like totally bored now, trying to find some jobs to earn money which hopefully can last me till the holidays end, and make me less bored. cus i am jus wasing time at home watching tv, with hardly any decent shows for me to enjoy, and trying hard to find things to do.

now i wished i had packed my wardrobe wif less efficiently. i tried to d/l shows to watch but that stupid com jus refused to cooperate. and my bro would less likely to lend me his laptop to me jus for the sake of watching some gd shows. graahhh!

okay, fine. i m jus ranting, anyone hav any job opportunities for me?

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Frm Pea to..
My words can form this!
Jiaying s fantastic combi

My bdae present. (hav i shown this b4?)
This is caused by..
happily chewing away during tuition... all of us.
Yixin s birthday no surprising de surprise.
being ganged up. abit scary but is hilarious.

Er. On CI interview day.
NCOs 4 EVA! ^.^v

Zhuang Yi
and her ren shen duan duan shi yi fen. I am the main culprit, ppl who r there r the assistant. double click n twist ur head to see. quite funny.

NP photo-taking day. Jus showing off that we no longer need to stand under shelter w/o beret, wif the usual lesbians.

{waaaa...!}Me Me n Me
Cam-whoring at Expo (got more but i lazy put, abt the same laa..)
Tj being himself. (bounded in tape)

Graduation day!

Sushi outing.

The guys ate alot.
and wasted alot.
Mr Gan looking forlorn. like some lonely old folks.

added wif effects.

I loved the last one. And its taken wif permission.

Able to upload so many pics cus i was packing my things. Amazed at how much things i hav. threw away 2 big bag of stuffs. and my wardrobe is looking so much tidier. And ppl who wanna take pics frm me, my best advice is dat u give me a thumb drive wif alot of space, best 2.0GB. there is really alot of pics, thanks to us going out frequently n me taking pics frequently. HAHA.

and is my new blogskin nice? its beautiful! haha..crossed by it by chance. and the unit blog blogskin is really pretty. maybe they can transfer the colourful backgrd to the notice board. then will be in sync. nicer rite?

p.s delvis n hewei, if u 2 pass by n dun like d pic up there, maybe i will consider removing it. hahaa.. jkjk. will take down laa...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

nobody updated their blog.

so i was bored.

and decided to update mine. since my last entry was after prelims, which seems like ages ago, and wondered how i survived the horrifying period.

though its not the end of exams, er, okay, last [major] paper. everyone seems to be happy and already planning to play. okay, include me. my exam hall cheered when a thumbs up was given and we r released.

so funny. cus MCQs supposed to be very impt as it is sort of a marks scorer?

nvm. i am playing liao. had such gd mood since i came out of the hall, that i was grinning to myself frm sch till home, like a idiot.

looking forward to 13/14. probably 14. i will hav a time of my life and take alot more pics which will result in me being scolded as i always didnt send out the pic.

poor thing me.


okay! last one to go! being i can really roll about at home like a idiot, like wad my mom said.