1. prelims ended! playing for 4 full day before resuming madness studying. went out wif the went to watch the "Super Tots" finals filiming cus jy's cousin got in. Ohmigosh. there r darn lot of cute babies there. Yx took a liking into one of the male baby.hahaa. became the 50+ baby of she n xh. went to d arcade after lunch, er, break, cus we hardly ate anything. xcept for a bowl of icekachang shared by us. played at one of the machine there, "Starball!". Its smth like the kind which is commo in most arcade. u noe, press at the 3 buttons wildly to reach the target. but this one is throwing the ball. like one of the games inside is killing the mosqitoes. so the mossie will come out, den u hav to throw the ball at the mozzie to kill them n score pts. smth like dat. we played till we like the maddos in the arcade, cus we r screaming n shouting in excitment to gain pts n reach d high score. its so darn fun! n we broke 3 of the highscores! 1st, 2nd, 3rd n 6th. pro lor. hahaa!
2. XiaoHui! Cry till u feel better hor! or else if u r too sad i will be heartbroken one okay? its not entirely ur fault too, so feel less guilty over the lost wallet kay? we will be there for u! ^.^
3. Mid autum! i wanna burn all my candles n lit my lanterns n everything. maybe eat moooncakes till i m sick, too sick to go back school n take my results... ey, hey! thats a gd idea! whee~!
4. PICTURES! speaks a thousand words.

after 3 play.. DRUGS!

after last play! TOP 3!! not veri clear but see the left! st for 1st. nd for 2nd and rd for 3rd!

the fun machine.

yx's dong shi zhang

Shot w DSZ<> 

Jy's cousin w yx.

Alll veri cute rite? especially d princess.

On d show.

@SP photos got alot. but i dun wan to upload. cus i m lazy. hahaa.
till then.