Wednesday, May 28, 2008

after sorting through my folder i found tons of pics we took during outings or events. funny how we can easily get into the crazy mode wherever we r lor.

dun believe? see below. any place, any time.

case u dun understand, this one is abt all of them squeezin into one row. so they are bein squashed. hahaa.

but den, if u dun play till ur hearts out when ur young n hav a reason to go mad?wen u r old n hav white hair n wobbly teeth? hav weak legs dat cant carry u far? n doing actions dat will caused u to be whipped into an ambulance n send to wood bridge before u can say a single letter. teenagers sort of hav a reason to play n be mad n ppl will jus say: teenager. not crazy, nor mad. so who cares? lets dance ballet in d middle of d road wif plenty of ppl ard. film a kidnap video n hav violence scene wif kiddos n parents watching. cam-whored at the passage-way along the HDB flats. take plastic bag meant for wet umbrella n blow it into a balloon used for ganging. try out food in a manner like its eat-till-u-full. why care abt others view since we r in a big grp? not like ur alone n nobody to accompany u.

n ppl! lets film another kidnap video these days wif my cam! better quality pics huh. more fun. n more last min brain juicing for funny scenes n gimmick. DRUGS 4 EVA!

but other who dun mind going crazy wif us r welcome too! no needs for face-keeping matter. we throw them away when we go mad. hahaaah!!

n i took this pic at the sacrifice of at least 20 other empty pics.

its gorgeous! wahahahahaaa! n by a digital cam too! whee~~

i stil got plenty other terrific sky scene. maybe other days when i m as free as a free cone day i will upload n share! nice person rite? hahaaa..

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

starting a post is always time consuming for me.

i spent like 10 minutes tinking of was shld be d suitable staring, cus i sort of miss alot of events these days.

er..vividly remember theres one thing i wanna blog abt, but forgot liao. aiyas, nvm. lets forget d past. hahaa.

todae went cip- flyers putting? hahaha. damm lame shit. frm 13th floor go till 10th floor den no more flyer liao. go back gathering point, den can go liao. lame like siao. i tink d guys did quite abit den d latecomers finish off bah. dun care. dunno. i simply rushed up/down to EXPO to meet my beloved sweetie n babe. hahaa. went to food expo where we went on a food trying spree. the most anticipated n loved stores are d- Polka n d Lion dance brand. gouge on d meat ball n d drinks till veri full. damm fun. scroll through d whole thing den went to d 2nd floor for empty washroom n rest place, where we also cam-whored. try to get the 3 of us in mid air pic, but d timing not veri accurate, den jump till veri tired. imagine jumping n jumping trying to get a perfect shot? hahaa. i tink d ppl who passed by tink we r mad. maybe i upload some nxt ime.

den rl came n we went to d book fair after it rained. d book fair was, well, fair? not veri gd lar. nthing deh, not fun one. albert came later and we went to food fair where we went to d meatball, korean maggie n polka drink stall to fill stomach. hahaa, damm like aunties, but damm fun. annual event leh. not smthing u can play anything u like de hor.

yesterday went EXPO wif mum also. bought smthing n a wooden DIY dragon. damm nice lor. make until i back pain, but got satisfaction. see liao damm shuang. hahaa.

as for why i m not asleep at tis late hrs, i shall present this honour to Mr. TJ. stupid last min request. i veri tired now lehh, tmr sleep in class he shall be responsible.

brought load of bks frm dads work place! yipee! all my fav mystery series, n by surprise theres a find-outers bks! whee~! i m so not going bored these days.

n i tink d magic of my previous post is working! see my previous post n go to d mentioned ppl blog. surprise!

Friday, May 23, 2008


dats is jus so a surprise for like, erm, everyone? n hopefully this can influence someone guy n someone gal to update too. n OPPS. wootz to both man. guess who i toking abt. but i jus be a nice person n give clues.
  1. both on my link
  2. one male n female
  3. one featured in d pics i uploaded
  4. distinctive skin colours
  5. curly hairs~



and my mom jus told me to go listen to the final judgement of the island dispute of Singapore n Malaysia. the final results is dat Singapore is given ownership of Pedra Branca while Malaysia is given ownership of the other 2 island cus the other 2 r in the sea area belonging to Mls.

cool huh??


todae is FRIDAY! n FRIDAY means the LAST of sch semester. though its not last for us. but i hav a break of 4 days! whee~ super happi.

Nevin conver wif us while in concourse on morning.

Him: hey, ur noe how to do this qns anot? (hands us a paper)

Us (took n looked) walao u come ask us for wad

Him: see if ur can solve mah

Us: walao. u pro in math de come ask us noobs. u dun suan us hor.

(qns abt trigo n on a graph paper, he finding height)

Us: (blabbered alot, all rubbish, most memorable one is) u wan find h issit? (counts on finger) A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. 8 laa! so easy..(laughs, cus me n jy said spontaneously)

Him: rubbish laa. h is a alphabetic no.

Yixin: alphabertic no. huh, den h = 8x laa.

Him: (walked to d table beside n sat down) nonsense

(den we crap wif him some more, starts on topic dat he is suan-ing us, funniest one is)

Yixin: walao, u dun come suan us jus becus ur *** is wif other guys kay?

Him: yar yar. so ur noe how to do?

(crap some more, yixin repeated her famous words again)

JY: (took d paper) aiya, u use blah blah blah can liao lor.

Him: if liddat den i also noe, but all d blah blah blah..

(bell rings, all rise)

we said something else but i forgot.

den at Recess, we walked past him on our way to d bkshop

Him: eh, ur np gals veri clever leh, i tok to ur in morning den i noe how to do afterwards liao

Us: eh! u enough liao hor! stop suaning us kay!

Him: ur really veri clever leh..

(conver sort of repeated, den..)

Us: u enough liao hor! ( we place our finished packet drink in front of him simultaneously, n walk off)



for chi todae we watched Howdys moving castle. super nice! d story is quite gd, not veri difficult to understand n nice to watch. d wildness witch is super gross. she hav like, 4 chins? eww..

but d fire devil is soo cute! so is d dog, ying ying. fat n has a woof dat sound like asthma. awww..

had lunch at canandian after sch. took donkey years to decide wad to eat. den yx said jokes dat r not jokes, erm, rather chilly huh, d atmosphere.

n i finished [Betarayed]! its veri nice! i found out dat i like memoirs veri mush, but not like Mr LKY liddat de. hehees.

n todae is a super fine day.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

MAJOR 3 matters.

Final results- # failed, # mere pass, @ gd pass.

Quite happi cum disappointed cum sianz.but nvm. at least got improved. The combined subs if i didnt at least passed one den i got improved on one. better den notz rite?




on fri the department headies gathered at nvo rm for handover. den its is like retirement lor. veri sianz. den we made a crazy film of everyone in d rm crying while d things dat belonged to us in d rm was torn down. SAD SIA> but damm funny. Den after handover we (Drugs w/o rl xh w Sjay n gerald) went to ice cream chef for icy! its was super nice. stupid Yx threaten me to take her unfinished ones by tellin me to throw d thing away. ROAR! hahaa. den we wenty to sjay hse playgrd. stopped over at a tiny playgrd n fooled ard. JY being unglam again. i tink she is cursed lor. sigh.. den went over to sjay hse playgrd n went crazy. 1st we cam-whored like theres no tmr. me being d photographer. CREDITS ME PPL! hahaa. den we made a film on a kidnap case. with:
  1. TJ- director cum baddie
  2. Me- camera woman.
  3. Yx- Victim mom
  4. Dt- Victim
  5. Gerald-Baddie 2
  6. Jy- Cop 1
  7. Hw- Cop 2

Its was damm fun n damm crazy. theres one torture scene whr d victim is tortured. veri funny. den i tink got alot of kiddies n there parents ard watching us. M18! violence sia. hahaa. nxt time maybe they will upload video den ur can see.


Todae de outing!

todae the Drugs had a outing! minus rl n jy who cant come. we sang n went high at the peak. super fun. we jumped ard n cam-whored abit wif unglam posture. which roughly looks like this:

When we get veri excited...

still got more but i lazy put for ur see. haha, =P

den after k DT got dunno wad things so he left 1st. den d remaining 4 of us went a walk walk in d arcade. played abit of the [spot d difference] game. quite stupid. but haha~! break d record! insiders huh~ den walk to d bus stop near kallang mac. i was busy photographing d gorgeous sky. freaking nice. den played abit. Yx got d video of hw bimbo-ing. me n xh were in d backgrd laughing like siao. xh even went as far as going to her knees in laughter. hahaaa.. but its is really veri funny. maybe nxt time hw will consent for us to post it on blog. hahaa.

so dats abt it. the 3 major events. hehaa~

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


toots. OMG. wow. whee~. yayee. woots.

its such a surprise. when u r failing like almost every other tests in d sub, den u pass d mid yr. and d feeling is like, happiness~

though its jus a mere pass, but its still a pass! i m in one of the twelve person in my class who pass! yayee~!

I trashed u. n i m freaking happy abt it. show me some more of ur attitude laa. come on. i m gonna trashed u like dunno wad in prelims n Os. i swear.

and i pass my e math too. wad a miracle. paper 1 pulled me up, paper 2 i failed.
and i failed my SS. but i m still damm happy abt it. cus its d best mark i hav ever scored.
and i pass my Chi wif flying colours. super upset abt my [zong he tian kong]. i tink i skipped qns den 3 got wrong. i m like, so damm pissed off. but in actual i onli got 2 wrong so i m super happi. its still a A1!

and i flunk my geo. frm at least B3 to C6. ARGGGHHHHH!!!!

dats all for todae.

i realli realli dislike my dad. i mean, why in d heck does he hav to hit me lar. fucker. batt still got one full length. scared wad? den he still expect ppl to treat him nicely when he treat ppl like shit. fuck laa. damm d hell can. 1st of all, u wan ppl to be nice to u, be nice to ppl. if u cant, den dun expeect ppl to be nice. though he support me so wad. support me oso cant treat me like barbie doll wad. hit me like i got no nerve liddat. pain leh. sensitive area understand anot? fucker. damm d hell. he phone spoilt den his prob can. TMD TMD de scold. irritating understand anot? got prob den ask me. i look like a phone expert ar? say i dunno liao still come irritate me. i show him attitude he scold me. wad d hell he wan laa. ma de.

Friday, May 9, 2008

i m trying veri hard to tink of a gd opening.

"tinking veri hard in progress"

forget it. arghhhh!!

todae went k-ing wif yx n jy. pity rl cant come. nvm. nxt time we go tgth. kay? "winks"

reached at abt 1+ near 2. waited for yx. saw xh, actually is meet wif her, cus she got membership card.hahaa. she n her clique. one room. we another. den we went separate way. sort of. 3 person in one room! order d drinks n snack n side. 2 coke n 1 sprite. free refill! like kallang kfc leh. so shuang.

den we started choosing songs n went mad wif singing. i never tried singing for so long b4! walao. solo, duet, trio etc. we even chose a nursery song n sang at top of our voice. damm dui lian. but veri fun. hahaa. den sj came in at interval, disrupting us by taking our shoes. we took revenge by taking hers. hahaa. den later part sj n yx got a tussel, n yx was screaming away at d top of her voice. cus sj was "touching" her legs n she cant stand it. me n jy was laughing away like dunno wad. damm funny. xh oso came in a few time. but she was like a peaceful breeze. came in, chatted abit, den she went back. super big diffi between d 2 lor.

sing sing sing~ kept on hearing xh's voice frm their room {theirs was beside ours} quite irritating. but we can like clearly hear wad they singing, n they hav d tendency to "copy" wad we sang. hahaa. den jy left at abt 6+

after she left. yx started trying out her "man" voice as she claim dat she sound better dat way. it was damm funny laa. but shall say no more. secret. hahaa. we did abt 3-4 songs b4 being force to leave-they stopped our system. stupid.

den walk ard abit, really abit. bought aunt annie. damm nice. bused home. HOLA~

todae is d end of playing n tmr is d started of studying. yayee~ anyone wanna join me? hahaa.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

i think, i m getting tired of everything.

maybe jus one day of getaway? jsu me n me. den maybe i can find back d way to enjoy life again.


exams over, i wanna break, yet d stupid computer wont cooperate.


but i really dun wanna spend $ u see? but i dun wanna disappoint ppl oso.


n its jus simple things. complicated.


Lifes GREAT.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008



paiseh to bio ppl laa~ but i m really veri happi~! so frm now on, its jus O's O's n more O's. 2 days of break before rechargement of knowledge. hahaa~ anyone wanna join me this Sat?

Kiddding. i m not so black hearted to drag ppl so fast into the dark pool. i wait till prelims and O;s period before i start pulling ppl into the whirl pool. hehees~ i so nice rite?

Todae after exam, IS A BIG FINE DAY! a wonderful fine day jus rite for an celebration. so me n rl went to pp to small small relax abit. reached there, ate one super- ex meal. i did wad i originated planned to do. walked ard abit. initially wanted to go visit yx,jy n xh @ bedok library whom were busy studying, or i tink so. hahaas. but i was veri sleepy n rl wanted to go home n watch her :shuai ge: so we parted n went home.

reached home, rested, den went to bugis wif mom! whee~! bought things dat made me really really happi! so i m in a xtremely gd mood now. so gd dat even if Tj come "suan" me i wont get angry, i tink i will "peihe" him. hahahaah!!


and outing wif darlz tmr! chuzee~ (^.^) V

Friday, May 2, 2008

i m so gonna flunked everything.


+ a/e math
+ sci
+ combi human
+ eng

i m a flunking gal>

the test paper for amath todae was so darn difficult. i simply tikam all d way thorugh the sinx+cosA-tanO. hahaa~

plus the this circle got this x2+y2-2y+2x=9 blah blah...thus a similar circle which is a reflection etc..


hahaaa,but i m still breathing!

more math n sci n human nxt week, i LONGED for thurs to come!

thursday~ come faster okay? i love u!