dun believe? see below. any place, any time.

case u dun understand, this one is abt all of them squeezin into one row. so they are bein squashed. hahaa.
but den, if u dun play till ur hearts out when ur young n hav a reason to go mad?wen u r old n hav white hair n wobbly teeth? hav weak legs dat cant carry u far? n doing actions dat will caused u to be whipped into an ambulance n send to wood bridge before u can say a single letter. teenagers sort of hav a reason to play n be mad n ppl will jus say: teenager. not crazy, nor mad. so who cares? lets dance ballet in d middle of d road wif plenty of ppl ard. film a kidnap video n hav violence scene wif kiddos n parents watching. cam-whored at the passage-way along the HDB flats. take plastic bag meant for wet umbrella n blow it into a balloon used for ganging. try out food in a manner like its eat-till-u-full. why care abt others view since we r in a big grp? not like ur alone n nobody to accompany u.
n ppl! lets film another kidnap video these days wif my cam! better quality pics huh. more fun. n more last min brain juicing for funny scenes n gimmick. DRUGS 4 EVA!
but other who dun mind going crazy wif us r welcome too! no needs for face-keeping matter. we throw them away when we go mad. hahaaah!!
n i took this pic at the sacrifice of at least 20 other empty pics.
its gorgeous! wahahahahaaa! n by a digital cam too! whee~~
i stil got plenty other terrific sky scene. maybe other days when i m as free as a free cone day i will upload n share! nice person rite? hahaaa..