Friday, March 21, 2008

Another week past!

received all my common test results. dun tok abt d geo, i will cry if u do.

min E, max A. hahaa. but can say dat i improved laa. but teachers all say dat common test papers are veri easy. dat it is a insult to our intelligence.

i feel insulted by this sentence.

hahaa. but overall i gain more den i lose laa. at least now i noe where i am weaker in, where i m stronger in. so can work better n study better frm now on. Study Grp ppl! lets buck up! hahaa.

todae watched a documentary abt body modifications. Try burning ur skin wif a metal heated by a torch. SIAO AR! its like, freaking gross. u endure pain n destroy ur skin, n pay $$ some more, SIAO AR! these ppl are mad. i watched until i wanna puke.u can nvr catch me doing dat. the most i will do is pierce my ear lobe. hahaa.

Argh..plenty of homework. tmr is good fri! going to church wif [my family]. hope to hav some fun. hahaa. its family gathering time!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

recently i hav been tgth wif d same old ppls, over n over again. but d weird thing is dat u jus can nvr be bored when we r tgth...cus there are simply too much fun n laughter. d crazy things we do, stupid things we tink of, n all d pics dat we took! its jus forms too much in my life.

and i seriously tink i will miss ur veri veri much.

lets go cam-whoring some days shall we?

today we went to bedok to study- me, rl, yx, dt, hw, tj, xh, jy.had breakfast, [them] then we went to Sheng Shiong to buy things b4 going to bedok library. Guess who we met? MR LEE!! woots! oh man, i miss him so. We had a few shoots wif him b4 he left, n made him promised dat he will come for d campfire. i will skinned him if he dun. hahaa. i miss our jolly n cute MR LEE!

den we went to macs due to d serious health probs dat will surfaced if we satyed in d library, n sat there for like 5+ hrs? bums are rottening. studied veri hard, wif occasion scolding n nudging frm d mother of studies. hahaa.. but it actually somewad works. cus i realli did do smth. tmr we r gonna to hav another COOL day!


AND the skys of SG are so simply breath-taking these few days. i will upload some if i hav d time. it is like, O-M-G! operation magic gush. hahaa..lame~

n i realli enjoyed d gd weather we had these days, cool n windy!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I m such a gd gal todae.

i finish my job, beautifully, tanks to my 'mentor'.

I m such a bad gal todae.

i didnt study for my poa common test.

so i can say dat i m a simple n complicated person.


Taggie back:

XiaoHui_: cnt recuperating frm too much energy usage for sch days.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


hahaa.. i didnt neglect anything..onli lazy to come online n update. commom test is left wif one challenge to overcome, b4 i walk proudly towards my second challenge - mid year. haha.

updates is cleanly clearly on XH's blog, she is a amazing updater. dunno whr she find the time to come update one, mus go and learn liao, hahaa.

any event wif me ard, and the mention of cam whoring, i will probably be the mastermind. hahaa.. cus i jus like to take ppl's picture. and i wanna improve my photography skills. so help me out ppl!

hrmm..updates? aiya..i lazy. go link to xh's blog..hahaaa. the best live entertaiment wif freshest updates.

i think i will hav u living inside forever. cus no matter how hard i try, u jus cant be chased out. can u give me the antidote?