Wednesday, January 30, 2008

wheee!! am updating my blog everyday now leh....die liao..addicted to my comy!! but i still manage to do my i m still a gd gal..hahhaa

i hav tuition tmr..n i haven finish work...i need to hand in alot of hw on fri which i hav no prospect of finishing..

i m a gd gal.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008


haha...tanks to yixin..i change my blogskin! isn't it nice? is chio de lor..hahaha..

then i added alot of xtra info which i nvr added b4..i tink it will change everytime i change blogskin..

todae...was a sucky day..i hav lots of hw, tests and stress..sigh..hope the teachers will eventually discover how boring setting papers are and stop..

wadda fat hope huh? haha..but todae i was veri hyper..did alot of stupid n non-sensical actions..but is abt enjoying myself...though i haven found out the true meaning of enjoying.

but overall everything was okay...hav to go do work liao..or else i can forgo abt sleeping early todae...haha..

Monday, January 28, 2008

oh man...

my biological clock is spiraling out of control due to my inrregular sleeping time now..slack out of my hard-working mood...gonna hav to get myself up again...haiz..

i m feeling terribly tired these few days...tink it shld be the lack of sleep or i dunno wad...i can jus doze off at any time of the day...if i m allowed to...and my brain is currently gonna to go on strike if i dun do anything...

i still hav like tons of test this week...dun teachers get bored setting tests?

chinese new year is coming n i still dun hav dat festive moood...pathetic..

oh man..

nags n nags..


Sunday, January 27, 2008

starting to realize dat basketball is fun..

the campcraft training yesterday was as usual...the ground was super n WaiTing got blisters frm pegging...its like as hard as the cement ground?? then our overall timing dropped..but basically the standard quite a no. of tips frm del in handling the maybe will get even more better for the nxt few training...hahaa..

after campcraft..the 5 of us [me,yx,dt,hw n jy] went to play basketball, again. yup..again..i tink it will be a usual routine frm now onwards..cus its jus soo fun!! haha..JunYi sir , jennifer n ruijing joined us it was a 4 on 4...jennifer was constantly confused by both her team members and opponents to save or not save the ball...[ppl, u noe huh?] hahaa...then i was the
''top scorer' by standing under the hoop, which serve 2 purpose

  1. no running
  2. to take the ball dat did not went into the hoop

hahaaa..then in de 2nd team ppl was like telling me to shoot..which i did..and intervertly became the top scorer..but ruijing, dt n jy sir was oso pros..ruijing in shooting 3 pointers...jy sir in scoring..and dt in guarding...oh yar..n hewei was great at robbing balls...he like to take down the ball while it was in mid-air...a veri gd tatic in getting d ball...

one lesson in playing basketball wif them..never be in the opponents team of dt..cus he will stick to u like a leech if u got the ball and is abt to score...then he is great and grabbing d ball fmr opponent...u got the ball...hugging it cus ppl r trying to take it frm u...den he oso kneel down n is tugging d ball away frm u..


great tatic. he would hav foul many time till he is chased away if we played rules..

but overall it was a fun, bonding, stamina training game. and veri enjoyable...hahaas..lets play it everytime after campcraft ppl!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


felt like telling all the teachers to go to their freaking table n bang their heads to death for all i care.

test test test and more test...

fun meh?

we had test for this week laa...everyday hav one...then nxt week oso hav alot of we can cope liddat...


todae was a xtremely tired day for me..hahaa...slept in chi then chilli called me twice...and then b4 lesson i found out dat someone took my dicky!! damm d bloody person we took it..i curse dat person to fail the 'O's badly...better return or i will curse the person everytime i need my dicky..dammit...

then went for SS soon ask me abt how helpful was d notes he gave, then i replied: okay lor..cus abt the same as the tb mah...onli more summaries...smth liddat...then later when everyone reached then lecture started...he ask everyone how d notes..the he say: cus i ask one of u the she say is abt the same as the tb so not really veri useful...[approx] i was like covering my mouth n snickering laa...hahaa...

then recess! i ate the fried rice i cook this morning.maybe its becus its self it taste like the most delicious delicacy in d world..will be improving my culinary skills dat i can feed myself! haha...

then d rest of the lesson was a usual bore..geo was funni again cus mrs long was like cracking some lame jokes n quarreling wif the guys..then at 1 pt she gave a veri errie laughter dat made the whole class laugh...hahaa...chem test was like...argh!! i shld hav read d tb oso...sianx..dunno whether will pass anot..

borrow a bk frm tj..chi bk..which tj hates..but its realli veri nice..abt a boy who went to live wif his grandma n how optimistic his grandma is..lovely bk..shld read lor..haha...

mum helping dad these few days so i m returning to an empty home for these days..quite lonely actually...its like.. quite pressuring for me cus i used to hav mom at home mah...hahaa..but i m a quite a adaptable is getting quite use laa...a few days onli mah...

tmr hav physic test...n i haven study...the tmr hav tuition...sianx..i haven do hw!! argghh!! wadda bad choice to go for tuition...but its gd hopefully can get a better results for CA1...hahaa...

n..dat abt it for todae then..heheesss...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

whee!! hahaa..i m back!! frm the cold period of my has been a long long time...

tanks to d ppl who responded to my lame game...haha...actually theres no need to pas down laa...quite lame actually..i did it out of fun! and boredom...hahaa..dun beat me up hor...

these few days has been a total boredom for me...the same usual practise i had...morning, go sch, come back, do work, sleep...n d cycle continues...hahaa..wadda life i hav

then today is my bro's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO!! lets wish for a successful year ahead for u yeah?

hrmm...abt the last cc training..i m too lazy to type laa...go see hewei, xiao hui n detian one..they got blogged down..and is actually abt d same laa...

tmr hav chem test...gonna study for it liao..hope i can get some decent score for this...hahaa..

actually this is a really lame post too...oh yeah...i promise pics rite...will upload it bro haven transfer it over to the big com yet...gonna rush him abt it....

so...dat all then..haha..

tags replies:

to those who complained dat they hav fast updates.
e.g [xiaohui][hewei]

sorri laa...but i got clearly put down: sabo >10 ppl ESP those wif slow updates.

hahaa. but i swear i wont do this kinda things scolding liao.

Monday, January 14, 2008

hahaas..i m super bored these days...sch days is boring and lifeless...wheres the ''fun and
exciting'' life we were promised man...

Got more mature mentally this year i tink..cus i started to work really harder than i was b4...i did my homework, concentrate in class..listen to the teacher...and manage to absorbed almost all d impt things taught...which i feel is a cool achievement..hahaa...

thought of this lame and stupid chain post thing on Sunday...thought it might be fun for making ppl blog...i m gonna sabo ppl wif really laggy jy..hahaa...

"According to d rules, u r required to list 5 things than u prefer to another and state the reason, 1 thing that u wanna do badly but cant, and 1 thing dat irritates u till u die. And sabo 10< ppl esp those wif slow updates"

its really lame.but nevermind..hahaas..

  1. i prefer tea to coffee [tea taste simply better]
  2. i prefer emo-ing den being hyper [emo-ing takes lesser energy]
  3. i prefer reading books to watching tv [harmless to the precious eyes]
  4. i prefer my mom's cooking to outside food [who dun?]
  5. i prefer sleeping to staying awake [it uses little energy and replenish u wif more]

i wanna- go barefooted and stay in the rain sipping cold jasmine green tea.

i m irritated by- ppl who irritate me

And the 10<> yixin,ruiling,jiaying,hewei,xiaohui,detian,delvis,sijia,tanjin,shirong,bryan


kay...i admit that it veri lame...but.haha..its fun! so..hehees..

Monday, January 7, 2008


no.60 post!

hahaa...but still little compared to the rest of d ppl laa..

todae was a short n sweet day...having released at 2.15pm...but its gonna change tmr...freak d sch...lousy sch i hav..damm..

todae took my height n weight...i reach 174cm!! 1 more cm till my goal..but i m fatter...gotta lose weight liao..haha..

actually this post is for fun de lor...nth much to say.

hope hewei gets well dat can lets us bully.haha...(^-^)

u lost heart. but cant u be more responsible?

Sunday, January 6, 2008

kay....sch term started...the new classroom was okay...gotten quite spacey...cus no more locker in d class liao is spacey...but wad we miss most is those dat was left feels weird not hearing their voices n them joking in d felt weird..haha...but ur gotta work hard kays!

then my class is beside yx's one..followed by GR..then xiao rui's now more fang bian to go find need walk so long...haha...sch work is still okay...i hope it will continue..but is hav to work harder lor...

Fri was the cca recruitment was a veri big failure...well...for me laa...cus it as veri messy...then we were not veri prepared for the rain..which came n went alot of times...freak it...then had mine s sergeant test..went like i wont pass again...haha....interview was was slightly least better then the 1st test...was super tired frm standing after d test..arghhh...hate standing...

then yesterday had the cc training....i can say dat it was d best i ever had...1stly...U didnt come. 2ndly...He came. 3rdly...we broke records! hahaha...we improved like dunno wad lor...the 1st practice we got like 30+ min...then yesterday had 11.07min...then d last practice we got 10.54min!!! yayaay!!! hahaha.. a veri great sense of acomplishment...hahahaa...

so i hope dat we can maintain...n dat U will never come...but She n He will always come...hahaha...then i tink we will definetely maintain..

so...briefly...dats abt all...i've been wanting to posat pics abt taiwan trip, unit bbq but has no nxt time bah..hahahaa....wait hor!

i love d feeling.