Monday, September 17, 2007

yoyo..i m back..haha..quite busy these few nvr come blog..even me myself got bored of seeing the same old post for decided to post smth new..for my eyes..hehe..

basically..theres nth to crap abit...

last sat went for service day...had a change of NCOs was more of standing ard watching rongda and sili do..[hope i got their names correctly] and went past one paint splash house while searching for hse wif n sili dun dare to go knock...but they probably wont open d door anyway..haha..manage to give out all d booklets...quite a fun xperience...then went out to eat.. me,rl,yx,yt n sj was like chatting away n complaining abt things in *ahem*..and oblivious to the guys waiting for us..hahaa...then went to play peek-a-boo wif them... [=.=] hahaa...sorri ppl..

then yesterday went to library wif yx...both d undergrd mugger at work! hahaa..went early...then was ''fighting'' for seat when the study lounge was study study...then went out to buy lunch at abt 2+.stayed till 5++ b4 going home..did abit of work..and did a notes.hahaa...damm tired when i got home...

exam period hav to start mugging hole is abt half rdy ler...urs?

feeling...confused n tired

Saturday, September 8, 2007

kk..todae went to survivathon...the stations were much pretty okay and some i tink were....u noe..ahem..we played games, had quizzes, pioneering and some other stations games...we even scored full marks for one of the station!but we onli got an 1st runner wad gd as i didnt expect to get a gd position..cus the quiz was a disaster...haha..but nvm...i was happy to get a 2nd position...after we were heading down to lunch..we called ms wan, mr so, lam yarn ma'am, junyi sir, huijie sir...i tink...and told them dat we got second get the trophy.haha...we said we tried veri hard not to get last....and were veri was fun...and made fun of jx ''fuji apple'', and tj's ''best fren''...hohoo..

after survivathon...we went to AMK for cip...trick mr so with our hidden trophy...haha...then we separated into groups to go n sell, sijia and jy went to the bus interchange...with mr so...whom we tried to get some donations frm..haha...poor him..then started to go ard asking for donations...we created the [5 kinds of ppl u will meet during fund raising]..then were like acting out lor...showing each other the kind of ppl we this called 苦中作乐 then?haha..then met xh and vanessa...they went to eat mac..then decided to we asked them to help take care of our bags..they were heavy~~my tin was the heaviest...sijai said my tin was lucky..cus when she use her tin..nobody donated...but when she take my tin[i exchange cus mine was heavy n i lazy take..haha]alot of ppl donated...miracle huh?haha...but in d sense of some ppl are veri irritating...they donated 5 cents and take alot of show dat they ''donated''..hell them la...freaking..but some were veri nice..they stop us to donate...and some gave $2..dat was the most i got...2/3 ppl i tink...them went back with veri painful leg muscles and my old spine injury acted up again..mus been due to standing for too long..2 hrs--then went home...slept abit..i was damm tired...

now..i still got alot of things to do...though i dunno where to start...and i need it veri soon...sianz..i tink i will faint out of fatigue soon lor..haha...

sick and tired of everything...

Friday, September 7, 2007

kk..i was lame but i wqas bored...todae we had usual..but i missed plenty cus i went poa remedial...quite enriching...but got abit confused over smth...nvm...when everything ended..i went back np...saw sijia having her test! GD LUCK SIJIA! i noe u will make it...=p

same..had warm up..then games..ran like nth todae...leg pain till buay ta han..sigh...then still some stupid freaking things to do...xtra things to add and xtra things to minus...freaking hell...tmr still got survivathon...then got CIP....hope we will get a gd placing for jing shi qu zi ji xue xiao de fen cant throw face...hehe...but seriously..i tink i will drag the team down lor...sianz...i studied nth...prepared nth...did rite?

so..wish me luck man...i dun wan our sch to lose too terribly...haha...

[sick and tired of everything]

Wednesday, September 5, 2007" />
Get'>">Get your own Poll!

haha...jus for fun..
final skin! hahaha..i lurve this man...u cant copy n i can scold ppl w/o ppl noeing wad i scold! yes! hahahahahahahaah.....then the skin is dammm nice...hahahaha.....i m going crazy man...stay away!! ahahahahha...

*being serious*

todae went sch to clean log room...felt like i m a idiot...go back and be EQ zero liao...did some strenuous work...which is untangling the mess of wire...did until veri pek che...cus its like the wire entangke wif itself...i mean..WTH?!

anyway..the following paragraph is quite if u can...hahaha..

who do ur tink ur are? president of some toilet bowl companies? u tink u did alot f**king job so u can say wad u like?she did more then u man...daughter of a bastard..u did almost all the easiest job...complaining when the ones dat shld be r not...u freaking hell asshole...i cant imagine y earth could hav such a person like u..a bitch cum asshole cum bastard cum all the swearings in the universe...f**ker.

wooo..better..haha...then cleaned the nco room....did alot of changes....added alot of weird but lame things, part creation of tanjin......but is quite innovative, yet lame and stupid...i suppose we will hav to take it down when the officers see it..haha...took pics...will put it on the unit pics albums, which is still be paitent..haha..

dats all..... then

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

so..change and change n change my blogskins....thanks to my laopo..who i dearly says sorri to..cus i hav to trouble her...i m a tech idiot..haha...finally settle on this simple skin...i tink it is okay...cus simple wad...haha...

todae went library wif laopo...met a shuai ge when returning to the library wif our lunch...laopo was like...shuai ge! omg he's so shuai dat kinda dun get jealous until 4+ near 5...left cus i was bored! went to popular at brash basar... when we were leaving we met xin and huang lao shi. i got such a shock lao shi jus simply grab my hand lor..i thought she wanna attack me...haha..

then got home..feeling veri sainz cus tmr gotta go back sch do smth veri sianz de..when i can sleep my heads off...arhhh!!

jus dun wanna go back.
haha..laopos..i love ur!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

yesterday went to hav dinner wif laopo...sorri hor laopo...haha..abit confusing...but its 2 completely diff guess la...hehe..

after dinner, we went fairprice to window shop..bought some laopo's brother n frenz...which r sooo ''adorable''. What They Did: 1st they followed where we went.. then started to avoid us.. =,=''' so we started following them...n had a taste of being a ghost..them were laughing when they see us...then siam when they saw us...then the whole mart was filled wif their ''sweet whisperings''. after a huge round of avoiding n following...they changed tatics. they started using their ''veri soft'' voices n was announcing:'' 回家了!回家了!'' =,=''' we were like- WTH? cus now they r following us everywhere we go, announcing dat they r going home..completely irritating...we were like tinking of complaining to the mart manager...but was unsuccessful... it was till one of the kids mom was going home did they left the place.

Guess how much more quiet the place was when they left? VERI! but now i got 2 laopo..hehe...2 veri gd laopo..hopefully our ''marriage'' will last..haha.


Saturday, September 1, 2007

the sep holis are here...but i m like damm bored now...though i shld be studying now...the weather is too humid n stuffy for me to be thinking of anything to do...sianz...

so..when on net to waste time n electricity...wanted to call someone but dat someone not there...or wadsoever..did not hand in thing i shld hav handed in, tink will get scolding..but....will hav time to complete big thing for me to do...but veri lazy to do it...hav to perk up to finish..or else will get another scolding...sianz! sianz! sianz!

WTh...wads wrong wif this world man...