Saturday, August 25, 2007

todae went to the sudoku challenge by the northland sec wif yx, rl, nevin n jx..coloured ones are participants, non are supporters...we went there n were bored to death..both participants n supporters...cus we were onli sitting ard doing nth, onli occasionally taking some pics..they were oso bored to death as the time given was veri long, n they finished the puzzle in a short they were like waiting for the time to all of us were almost bored to death...but it was almost paid off when we got the 1ST.....runner up..haha..then we played a trick on miss wan... we told her to choose: gd or bad news. she chose bad..we told her we were 1st to kicked out.when she asked abt gd...we said dat the bad news was fake..then we told her dat we was 1st runner up..she was is this true or fake?

hahaha...imagine tricking ur OC..but it was not too much or wad...relax abit serious for wad...

then we went northland point i tink..i forget the name of the shopping centre....n had lunch at, yx n jx were like soo poor, then we were digging our wallet for coins to allow us to buy a meal..then during eating...the 4 of them were like laughing so much..i wonder how they finished their meal de..nevin n rl was especially crazy..i m realli worried for the unit's admin depart..

then we went walking ard the centre.. stopping most at popular...whr we were like doing nth..suryeying the special things they had.. [not much actually] before taking d mrt home...then me n yx went to the toa payoh books till 2+ near 3,b4 going home.

it was such a hilarious day...haha!

going crazy wif the all d things.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

too bored wif nth to do..

so went blog surfing..anyhow linking one person blog to another...haha...then finally decided to get this blogthing onto my blog...its quite a fun way to pass time...

You Inner Gender is Female
You're sensitive, caring, and willing to connect with anyone who's open to you.You make friends easily, and you enjoy all sorts of conversations.You understand most people you meet - better than they understand themselves. You're totally a woman... or at the very least, your soul is female.

gosh..i sincerely hope dat it will be male..

You Are the Middle Finger
A bit fragile and dependent on your friends, you're not nearly as hostile as you seem.You are balanced, easy to get along with, and quite serious.However, you can get angry and fed up with those around you. And you aren't afraid to show it!
You get along well with: The Index Finger
Stay away from: The Pinky

great man...haha...

You Are a Little Messy
You aren't the cleanest person in the world, but you're definitely not a slob.You clean up when you have the time, but you're realistic about what you can get done.Generally, you're pretty organized and tidy - though you may have a few hidden messes.You eventually get around to making things spotless, but you do it on your own schedule!


You Are 16% Girly
Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world.And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment.


Monday, August 20, 2007


sijia: tanks...but dun spam la...

yixin: go sijia blog spam can??

why the above? go check out the history of my taggies..the crazy n mad trio..nxt time i go ur blog spam i tell ur...

n i realli hate dat stupid idiotic mr ****. he is worse then all my swearing vocab..

Sunday, August 19, 2007

TEN Reasons To Be Happy For Ur BirthDAE.

1. ur frenz congratulate u
2. ur family shows their love
3. u receive presents
4. u eat nice food
5. u get ''chink!"
6. u hav a reason to slack all day
7. u smile for no reason
8. u jus cant be irritated for too long
9. u hav less frown
10! u jus wanna be happy!


haha..todae is offically the day which 15 yrs has passed whr i was delivered to this world.HA!

but...out of wad i expected to be a wonderful day went slightly off track when my mom was mad wif us this mornin...n my dad was as irritating as usual...i was damm pissed off this morning man..fancy getting mad over towels not placed properly...walao..

then i was still hoping to get the usuals, which will make me veri happi...but i did not...nvm..forget it...but she actually went mad wif us..wth la..i hate them all man..

then it was till i saw the things my frenz gave me did i cooled down.. i realized that y teenagers r more inclined to their frenz than their parents...cus frenz r in d sense more considerate than parents..n more thoughtful..parents dun understand us, yet thay claim they do..when they dont even noe how we feel at times..thus its like they became veri irritating...sucky..

but! todae is my birthdae! whr i celebrate my birth..though i read b4 a article dat says dat nvr celebrate birthdae cus it oso d day whr ur mother suffered giving birth to u..but..who cares..since my mom irritatied n infuriated me todae...i shall ignore this for todae..bleh.

so..once again.happy birthdae to me!

Friday, August 17, 2007

gosh...todae was such a nice day for me man...all thansk to the wonderful bunch of frenz i had...haha..todae after sch we went lucky bread at abt 7+ near 8...nco debrief was damm long...then i was like busy giving out the badges...n then went to accompany jiaying to 7-11 to buy things... then i was like okay...lets suspicion...then it took a long time...wif xiaohui n sijia dragging time...when i got back...sijia told me to sit down wif her...i sat down..n pulled out a mag to read...then suddenly the lights went out..i was still engross in the when there was clapping n singing of birthday songz..i simply followed suit..not till went i was finally distracted enough to look up..then i saw gerald holding a cake..i was still wondering whose birthday was it...then was trying to get up...cus they were all sort of surrounding him...i thought the birthday person was surround by was till when he put the cake in front of me till i realized that it was for me...i've been duped!haha...but it was a pleasant surprise anyway..then i opened up the present they gave at their demand..guess wad?athe goong doll wif detian n gerald veri stupid pics on it...hahaha...i was like...sian lame...but i still love the doll cute..n they oso gave me a wallet..simple yet nice..veri boyish..suit me veri fine..n i xpecially ''love'' sijia letter...sijia, yixin, ruiling, jiaying n yunting gave me a letter each...sijia' one was like..damm long man..i had to leave for for the nxt day to completely finish it..sooo long...thanks sijia! haha...

anyway...i love all of ur, ruilling, who gave me ur zhao pai test tube choco...n the rest of ur..yixin...who braved dangers to get me the wallet..sijia...who invented the slow march to drag my time..jiaying..who xpecially lured me out of the way...xiaohui, who came n tan ting di qing..n yunting...a veri BIG thanks to all of ur... n the boys too...who were veri alvin n delvis who kept wishing me happi burthdae..n not forgetting the always irritating minghui n tanjin who went out of their ways to mock me of my much fun for them...

i realli thanks all.. to make me have such a memorable early birthdae...haha..thanks all again..


Sunday, August 12, 2007 is like 1 plus in d morning and yet i m still here, wide awake...n blogging...hahahaha....y? i tink is because i slept for abt an hour this yesterday is like i m not at all tired...or u can say i m saving my tiredness for tmr...hahaha...bad huh?

n my com is super noisy...

Thursday, August 9, 2007

forgot forgot...

yesterday 1o ppl of the sqd went for the so called sqd outing... pathetic..we went to suntec 1st...having our lunch there at the food republic[food court]...where i ate at a astonishing slow speed...dats was d start me being the laughing stock of everyone...i was like..dunno that sherwei was gone...he went to but his secong set of lunch..but who the hell want to keep track of everyone??do i have to keep track of everyone while i was eating???lame...then they started going further n further..pulling everything we r going to do to my lagging...wad..i will onli wanna go watch movie after they watch finish..or i will lag a long time before saying that i m hungry after we sorts..i was like..WTH?! but since i was in a lazy n delightful mood dat day.. i did not realli care much..yx got a neck massage..sherwei got a shoulder massage...minghui got a whack on d butt...while we are going to the movie theater..then they suggested watching ''alone''.. which was a ghost movie..i did not wanna to watch it..but persuaded by those 2 dat it was not scary..

but it was...cus got scary images..which i will revisit after even most of d time i was covering my eyes..haha..then sherwei was constantly scared by gerald...n detian was scared by jinxue..then he went to hide under the chair..haha..then ruiling was same as me...onli she scream twice..i didnt..haha...but it was always waste of $$ when i go watch scary movie..who dont when u covered for half of it??

no matter was jus lame for me..sigh..veri lame..haha..

case ur dunno...sherwei is hewei...sherwei is a name created by us..a veri nice name..agreed?hehe..
opps.... todae is NATIONAL DAY!!!

and i m wondering wad i m doing here blogging instead of watching the national day parade on tv wif my family...haiz..but its realli nth..jus dun feel like watching..thought of going to msn to see if anyone if there..much to my much i wanna see.. haiz..

todae quite a boring day... jus eat n eat n eat non stop todae...mus hav grown a few kilograms liao...

can hear the national day song in the living room...dun tink it is realli nice..the lyrics..u noe..I FEEL its abit offence..but the music is nice...n kit chan voice is beautiful...

theres no place i rather be...u always be a part of me..


replies to taggies..

yixin~ lame..i kill u first before u can do dat..
ruiling~ haha..u ask [mE] help u do la..hee..

Monday, August 6, 2007

[sob sob] walao, now i realli abandoned liao lor, i kind hearted then he say those kinds of words, though its true, but no nit so direct rite..then she oso... i realli jk onli mah...dun wanna care veri upset...